Good Morning
I'm good with my decisions not bailing my son out and I'm think I'm doing good but just after posting this morning I'm feeling anxious about it. I feel some fear for my son and some "what ifs" are coming into play. Why does this happen? The feelings aren't bad but they are there. Now I want t...
going w/ the flow(if it is possible today)
So, another day is upon me. I am still in the waiting position. Nothing happens really on MY schedule. I am not complaining just stating a fact. I have had worse days for sure. Today is an example of going w/ the flow. I am doing what is in front of me. I am accepting the things I cannot change. I am hoping for t...
Hoot Nanny
Find myself talking about the weather.....
Well, my AH is out of rehab, has his phone back and is in a 1/2 way house. I started off asking how he was and it went bad. So now we talk about the weather and the little stray cat he befriended near his house. It is very weird to have to try so hard to stay out of his business after being so wrapped up in it for...
withdrawal day...um I forget!
Well got paid Wed. so did a couple errands, got meds. Then took myself to get Chinese food, sit, read, be warm and do paperwork. I asked for in the back quiet... THEN they sat this grama and grampa down with two girl grandkids behind me. I am jumbled, they were loud. Grampa kept talking about a squirrel in t...
Then whose fault is it?
I am just now dealing with my grown daughters first rehab stay after learning she was on prescription drugs bought off the streets. She is getting help and I am proud of her for that. But...she has been calling wanting to know if she could move back home for a couple weeks until the rehab finds her another...
Help me!!!!
A/bf. has been doing soo good trying so hard working hard found a great job he was soo happy,I thought we could build us an empire the way things were going,then out of. nowhere he started acting diff.lost interest in his job,I finaly had to get him out of my home,I wanted so bad for us to make it everything...
In Jail
I am sad today but grateful my son is not dead. I went online and found a booking number on the Yavapai Sheriff website. My son has been arrested. I called and he has 6 counts against him ( DUI ). In Arizona he will be doing a long of time in prison now. He has lost everything......and now his freedom....
J'adore al-anon et MIP!!!
Wow, I am soooooo glad I found alanon and MIP when I did. I'm seeing everything with different eyes and I'm so glad of that right now. Daughter, you see, has done some fairly fast maturing of late. It started with her telling me that she wants to learn French (they don't offer languages at her little prima...
Feeling depressed. It's all catching up to me. Hoping for encouragement
In the last 6 weeks I left my AH. He got fired from his job too. We might be losing our house. I was really happy when I first moved out. Now my moods are all over the place. I try not to constantly think about all these changes. But I find myself thinking about my marriage a lot. Thinking about how much alcoho...
Newlife girl
prayers needed...possible bad news!
There is a chance that my husband has COPD. The results of his first test were positive. No results yet on the 2nd one. Of course the first thing I thought was about me & having to let go of my husband which naturally I do. I am being kind of selfish only thinking of myself for a moment. I guess I feel like I...
Hoot Nanny
crisis…. Not really for him, It was for me.
I wish I could get a physical giant hug from everyone here. Lord knows I need 1. I have not posted on here in ages! I since have managed to disentangle myself from the throws of feeling helpless and yet controlling and accomplish some things emotionally with myself & this disease- And let go of ridin...
Needing e/s/h
Hi everyone, I need to "alanon it out" again....I am finding myself feeling a strong need to help a young friend out who is under DCF investigation and afraid she will loose her 4 month old daughter. Her Alcoholic/dysfunctional family is of no support to her. They have pretty much wiped t...
I think I might have to disown my family....
All of my life, I have had a mom who has never allowed me to express my feelings. She has always attacked me by saying "your too sensitive" or "you shouldn't feel that way" or even worse, my mother would deny every hurting my feelings by saying, "I never said that" or &qu...
And another thing!!
Just a little thought that I have been meaning to share here. Might sound silly. But there has been a particular actor that I have been obsessed with for over a decade and a half. So recently I re-watched the TV series he is famous for and that I have loved him in for all of these years...and as i watched it, I...
Thanks to Google... I'm here... New Member Intro...
I'm here. Thanks to google. ALl of the soul searching, researching and web-searching brought me to this site. On this day. I'm feeling sad, scared, awkward and angry if I'm completely honest, and let's face it, we could all probably use a whole lot of honesty in our lives. I'm married to an addict/alco...
Husband furious I told kids
I am desperate for help. I have no where to turn. Went on Google and found this page. If anything, it might help that I just write something down and hopefully someone will have words of wisdom. My husband is an alcoholic. For the first 20 years of our marriage I was in deep, deep denial but the kids kne...
Good Morning Everyone I got a call last night from my X and the my sons hearing is this morning. He and his wife are going to be there and so will I. I don't think our son even knows we know what happen to him because he has not tried to call us. We will go in support and pray for him. I'm looking at this as hope...
Got some answers....finally
I finally got some .... I phoned the family violence line and it is without a doubt abuse. They told me how to handle the situation. So thankful today. My mind is very clear.
I'm sitting here at work setting up computers and as I wait for the next thing to do....I'm at my PC looking at DUI Lawyers. WTH!!! Please tell me this is not good and he's going to have to deal with a public defender. I'm nuts!!!
What part of the program has to do with family?
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So I have been thinking. I have attended Al-anon for four years. In those four years pretty much every family I know has gotten divorced. I would say over 60% of the A's have had affairs in AA. The children are unhappy. So exactly what part of the program is to do with family values?
Traditions as a Guide to Healthy Relationships
TRADITIONS AS A GUIDE TO HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS It is said that the unity of Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon is the most cherished quality our fellowships have. Our lives, the lives of all to come depend squarely upon it. The practice of our 12 steps puts our lives in order, but not necessarily our rel...
Wisdom here or should I say
Co dependent . Been a bad week I told myself I would not enter the ring of fire with my A . I agreed to that when I changed my name to wisdom . I'm going to be very careful what I say on here . My honesty has got me in worst problem then I have before . That's all I'm going to say . I know I'm keeping to my side and workin...
Sponsor feedback
She is a master manipulator. Right now you aren't a match for her skill. She doesn't have the tools to get where you are today. This is feedback from my sponsor regarding my end-of-relationship woes due to continuing contact with my ex. It pains me to hear my sponsor say it, but I know it to be true. I r...
Alcohol actually SAVED my marriage...
Said my AH. I couldn't believe my ears!! Alcohol saved it for that last 10 years or so?? Huh?? this is his explanation:" Every time you yelled at me I would drink and hide out in our room". So I guess what he means is he hid from me instead of fighting. So bizarre. This is the disease talking in ful...
Newlife girl
I know my rights
I know my right now as a person who struggle with every day choices and demands that are placed on us when we have the right , our own right to chose what is good for us . Like every other person -no matter what age exsperience or situation , I am rare , unique worthwhile,human being I will make mistakes and wi...
Hi, my name is Jenny and my husband is an A. I realised this about 2 1/2 years ago and since then have done all the usual things!! (Searched the house for bottles, been through his pockets for receipts, taken away his bank card, taken him to his GP, to AA, to 1-2-1 counselling, to hypnotherapy, to group ab...
Mum to Belle
Feeling Sad/Ashamed to show people who I really am.
Hi Everyone, My name is slogan_Jim and I am a grateful member of al-anon. I had a great weekend this past weekend. I went on a road-trip with some friends and had a great time. However, it left me feeling sad. On the way home, a friend of mine popped in and hung around my apartment while he waited for his girl...
Whose emotions are these?
I love it when my A decides how I'm feeling. 'You seem pissed off.' 'Is something wrong?' 'I just don't get what's with you.' 'I'm just trying to help because I care!' I was just chilling out and making dinner. Projection much? Well, as AlAnon has taught me, not my problem, not something I can fix.
My AH is tired of being "blamed" for his "cancer"
I am moving out soon, and I see divorce not far away. I hate it because I love HIM, its the Disease that destroys me. We are just so not on the same page. He is frustrated because he is being blamed for his disease. Sure I can understand where he gets the feeling of me blaming him...That needs to be and proba...
I am in withdrawal going from calm, serene sitting still, to psychotic ugh
Ok there are times in the life of a person who is the only human in the house has its moments. No one to bring ya some water at night, help ya find your glasses, no one to say uh your deoderant is NOT working. for me right now, no one said, make sure you use your last week money you save for stuff,you save acouple...
I was sitting here thinking about halt. I'm not angry or lonely but I can and will do something about hungry and tired. I haven't eaten anything for about 24 hours now so I got up and made myself a small bowl of soup. I don't feel hungry but I know I will sick soon if I don't eat something.....so I'm taking...
Is he an Alcoholic? What do you think?
This is my first time visiting Al-Anon of any type. I have been married to my husband for four years and the whole time my Mom and Dad have told me that they believe he is an alcoholic and that I should check out Al-Anon. I don't want to be in any type of denial and I want to know for sure if he is an alcoholic so...
I just HAD to share this! So my AH has been gone for maybe 2 or 3 days...kept saying he was coming home...We both know I am moving out (tomorrow)...I have about giving up hope and I have been crying all day....so I had myself a beer. Now, I totally can't handle alcohol, I relax but I really can't do much else!...
Nisa ( my son's kitty ) was with me last night. She laid by my side for a while. She purred and loved my scratching her ears. She noticed my phone with the wind turbines turning in the screen background. She couldn't keep her eyes off it. Then she started to attack, hitting the screen and opening up pr...
Hi all. I've been posting on here for a while and have been contemplating posting this. Myself and a few other young women who have been survivors of abuse/addiction and more were featured on MTV about forgiveness.
I have to stay positive; Let go & let God!
Just saying that today it is very important that I stay positive. I am going through a stalemate right now. I hope that I have the courage to stay where I am. Only God knows what will happen next. Perseverance is the key I think. I am only able to do what I can do. So, w/ the program in tact I can see the light at t...
Hoot Nanny
It's been a rough winter, and I'm really glad spring has sprung! Even with all the lovely cottonwood fluff floating around and the back yard looking like a jungle of nettle.... Still struggling with codependent and rejection issues, but feeling a little stronger. I've been writing WAIT on my hands f...
Raven Juniper
Stupid stuff I am feeling.
Well, I'm still under the same roof as ABF. But not in the same way. After his drunken attack 5 weeks ago I was feeling pretty screwed up. I knew something had to change but as I have explained on here before, I sort of had a bit of a PTSD spaz and just kind of lay in bed shaking for a week. I'll never forget that;...
Feeling the feelings
Its a while since I have shared here, in many ways my life is good and I generally find a balance in my feelings and emotions, but for the past week I have felt very flat. Whilst its so easy to blame being busy at work or the day to day stresses of life I spent some hours earlier in quiet meditation and contempl...
New Member Introduction -- Request for 4th step Experiences/Activities
Hi there. I am a new member on the Al-Anon family message board. I started attending Al-Anon meetings last month and have recently decided that I am Al-Anon and I would like to continue with the 12 steps. As it is, there are limited meeting times available to me in my area, and I do not yet have a sponsor...
Very confused
So my husband is a self-proclaimed alcoholic (he knows he is and so do I) that doesn't think his alcoholism is a problem. He thinks that since he doesn't go out and get drunk, works and supports the family and is functional that he doesn't have a problem. His mom, grandma and dad are all alcoholics as we...
Is my husband an alcoholic?
Hi everyone, It's my first time here. I am married for 15 years - 3 kids - my husband used to smoke weed with his friends but has stopped about 8 years ago. He also used to drink socially and would sometimes drink to the point of throwing up but again that was not very often. In the past few years, I would noti...
How do you handle intimacy? I have no desire whatsoever to be intimate with AH. NONE! All my feelings, how he acts, what he says to me etc...has zapped any feelings of intimacy that I can possibly have. I have tried explaining to him why, but stopped he doesn't get it. Seeing him all drunk walking ar...
And The pendulum swings......
I have been thinking about my actions last night or Reactions really. Selfish actions made out of frustration and bitterness. This was NOT what I was going for. I was soooo proud of myself (still am) for finally standing up for myself and living MY life. I guess that while I was basking in my own glory I f...
we can work it out!
We can work it out! And, that is not just a song title. I am trying so hard to work things out w/ my mom. Over the weekend she talked to my husband about how she always jumps when I need something. Maybe that is true but she does need to one-up me. I guess she thinks that one good turn deserves another. She still...
Hoot Nanny
Still trying to learn the new balance....
John's Hula Hoop made me think. I am okay staying in my Hula Hoop until I have to advocate for my son. If he was teenager, I would just teach him the tools and trust he could deal with it.
I really like "minding my own business" lol
Where is the balance in this situation? I still struggle with...
I have to keep reminding myself...but why??
I left my AH a month ago after what he calls a slip up. Over the past few years his slip ups have been worse. He has been in jail once and the hospital 3 times. It was too much for me to handle. The roller coaster of alcoholism was making me crazy. I was always anxious waiting for him to drink again. He has been dr...
Newlife girl
Just venting before I explode
I can't believe how clueless my AH is! He can't be trusted not to drink and drive with the kids so he promised to take our 6 year old skiing, which is 60 miles away. Couldnt understand why I'd go, he said he was sorry, he's in control, read the term verbal vomit and that is so appropriate. So spent day in car an...
The hope of finding healthier people
I should have a happy smiley linked to the title but right now I'm just crying. I have been so enmeshed in a very sick relationship that I have been unable to get out of in spite of about 3 years of trying to leave. I was sick when I got into this relationship in the beginning, about a decade ago. I feel that I a...
Good Morning all Yesterday I spent a lot of the day praying, reading and went to a open AA meeting. My fear is there and I have cried quite a bit yesterday. My son's phone was checked and there is nothing. We can only pray it's off because he when to a safe place and that's a rehab center but if not we don't h...
My new counselor as of today said........
I sound like I have some isms and may be codependent. I love him already and feel like after my first session he will be able to help me through some things. He knows of both programs and our session was awesome. So glad to be doing the work again! I only get an al-anon meeting every other Tuesday night with w...
A's drinking buddies won't leave
There are a bunch of people who have turned our house into a "party shack" and won't leave me alone. This might be a common problem. They are claiming I am harassing them when I try to get them to leave and that I am creating a chaotic environment. Arrrgh. I have already gotten into trouble for y...
Recovery is like a vast supply of water....
Welcome to Miracles In Progress 12 Step Recovery Forums! Twelve Step recovery programs can be a life sustaining substance to many people, just as water is.You can get a cup full or a barrel full. There is plenty here to take as much as you want or need.If you leave too quickly and don't get enough, you are...
Financial toll of alcoholism
We don't talk about the finances of an alcoholic's consequences on here too much, or maybe I just hadn't noticesd it untilit really hit me this week, when we had the hearing for 2nd DUI. I wanted to write this for two reasons: get it off my chest with someone besides recovering AW, and so other folks can...
Guilt shame won't let be live
I'm really looking for some help here guidance I should say . I got my self in a pickle. My regrets denial shame guilt has ruled my life for as long as I can remember . I took my books out again reading the Alaon on way to me it's the only way I know I can find a grounded way to living my life the way I should be and tr...
Minding my own business
I love this recovery program, someone said 'Its a simple program and its us who make it complicated' which is really true for me, its the simple things that have the most power. Im such a grateful member of Alanon and I love to read the wisdom of old timers who can speak this language really well as I can lea...
New member here (Very lengthy post)
Please forgive any mistakes I may make. Im not only new to this group, Im new to posting anything in a forum. I am hoping to find some support until I can get enough courage to actually attend a meeting in person. The closest one to me does not meet until next Saturday, and Im feeling so desperate right n...
Things winding down and not ..
It seems that things are winding down and not so much .. stbax has been laid off. Well, .. I'm not getting divorced while he's laid off .. lol .. how stupid do I look? Apparently, I have "STUPID" written across my forehead with these atty's and it just blows my mind. I'm thinking that my May t...
Emotional Abuse
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Why is emotional abuse so prevalent in recovering alcoholics if they are practicing a program?
Supporting a Significant Other
So I've been getting serious with a very cool girl who is the love of my life and is a recovering alcoholic. She has been sober a little over a year and I have only known her during this time. I would like to learn the best ways to support her because I want to be there for her in all walks of life; however, I fran...