Happy Valentines Day!
(((((((((((((((Family)))))))), Just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a very HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! May it all be extra special for you. I love you all dearly, and if it wasn't illegal I'd marry you all! I count my blessings for each and every one of you. Just a rem...
New here...floundering :O(
I've been visiting here on and off for a while now. I have an AH. I've been to f2f meetings in the past, but they are hard for me to get to for a number or reasons, including my little guy! My AH has been "dry" since October. In front of me anyways. As I am sure some of you know, that's...
HI To All, Hav,nt posted for a while,but have been here reading,taking in all i can. Would like to share with you what has happened between my h and myself.for those who remember i threw him out last may,forcing him to the salvation army.WELL,they found him a flat in december,came to stay with me for a w...
Blessed to be an Al-Anon
Hi all, Today God and I had a nice conversation. For the past few months with everything going on around me I have had lots of doubts about my choices. My daughter, 18, (grandaughter I raised) had left home in Dec. and another grandaughter, 14 had wanted to live here with us and I said yes after looking...
AH got Frazzled Today, Called Me for Support, Seems to be Pulling Through It.
My AH is still at my house. I think he has been working hard to pull his nerve up to ask his stepdad if he can come stay with him and work on recovery. I told him this is what he needs to do....that staying at my house w/the kids is NOT going to help him help himself. Anyway - my little dog has been sick the last f...
As some of you may know, my kids and I decided my A wife could not come home...too much damage has been done. She is in a recovery village down in Fla, and is working her program. I am quite encouraged with her progress. Life without her has been for the most part very good ...my kids agree...but today is val...
Can someone stop the train? I've already been run over one too many times....
So, it isn't fair to involve my AFG in the drama of my Momma w/o telling you how it all came down. Woohoo, how it all came down...of course, in light of it's been almost a week since she was here, the real deal is that, to be straight, there's more drama 'round these parts than on Broad...
The Lost Joy....
(((Everyone)))) I don't normally post things that aren't Alanon, but tonight this story has been on my mind. Does it exist?? I believe it does. Happy Valentines to you all, especially to those of us who are home alone tonight. DREAMS The Lost Joy All day, where the sunlight played on the s...
Touching Story
This is a good story and is true, please read it all the way through until the end! (After the story, there are some very interesting facts!): I am a mother of three (ages 14, 12, 3) and have recently completed my college degree.The last class I had to take was Sociology.The teacher was absolutely inspir...
Valentines shmalentines
Sorry for all of you out there who are revelling joyously in Valentines. But for me it is a horrible glaring reminder of what I don't have. My ex(A) can be incredibly charming and fun to be with, except for that flaw of being an A. He up until last weekend was still saying he loved me and wanted us to be t...
I fell off the wagon...
last night. My AH is back on the wagon and going to meetings - yeah and neigh. He was recently diagnosed with a seizure disorder on top of his ADD and addictions. I know I should be concerned, but it is too reminscent of his binges - disappearing and not answering his cell phone - except now he has a seizure,...
He's home. Did I tell y'all that last week?
I didn't know if I had posted that my AH came home last week. He came home Wednesday night. And he has been there ever since. He of course slept for days to recover from this last binge. He said he almost died 2 separate times during those 13 days he was gone. One time he said that his blood got so...
Banned Message
Can anyone (Tom, John, Tea, Debilyn) help? I keep getting this message when I attempt to get into chat. Connecting... Logging in... -irc.chat4all.net- *** Looking up your hostname... -irc.chat4all.net- *** Checking ident... -irc.chat4all.net- *** Found your hostname -irc.chat4all.net- **...
CHEERS for me~booted him and bought me a sheltie puppy
Hello everyone, Hope you are all well out there and doing good. I am doing much better these days. I was involved with this man who is bipolar and abused alcohol and drugs. I finally found myself once again and booted him ... there will be NO more with him ...I bought me something very special t...
Hi all, just wanted to share. I did have the restraining order served on him. I talked to the motel worker and found that the night he was arrested was the 2nd night he had been there with that girl. Then later I talked to the cop who arrested him and he said that they had been seeing eachother for several w...
Proceed to bang head against wall in frustration....
Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency. --Natalie Goldberg As you aware of how you cope with your work stress? Many studies show that up to 40 percent of workers report too much stress on the job. And 50 percent of these workers have a spouse they bring the stress home to...
Creating an emotional plan B
In the last few months I've really been running on only having one friend. That friend was absolutely there for me in November when the A did one of his characteristic meltdowns. I regrouped very very quickly and started to make concrete plans rather than feel totally consumed with the A's...
Valentines Day
hey family 2moro is Valentines Day and my 26th birthday in 2 days time. Im single this year... so not gonna make a big deal out of it. im finished work at 7p.m so its home to a hot shower, comedy dvd, loads chocolate and a steaming mug of hot chocolate. any one is free to join me .. lol... i hope this day finds yo...
One-year anniversary help
I could use some help...my friend is about to celebrate his first anniversary of sobriety and I wanted to do something meaningful. I understand he will be sick of cakes (I'm not completely familiar with the program but he is usually the one who brings cakes to meetings), so is there something else...
Is it just what I want to hear or is it real?
My AH was awake this morning when I came downstairs. He wanted to talk. He always wants to talk at the most inconvenient times for me.....bedtime or when I have to get ready for work. But I listened to him. He of course wanted something for himself too when talking to me. He was feeling better from his...
Can I let him go...even though I'm new to recovery?
I have a question. I am pretty sure I need to let go of my A. I don't see how we can work things out. I decided when I found MIP that I would go to a f2f once a week and come here as often as possible and give myself six months to work things out in my head. I keep going on this roller coaster of wanting to wor...
Where do I start???
Hi everyone, My husband has been sober and attending a.a. meetings for three years. I on the other hand pretty much refused to get any kind of support... I thought it was his problem not mine. Anyway, I now realize it has been a big mistake! I am trying to do my best but feel emotionally dead. I guess he has...
February 12th Birthday Boy
Just wanted to let y'all know that it's Mr. Blue's birthday. Have a wonderful birthday Blueman. your, Maria
In recovery--alone
Hi everyone: It's snoopy, the one who's A husband is divorcing me after 32 years of dating and marriage. Now that I'm in recovery, alanon, I have so much clarity on what my life was like before and what it can be like. I'm like a little kid who has finally gotten it and want to share it wi...
just need to vent a little
i just need to vent a little. it seems like forever ago that my husband admitted he was an alcoholic, and it was only two nights ago. even though i knew it all along, him admitting it just made it too real. it made me have to really examine our life together, my life apart from him. i've had to confro...
back from rehab vent
i picked up my dad's friend from rehab today. he is the excutor on my dad's will and living in his house till it sells. while he was gone i went to my dad's and started stripping wallpaper, painting, had the auction guys come and take everything i wanted to auction. i also accidently bagged...
On to the next emotion - Acceptance???
ok - I looked in the mirror this morning & said "Thanks God, we made it thru yesterday. Help me with today." Pretty much most of the anger has passed - Maybe reality is beginning to set it - Cancer - wow - my husband has cancer. Set aside the fact he didn't tell me, for whatever reason,...
Rita G
nearly 5 months
Good Morning all~ I have been on this board before asking this same question. I really get myself into "hot water". When I retired nearly 2 years ago-I told my adult children and spouses anytime you need me to babysit-etc.etc. I will be here for you! Don't get me wrong-I will do anyth...
Mike please check messages
Mike I have sent you a private message, please check it.
where's the trust anymore?
It's weird how since my hubby admitted his alcoholism how i no longer have any trust in him. not trust, as in i'm afraid he'll cheat or anything like that, but trust as in, is he really doing what he says he's doing? Like tonight he said he was going to bed early, and i just didn't be...
Got the new chip. It is not a new badge!!
Aloha All!! It was a great loving celebration as I got my 28 year chip at my home meeting by the Pacific Ocean with a usual family of about 70-80 members. It's new, never been used and powerful looking and here it is Monday morning and I call the police to attend me at my cousins home so that I can find ou...
Jerry F
my momentary lapse in sanity
after my momentary lapse in sanity [aaaagggghhhh, i am screaming inside], i woke up this morning feeling emotionally flat. after a life time of playing out a soul piercing drama of emotional behavior, i am finding change comes with a surprising result. dullness!!! boredom!!! what does one replace...
Not a wife -only a means of financial support
That is what I found out yesterday - I am not a wife - I am only a means of financial support - a wife is someone that you share things with - the good, the bad, sickness, health, etc. I know because my AH is suppose to be in a program of recovery that there are things that he will share with his sponsor instead of...
Rita G
A side of kerry you say you dont see
I prayed over posting and decided to. I wasnt going to however i feel the need and i will follow that need and do this. I will say as i always say take what you like. If you follow the alanon program this post shouldnt affect you, its me expressing what i need to so i can let it go, which i already have. I will sha...
OP!!!!! Cant get into chat???????? (help needed)
I have tried for a few days but it doesnt open up.... says "securityexception ex: cannot connect to ircchat4all.org" Thanks for your help, gardengal
more chaos
Just wondered if any of you have esh with family who want to involve you in their chaos? My cousin's son is cheating on his wife with a woman in Las Vegas Nevada. He keeps calling me because he wants to stay at my home in Phoenix on his way out west to visit with his GF. His family is so mad at him. Both w...
just me
so much negativity around me
Hi everyone, I've noticed recently that I'm surrounded by negativity. The Aphones a lot but I don't speak to him...so it's not him! Everyone else, My sister, my friend, even people at work.....it's all doom and gloom, pointing out faults and arguments. I'm trying so hard...
absolutely helpless!!!
Hi all, 2 days ago, it was a bad day. We've finally moved in to our new place. I had miss placed some very imp. letters and non-replaceble things. we had spent 3 days, looking for it. finally HE found it. well, needless to say, how of my fault it was. here I am, kickking myself, thanks, i didn't n...
(((((((((((((((((((guys)))))))))))))))))))) I'm sitting here, Sunday morning, and I'm feeling lost. My last five days have been a mixture of emotions. I have felt very hurt, and let down by someone, I trusted, and relied on to be there for me forever........ I am also going thr...
Favorite pamphlet
Hi all, I love the pamphlet of 'alcoholism the family disease' It's pretty basic and easy to read. If you can get your hands on one, check out the maturity guidelines...they are very informative LOL! Seems like I always have one lying around somewhere. Who do I relate too? The youn...
Prayers Needed
I got word today that a friend of my daughters, 18 years old, was in a skiing accident. He is now paralyzed from his chest down. I know no more than that. My son, last night, smashed my god son in the face with his snowboard. The plastic surgeon did do a pretty good job stitching him up though. Hopefully it wi...
Need a Laugh?? Please read this LOL!!
((((Everyone)))) Tonight my Son wanted to play Scrabble as a family. That was fine, he even drew the tile to start the game. His first word was QUE, I thought pretty good for an 8 yr old. Next comes my A .... hehehe..... He adds to to the QUE, FA. It now reads Faque. I looked at him like WHAT??? he sai...
Threads of Disease
I haven't been on the board lately, a lot of ppl don't know me or my story, maybe my thoughts were jumbled or didn't express myself very clearly. I wrote the last thread after reading some ppl talking about whether addiction is a disease or not. My Al-Anon pamphlets all tell me it is a dis...
The things I wont do anymore
It's funny because I would do all these things to stop my A's drinking, thinking any sane person would do the same. Apparently they were all mistakes. I'll list them, and if I am offtrack, let me know. 1. Try to stop the A from leaving the house because I know it's to buy alcohol. Thi...
My scars remind me My scars remind me of my past of the pain that did last I am broken inside I cannot fake being happy anymor, I already tried I just want to die I know I am better off,but I don't know why This pain is just too much,and all because of that one touch I despise you,but at the same time I love yo...
Lauren ashley
Feb. 8th 1979
Aloha Family !! Checking in to invite you all to the celebration of my 28th anniversary of continuous membership and service in the Al-Anon Family Groups. Took the suggestions and followed thru. It doesn't get much better than it is right now. I have a HP that is so HP!! I have a sponsor that sta...
Jerry F
ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies
I was reading a post from another board member and this line came to me, Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies. This was one of the ways I have learned to apply me program. I am AWARE that the A in my life will lie to me if I ask, confront etc. anything having to do with his addictions, which on some da...
feeling sorry for myself and need to vent
Yes, I just got over a chest infection, to fall victim to the stomach bug of all stomach bugs. I am trying to be patient with all around me but need to set some boundaries if not walk away from a job due to a job colleague who places unreasonable demands on my time, though I have been more than accommodating f...
maire rua
What to do about Unsolicited Advice from Family?
Many of you know my story. My AH and his crack binging. Well what do you do when you reach the point where you are tired of talking about all of the problems? You see, this has been going on for so long and has been at it's worst for the last year. It has taken me a year to get to this great point in my recov...
Don't feel like I've LOVED pets, girlfriends
hi, I grew up with a rageaholic/ alcoholic father and a mother who stuffed feelings. Some how my father took a liking for me as a baby and I ended up in the middle of my parents relationship. My father expressed his feelings to me, rather than my mother. After lots of therapy and alanon and aa I have real...
A whole new prospective on humility
Wash. cabbie returns $6,000 left in car LYNNWOOD, Wash. - A taxi driver found a wallet containing almost $6,000 in the back of his car, then raced to the airport in time to return it to his owner. Vinod Mago, 55, says he never thought twice. The owner thanked him with $100, which Mago used to take his famil...
My Story
Ive been reading a lot of touching stories and I felt the urge to write my own. I come from a really amazing family full of teachers, leaders, social activists, and brave souls. Within this mix of beauty and pride, there are also alcoholics, addicts, and family members that suffer from mental illness...
He left and took my stepkids away from me.
After helping him get half custody of his kids and after helping raise them for 10+ years, my husband chooses alcohol over me and walks out the door with my entire family. He didn't leave because I was a bad stepmom--I was a GREAT stepmom...I did things for the kids their own narcissistic mother wo...
My Broken Life
Hello everyone. Just wanted to let you know, for those who are interested, what is going on with me. My computer is sick. My husband tried all day yesterday to fix it, but it is still broken. We even bought a new Modem, but now the screen resolution is unreadable. I was having withdrawls yesterday fro...
My Wish Bracelet
Since Labor Day, I have worn a "Wish Bracelet". I bought it at the campground when we went to Michigan to see baby granddaughter. It was braided cotton cord with 5 tan colored beads. When I put it on, I made a wish, and supposedly, when the bracelet wore off, your wish would come true. It did...
AAAAAHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGG!!![i am screaming inside]
AAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!![i am screaming inside] changing my own behavior is sooooooooo hard. i can see where my behavior contributes to the situation i am living in. even when i want to change, i am unable. i feel myself slipping back into the same pattern, just as an addict must go back to it&...
my story, kinda long
Well, my husband finally admitted to me last night what I've know for a couple years now-he's an alcoholic. I don't know what prompted me to bring up the subject, it just kinda came out of my mouth. I asked him why he felt it neccessary to drink every single night. He said I don't know...
the truth comes out
finally the truth comes out and I am not the bad guy anymore. I have been trying to convince my ex husbands parents that he is an alcoholic and that they needed to help me keep my daughters safe from his disease. They never believed me. But I stopped trying to talk to them about it about 4 months ago becau...
hi all
so the weeks that my Abf has ben home from rehab have been so hard for me. i am filled with questions about our future...i am resentful that he has so little to give me...i am wishing for more for me and my kids...all selfish, but normal feelings i guess. i love this man - and we have had so many fun and...
Making and owning my choices without guilt
I am a compromiser .... my brother often laughs with me because he will choose a side of a debate he knows I believe in just to watch me stand up for someting I do not believe in to make the outcome that we meet in the middle. Although this is a good quality to have, I feel it is limiting me in some ways. Choice...