after the anger and resentment have gone.
Its now been 3 months since i made the desciscion to seperate from my AW, at the time i had left i was full of resentment and anger, this contunued due to her behaviour for the following months afterwards, she decided to start selling all our belongings in the house for 10 pounds an item including a table a...
Holidays and Drinking and Drugging?
I don't mean to sound naive, but from an Alanon/AA perspective seriously why do you think the Holidays cause people to drink and drug more and have relapses and just overall more insanity? Oldergal
courage needed
My 19 yr old is drunk tonight. I've told him he's not staying here. He says he has nowhere to stay and needs to come here. My stomach is in knots. I'm scared to let him in as he can be abusive towards me and my 15yr old and I'm scared to not let him in in case he freezes or disturbs the neighbours who are elderly. F...
tomorrow mornings chatroom meeting
I won't be able to chair tomorrow mornings meeting due to holidays, I will be back for all the wednesday's after that
Where to start......My son who is dying from alcholism is breaking my heart and soul. As I am trying to get these words down tears are streaming. My son has a 8 year old son who brings light and happiness when he visits to me and my husband. He deserves a happy, wholesome and sober father. My grandson is...
new year, new way
So this morning, my AH who has been going to AA faithfully for the past 4 weeks said his New Year resolution is not to hate anymore. We have one family member in particular that takes alot of strength to like and even understand. He is always spewing hate towards this person and won't stop. I was so happ...
13 is my lucky number and this year just happens to be 2013!
I am truly excited about this year for the first time in a long time. I feel new and fresh about my life and where it is headed. I am in nursing school and will graduate in 2014 and I feel like I am finally living up to my potential and not afraid to test myself. I feel like I have scraped off enough layers of my s...
Hard reading
I finally got "co dependent no more " yesterday & just reading the preface turned me into a puddle. I'm am guilty of it all! Such a hard read for me but I'm going to continue reading.
Reflections on 2012
I'm ready to let 2012 go. This is the year that I decided to end my 30 year marriage to my AH. This has been one of the most difficult decisions that I have ever had make in my life and I am trusting in my HP to show me the way. Here is one of my favorite sayings that I ran across this year: "In order to get to th...
Green Eyes
new year
Its been awhile since I last posted. My AH is still the same. Even tho he is sober he still makes irrational decisions and lies all the time. I have picked up a 2nd job for the holidays and I am saving up my money. I want to trust my AH but I just cant seem too. He left for a few hours and when he came back He said he h...
A new hope
Happy New year to everyone celebrating. It's my hope that God blesses each and everyone including the active alcoholic/addict in your life with newfound peace and serenity. I have a feeling it's going to be a whole new life for me, just coming into alanon and accepting the new prospect of a spiritual l...
Funny end to my day
Silly funny thing happened to me today. After taking a walk outside on my last break, I returned to the office and when opening a door, received a very large shock. I dread touching anything metal in the winter because I constantly get shocked. Guess I just have an electrifying personality! Anyh...
new year's resolution
I have decided that my resolution for the new year will be to practice detachment on a daily basis. This is extremely hard for me. If anyone has any advice or tips, I would love to hear them. Thanks for being there for me all this time and Happy New Year to all!
what the new year brings for me!
On Friday I will have 27 years in the program. I am so grateful for all this time. I am happy to have all the friends I have met in this beautiful program. I have also been blessed w/ you all on MIP. I wouldn't have had such a successful mostly uneventful years w/o you. I am grateful for uneventful years becau...
Hoot Nanny
Relapse do I go to the rescue
My partner is away from home and is staying with relatives for a family wedding. Before she went she had started to drink again. She is In AA and was off it for a year following rehab, takes the oils and has an implant. These are obviously not working. She has been asked to leave one relatives house bec...
'This year is a book with clean blank pages'
I want to fill my blank pages with awareness of myself and my flaws. I want to take more care of my health and well being. I want to be less judgemental and resentful. I want to be kinder and calmer.
Not too much to ask for!
I cannot stop feeling the urge to confront my AH's mother about giving him percocets and methodone. I am so angry!!!! I know it will do no good to confront her, but this urge is not going away. I want to tell her that she is no longer welcome in my house and that she will no longer try to have a relationship...
Saying goodbye to 2012 with a relapse
Well, things were going too well, I guess. My AH had nearly 4 months of sobriety (not much, I know but big for him ) and then relapsed twice over the holidays. What makes the all the more dramatic is tonight was the most recent while we're out if town for a friends wedding on New Years Eve. We flew separately...
New Year is looking bright
There is work going on with my exH i'm not involved in. Between his new therapist (well old but hasn't seen him in years) and the aunt who called him out on the abuse and took away his last standing ability to lie about me in court and lie about his abuse of the kids - I hear through the aunt that he's quit his v...
Hi I'm new here.
Hi, I'm new here but not new to Alanon have been going to meetings for 27 months now. It was 2 years in September, for some reason I have to be specific and say 27 months those extra 3 months from the 2 years need to be mentioned. I know there is a reading about been specific in the Courage to Change book. It is a...
daisy chain
My F2F meetings turned out to be not so anonymouse...
sooo... I live in a small town with a very large extended family. Many of them I don't even know. never got to know. and really don't have the desire to get to know. We are speaking of my biological father's side of the family. Since I started Al-Anon on-line, I have attempted to go to face to face meetings....
what can I do to keep the peace?...and Happy New Year to all Family!
I draw my finishing line on Christmas in my realtionship with the ABF. Now I am hoem in my hometown for the holidays, far away. and I feel I am breathing again. But he sends me texts and emails, an even if he agreed to break up after the huge fight, he now seems to be back in denial again, and he also thinks he h...
The crossroads - advice needed
This is my first time posting, although I've been reading the forum daily for a few weeks. I am married to my AddictH and started going to Al-Anon a few weeks ago when he relapsed after a week of being clean. During that withdrawl he begged for help (this was only his second major withdrawl since he began u...
Woke up feeling tired
Last night I had a hard time going to sleep because my AH. Wanted me only. Kids come to the locked bedroom door because now that he is 45 days sober he started new routines that make me feel trapped again. The kids don't bother me now because dad says leave her alone your stressing her out and shut and locks d...
broken apart
Finding serenity in the new year
I am determined to continue working my program in 2013. I have learned so much from Al Anon and from these boards and from the wonderful supportive people here on MIP. I came home from being away 4 days and found chaos in the house. Broken framed print from Italy that I cherished and got custom framed....
alanon perspective
I am just wondering what the alanon steps would suggest I do when I found a bottle of percocet and methadone. Of course, I called him out on it and started a big family fight.Of course he insisted that he is not addicted and of course he asked me to be in charge of them and to hand them out to him when needed to...
Pregnant and a husband with an alcohol problem
I'm new and I'm here bc I'm desperate for support and advice. I just don't know what to do. My husband loves to drink -always has. It's led to frequent fights between us as Ive realized how he just can't/won't stop. He says he loves it, knows it's a problem but never wants to be one of those people who don't...
Me vs Relapse
I've been away from this board for about a year and a half. I've saved up a whole pile of ESH, thinking I'd come back here one experience at a time, but a recent experience changes that. I first came 6 years ago as my exAH's alcoholism came to light, and he was having an affair. He entered a strict 5 yr program...
My son and me
Good Morning everyone I called my son last night and we had a nice talk. He was sober so it was nice. We talked about him and AA and he has decided not to attend which I was disappointed about this but it's his decision. What I have have to do is change more. I don't need to avoid him anymore. I need to ex...
MOM is home & I think...
MOM is home & I think it is going to be better. She has been gone for about a month & just got home on Thurs. I am waiting for her to arrive at the library so we can get together after I get off of here. I really missed her this time & think I will have a new appreciation of her. It may not last but I am go...
Hoot Nanny
If it weren't for bad luck....
I'd have no luck at all. Blizzard here in New England...so this a.m. I spent 2 hours shoveling and clearing snow (it cost $50 to $75 a storm for a plow truck to come). My house is trashed with Christmas crap...wrapping paper, knick knacks... I have hundreds of papers to grade...as grades are due Sunday....
Step 6
Step 6 has been posted to the Step Work Board http://stepwork.activeboard.com/t52063114/step-6-alanon/ Feel free to join us and share your ESH
Alanon must be working
Because this morning, instead of trying to be there for my roommate when I needed to be there for myself today, I was there for myself. He was in a stinky mood again and I did not buy it. I simply said good morning and then went back to my computer and my work. I am sorry for his struggle, but I have to let him st...
How do I explain this to my 12 year old?
I texted (our only form of communication) the exAH that due to his continued alcohol and drug abuse issues and per the therapists recommendation that visitation would cease. He could take me in for contempt of court and we would go have a discussion with Donna (she's our mediator.) I spoke with the m...
Help!!! my recoverying alcoholic is on the verge of a relapse
Hi all I am new to this site. My husband has been an alcoholic for many many years. Last August he got really sick to the point where if he continued drinking he would die. He finally decided to get help and he has been sober for just a little over a year . With the Christmas holidays he had a relapse.... He is s...
This must be a new phase of the disease
After 22 years of drinking, raising kids and hubby having horrible relationship with my son. Which was a handful to say the least. My husband and I got together when my son was 4 months. My husband was on him hard, I was always in the middle. My son in high school stayed away from home as much as he could. Me...
Don't have a clear mind
I feel so dum stupid so confused about everything . Never had a chance to have my own independence . I went from a strong controlled catholic home. To a marrage with a AH. Years of controll and not able to speak unless asked for permission. Took years to say I want a divorce.. That was tough for me. I was divo...
broken apart
I will be okay no matter what!
I have learned and grown so much since finding al-anon 2 years ago. I have come out of the land of make believe to the land of reality and accept it as it is. I am making my life what I want it to be, I am not waiting for anyone else to make these changes. I am making the changes I can within myself and life just kee...
Being a double winner sure is tough...
Ive only just recently become a member of AlAnon, mostly due to my AA sponsor seeing some problems with me emotionally and having enough insight to see that it was AlAnon & ACOA issues coming up, and Im grateful for that. I had told him I felt guilty asserting myself on my daughter who Ive posted abou...
New Year coming :)
There is a new year coming and I felt hopeful in 2011 heading into 2012. I had just been to visit my mom, I was trying to improve my marriage and I felt like ok .. I have a plan coming into the new year. The reality of my new year? I was a year into Alanon and I started attending open AA meetings in Jan as well....
A special Christmas gift.
Hi everyone. I haven't been on for a couple of weeks. My husband went to a few meetings, and then, on December 16th, he went to a football party and drank himself into a stupor. Not only that, but he also drove. I told him the next morning that I was finished with it, and will not tolerate it any longer. ...
Research Opportunity
Hello,I am new to this community and conducting a research project on parent-child communication during difficult times. I would greatly appreciate anyone who is interested to complete the surveyat the link below. It should not take more than 20 minutes and is completely anonymous and confiden...
Just looking for someone to listen/read.
Hi Everyone, my name is slogan_jim and I havn't been out to a meeting in awhile with the holidays in full effect. There was a massive snowstorm in my area and my car is burried until tomorrow when I can dig it out Overall the holidays went well. Me and my sister got together with my dad and he lasted the entir...
- turns into a + which now=.
broken apart
If I want it different; I have to MAKE it different!
I was just thinking this after the holiday: If I want a change, I have to change the situation. I typically had problems dealing w/ my family again this year. I called them & found myself feeling terrible & very sad. I felt so left out as usual--I live about 900 miles away from them & will prob...
Hoot Nanny
HP timing is not always what we expect
I've shared that my exH (who was dry for 15 years of marraige and is now developing into a fully wet alcoholic) is very abusive to my 3 boys. Years of court fights ended up with CA going with "access to both parents" over the safety of my children. The abuse destroyed my middle son the most, he...
I don't want to do this....but I can
Going thru my first days alone since the seperation 6 weeks ago. Kids went to their fathers house yesterday and will not be back till Saturday. I had all these glorious plans to finish unpacking my bedroom and get it painted, now I am stalled and can't seem to find the motivation. Feeling a bit lonely...
My x ah has been drinking again and I have had very limited contact with him for about 6 mths. Anyway, we spent Xmas day together for the sake of the family. We had a good talk and he is going back to aa and is hoping to get sober again. I believe he really wants to but he often feels justified in drinking due to '...
Is it possible that HP has a plan for ME?
For most of the last 20+ years I have been a stay at home mom helping my STBExAH with his business and career. When I met him and quickly got pregnant all those years ago, I was a college student almost ready to graduate with my bachelors degree. However, after a six year marriage to my first exAH I believed...
What more can I do?
My husband has been an alcoholic ever since we met. He says, you met me like this, so whats the problem. My problem is we have two sons (of whick he adopted from my previous marriage) and a 4 yr old daughter. Currently he is going to AA and trying his best. I go to meetings when I can find the time...which...
Story of flood and Adversity when I feel Defeated....
When I think I've had enough and feel I'm sick and tired of this disease, and I don't want to do this anymore I think of this woman... The year 2000 in Mozambique when the Zambezi River flooded and killed 50,000 people 20,000 cattle, destroyed farmland worse flood in 50 years. But a woman survived during...
help, please! terrified for my alcoholic
Hi, I have three alcoholics in my life and just turned a year at alanon. Tonight called at 00:29 my youngest and extreemly beloved brother ( who had told me he had a drinking problem & had had a relapse and was desperate about it). He is in town for Christmas, I hadn't seen him drunk as he lives in anothe...
Mele Kalikimaka ...
In english that is Merry Christmas and that is how we say it in Hawaii. My heart is full sending this wish along with prayers for you all because of what this Ohana (family) has mean't to me and my recovery. Al-Anon is the "greatest gift" I've been allowed to have and MIP is a big part of the fou...
Jerry F
Things are not going well after a year
I have dated my boyfriend for a year, during which time he finalized his divorce, moved into his own place and got a great job. It was also his first year of sobriety. During this entire year I have helped and supported him to deal with his illness, divorce, kids, even letting him stay here for along per...
our son
So now my dear son is behaving like his father and his father has no humility or understanding of how or why he got to be like this, so my husband gave my son money for drink to celibrate christmas and told him to have a good time adn not to let him down, but as we know a drinker cannot regulate his imput and once...
Christmas Heartbreak
My boyfriend is a recovering alcoholic (sober 2 years), and doesn't get along with my parents. He attended family Christmas with me and all went well- he tries really hard. We have two dogs and have been together for a year. We recently lost our jobs (going out of business) and have had some issu...
I got a garbage can for christmas!
My neighbor ordered a new garbage can from the store that I sometimes work at. Guess what they gave me for Christmas? They had noticed that the bottom was rotted out of my can and bought me a can, on wheels, with locking lid to keep the dogs out. Ok so I'm floored, blessed, happy, wow. Cheers!
Alanon Tools - "Conversation Enders"
I happen to deal with a lot of people who perfect manipulation to a science. They will try to get me not to trust myself. I always recognize it and sometimes I do well off-setting it, other times not so much. When someone is trying to manipulate you what are some good Conversation Enders you use?
what do you think
So my husband had his 5th relaspe in as many years. Spent almost 3 weeks drinking a gallon of rum a day, after the first couple days-I had him move out. So after 3 weeks he gets sick, sobers up and agrees he needs long term treatment as AA by itself hasn't worked-because he stops after a couple months. So he g...
tired of trying
I think i need help!
Hi i dont know what to do anymore or what im expecting from posting this really. Here's my story: Im with my husband 6 years married 1 1/2. We have 2 kids together and another 1 on the way. He's sober now 13mths and is attending AA. I attended a couple of Al-anon meetings at the beginning of this year but to b...