World Service Office of Al-Anon's request for member submissions for 4th reader
I know several of us attend face to face meetings. If you are like me, you missed the memo on the fact that Al-Anon decided to start a working copy of a 4th Reader for Al-Anon members. They are asking for members to sign in at their webpage using your group's name with afg, going to the individuals/membe...
Hello and thank you
Hi, I have been a long time lurker and finally decided to make an account. The things that have been shared on this forum have been very helpful to me and I suppose it's time I outed myself to possibly have a little more specific advice to my situation because it is somewhat complicated. (I apologize in ad...
little miss daredevil
seeking thoughts on dropping the rock
hey all, been in al anon a few years, working my 8th step right now, coming up against a lot of confusion about my higher powers will for me these days. I do a lot of social justice work and witness a lot of terrible things in the world, and i don't understand why my higher power would allow these things to be,...
Why I need to keep coming back
I was going through taking screen shots of text messages (evidence) this afternoon. It's amazing to me that declarations of forever "love" and "waiting as long as it takes" lasted, as long as it took to send the message.Realistically I know and understand that my marriage was...
Alcoholic partner just lied to me after 5 months of trust
About 6 month ago I found out my partner, who I had always suspected of being an alcoholic, had gambled over 50K during the last few years while out on drinking binges. He promised to stop drinking, and swore that the gambling only happened when he was drinking and was not a problem in and of itself. Well...
ODAT Thought for Today
ODAT for today states that and if I learn to look at my life as an adventure I will discover thousands of little things that occur in daily that can enriches my day.If I stay in the present moment I can enjoy the sunrise, the sound of the birds, a long walk and all the interesting things I see a long way....
Beating myself up isn't good....need ESH
I have to desribe what my brain does to me. I guess this might be called "stinking thinking". not sure. If one thing bothers me, then i start thinking about multiple bad things and my day spirals downward. I am trying to prevent that from happening today. I take martial arts. it isnt easy. I a...
Newlife girl
Alanon Concept 4: Participation is the key to harmony...
The Alanon concepts might seem to be a long way off to some people. But I think it begins when a person comes to their first meeting. Simply coming along is the first stage of participation. We don't have to be getting it right- at least not all of the time. We have all bin there, done that... there is nothi...
MIP Unity
As I said in a previous post, there has been a few days of confusion and controversy here and it is unsettling. I engaged with a member and other issues surfaced. If this happened at a face to face meeting we would hold a moment of silence followed by the serenity payer and proceed Maybe we coul...
Other models besides AA?
I have so many other things I want to share... I keep typing out these longer thoughts/vents, but I guess first I want to ask this question that has been bugging me. My AH quit drinking 7 months ago. He started going to AA the very night we staged an intervention, and starting working with his priest, who...
Struggling with all of this, I don't really understand the steps of Al anon and AA
Hi all, This is a rant, so hear me through please...... I have yet to go to another Al anon meeting, I went to one in December and wasn't sure what it all meant. I felt like it meant that the problem was mine, and I do understand that I need to stop trying to fix others. That I get. But I see that the steps are t...
A new day
I had a talk with my AH last night. Tried to keep it to just how I feel and not throw any ultimatums at him. He gave me a bunch of lip service and says that he is going to quit drinking today. I worry that this is just all talk because he isn't seeking out any professional help. Should I encourage him to start wit...
Alcoholism yep I was born into the life in 1980. Had a father that had his little girl wrapped around his finger when he was sober. I always felt like my dad was two people in one. A kind loving father and then a monster that could say and do things as though he hated me. His body was found at the young age of 39 a...
I am feeling irritable
I have school now, which is a strain and it is very cold here,I didn't have any water this morning,I am having problems with my washing machine and I don't have a dryer so I have to lug clothes to the laundromat to dry them.My hot water tank was leaking and the water damaged a bathroom cabinet, it is covered...
Feel like I'm going crazy!
Hi, I'm new to all of this! I've come here because I feel like I'm losing a grip on reality and need some new perspective. Here's my story (the short of it): My husband and I have been married for 4 years, dating for 10. When I first met him in college, he'd drink a lot but no more than the average college stude...
A good day.
Ahhhhhhh. The day got off to a pretty bad start with everyone yelling at and about me and me waking up to it pretty bewildered and upset and I eventually yelled right back. It was just overwhelming. Everyone is picking on me, right? And I am thinking I literally cannot take another moment of this... Well...
C2C Today
C2C January 11 this is a powerful page as it speaks about the Al-Anon meetings and the feeling of support, understanding and love that is generated when we are accepted for who we are. We can share without having to pretend and trust that what we share will not be gossiped about and that we will not be gi...
It's not about me (again)
I had been under the impression that if I wasn't seeking approval (and maybe I was dipping my big toe into that pool of water), that all my bases were covered, but something clearly still didn't feel right. My Uncle contacted me last night for information. I used words from my T.H.I.N.K. tank and spok...
AH wants to die but says "don't worry so much about me" ps we are legally separated but not divorced.
Thankfully no kids involved... After many years of separation, he finally got evicted from his apartment, I got his stuff and took him to social services. He still wants to die. He was in the hospital night before last because he tried to sleep in his car that is on 3 flat tires. The police took him for a me...
How Do You Trust God When He Has Put An Alcoholic in Your Life?
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For those of you who have family members who have turned out to be alcoholic, when you are working the steps, how are you able to trust God, when he obviously did nothing to prevent alcoholism in your loved one (and all of the negative effects on you)? I don't understand what you are trusting/not trustin...
Went to my F2F home group last night - changed attitudes
I hadn't been to a meeting in a couple months. With everything going on through the holidays, boy scouts, everything else, well, you know how it goes sometimes. It was great to be there, and great to see how when you are gone for awhile and come back you can pick right back where you were at an Al Anon meet...
Paralyzed with fear
My husband relapsed recently - he is going downhill both physically & emotionally (depressed). I finally wrote down some boundaries/conditions that I could continue to live with him. One of them is that if he drinks on any given day, he will go to a motel. He agreed to the conditions. Today he d...
Cliques at meetings
Something I don't talk about often here is my home meeting. It's a large meeting, 50 plus people most of the time where we have to use a podium to have people share or else others can't hear them talk, lol. I have been leading the meeting this month and I like doing service work for the group. The problem...
It's the early hours of the morning here and I was awoken a while back with our son coming in, he has a girlfriend now and a three month old baby son and has been a constant figure in her two other children,s life's, he has a drink problem though and he was in court last week for being drunk and disorderly, he...
MY choice--MY effort---however HP is blessing it
Yesterday and today were big tests for my back therapy...my self imposed, and through research, asking others, my tailored therapy for me......stretching, core strengthening, meditating...more focus on strength and agility/mobility and a bit less on cardio sitting is my worst enemy...there...
I like this bunches
This is how I do my best to think. Maybe I am too protective, too sensitive. All I know is I just cannot put up with someone hurting another person. Even if what one states is truth, for me it only hurts others and brings negativity. I learned positive goes a lot further than negative. Does not mean I am righ...
The fear hook....False Evidence Appearing Real
I finally got what it was I reread the email from my ex-A after I emotionally detached.
In the email
" Don't worry our son will be able to choose one day"
I bought into the fear .... I chose to be afraid and scared. I had a future mind movie going on that he would have to choose.
New message...
What am I grateful for
So often I get caught up in "life" and the busyness I have challenges. Busy stuff. I forget to do my gratitude list.
I am grateful my back held up after a grueling long day at work. Sore but recovered. Back is slowly healing
Grateful I made decent money yesterday and helped a coworker with...
I've arrived
at my mothers. Sorry to come here with negativity but it's not very pleasant. It was a long day moving and cleaning out that little room we had been staying in today. The mother came to help move my stuff (I had told her not to and that I would move it OK on my own but, she doesn't seem to hear the frequency my vo...
Alanon group issues, and me...
The last f2f meeting I went to was in South Dakota. There was something good going on there and I went to three. Full meetings, vibrant, and there was a local Lakota presence. I could relate because I live in a rural town backing onto two small provincial cities. After one meeting one member came up and t...
Happiness is....
Playing the piano. And the fact that I can still play considering I mangled my dominant hand almost two months ago. Nov 17th I managed to chop off a third of my middle finger and about a 1/4 inch with nail of my index finger of my right hand - my first thoughts ran to not being able to play anymore, how hard was...
Jan 9 Courage to Change
"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart" Carl Jung In lieu of recent events, I thought it best to take some time and do what Carl Jung so beautifully said, as quoted in yesterday's Courage to Change. I will continue to look within my own heart, as there are sti...
Happy 2015 and grateful
Good morning MIP- When I read Hope for Today Jan 10, I got thinking about the state I was in a couple of years ago when I thankfully found MIP. I was 'off the chain' as some of my students would say. Not sleeping or eating and although not an A myself, certainly living in A behavior and completely addictiv...
im in early recovery, wife is in rehab
I'm in my fourth month of sobriety (alcohol), through AA. My wife basically started drinking a glass of wine at night. This quickly spiraled into being a full blown alcoholic. She would say a lot of very hurtful things when she was drunk. She would also bring up being bored and wanting an open marriage,...
Happy 2015 everyone!
Hope everyone entered 2015 with health and hope. This is going to be a big year for me, new life, new home, SINGLE and alcohol crazy making free. I am looking forward to see the year unfolding and I am coping the best I can. I think I am doing well but I predict a storm ahead. Talking about last year, daughte...
danger zones
There are times in my day, month and year where i find it hard to be the person im trying to be and i am basically the old negative thinking person.The mornings for me are when i could commit murder, not literally but my tongue is looser, my judgements and initial reactions are pretty much negative and the...
January 9th Hope For Today
In my 3 daily readers I just realized I am no longer suffering! Wow and thanks to Al-anon and my straight shooting dearly beloved sponsor for lovingly telling me like it is! Today's reading for One Day at a Time is also perfect for me, as long as I kept playing God I was in my own way and taking responsibili...
I really need some advice
My husband, while in treatment, became very mean to me. He has shut me out. His words are mean and he can only talk about all my faults and how i need to fix myself and says nothing more about himself other then how much he has done for me, what integrity he has etc. he is going into sober living but will not te...
Bella and tolerance
I had a birthday celebration and my daughter brought me a cat,I love cats and dogs!Poor Bella wasn't being treated very well and it is freezing cold here,my daughter was worried about her,so she talked to the owner about taking her.I am getting to know her,she is so happy to get attention,she meows con...
Oh, my! An amends and a change of mind
Dear All: I have followed through with listening, talking things over with my sponsor and paying attention to what all of you have said. At this point, this is what I've realized - I left the process before it came to a conclusion. I'm sorry I didn't just wait but, yes, Cathy (you smart woman you), I cou...
Serenity is something we have to work to get to, and work even more to keep and share. When things are feeling rough, what has helped me is to stop, think about it all without emotions. What is really going on? Is it appropriate, acceptable, will it hurt someone else? Am I concentrating on my stuff or goin...
How do you know the difference between punishing and being true to yourself?
I would appreciate any e/s/h on this topic. I am looking within checking with my values and making decisions. I say no now when it is not in line with my values. As in true form with my second guessing myself (I am trying to shift that thought to lol), I am struggling with this again. Feel confused again!!
Laying my own guilt trip on myself....
Well I am back right into my disease again.....I must have missed it so much I have just spent three hours beating myself up for not understanding this feeling. Boo!!!!! Thanks MIP family for dealing with my ups and downs ....off to bed
Contemplating a 9th- complicated with fear
Hi Family, Tonight my dear Uncle called, with a transparent fake cheerfulness, to let me know he had "great news". He wants to meet me when I'm down in his area to visit my Dad to give me something that my Mom wanted me to have. His chipper voice came across to me as great sarcasm and I found it...
Well this isn't al-anon but then in a way it is. Feel free to delete it if it's just too far off the track. I'm playing a waiting game at the moment. I've been letting it drive me quite mad. I think that's rational, it has been 4 months now of having no fixed address and at times I have felt like I am really, hone...
My son and me. Me and my son.
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My son has been in yet another rehabilitation, lockdown situation for several months. I received one letter from him which was basically a request for me to send him cash, talk with his PO to get her to talk with his new gf, and to tell me some news with a little guilt tripping in the mix. I responded to hi...
income tax study time
Well, I am gonna be busy going through the latest tax forms re: income taxes for this 2014 ending year... i have students, salesmen, entrepreneurs , a mix of clients.....so i am downloading all my study forms from my study site i signed up for.... I will be on, but not as much till tax season is over with.....
Al-Anon-ic behavior?
I'm a civilian married to a 30-year Al Anon member who has me going (whom I let guilt me into going) to Chapter 9 meetings, as 12-step for couples. (Both of us agree that our marriage is fantastic.) During the share time I was silent for several weeks, began trying to speak and was immediately hit with sev...
January jitters
Do you ever feel all out of kilter, like the world has gone a wee bit mad? Or is it just me? Probably. Meetings closing for the holidays and then a fullmoon has me acting like a madwoman. Serenity has left the building. Gone from my life, once again. My meetings started back tonight but the weather turned r...
something I learned ESH?? or enabling???
I saw a quote---------The two most important days in your life, are they day when you were born and the day you found out why. ************************************ some folks never find out why b/c they never do an honest, open,humble self discovery work on themselves....they never really really...
New here. . . . When I started dating my ABF I didn't know he was in recovery. I suppose it's not on the top 10 list of things to tell the woman you're interested in. We had probably been dating two months when he sat me down and started the discussion. If I'm honest my first instinct was to jump and run, I reall...
My son in prison wants to marry an alcoholic . . .
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My son is 28, a former alcohol and drug abuser who was able to stop using, somehow, without reliance on the 12 Steps. He is incarcerated at present and will be out (and probably deported) in about three years. He tells me there is access to drugs and alcohol inside but he is able to refrain from using beca...
OK yall, I've been in Al-Anon for about 8 months, and I keep seeing the acronym FOO used in posts. I know this is something I should know, but I don't. Could someone please tell me what FOO stands for? Merciful Heavens, I'm showing my ignorance here. Thanks in advance.
Question about ALANON Meetings
i am new to this site, and have yet to attend an alanon meeting. could someone please tell me what the meetings are like? I am extremely nervous. Thankyou -- Edited by Belle7 on Thursday 8th of January 2015 06:34:06 PM
I need wine to cope.
AH lets me know he is in the mood and tomorrow we should "you know". I say tonight is better because I can only stand it when I have wine, he says OK, and I prepare by having a glass of wine. An hour later he comes into my room and my dog jumped on the bed (I can't control the dog, guess, I didn'...
Telling our son tonight
Prayers appreciated. I have the butterflies in my stomach. Our son has some math homework to finish and then we'll eat dinner and I think we'll tell him after that. Please pray!
OK...I took/am taking stuff TOO SERIOUSLY
all this of late??? I am taking it TOO serious....its not about me, for me, directed at me, I guess my issue was and always will be safety....like if i don't do my program "right" will there be a private group consultation on me???? Thinking about it, I don't believe i am interesting or popul...
To All - My thanks
I have been on the MIP board for a little over two years. I am grateful for meeting you all, sharing my e/s/h and learning more. Recently, it came to my attention that there is group private messaging going on in the background on our board. I am a direct person and I will say directly that I know I can't st...
Totally scared but a bit angry and confused!!
New to this site...just signed up actually. I don't know where else to go with this. Looking for your input please. I have a friend, who is more like my boyfriend, but we're not official in any way. Anyway, he's depressed. He talks about his issues and they seem deep rooted and have existed from a very...
An epiphany - MY role in A Sons recovery
Well, its been a long time since Ive written anything on here only because I didnt think I had much to write. I go toone meeting a week in our area which has been invaluable to me.I do however always turn to this board when in dire straits (no meetings over the holiday) - or at least my imagination of it! An...