Self esteem
Hello (((all))) Does anyone have any tips on raising self esteem? This evening i found myself in floods of tears, sobbing, because I was caught off guard by something my partner said. I think it reminded me of something my A dad would say in the past, because it really hit a nerve and I started hitting mys...
A 9th step progress...
Aloha All...most of you know the 9th step the wording and intent. I've had a long 3 decade relationship with it and with asking for the guidance from my HP on one especially. It is 38 years old and happened during the drinking years...my alcoholic girl friend's and mine. It happened in a foreign cou...
Jerry F
Been out of loop, update
Hi everyone, I've been out of the loop and this is just an update for the curious. Didn't want to worry anyone so here I am! Basically I've been getting my life back together, which is improving but feels like a sloooooow crawl. My main obstacle has been depression, styled in the, " I'm 41, child...
rara avis
Living just one day at a time
I have been offline for a few days. I downgraded my phone plan so all I have is texting and calling to save $$. I also do not have internet at home. I was too obsessed with the internet and trying to find out any new info on my husbands "friend" on FB. I am just living one hour at a time and doing for...
Why is it easier to feel Anger vs. Compassion for the Disease
Why is it easier for me to set boundries, move on and take care of myself when I feel anger towards the A. When I feel compassion and try to detach nicely, I feel hurt and weak for myself and the A. When I'm angry, I go into self protection mode and know how to get motivated to take care of myself and not be tak...
Hi I have been on this board now for one year. Different log names and such. wow... I remember sitting here typing away with tears rolling down my face. The door to my office shut. Wanting to die and/or crawl into the corner and forget I even existed. I didn't know if I wanted to stay married.. divorce....
New here but not new to the mess...
I just found this board today. I've been Interneting searching for weeks looking for help to pull myself together. Really don't know how I missed this! I'm a mess. I've been drinking hard. Although I've been in and out of a bottle since I was 14, I have never before drank before work but I've went to work t...
Loved one dying from drinking
Alcoholism and the Insanity of the Disease I am 51 years old and have been sober since 1984. My brother is also an alcoholic and dying from this disease. He was diagnosed with liver failure and damage that almost killed him 9 years ago. He quit drinking, but left treatment and dropped AA after a few month...
Constant Nightmares
Every time I fall asleep I have a nightmare. I fell asleep about an hour ago and dreamed that my exAF slit my throat.(He has never been physically violent) The other day I dreamed that there were wild animals in my house as pets and they went crazy and started attacking me. There are more, but you get the p...
Today's irrational thought...
I dont know where this is coming from for sure, so I am taking it here. Its been almost two months of no contact with my exA. Even longer since we had a "normal happy" for us conversation. Right now, right in this moment I miss him. I just want to text him and be like "Hi baby!". Like we u...
First group meeting tonight
I have my first Al Anon meeting tonight. Very apprehensive about it all. I was able to talk to my wife for the first time in two days. Not talking to her and being worried about her condition in rehab put me on edge. I jumped all over my kids and myself. Nothing was right and it was either their fault or mine. I...
How do I clarify what enabling is
I am learning slowly but surely how not to enable my ah. He moved into the garage about 6 weeks ago suppopsedly to have the time and space to work on himself. Working on himself has consisted of getting drunk every night with his husband and wife drinking buddies down the street and stumbling into the g...
Humiliated by Alcohol again
Started seeing ex 3 months ago on weekends, we live six hours apart. He wanted us to get back together immediately. I stalled on this, as I didn't want to move back there where I have no family/friends and he is drinking. He was going to attend counseling and we were working on moving back here in a few mont...
Better..engagement off.
Today is a better day for me. Last night was tough. I actually told family and friends that I am no longer engaged and no longer in a relationship. I even changed my Facebook status! LOL. The outpouring of love and support from all of my friends, family, and co-workers is such a blessing. I can't even beli...
Hmm, considering giving up our trip to Costa Rica
My AH is in sales and qualifies for a work related trip every year. They have them in October and this years trip is to Costa Rica. I would love to go to Costa Rica but I really don't feel ready to go on a 5 day trip with him right now. I'd be expected to go to dinners with the president of the company, have to s...
I NEED to find a meeting!!!
I'm new and lost. I was all set to go to my first meeting Tuesday night and start my own recovery while my wife attends rehab. I just found out I will be out of state for the next two weeks. I have searched and I cannot locate a meeting in Ontario Oregon. Does anyone here know of a meeting that I could attend in t...
unhappy but coping
So tonight my spouse is going out with the couple who ignited her last drinking period, which is lasting into its 7th yr. I refuse to go out with these people even though it is not their fault. I've been unhappy all day but at least I wasn't lied to. I also see progress in myself because i'm not panicked,...
Need to control in full bloom
Situation: hubby had major heart surgery last month and is scheduled for another heart procedure in less than a wk. He's having some serious angina symptoms and the dr has told him to stay calm, quiet & get lots of rest prior to this upcoming procedure. Ex daughter in law has been in a major meth me...
Path to Serenity
My husband is the 'addict' and I'm a little angry, I think
Reply Quote Edit Post Not sure how to start here. If it's not one type of something it's another that he pulls out for a while. Then it seems to go into regression and then 'bam' he's slurry and ack again. I have to admit that he sure hid this from me. Really well. We'll be married 2yrs next month.. a...
Spanish Poppy
My daughter is amazing! And I had 2 dates!
Still learning, moving forward
Step 4 was delivered to me at the right moment, my HP has been working overtime the past 5 days. There is nothing like reality to tell you exactly where you are. Im glad for the boundaries I had but they just didnt quite fit the need. I was able to get to recognize that my weak boundary was responsible for m...
The chatroom and I need to break up
I came to admit that I was powerless over the chatroom. I now need a power greater than myself to restore me to sanity. It's stuck on an endless Java load loop. We weren't meant to be...
Some good ideas about dating/new relationships
I wish I had had this in front of me at a couple of odd junctures in my life. A lot of this is just basic common sense. And that's something that I was often lacking in after a disastrous relationship. Anybody who treated me halfway decently seemed like an answer to prayers. http://www.huffington...
Resentment....... and keeping my side of the street clean
I have such a problem with resentments toward people that "get away" with actions that I think are so self seeking. I cannot find a way to "let it go" I have been praying to HP to help me to release these resentments and take care of and focus on my own life but I keep slipping back. It...
getting lost
Here is my pattern: I am involved with Al Anon for awhile, I feel much better, slowly I don't feel the need to check in daily or even weekly, think I'm doing fine, and then WHAM-I have a load of anger that is HUGE. So right now I have this sky-scraper of anger and I knew I had to get back here. It's been many m...
call out of detox? left with frustration....
my ABF is in detox this week, we were supposed not to talk to eachother, and I have hands full of work to do with myself nowadays, trying to focus on myself, but it's hard, because I miss him of course. I guess he feels the same. Today he called, and I guess i should have been smarter and not pick up, it's not th...
Counseling for yourself?
I am interested to hear your experience with counseling/therapy for yourself. Specifically those who wanted to go to counseling with their signifanct other, but they refused. Or thought their s/o (A or not an A) is the one who TRULY needed couseling, but refused to go so you went yourself. Did counse...
Drunk driving
Curious if anyone has turned in their A for drunk driving? Mine has been cuaght twice and got away with a huge wreck cuz dad covered for him. He continues to drive black out drunk weekly. I feel an obligation if I know he's drinking in driving to call the police, but sadly I am afraid this will create extrem...
What is a Spiritual Life
I don't know why I have a hard time with this concept, but can someone explain what being spiritual means to them?
From alcoholic family to addict fiance. I think I just hit bottom.
I have been surrounded by alcoholism and addiction my entire life. My father was an alcoholic and my mother an addict. I'm engaged to a recovering addict. I didn't know her when she was using. I believed I had made a great decision being with someone who decided not to tolerate addiction in their l...
Quick tips, please
I am trying to just go about my business. It's not working. He paws at me and I ask him to stop. Then he yells at me and says, "Well, that's not very attractive." Then just now he had a fit because I wouldn't help him find his wallet. Then he found it and is going to the store for more booze. I feel lik...
Getting ready to go do some contract work...head out the door to "out there". Had breakfast with my wife who gratefully left the ODAAT Al-Anon reader next to my breakfast place. She's a winner and so is that daily reader. If you don't have one get one and use it. After the page of the day I...
Jerry F
Encouragement text?
I separated from my A, he's at his parents with a lot of drama since he left. Today he made a first step. Spoke with counselor at local addiction center, getting a sponsor, etc. I told him and this time I mean it, no contact until he gets pro help and begins to work on him. I would like to think part of his actio...
I Put My Hand In Yours
I put my hand in yours, and together we can do what we could never do alone. No longer is there a sense of hopelessness, no longer must we each depend upon our own unsteady willpower. We are all together now, reaching out our hands for power and strength greater than ours, and as we join hands, we find love a...
Face-to-face meeting question
I've been attending f2f meetings for almost 6 months now. I volunteered to co chair a beginners meeting tonight if there are any newcomers.
I understand they share their story with the newcomers, but is there anythig else they must do?
Thanks :)
Walking on Egg Shells
Hello, It's been a little while since I have made a post. Been working and busy with my 2 year old. My alcoholic boyfriend has made more of an effort to be sober lately. It went from coming home everyday to a drunk to more days he's sober. He was sick with the stomach flu but now he's been better so maybe that h...
when should a wife call the AH's sponsor?
When you know he isn't coming home all night and know where the room he rented is.
My AM got kicked out of rehab today :(
I posted here once a few years ago and have been a lurker off and on ever since. Just needed a place to vent today... My AM has been drinking heavy for the past 10 years or so. In and out of rehab, jail, detox, etc. She's lost everything...a marriage, an engagement, houses, savings, jobs, relationships wi...
Newbie...went to 1st meeting and have some questions
I went to my first meeting last week and while I found the structure of the meeting comforting, I was also a little confused. Mainly, I was surprised there is not interaction with a person's "share". I expected discussion, questions, suggestions, or even encouragement after someone s...
Detach or Tolerate?
That's the big question in my life right now. Do I stick around my sick family members or leave for a while? I've been in recovery for years and it took me a lot of hard work to accept, then work through the pain of, the truth. Some folks know the truth off the bat but in my case it was very well-hidden and they k...
Off the wall question .. LOL ..
Out of sheer curiosity .. does vodka freeze??? thanks P :)
How about an update on my son
I'm switching games here today :) I also have a son with mental illness. It's either bipolar or schizophrenia, but typically the final diagnosis truly waits. But he can't function without a lot of heavy duty mood stabilizers and impulse meds. Heartbreaking really. He was sent to live with his gre...
loving Dr.Jekyill, hating Mr Hyde!
Hello, this is my first try asking for help with Al-Anon, after so long time. I grew up in a family with always alcohol around. My father can't stop drinking, even if he's still one of the 'soft drinkers' I guess, still it's always there, always excuses. My mother always caring, spending a lot of energ...
being a sonsor
I've recently found our that my sponsee has asked someone to be her cosponsor. This person goes to a handleful of meetings a year and lives out of state 5-6 months out of the year. I work my program very differently than she does and I feel that meeting attendence is very important. My sponsee has also...
A rollercoaster
Its amazing to me that when ive not been to a alanon family mtg in awhile how quickly I fall apart. The weekend was a rollercoaster. Alc husb spent much of juky fourth week drinking and socializing on the lake. I tolerate it for awhile and for the most part its all harmless but then again....its not. Sadly...
Two years and little to NO change. Now what?
I am tired..frustrated...near the end of my patience. All I hear from my AH is that he is alone and blames friends and family for abandoning him while he is "sick" (we have been separated for a year, he's been trying to be sober for 2). I have heard it over and over for two years. When I ask, wha...
First time here...
Feeling so very sad....need some advice
wow went to a step meeting today and then to a fellowship meetig was out most of the day. on way home my exabf family rang they had locked him out and he was kicking the door in, he had messaged and rang me but I was in my meetings. they rang the police and he has been arrested. His mum is 70 and his neice is 21 w...
What do you do when..
they refuse to abide by your boundaries? I have repeatedly asked AH to not come near the kids or me when he has been drinking. We have a finished basement with an extra bed, tv, half bath, etc. He will not go down there. Will not leave the house either. Today I discovered he had been drinking while he w...
Grateful for Today
5 days after he put the loaded gun to his head I'm feeling the calm come back into my home. He's been gone at his parents since July 4th with all the chaotic drama. His parents were manipulated after the gun incident the very next day that he doesn't have a problem. When I woke up this morning I recieved the t...
what is superman syndrom???
so I was talking with a friend of mine and kindof going through the last week my wife going to rehab and staying with her for 12 years. he told me I suffered from "superman syndrom" and that i'm screwed. I wasn't happy with his assumption so I din't inquire further. So I thought I would go to a pla...
what should I do/expect
everything bottomed out four days ago. I told my wife we were done. she fell apart and checked into a hotel where she drank her self drunk everymorning for three days. I still couldn't pull myself away from her. So I went to her everyday to try and take care of her. I didn't want to have to tell our four kids t...
Smashed my thumb, ouch!
What do you think God (HP) was trying to tell me? My AF left yesterday to ride his bike to the store for more booze. I fell back into my control freak mode and ran out to the garage. I was going to change the code on the garage door so he couldn't get back in. I grabbed the ladder and opened it. But, when I opened i...
Things are coming to an head here!
We have never been able to communicate, our behaviours have been immature and distructive, we have tried to resolve issues between ourselves, I realised I needed outside help to do that, it's very hard trusting people with your personal problems especially when you have to take them outside of the h...
up all night
Wow, another sleepless night. Oh, if only I could get back all those wasted hours of no sleep from this terrible disease. It is 3:22 in the morning and I just figured out that my hp works in mysterious ways. Tonight my AH got drunk and high after taking a handful of xanax. I cannot believe he is still ali...
Getting into Chatroom (Problem Solving)
Hi everyone, the reason many are not able to get into the chat room for meetings is limited to 2 reasons for the most part. #1. Need to update/download Java software from http://java.com/en/download/index.jsp so you computer is running the most current version. #2. When the chatroom is loadin...
He is here
He freaking just showed up. He is obnoxious and asking me what is for lunch, then turned on the stereo I have to get through this day without reacting. My daughter has my car, otherwise I would leave. I don't get this disease. It's really bizarre and seems to enjoy taking others along for the ride.
I have to let her go
I am so sad. I know now that I can no longer stay married to my AW. I had been keeping it in the back of my mind for some time, not wanting to make a rash decision. I have been trying my best to make myself better but I cannot do it with her in my day to day life .I have been trying to make our marriage better but she on...
Country Boy
It's time...
It's been a quite the week. My job has been insane. I am thankful to have today and tomorrow off of work. It's baby-birthing season. Ugh. It's time for me to get out of this relationship. I had my breaking point last night. I have been working and praying, and he had been detoxing. He picked up a couple odd j...
Hi, My name is Red and I'm the son of an alcoholic (long)
I'm not sure if I belong here, I grew up in AA and Al-Anon Meetings and coming here just seemed natural. Anyways, I grew up with an alcoholic father for most of my life, he was sober for about ten years, and relapsed about 6 years ago when I was eighteen. He has been struggling ever since but he is sober agai...
Red Five