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Post Info TOPIC: Letting Go... Letting GOD... & Letting Granny!!!

~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 3972
Letting Go... Letting GOD... & Letting Granny!!!

I love your heart and your program. I am so much like you that everytime I read your shares I laugh out loud saying that is so me. I love that you are able to love your family even though some are A's and you are learning how to take care of yourself through it. I have learned lots from your shares and I am so happy you are here. Sending you much love and support!

-- Edited by Breakingfree on Friday 4th of January 2013 11:29:00 AM


Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree

Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666

" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."

"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."

~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 1558

Seems to be the Topic of the Week for me! And God Keeps Showing me My Part, and yet I Keep Repeating the Same DUMB Move as Before... SO... Its Time..

Last Night I was to take two Casserole Bowls that My AGram wanted, to her home and Visit a bit, and Possibly see My Uncle (Her SON!) Who was "Suppose" to visit! Lets add that He too is an A! "Shocker" Well I don't know if he made it or not, but when I Arrived.. As I Said I Would after work! I Get there & the House is Open, but No Gram, No Van, And Nothing but Silence! So I Placed the Bowls In on her Washer & Left Feeling like a Heal!

She Lives in a "Dry Town"... So She must Travel out of state to drink...And she Goes NO Where else!

She Sets Me Up & I Fall for it Everytime... I Need to Start Taking Responsibility for MY OWN ACTIONS! And the Funny thing is that on my Computer in my Office & Home I have a Quote that says: "I Refuse to Accept Responsibility of Others as My Own!" Apparently I haven't been Reading it as Ofter As I should! And Maybe if she lived Next door I Wouldn't be as Mad, but no.. She is 20minutes up the Road... Not that its that far, but with gas Cost, and all the other stuff I'm trying to juggle that acaully Could Use my Time & Attention, isn't gettin down because I'm Tryin to "Caretake" a Women that is MORE Indepentant & Stubburn them Me! "Another Shocker!"

So I have Desided that Before I Make the Next Move From Now ON! I'm Prayin on it & Stayin on It, and NOT Movin My Feet until I Know in my Heart it is the "Next Right thing!" I have had to take this Tack with a Few people in my Life this Last 2yrs and it has worked out WELL...

And even tho she is My Gram & I Love her, She is Still a Manipulating Alcoholic and I Need to Protect myself from Her Disease of Choice!

And it Just so Happened in One of My ACOA Readers today its says: "Many times in my Family, I Felt Trapped, isolated & unable to see a way out. I Did not know how to spring free from this emotions and behaviours of others" (Follow by) "But I Know now that I CANNOT be responsible for my Family! I Love my Family, But I must also live my own life, with self~respect & freedom!"

Funny How of My 15 Daily Readers, TODAY ... I Chose that one! Humm... HP Is Always in Control.. Guess I just better Get Use to Listening... It Truly is Painful for me tho to tell her NO... Because in my Eyes I see a Frail old Lady, In My Heart I See a Lady I Admired as a Young Child! but as An Adult, I See a Very Sick Lady... That I Adore, Even when she is Workin her Illness on Me!

Letting Go & Letting God ...Let Granny Seems to be the Only Smart Move I have currently... I Pray I Can...

Thanks for Listening! Thanks for Reading... & Thanks for Being Here!!!

Love & Prayers to All



Thee Only Journey I Control Is MY Own :)

Gratitude.... Is a God Honoring Attitude! :D

~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 5075

yawnHi Jozie, I have people in my life that have no consideration for me either. The fact that your Gram wasn't even there is so typical of an alcoholic, it's infuriating. I like how you use your programme. You recognise that she is looking after herself very well, she also has a HP. I think the most we 'normal' people can do is look after ourselves and our own interests first then if its convenient or suitable for us to help (not enable) then that's what we should do. My son is very good at this game too. He often sets me up for a fall but I'm on my guard and i refuse to enable. He is confused and a bit peed off about this but he is getting used to it and in time he will have more respect for me. I love this forum. Every day there are little nuggets that help me know I'm on the right path. Thanks Jozie.

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