Is this good or bad?
Hi everyone! As some of you know my ah has been in and out of 30 day rehabs since april. I had filed for divorce while he was away, but as of a few weeks ago I have dropped the divorce. I had done that before I found this site and al-anon f2f mtgs (only been to a couple). Here is my question he is a different man al...
Trying to start over today
Thanks to all of you for the continued support. I tried to reach out to a couple of trusted individuals yesterday, which also got me through. I decided to spend the last two nights sleeping in a different bedroom. I know my AH is angry, but it would be a big deal for me to do that and not feel guilty about it...
Pressure From Family
I am new to this forum and have just started attending Alanon meetings. Feeling very down now. AH and I separated last month (not legally, he went to live with his mom) after his alcoholism got out of control and he landed in the hospital detoxing a week. He is in an outpatient rehab and attends AA, but has...
21 days
I looked at my profile I joined this group 21 days ago. three small weeks. It feels like so much longer. The truth is it is open at work all day long and am on here for hours at a time reading. If my boss knew... woops!!!! 21 days ago I was spinning out of control. I was checking up on my husband (pot smoke...
Scared for life
I had f2f meeting tonight, she had a AA meeting in the same building. She drove. (The car I bought for her) She was being pretty revved up today. After the meetings we argued over dinner plans just like most nights. She was very angry and was driving very dangerously. I tried keeping my mouth shut to keep...
Hi all my A is active again after 9 months sober his disease has progressed and I have detached trying hard to work my programme and do what is right for me and my kids. I text him couple of days ago and said that he was ill and hoped he could reach out to his hp but I can not watch and i wanted no contact anymore....
Daughter crazy I think!
Yesterday I was so happy about my al/ad drgoing to an n/a meeting, and she said she was going to go to an a/a meeting also. Today was another story, we were talking and I was enjoying her and happy I decided to let her stay for a few days. Then she started talking about witchcraft, and feeling she has been...
My Latest Avatar
In a recent post, Jerry F asked all of us MIPers who haven't written a bio to do so in order to make the "family real." Well Jerry, I strived to do so and got anxious. I didn't know what to include. But I agree, adding a bio does help. I will do so later. Until "later" gets here, I deci...
Suggestions for anger?
Hey everybody! Does anybody have any suggestions for anger? Besides physical exercise - I definitely do that when I'm mad! I mean, what has worked for you when you're mad at your qualifier and reading soothing literature/music/whatnot is to gentle for you for the moment? Meanwhile your qualifie...
rara avis
New and overwhelmed - alcoholic brother w/ dog
My brother, age 34, finally decided to go to a sober living home after we (3 friends of his and I) had an intervention w/ him. He's been there for 2 weeks. My father agreed to pay for it, hoping he'll be able to start paying his rent within 3 months. He has 2 warrants out for his arrest b/c of 2 unresolved DUIs...
I'm going to be ok
I wanted to share something I heard in my meeting last night. A long time member was reflecting on his early days in Al Anon, where he was talking to someone who had been in the program a while. He was venting about all of the horrible things his wife was doing, and the other member just kept saying "ye...
When do you know that you have had enough?
I have been married for 26 years. Of those years my husband has been drinking off and on for 15 years. It could be longer but I am numb to how long. My counselor has asked me to go to al-anon meetings, just cannot get there. I think I am done? What should I do?
Rukes always changing
Hi everyone! I suppose this post is mostly to vent but also to see if anyone else had had this same problem I'm having.My AH is constantly changing the "rules",by rules I just mean things we've agreed on or what not,not actual rules he sets out for me.The ame plan always changes in the morning...
Reflecting on Al-Anon This Morning
All in all, things are quite good right now. As some of you may recall, it wasn't too long ago that I posted about my ex-AH going through horrific withdrawals. He did go in to a 30-day rehab and continues to go to outpatient classes. He believes this was his bottom. Hopefully, he is correct. He has ha...
Being Tested
I got a text a bit ago that AH (who has been sober for quite some time now) stopped off for a beer with the guys. He's previously told me he thought he'd eventually drink again, just in moderation this time. Maybe he will. I feel like I am being tested.... "How is she going to react?" "Wh...
Hot Chicka
Don't look in the drawer
Lindaoakford you talk a lot about your ongoing relationship with "the drawer", and the desire to look, but the understanding that looking is only going to make you crazy. Although AH has been dry (until tonight, see other post), I like that visual. Although AH doesn't have a drawer, per s...
Hot Chicka
feeling a little down today
My dad is visiting me. Aside from 4 months ago, I have not seen him in 4 years. He is also an alcoholic, part of the reason he and my mother separated when I was 10 was because of his drinking problem. he also helped me tremendously during one of the most difficult times in my life as pregnant teen who had bee...
We all fall down....
Hi, I am youfoundme and I am a grateful member of alanon... I had a bad night last night. There was some stuff going on and I knew I had not control over it. I had two glasses of wine with my A....He has been having a couple of drinks only here and there and for some reason I thought, well why not? I am not...
Meeting etiquette: How would you have handled this?
The woman I sat next to at my face-to-face meeting today had sniffles and a runny nose, and kept wiping it with her hand (without using Kleenex). I was getting really grossed out, and wasn't sure what I should do at the end of the meeting when it came time to join hands for the serenity prayer I wound up spen...
The Butterfly Story
I received this from an Al-Anon friend today and thought I would share it with my MIP FamilyHUGS,RLC THE BUTTERFLY STORY Whenever we see a fuzzy caterpillar it is hard for us to realize that s...
I know I made the right decision, now how do I stick to it?
I gave my abf the break-up letter I wrote this morning. I know I did the right thing for my sanity. I could not go on riding the emotional rollercoaster I have been on for the past 3 and 1/2 years in this relationship. I feel calm and peaceful about my decision right now. In the past breaking up has felt l...
UGH, UGH, and more UGH
I just don't get it. Why would you hide beer when you drink beer in the open around the family anyway? How silly is that? Is hiding alcohol just habitual? I get why he hides the little bottles of vodka or whiskey, but beer? Beer needs to be chilled. You may as well just put it in the fridge next to the Gu...
This past couple of weeks the word "willingness" has kept popping out at me. It's been so great to know that there are two different kinds of steps the "ready now" steps and the "willing now" ones. I have been ready to admit where I am powerless over my life and I try an...
First appointment
Gratitude everyone. I am thankful for this board. Yesterday my AH and I had our first real marriage counseling session. I liked the counselor well enough, and she has experience/background in addiction issues. We basically laid some groundwork, and gave an overview. My AH was much more calm th...
toxic resentment
Today I learned someone whoI had a real resentment towards had died suddenly. The resentment was a pretty remote one, an envy at their success so please don't send me condolences. This isn't about loss, or wanting to have closure or any of that. I have not spoken to this person for years they weren't...
alcohol saliva test
Ok so my Aspouse went out last night for dinner to thank so co-workers for a summer project. I figured she was going to drink. Prior to joining alanon, I had bought alcohol saliva tests on a q-tip type thing. I just can't stand her lying and drinking, and I wanted to have some control. I also don't want...
Anxiety attack
Hi everybody. Today for the first time in almost a year my AH missed his appointment with his psychiatrist/therapist. He said he was too tired, but I knw is cause he found this new doctor that will give prescriptions without a session. So I told him exactly that and he snapped. I guess people don't like t...
Dr. Suess does Al-Anon? - Weird.....
This morning on Facebook, a friend had posted a quote from Dr. Suess (love quotes from Dr. Suess). I smiled when I read it, as it made me think of MIP, and/or Al-Anon.... I hope it doesn't offend anyone, but I think it fits rather well for us, as we come from all different walks of life, with all kinds of un...
another acronym that I find so difficult. Why is it that my anger can just fuel such emotion in me I understand it on;y make things worse? And when I'm hungry I eat poorly and binge on junk rather tfan take the time to eat something that will nourish me rather fill the whole? I'm lonely and sometimes so very...
Al Anon meeting cancelled and hacks- who do I talk to about this?
Hello, Not sure who to ask this, please let me know who to inform. I needed to ask if meetings are sometimes cancelled? This morning's meeting wasn't starting a half hour after the scheduled time so I asked the chat room if there was going to be one and someone called Anonymous (name removed) said he/s...
I had a long phone conversation with my sister and she was bemoaning many things about our mother. This made me think of the many discussions here on the board. My sister is under the impression that her personality bears no similarity to that of our mother. WRONG. I see soo many characteristics tha...
I think I am coming around.
Today like most days I really feel like I might be coming around to where I need to be. I struggle w/ so much. I hope I can find some peace & serenity where I am at today. Only my HP knows how much I can handle. I know He is watching & waiting for me to come to grips w/ all my issues, insecurities, etc. So m...
Hoot Nanny
I am not sure saying something would be of use.
My sister is an ACOA as am I. I have been fortunate to have been in the rooms of Al-anon for a couple of years and many years of work on myself before that. My charachteristics have almost gone now from my A childhood and father. My sister who lives with me is a basket case however. She has the classic symp...
tear in my coffee!
There is a tear in my coffee some days. I am not really that sad but I do have my moments! I realized after my last post that I can be a real downer. I feel this is true especially when I talk about not having kids. I guess I still have to live in acceptance at 45. I just wish that I could over my regrets--medicati...
Hoot Nanny
In the trenches of step 4!
I feel really good about my progress over the last year and especially since finding Alanon a few months ago. It was definitely the right time for me! I am going through the steps and attending face to face meetings and doing nearly everything I'm "supposed" to do except I still haven't foun...
Overwhelmed by family.
Hell hello. It's been a looong time since I last logged in, but I;m happy to report that overall I'm doing Ok and so is my family. My husband is almost a year sober, strong, and my three year old is just as amazing as ever. Right now I;m feeling a bit overwhelmed by my AH's family. My husband has recently bega...
Betsy is sick
Betsy the wonder dog is sick, Parvo no less. Caught it early, I hope, had a shot but..... well, she's got it. Pretty sick dog, still alert right now, they said its gonna get worse before it gets better, lots of bodily fluids to clean up - grin and bear it because, well, she's my baby. I have IV fluids to give h...
codependence and detachment - the roller coaster ride
I have a question about the codependence of an Alcoholic. And my own detachment too. I noticed that this past weekend, my AH and I had a good weekend but he was very needy. I spent all day Saturday away visiting my daughter and then Sunday he was so clingy and over-attentive. I have a hard time acceptin...
continued it into the evening
Hi yesterday i shared a moment of realisation for me that I was being very silly about finding a lighter in the bin. Such a little trigger. As the afternoon progressed and I went home, I wanted it to continue. I deliberately did not want to know or even have an idea if he had been smoking or not. If someth...
Keeping The Serenity
I know it has been a while but things have been going on that I can not control. My husband lost his job last week! I have been on a rollercoaster of emotions. I am so thankful for my alanon and higher power during these times. Last night I got very angry at my daughter because she was whining and complaining...
"keep the focus on you" - a tool that is vital yet so elusive sometimes...
I did it again, I let the focus leave me. My spouse and I are separated and have been for a year. I just in the past 2 weeks started to go to Al-anon (I'm an ACOA). I've been to 5 meetings in 9 days. All very helpful. I'm just getting my feet wet. My spouse very much wants us back together - I'm not sure that i...
Its me :)
You Found Me...Thanks alanon for finding me and loving me when I didn't know I could even fathom loving myself. I am feeling good lately, I am working on me, I am going to meetings and staying on my side of the street. Each day I wake up to a new day to cherish. I don't let things bother me like they used to....
what a small trigger for a big response
Good morning (830 am Tuesday here) I had a reminder of my over exaggerated responses this morning. To prelude this conversation, I have not checked his drawer since my slip up how ever long ago when I looked. I have stopped counting or worrying about if I am looking or not, I somehow.... just stopped??...
HP is really shaking things up
I could very easily get down and out today and have had my moments, but I am going to chose to take a different approach. I think my HP has great changes in store for me because: my car got wrecked, our Air Conditioning Went Out at the house (and I live in Texas) and my renters in our rent house just told us...
I need help with a problem, please!
My father was an alcoholic, my grandfather was also, I have 3 brothers who are alcoholic. One is sober, one is actively drinking, and the other is in rehab., for the 4th time, I think it is, I've lost count. He is 44 and been in jail for a total of about 10 years. He has driven without insurance and a license...
Hooray for me!!
So, I told my AH last night that I want a D. He thought I would change my mind after "sleeping on it." When I didn't he tried to blame me and then decided to ask what he could do to "salvage" our marriage and keep our family together. I told him that if he goes into a treatment program...
Hoping for Happiness
What to do when finding "hidden alcohol"
I am doing my best at working my own recovery and not my AH's (most days). However, I have one thing that I am not sure how to handle. We have 2 small children (6 and 2) and I continue to find hidden bottles of vodka. I don't want to pour them out and move on, because they aren't my bottles to pour out. So I ha...
Hoping for Happiness
New recovery check-in
Hello Again Everyone :) Ok, so my AH is two months out of inpatient treatment. He's been unbearable, the majority of the time. He's so angry, and mostly tries to pick fights with and blame me. Aside from the recent crisis that built over a few weeks of dwindling AA meetings - is this still normal? I was...
Just can't do it. Newbie
Hello everyone. I've been reading all your post for a couple weeks now. Great stuff. I Just signed up. I've been to two meetings now. I've just been through the worst 2 yrs of my life. I'm miserable. Not sure if Al Anon is for me or not. I'm in a relationship to an addict. Also I strongly believe she is me...
Am I wrong....
I hope this is the place for my thoughts. I have been reading posts for awhile now and am very grateful for them. I have also started going to meetings. My problem is that I feel so bad. My AH has had many surgeries and claims to still be in pain from them but the drs tell him there is no reason for the pain a...
Why do I allow my AH t make me feel guilty when I am doing nothing wrong?
Why do I allow my AH to make me feel guilty when Im doing nothing wrong? I just got the email and phone call from the AH wondering what I had been up to. I told him working, but that wasnt good enough. I havent been going home at lunch because it frees me up to just read, run errands or relax and do whatever I w...
having mixed emotions
Hi everyone. I asked my AH to leave a few days ago. He needs a few weeks to transition and clean out his father's place so he can move in with him. I still love him, that is not the reason I asked him to leave. Obviously, I asked him to leave because I do not want him drunk around my kids and my 15yo daughter is bei...
Detaching when things are good...
In the last 2 weeks, my wife has been as healthy as I have ever seen her. She's been on new anti-depressants and they really seem to be making a difference. I have found that in that time, I have really let go of the concept of detaching. I guess I didn't feel the need to, because things were good. So I found my...
met with Al Anon lady for lunch
HI I met with an Al Anon lady today for lunch. I bought her lunch as she took the time off her day to meet wtih me. I cried.. as I have been for about 12 hours now on and off. She confirmed there are no day time meetings in the NT for Al Anon but there is a steps meeting on a Saturday afternoon. The same people go...
Newbie on board - relationship issues
Hello all - I'm relatively new to Al-anon and just one day on this board. I've attended 4 face-to-face meetings and am always surprised and grateful for what I hear. I am an adult child of a line of alcoholics on my mom's side. I've always felt different and like I didn't fit in. It wasn't until I unexpe...
Hi Everyone, The weekend was at least not spend in crisis. We're still going to have 2 marriage counseling appmts this week. My husband did argue with me a little, but not screaming, throwing, etc. I could tell he was trying to use restraint. I recently took a job that offers a lot of future opportun...
why am I bothering
Why do I bother doing all of this?? Had a great weekend. I asked him this morning what he planned on doing.. he didn't know. I had things I wnated to do. So I did them. I said to him this morning "If you are planning on havinga smoke, I just want to say, and I am not being nasty, this would be the 8th we...
Reachin for the Clouds & Coming up short...
Alateen and children in alcoholic family questions.
Hi. Does anyone know who I can contact for the Alateen message board or meetings here on MIP. I went on the Alateen page, but the posts seem outdated. I thought I had read soemthing about it moving, and I am not sure about the chat meetings. My daughter showed a lot of interest last night about it and I was tr...
Hi everyone been to a covention today it was great, bit thin on the ground but shares were so good from both fellowships. My Abf is active again after 9 months and i know there is nothing i can do its his journey. At the convention I think I came to the decision that he has so much work to do and I am just a pres...