Divorced and Deeply Depressed
I am hoping someone can relate. I was divorced in June of 2010. When I received the official papers, I did not feel the "joy of relief" like a friend said I would feel. Looking back, I think I felt nothing. So I must have suppressed my emotions. I began a high stress job in August. I have a ve...
leaning towards divorce
After a very pleasant 1 week "visit" from my estranged AW after she left rehab, I am noticing the addiction creep back into her life. I should clarify I am using the term "visit" metaphorically, she did not move back in with me, but we did things as a family where she was presen...
drinking = get out
I was in a meeting the other day where a woman was sharing that she created a boundry and enforced it. She was feeling proud of herself for enforcing and following thru with her boundry but at a loss as to what to do now.... I remember so well being there. I made the boundry "if you drink then you will no...
Conversation from HP
I got up early this morning and decided not to try to eke out those extra few minutes of sleep in my room which was still dark. Decided to take the girls (Chloe and Sadie) for a walk in the dark and they were up for it. Drove down to our usual walking area and as we were walking I thought about how dark the area...
Jerry F
Why is there so much guilt and responsibility?
EMG's post (just before this one) really rang true for me. I am still married to my AH. After more than 10 years I sit here and wonder why I am letting it continue. About 3 years of heavy drinking, 4 years of detached sobriety, 3 more years of heavy drinking, lying and financial hardship, and now we are e...
Oh my...
I was suppose to take my AH to get an MRI done this evening. The hospital we were going to does MRIs 24/7, and his appt. was scheduled for 12:15am. He wanted me to go with him, he said it was to support him, I knew it was because he wanted to drink. He told me I should lay down for a nap, seeing as I had to be up late....
Dried Up Crusty Old Sponge
Someone posted earlier today, or yesterday, that once we attend a face-to-face meeting, and we start to absorb the program like a sponge, that we should not let the sponge dry out. So, so true. I am a dried up crusty old sponge. I have been on an intermittent backslide for weeks now, and it culminated i...
So he is 2 days sober...
What do I do with me? LOL. Seriously, I am very tender right now and feeling vulnerable do to a bad tooth ache that is getting taken care of next week... and other asundry things that us Alanonics do to ourselves, and I just want some kind and gentle feed back on how to keep me busy while he is working on his...
Godzilla Returns
Well, I have been new to this forum for the past 28 days. I have upside down, mixed up, confussed, anxiety, depressed, lost guilty,anger and whatever messed up feelings a chick could have..lol I have been working the program for 28 days & 28 nights. Godzilla (AH) just came home today from intensiv...
He's finally in recovery, but I've had enough
I've read a lot about those who have called it quits while the significant other is still actively drinking. I guess I kinda did this, but it happened to be the turning point for him. It seems something has finally switched for him and he now wants recovery and is actively seeking it out. My problem is I fe...
Dad in rehab - first steps when he comes home?
Hi, I'm glad I found this board as it helps to "talk" to others that have been at this point. My 76 year old father checked into rehab yesterday - they say the average is a 5 day stay. After that, hopefully, he will attend AA. I went to Barnes and Noble today to see if I could find books about reco...
Update - Monday a.m. Meeting
The appointment that was preventing me from chairing the Monday a.m. Al-Anon Meeting has just been changed to the afternoon. With this change in scheduling, I will now be able to chair the meeting this morning. See you there.
It's just annoying
I know that the only way to achieve my goals is to work on myself, but I can't help but to be annoyed sometimes. I am annoyed with my AH because it's not fair. It's not fair that he so easy walks in and out of my life. How he can say things to me like he never loved me, or he needs no contact with me out of no where...
Breaking the habit of focusing on others instead of myself
It's becoming apparent that one of my biggest issues is my tendency to focus on others instead of myself. Specifically, my wife. But this is a problem that I've had long before I met my wife. It's only through Al Anon and through therapy that I've realized how much this is holding me back. I think being a...
Missing Him the Problem with Detachment
My AHboyfriend and I started having problems around thanksgiving. He has three years sobriety under his belt and this was our second attempt at the relashionship. Over night everything seemed to fall apart. He I believe is a dry alcoholic. He replaced drinking with playing poker. Serious up a...
I am unable honor my commitment to chair the Al-Anon meeting Monday morning. Hoping another OP or one of the other members will step up and chair for me. Thanks.
Relieved I'm not the crazy one after all
It is so comforting to come here and realize how I'm not the crazy or awful one. My ex-boyfriend always told me our relationship problems where all my fault and that I was crazy. The verbal abuse, the lies, the mindgames, etc. literally drove me until I hit my bottom emotionally. I knew he had an addictio...
projecting into the future
It's been awhile since I phoned my former sponsor (from the former state I lived in) but I got to talk with her yesterday. I asked her about her new grandchild... her voice was so full of joy! I told her how I had been fantasizing about becoming a grandmother... even though I am waaay into the future with...
glad lee
scratching the surface of step 2?
As I mentioned earlier my wife completed a 30 day. I have attended a few meetings. Rationally understanding what I was hearing and honestly trying to state back what I had heard. I was enjoying a period of calm with my wife hoping for her recovery. I was completely focused on her, waiting for her to me...
It was so hard, but I placed an ad for Brimley one of my Shi Tzu/Poodles. The first call I got was from a man who is 74. Jim had had to put his only companion down two weeks ago. He cried, tried not to let me know. I told him it is very ok, that my dad cries over his dog he lost too. I took Brim over to meet Jim. Now Jim i...
I went to a meeting
My stomach was in knots all day yesterday because I was so worried about telling my fiance that I was going to a meeting. He had already been drinking by the time I got home from work (as usual). I asked him how he would feel about me going to an al anon meeting. He told me "Do what you have to do,. But I alr...
i'm not even sure if my husband is really an alcoholic
all i know is that i get a different feeling, mixed emotion of disappointment, sadness, anger whenever my husband would have a drink with his friends. i feel more comfortable if i'm around when he drinks, but it doesn't mean i like what he's doing, i still don't like it. worse is when he would insist to...
Control and acceptance
The topic at my f2f meeting last night was control - specifically, how we stopped trying to control and our awareness of our own attempts to control. Many people mentioned that before they got some recovery, they would tell the addict the same things over and over. Most of the stuff they would say ha...
White Rabbit
A bit overshelmed
I posted a few days ago for the first time and I'm so grateful for the outreach and support. I have spent so much time since then looking for local meetings and have found a few. I know there are more, and I will find times and schedules that work for me. Today is 7 weeks since my youngest took his life. There a...
So, I went to that meeting and did not self-combust...
but I did feel like I was going to throw up before I walked in.... Here I was just doing the most basic thing for myself - getting some support and I had trouble. I nearly turned around too but I thought of my children and walked in that door. And guess what? It was good. I belong there. Someone even gave...
Finally went to a meeting
So... After weeks of procrastinating... I finally went to my first f2f meeting tonight.
Yes, I was a bit nervous, not knowing what to expect.. My uneasiness soon faded away. There wasn't alot of people there, but that's ok. They were friendly and reassured me that I wasn't alone. We even went for coff...
My uncomfortable journey to step 1...
I have felt like I was at step 1 for a long time. Really since I first started with Al Anon. As I recall, it was pretty easy for me--I am powerless over my wife's drinking. There's nothing I can do about it. And things were certainly unmanageable. Ok, that was easy. And I felt good about it. It was such a refre...
Another whole layer of denial (& an update)
Wow I feel like the deeper I dig and work on myself the pain starts to come up faster and worse when I get triggered. I feel like every layer I peel back I realize I'm still in denial about so many things. As an update, it's been 11 months since I asked my AH to leave our house. Our son was 8 months at the time and i...
Character defect?
I am human. I know this. I know that we all make mistakes. I need to understand something though...maybe you can help or relate? I believe one of my character defects is something about not wanting to get in trouble. Always trying to save face. I don't know what this comes from, either the sexual a...
Breaking Annonimity on the national morning news.
On a morning talk show, a woman, covered her face, refused to give her name and made them change her voice and outted the husband and daughter of the woman who killed her two teen kids for being "mouthy". The reporter said that "in an alanon 12 step meeting, Parker Schenecker and his da...
Why did I just even bother?
Honestly, what was the point of that to try and assertively point out that I feel that I am being constantly being criticised, put down and blamed....what did I get? criticised, put down and blamed....and the wall of denial then a spin back on to me and oh he's leaving my life all together tomorrow with o...
HP On Standby :)
I find if Funny at times the things that SLAP ya in the face... Old habits and "reactions" that ya "Think" you have conquered...lol... I know before I wouldn't have even gave silly stuff like this a 2nd thought,... But Yesterday, I was Standing in my Shop, With the Husband, Son, &...
another question for you all...
So, I am trying to figure out how to get to a f2f meeting. Asking him to watch the kids so I can go seems too confrontational right now. I don't want to make this about him, it's about me. There is a meeting tomorrow, Friday, at 10 am in my town. I could go when the kids (3 of them) are at school. Here is my qu...
It's been awhile...
Yes it has been quite awhile since I have posted on here, actually just been on here. I don't know exactly why other than I have been having an "easy" time lately and hadn't felt the need to come here. But I have also come to the conclusion that I NEED to come here anyway and read and share. I don't...
Alcoholic brother
I think this is my first post to the board. I know I have been on here to read in the past but I don't believe I have ever posted. I am now back to learn as much as I can and to also share my experience to hopefully support someone else but also to get feedback and information from others on my situation. I am 4...
awake after 20 years of marriage...
Hi, I am new here. I have been married for 20 years to a man I believed to be good, honest and in love with me and our children. Over the past few months I have come to realize that he is addicted to alcohol. He is not the same man anymore. I am trying to not question our past but on the bad days I think "...
The Dam has broken...
and the secrets are spilling thru the crack. Thank you HP cause now we can talk about it as a family. He knows, they know, she knows, We know and now that we know we talk about it; and then what? HP always HP cause we are all powerless over the whole problem and only have enough power to surrender it to HP an...
Jerry F
Nervous about going to a meeting.
My fiance does not know I plan on going to an al anon meeting tonight. I don't think he would take it very well. I'm not sure what to tell him where I am going. Any advice ?
My Post #1000
To All, This isn't an anniversary, or a milestone. But I'm going to take it as an opportunity to express with genuine love and emotion what all of you have meant to me and my program. I attend my two f2f meetings each week, have for four years running. But without the support, ES&H, guidance, and...
looking past the past--ODAT--into the future!
Life is funny sometimes! I am going to go to a place where I am unfamiliar sometimes: Recovery! I have been going at this program for a long time but finally feel a sense of recovery! I have depended on my counselor for so long I have been having trouble making my own decisions. I want to make some & othe...
Hoot Nanny
my sponsor has me second guessing myself
I have posted that have been struggling with 17.5 yr old son. For the sake of brevity I will skip many gory details, but bottom line, it came to where both his dad and I said "enough". Time to do it different. Told him he had to follow the rules or go somewhere else. The rules were to be kind,...
Belly Button:)
Well as one of the members in my home group calls it....today is my "belly button birthday":) And it was a wonderful day...many birthday wishes and calls singing "Happy Birthday", a cake from the folks at work, and a beautiful ring from the Holy Land. Really felt the love and i...
Motives and Amends
One of last night's meeting topics was "motives" and this got me to thinking about a recent conversation I had with my ex-husband. This is the same ex-husband that I divorced on August 25, 2009 and had an ex-parte (Order of Protection) on from Nov. 9, 2009 through Nov. 9, 2010. I had been wan...
Really, Really Mom
Ok this is not a big deal but just another reminder....My mom calls me today and says.."you know I was thinking, since you never answer my calls, and neither does your son, you need to when I call becasue what if I was dying"... Really, really mom I say...first I answer your call when I am avail...
Update on Divorced & Deeply Depressed
Last evening, I had an appointment with my longtime counselor. Actually, I had not been in to see him for about 2 months, because I thought I had been doing so much better. Then came the fall. big ouch I spent the first part of the sessions whining about my ex-AH's present plight, how he is drinking and...
New Here, Hello
Hello, Im 41 years old and live with my alcoholic fiance. We planned to marry this fall but now since moving in with him I realize that marriage is not a good idea. I don't think I can live with a man who is drunk EVERY SINGLE DAY. It's really wearing on me. This is the first time in my life having to deal with a...
looking at alcohol through new eyes.
At a part time job I have (I have one full time and two part time jobs), I am around people who drink alcohol. Once they get a little under their belt the whole place changes, they stand around blocking all the paths to everything, bathroom, whatever it is they are planted down on the ground like some grea...
New here
Good evening, It's time to make a change, a positive change in my life. I've been married to a great guy for over 28 years. Undoubtedly you already know my story, he's an alcoholic and has been for the entire time I've known him. He was sober for 6 years but then slowly began drinking again. It's interesti...
Wondering Back....
Sooo... Last Couple days here have been the Usual Winter Ugliness, last night however we got a Small Ice storm, nothing like what they were calling for thank Goodness.. I at times catch myself going back to Old post I write and Re-Reading them to see if I have accepted "Growth" on that topic o...
I read this the other day and put myself as the frog. It answered my question of: Im a smart, loving wife, mother, friend, daughter...Why didnt I see the destruction happening in my life, living with an alcoholic until I was cook to death?? When you put a frog into a hot boiling pan of water, the frog will...
What do I do now???
I'm new here... Heck, I'm new to everything, as it was only yesterday that I found out my husband is an alcoholic. I know, that has to sound ridiculous, but it is what it is. I'm in a new world, a fog, not knowing what to do or where to turn and feeling very lonely. Until a year ago, he was my best friend, my...
Feeling empty
I'm not going to make it to my usual face-to-face meeting tonight because of lovely blizzard warnings in our area, so I thought I would post here. I just started going to Al-Anon. I don't have a sponsor yet. I have also started going to a therapist who specializes in counseling both the addict and the f...
Very Very Tired
boyfriend just finished detox, and I'm feeling myself fall into a deep depression..help!!
Well, where to begin...met Sam a year ago...I was his mom's nurse. He mostly treated me like a queen, during our dating (7months ago). There were times, however that he didn't. Blamed his not being able to get an errection on me...saying I was fat, my stomach was too big, my hair was blonde..he was attra...
Was feeling pretty low, well real low. I called a dear JW sister, a wonderful older lady who was so kind to me. She is so wise. What she said fits for so many here too. She told me she would have been disappointed in me if I called and said I was happy and ok. That my spilling my heart, the pain, the loss, the feel...
It begins again
I really wish I could deposit my OH in a rehab centre but that option is unavailable to me - on the NHS (in UK), at least. I could really do with the respite if nothing else. OH is drinking again in earnest despite having been hopsitalised for 3 weeks last year during which he nearly died. At the weekend he wa...
left..but still codependent
I moved out from my AH 4 days ago. It had been a rough three years and i had been thinking of leaving everytime he went on a binge or got out of rehab and started drinking again. Then I just did it ...somehow the pieces fell into place. Found a cute place i could afford, packed and moved midst much crying and be...
doubt and denial start to creep in
OK, I'm going to meetings 1-2 a week, I haven't got a sponsor yet, but have a lead. Last weekend was my older boys 15th birthday, we took him and his buddies snowboarding at bear mountain. My AW and I ski'd with my younger son on the beginner slopes. The place was really ripe for a slip up. The &q...
I'm Back? HELP
My world started really falling apart in August when my son's liver and muscles shut down. He's recovering slowly very slow and finishing court ordered recovery house, has about 3 weeks to go...I'm really scared I can't handle_______________but
Technical question
I heard in one meeting that AA's who are also members of alanon are NOT allowed to hold positions of service such as GR or SR... Are they allowed to hold in group positions such as treasurer, secretary etc? Is the tenets of alanon on line somewhere? I know my groups have the book, but I won't see it till tomo...
I wish I knew how to swear in another language
Song of the day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BksJ99wIuCw I hate that my life has been affected by alcoholism today. Usually I am gratful for the lessons and skills I have gained from my experiences in life but today I am not ... today I hate it. I dated a man a few years ago and was not ready to date,...