A happy Thanksgiving
We had a lovely Thanksgiving. My AH arrived home late Wednesday evening. I had determined earlier in the week to enjoy the holiday, regardless of his attitude or behavior. I had a Plan B and a Plan C in mind, if he had been surly and difficult. I resolved to detach from his drinking and his abusive beh...
Next step - the fight!
Sorry to keep blabbing so much! So last night with the STBXabf lol. He starts contradicting everything he ever said to me about "straightening up his act" and replaces it with "nobody is going to tell me what to do". I wasn't planning on having this conversation with him for ano...
My program is bringing positive results
As some of you know I have been quite distressed about how to afford the smoking where my A is concerned. I decided today after much thought to just give him the remainder of our funds until Tuesday for his cigarettes which was only 20 dollars. I let him know I will not fight this anymore and will make his c...
Trying hard to keep my mouth shut
AH and I both smoke cigarettes. Cigarettes are my only addiction. Last week AH made the announcement to me that he is going to cut way down on his smoking and eventually quit. Just a few minutes ago, we both went outside to smoke, and he jokingly called me a chimney. He said he has noticed that I seem to...
Trying to keep the Hope
Hello Friends, I haven't been around much of late. First of all had the flu or something for about a month, feeling somewhat better now. School is keeping me tied up as mid-terms are here and wow it's a lot of work. Espically for an old fart like me. Son got a job as soon as they called him in to ask if he had a...
Question on how to work on ME in a certain situation
Hello, so I'm constantly trying to work on me, going to my support group, church, everything, trying to stay busy while the A has been on a massive binge, basically this binge has been going on since Oct 28th, two weeks of intense non stop drinking with 3 hospital visits during that time span until the la...
detachement and boundaries question
Hi everyone, I really need some guidance please:) ok, so I'm trying really really hard to detach with love and set boundaries. I nicely told my AH while he was sober one day that we would no longer be having series talks while he is drunk. Also, that when he's drinking, I will try to longer get upset about...
Budgeting for cigarettes
Things are much more relaxed now in our home. I am just busying myself with my program and looking after myself. My one issue that still remains is if it is wise for his smoking money to come out of the family budget. After taking the budget back in hand there is not much left for the month of December. Ja...
I am unable to honor my commitment to chair the Monday a.m. Al-Anon Meeting (November 29), as I will be out of town all day. Hopefully, someone will step up and chair the meeting in my absence. Just a reminder, any member present whether they be Room Ops or not can step up and do some service work by chair...
Hard To Access Chat Room
Hi, I'm not sure if it is a UK problem, I know other members who are having same difficulty, but..... I just can not get into the chat room. This is not the first time, I spent half a night, and disabled stuff I did not know I had enabled.... but forget how I did it. There used to be a lovely member, I think he wa...
Need Chair for Tonights meeting 7pm est
Need chair for tonights Sunday night meeting, i am unable to attend. if someone could fill in i would appreciate it Thanks Kerry (aka kerisha)
Feeling low
Hello - just posting because feeling low at present. AH has started drinking again - seriously. If you have been following my particular saga you will know that AH nearly died in the summer. A three week stay in hospital put him on the road to recovery - at least it would have been if he had stayed off the bo...
Was it wrong of me?
So my Abf has told me, a couple weeks ago, that he was going on the wagon with smoking/drinking. I know when he has been staying with me that he doesn't do those things. As far as at his own home, I have no idea what he does. I figure that is a topic that he can bring up if he chooses to talk about his progress...
Still hard, but starting to heal
Hey everyone. So I'm still having a really hard time letting go of my ex A. Since he was my best friend and boyfriend, we did EVERYTHING together and went everywhere together. So naturally I'm reminded of him everywhere I go. But one thing that has helped is my family. I have been spending a lot of time wit...
Hello - My Story
Hi Everyone I'm new on here so I'll tell you my story....................... Strangely I thought this situation was rare, how wrong can you be. I kept it secret for some time, not knowing how to discuss it with friends, it's so vile you just don't know where to start. Then the cracks appear and you have t...
Happy Birthday Kimmy :)
((Kimmy))) Have a great birthday , Happy Happy Birthday !! May all your dreams come true..in Extra Large :) -- Edited by DreamXL on Thursday 25th of November 2010 09:15:58 AM
My vision is getting
so much more clearer and I'm not talking about my eyesight alone. The surgery worked, is doing what I was told it would do and I had no idea that my spiritual vision had gotten so cloudy also. I am grateful that my eyesight was repairable and that in short weeks, if I follow directions and not mess with t...
Jerry F
I'm so excited I could just burst
My day has been trying with my A again this morning but I am handling it okay. He feels he is not the same as other A's and does not have the same behaviors or thinking patterns. I did not argue it with him or try to share my views about it at all. I l just left him on his pedestle and will be here when he falls of...
My AW sure has been acting like she has been drinking and I have to admit that I slipped and went on the hunt and found a half empty bottle of vodka under the mattress. I wrote my wife a note asking her to get help and she said it was old, "where did I find that?" My love wants to believe her, my common...
On a good day it can make me laugh...
So this morning, my AH (who insists he is NO LONGER an alcoholic) wakes up feeling poorly. He exclaims..."All I had last night were two drinks...and I can't believe how awful I feel. I can't believe how much I used to be able to drink" (when he was on anti-depressants and benzos and therefore...
Profoundly Thankful...
and grateful beyond imagination. Yes the surgery is over and the "Pirate patch" or "Fly eye" device will be surrendered to the surgeon tomorrow, Thanksgiving day. I mentioned earlier that I would not have wanted the surgery date changed when I was told the 24th and 25th beca...
Jerry F
help please
Just found out my husband has been using pot for the past two years I didn't have a clue. I have never seen him take a sip of alcohol or seen him under the influence of any other substance. He was sober for 10 years. When we met he was sober for 1 year. My emotions are really mixed. He's back in AA. It's only day 3...
Last day of week long stay at my in-laws. Feeling VERY anxious
Hi all, my wife & kids & I have been at her parents home for Thanksgiving for the week. We are going home tomorrow. Overall, the visit has been good. My wife has done well and has gone to 3 AA meetings up here (we are over 400 miles from home). But I'm at my wits end and feeling really really anxious at...
My gratitude to you all
I wanted to take a moment right now to share with this board my gratitude to each of you here sharing your ESH. The more I read the more I grow. Thank you to each of you for sharing things I might not always want to hear or recognize, for letting me know I am not alone and for being gentle with me. Today is a go...
My A has been reading my posts
Well so much for him working his own program. He has just shared with me how manipulative I am being on this site. He says I am twisting things around so I will have everyone stroking me and so I will hear the responses that I want. I am so disgusted. I am so angry with him and I am at the point of kicking him o...
Feeling abandoned
Hi, I just needed to share how I feel at the moment. My husband went down to our neighbours for a few drinks. I hoped that he wouldn't, but he did. Now I feel abandoned. I didn't rowse. I just told him he should've left our son at home, that was it. They are both in bed now sleeping while I'm still feelin...
Tracey C
Happiness: one minute, one hour, one day at a time.
I'm relearning an old alanon maxiom (sp?). The "one day at a time" idea (which old hands at this have told me can be reduced to one minute at a time if a day is too long!). I'm applying it to happiness. If you've read my posts you know that this is a big issue for me. That I'm unhappy generally wi...
Hard day
Thank you to everyone who reads and replies to my posts. Your encouragement helps more than you can imagine. I still haven't talked to my ex A. Today was especially hard because it would have been our one year anniversary of when we first started dating. I erased his number from my phone so I wouldn't con...
Relationships and recovery
Just need a little help with this one. I understand that when someone is going through recovery they shouldn't be 'working' on any relationships etc...but how does that work when you've been married for a long time, or if they live with you? How do you step back from a relationship so that they can wor...
Tough Road
My wife has been attempting to get sober via AA for a couple of months now and I have been suspecting her of drinking for a few weeks. Per my counselor and this program I decided to not keep nagging with the "Have you been drinking?" As pointed out, they always say no anyway. Funny, the topic a...
AA Sister is Going into Rehab Today - T-Day Surprise
Just found out my AA sister is being forced to go into rehab. Trying to find out more, just posting for T-Day support. Also beginning to see (thanks to Getting Them Sober) how huge and far-reaching the personal aspects of living in an A family are for all of us in my family group, and how these traits wil...
Peace and Love what it means to me today
I saw a little bird on my back patio this morning and these thoughts came to mind. That wonderful "in love" feeling that makes humans feel like they are walking on clouds can only truely be achieved by the relationship I have with my higher power and the knowledge that he values me personal...
Finally they are here.
I have been waiting on pins and needles for my new materials to come in. After the few emotional blows that this week has brought I found myself in a place I have never been in. It was quite scary and I was not too happy about it. My home group wasn't until last night so I have been reading off here lots, lis...
im new here, need support
new here, married to an alcoholic, daughter of an alcoholic
Step One - the weather analogy
I was really really struggling with letting go of my illusion of "control" over my A, and her drinking.... I was a "fixer" at work, and many of us (perhaps men even moreso) are "fixers" in everyday life, and are often rewarded as such.... So after a couple of years of...
Finances. Man this is getting hard now.
Three posts in a few days now. Now the smoking issue comes up again. I recently took back the finances. All the credit is in my name as are the bills. He doesn't have a bank account and deposits his work cheques into mine so he does not have a week hold. I can deposit and withdraw lots at a time. I made...
This is just too much now.
Well I have been living and breathing my al-anon program consistently. It is the only thing keeping me sane living with the A in my life. I have seen the signs of relapse as they are happening for about six months now. In the last eight years or so he has always had a preoccupation with other women. He...
I can't quit crying.
The sober A in my life started his new job yesterday. I have another post up about it. His sponsor told him it turns out that as long as he is not doing anything to arouse suspicion or jealousy with his behavior all is well. When he has regained his need to stare at other women he starts his new job back in...
Happy or Sad, Happy Thanksgiving, board
Praying for myself and anyone else on here who is not having Thanksgiving with their family or who has no one to be with on Thanksgiving. Sending you virtual goodies and blessings. Carol
Happy Thanksgiving!
"Gratitude is the sign of noble souls." ~ Aesop ((((Family)))), Wanted to wish all of you & your families a very Happy Thanksgiving. I am beyond grateful for everyone of you and this amazing recovery program. Today I am keeping it simple. This was my holiday with my beloved Tim and I m...
Reaching out...reaching in
Happy Thanksgiving MIP Family go create some stuff to be grateful for and of course do some Turkey and fixings and all of that. LOL I am on a diet and I will break it on Thanksgiving. I will be with family...my sons and daughter and grand sons and grand daughters and one great grand daughter who I'll be a...
Jerry F
How to Detach
I am new to the forum but have been attending al-anon since late June. My AH joined AA in June and has been working his program. I have been working through al-anon and was just beginning to think that things were getting different before they get better. My AH told me there weeks ago he was quiting AA. An...
Tending to My Side of the Street
Several folks here have described using this tool...tending to one's own side of the street. I am finding this to be extremely helpful, and it's something I've been actually visualizing today as I work to get past some neuroses. I plan to use it, and many other tools you all have taught me, as I enjoy thi...
Hey everyone. I haven't posted in a while. I stopped talking to my a ex about a week ago. I broke up with him a while ago but we were still talking. His using was getting out of control so I stopped talking to him altogether. It's probably the most painful thing I've ever had to do. I'm dealing with it pretty w...
Jellyhead for Sarah
Not a good one of Brimley but he looks like her but white. These guys keep me sane with their insanity. Since A left I have only lived with my animals. My dogs are a HUGE part of my world. To be honest sare, I have lost two men I loved very much, one to death and one to insanity from a brain surgery/med relapse' M...
Is this REALLY an AA thing?
Once my AH said that AA tells its members to "accidentally" leave things around for the non-drinkers to read. For months I have come home to find the internet open to a certain page, a print out on the table, a book lying on the bed, etc. It drives me crazy. Tonight I was looking at our email and t...
Introducing Myself
Hello, I am new to this message board. I joined quite a while ago and chatted with some extremely helpful and supportive members but I let myself get swept up in my husband's lies. Whether they were intentional lies or not, I believed him when he said he could get better on his own. I'd tell you what happe...
Need some ESH regarding
Hi all; with the holidays coming, I'm looking for some ESH on affirmations and serenity statements you say to yourselves when things get tough. I find myself generally looking foward to the weekend, and I feel good about how I have been detaching and refusing to enter into meaningless conflict. I'...
Please help me... how do you QTIP?????
Just looking for some ES&H on this subject... how did you/do you q-tip? I tend to do that so much of the time.... I am trying to find out what you do to not take things personally. As a codependent person like myself, with a history of childhood sexual abuse and witnessing other abuse that happene...
Embarrassing situations
I have been wanting to ask this question in my chat room but got disconnected. I am really having connection problems, maybe because I am far away and using a proxy server. Anyway, I am new to this program and want to know how you cope with situations that your AH creates that are embarrassing. For exa...
Home for the Holidays?
My husband and I have been married for 11 years (and together for 19). Just over two years we split up for a year after he hit rock bottom and ended up in rehab for alcoholism. His mother, brother, and sister all blamed me for this. Which I KNOW is untrue. So we are back together and doing really well for all t...
New to website
Hi, Just signed into the website, I am really hoping I'll find some direction here. I don't where to begin to get some help in handling my AH. I just seem to fight about his drinking with him everynight and it is getting worse. I don't want our marriage to end but I think that is our future. Hopefully I...
Got some new books to help me get back in touch with me. Work in progress.
I have several new books and have comitted to a regular exercise program. That's some me progress and it feels good. My new books are Of Course You're Angry by Rosellini/Worden and Emotional Sobriety and Trauma & Addiction by Tian Dayton. Started reading Trauma & Addiction. Just as ou...
Listen and Learn
I was at a meeting not long ago where the topic was Listen and Learn. Although it's one of our slogans on the wall, I guess I'd kinda just read over it and focused on the more widely repeated "Let go and let God" and "One day at a time." Listen and learn is a great slogan, and it was a gr...
White Rabbit
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone
I know this can be a tuff time of year for many of us. Myself included... But I will be strong and know that my Higher Power is handling what needs to be handled. I really don`t know how to elaborate on my HP but I know I must believe that there is something out there bigger than me that controls things in this...
I spoke up
I spoke up today in the kitchen at a church function. Usually when they start their gossip, I just listen and get mad, sometimes I join in with it. I also meant what I said without saying it mean. My first reaction in my head to their gossip was to scream at them and say how wrong they were. Instead I said tha...
I would like to help out here sometimes at meetings. But I don't meet all the criteria.
Hi, Carol, here, alanon member. I have been coming to online alanon for a little over a year now and would like to lead meetings, however I understand there are criteria for me to meet first. I think I heard about having to do face to face for six months? I've done that. Been online for six months, but not...
Feeling responsible for others... !
I was really floored last night by my feelings. It's really silly, for the most part, because I experienced these feelings just from watching a reality TV show! I've been watching "Ice Road Truckers - Deadliest Roads" (I find it fascinating... they're driving these scary dangerous road...
Hw assignment....
Made my first online meeting yesterday and stayed to chat and was accosted and given a hw assignment (kidding about being accosted....I never got so much attention in my life!) Anyway I was asked to write a list of ten things I am powerless over and those that I have power over. It was suggested that I th...
Now I know what it feels like
I have learned in alanon that I am not supposed to keep track of how much AH drinks. I have found this to be a hard thing not to do for some reason. I kind of got a taste of my own medicine so to speak last night. Both AH and I smoke cigarettes, however, AH has decided to cut down a lot so he can eventually quit...