The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I have yet to go to another Al anon meeting, I went to one in December and wasn't sure what it all meant. I felt like it meant that the problem was mine, and I do understand that I need to stop trying to fix others. That I get. But I see that the steps are the same as the ones for AA. That I don't get. I rarely, ever drink, and seeing my boyfriend passed out on the floor drunk twice and staggering around, slurring his words was completely alien to me. Walking in on him that was on Christmas Day was a shock to me. I can't be around him now, I get uneasy just being in the same room with him, we only talk by phone, when I look at him I see two very different people.
People on here tell me not to listen with my ears. How can I know if he is taking steps if I don't see him in person? Should I care? He keeps asking me to go to an AA meeting with him so I understand what he is going through. Now, I find out he doesn't even have a sponsor, and I thought that was a requirement of going through the steps, especially for someone that drinks as heavily as he does. He's on his third week of AA, and said he just hasn't picked one yet, and got kind of annoyed with me. It irritates me to no end that he wants me to understand what he is going through, never mind what the people around him are going through.
I plan to go back to Al anon and try it again. I do need someone to explain step one to me please, and what to expect. I'm also afraid this means that if I join Al anon, it means that I am supporting my boyfriend and giving him a chance to get better. That's what he told me. What if I don't want to be with him anymore? Can I still work the program? I would be willing to try the program online if possible, just to try it out, is that an option? It is hard to get to the one near my home, it is late at night and I can't find an earlier one.
Thanks for listening.....again........Kat
-- Edited by Katrina324 on Monday 12th of January 2015 08:12:13 AM
when I first started going to Al Anon I also thought "why am I here? he is the one with the problem." I would just listen at meetings for a long time. I heard about some members who stayed with the A and some who didnt. when your boyfriend tells you going to Al Anon means you support him and want to stay with him...well...thats his desire!! it doesnt mean you have to go down that path. After I was in Al Anon a litle over a year, I found the courage to leave my AH. I had a sponsor at the time, and I still have the same sponsor. Al Anon doesnt tell us what to do. Its a place for us to work on ourselves. Al anon has helped me detach. I dont agree with every single thing that is said in meetings...but we are told to "take what you like and leave the rest." The books are a good place to start if you cant go to meetings often. I have found when I question my AH on his meeting attendance and if he has a sponsor, he gets upset too. AA is his program and I have learned I cant run it for him. I can tell if he is going to meetings just by the way he acts and the way he treats me. One thing in the "Dos and Donts" we read says "dont keep checking up on the alcoholic". The only checking up I do is if it involves my daughters safety if he is going to watch her. otherwise, I dont question him when you said you cant even be in the same room as him, i think thats your answer. It sounds like he is trying to sell you AA, not a car this time. you will be able to tell over time if he is changing or not.
Step 1 to me was letting go of the fact that alcohol has more power over my husband than I do. my life had become unmanageable because he was drinking too much...which in turn caused a lot of problems in my life. Alcohol was/is also causing me to act obsessive and controlling. I would check and see how many empty bottle were around the house. I would smell his breath, etc. just crazy stuff. So step 1 helped me let go of his problems.
-- Edited by Newlife girl on Sunday 11th of January 2015 12:56:07 PM
Just one suggestion of more to come Katrina...Re-read your post and ask the question is this a post of a person who is powerless over what she is going thru? Ask also if you hear unmanageability in her life? Then sit quietly and review the proof. I've done this when I first got into program and it was a suggestion because my early responses to the program...all of it...were just as yours. I came to admit that I didn't know anything about alcoholism and didn't even know that I didn't know. Some of the early helping suggestions to me were "Listen to the similarities in the shares with my own condition rather than the differences" and also "If you keep and Open will find help. It was also suggested that I get to 90 meetings in 90 days which I was able to because there was a combined 439 meetings a month in the tri-valley area I lived in and that last piece of information gave me the wisdom that we had a HUGE PROBLEM with alcohol there. I say all this from my experience. I would not suggest something I had no experience with. It may help you understand and it may not and other who care will be sharing also. Keep coming back...which you have YAY!! (((((hugs)))))
Yeah, one of my downfalls is needing to be in control, so as not to be made a fool of again. *sigh*
So is there a way to do the steps on here as well as in a face to face group?
Look up on this page to your right, on top, says step work board. Betty is GREAT at helping with steps.
It was hard for me to admit I was powerless. But in learning that the disease is A's and A's alone, and not one can help him but him, I learned to let go.
I couldn't do anything anyway so why bother. It became as silly as thinking I can pick up a 500 pound rock, stop the rain,make it snow, eat as much as I want and not get overfat....I wish.
If you go to that board, others can share their esh how they got the steps. Now the inventory one for me, I admitted and made amends for the negative, but i also lookek at my positives.
Remember we do have meetings here. They are great! The 90 in 90 is just a good guide. But honestly when I was so hungry for knowledge from Al Anon I loved that part of my day or night.
It's normal to get angry! Its a lot of information to take in, you hear very emotional stories. Then you will see the more seasoned ones who are living the program and how they are doing. YOu will see they have tough times too! I learn so much from newbies! I absorb everyone's posts here and always get something from them.
I am so glad you are here, now hand me that cute baby! (c:
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
Kat 90 meetings in 90 days is suggested for alcoholics. I don;t think anyone would try to suggest it for us al-anons as we are usually caring for children, working and basically living the alcoholic's life for them as well as our own. How on earth would we find the time? But some meetings, as soon as you can would be a good guidepost. They suggest you attend six meetings before you decide if al-anon is for you.
Alanon does not mean you are supporting your boyfriend to drink.
For us, it means understanding that we can't actually stop someone from drinking, but most importantly, it is about recognising that their drinking has become our obsession, and we want that to stop. If you have come here for help then it's pretty likely your partner's drinking is alcoholic and awful and you should in no way accept that or tolerate it.However you cannot change what he does, and no-one here can tell you how to make him stop drinking. What al-anon can do is help you repair some of the damage that living with an alcoholic has done to you and help you to make good decisions that help you create a joyful life for yourself and also help you not to waste your life being a life-support system for someone else's alcoholism. Basically in al-anon, why are you talking about him, this is about YOU. What do YOU need? How can we help YOU??
If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? (Lewis Caroll)
Welcome! Yep, it's definitely an option to work the program online. There are a number of sites including this one that offer online meetings. The program is for anyone who has been touched by alcoholism whether or not they are living with an alcoholic. Many of us have developed unhealthy coping behaviors due to either coming from a family where alcoholism is present or getting involved in some way with an alcoholic. That's the short answer as to why meetings have been helpful to me for many years.
As far as step one and particularly the alcohol reference in that step, relates to our own thinking and actions in response to the alcoholics in our lives or due to unhealthy beliefs we've acquired from being around alcoholism and how these have resulted in feeling ill and ill at ease. I've lived with alcoholism in the home and without it but until I began addressing the underlying issues of my own dis-ease, I wasn't able to feel comfortable in my own skin and serene. I try to keep this through continuing to connect with others in Alanon and working the steps daily.
Yes, you're correct that the steps are the same aside from the last talks about carrying the message to others, wherein AA's step 12 reads "other alcoholics." We get better by better understanding ourselves through working the Alanon program. We don't get better by better understanding the alcoholics in our lives. Their recovery is their own personal journey in AA with their fellows. The same can be said about our recovery journey in Alanon.
If you're curious, keep coming back. You'll know something resonates with you here on this board or another and by attending some online meetings. The Alanon program is one of attraction not promotion. For me, it's been one of the best things to touch my life so I will keep coming to meetings and work recovery for the rest of my life. You'll make your own decision as to what's right for you. Wishing you and your boyfriend the best. TT
Surround yourself with people and elements that support your destiny, not just your history.
Katrina.... I do need someone to explain step one to me please, and what to expect. I'm also afraid this means that if I join Al anon, it means that I am supporting my boyfriend and giving him a chance to get better. That's what he told me. What if I don't want to be with him anymore? Can I still work the program? I would be willing to try the program online if possible, just to try it out, is that an option? It is hard to get to the one near my home, it is late at night and I can't find an earlier one.
step one, admitted we were powerless over boyfriends drinking and that trying to control this, fix this, obsess about this is making my life UNmanageable...(paraphrasing step one for your situation) basically it is admitting we are powerless over another person's behaviour and our lives our unmanageable....
why?? unmanageable?? b/c deep down we are doing something to control....wanting him to change..wanting different outcome...we can only change ourselves..which is what we find out working step one....we give up the seduction of control and we surrender to love of self, we surrender to our higher power, we let ALL those plates we are juggling up in the air, fall to the ground if they must, b/c we are wearing ourselves out trying to juggle stuff that is not ours to juggle.......
your going to alanon is to take care of you, NOT to support or be unsupportive to him....alanon is all about you and how his drinking has impacted you...its to help you get your life back and to detach from him and his problems...whether you leave or stay, HIS stuff is for HIM to deal with and not you....
Of COURSE you can still work the program if you dump him....i dumped my X's and I am here....alanon is MY life preserver, its about ME and what drinking, past or present has/had done to me......
if face 2 face is not doable, i did on line and i thrived just fine....
let him work his own stuff, you work yours.....and he will throw the ole "poor me, look at what i am going through" and not a thought to what his actions put you through......I would be nice when you talk, tell him you hope he does fine w/program, be positive, but make it clear that HIS issue is HIS, NOT did't cause this, will never control this, and for sure won't cure this......
i got rid of my alcoholics, i do speak to a few, but distance......i take care of me and i will 4ever qualify for alanon.....IN SUPPORT
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
Thank you Neshema, I love the picture of you with the baby! How do I go about working the steps on this forum?
thanks Kat....there is a step board HERE, I think.......Betty will know b/c I think she does a lot of work on it......hopefully she will see this and advise.....
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
Look at the sticky posts above our regular posts...u see the step board thingy????? check that out....if Betty doesn't for some reason see this, i would just send her pm on it....
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
Katrina, the steps of Al-Anon and AA are the same because Al-Anon was founded by the spouse of the founder of AA. He was in recovery when she discovered the anger and resentment that she still held deep within and decided that she had been affected by alcoholism just as her spouse. It was then that she set about to develop a program for those who have lived with the disease. That is how Al-Anon came about and that is why we use the same tools.
We are powerless over the disease of alcoholism in another but we are not powerless over the disease in ourselves. The steps are key to recovery as we are not perfect
Living with the disease of alcoholism we have developed many negative coping tools that are destructive to a healthy way of life. We have lost the focus on our own life and selves and are other directed.
The first step which says we are powerless over alcohol is a statement that is hard to accept. In our program it means that no matter what we do, say, think or act we cannot permanently affect a change in another person's drinking behavior.
Once we accept this painful concept we are set free to turn the focus on ourselves and fix what in us is causing us pain. The remaining steps are about looking inward and finding what destructive behavior we have developed in order to survive and replacing that with the ability to live life on life's terms.
The Courage to Change and the ODAT has several readings on the steps in total and on each individual step. Working with the sponsor is always helpful. There is hope
Our Step Board is reached by this address You must re register to post on that Board. You are most welcome to read the shares and share yourself
I wondered about that myself when I first started Al Anon. Then, I read the first step and asked if it applied to me. I found it did. My life had become unmanageable because of alcohol. I found that my life had become one constant reaction to my wife's drinking. it got worse once she started getting in legal trouble with DUIs. Life was totally unmanageable. Once I realized that the first step applied, I decided to go further.
And once I realized that I gave up the power that I thought I had over my alcoholic, my life got better. Our lives got better. I started gaining serenity. I was better able to take care of my son. I had done the part of the serenity prayer that was about the serenity to accept the things I couldn't change. My powerlessness turned into power, the power that I had where I realized what I could and couldn't change. And I realized the ONLY person in this life I could change was ME!
So most of the rest of my time in Al Anon has been about working on me. It really is for me, not for my alcoholic. But my life with the alcoholic is so much better for it. She is in recovery now, but we would have divorced not long after she got out of rehab if we both wouldn't have changed.
You have gotten lots of advice above on how to do the program here, go ahead and give it a try. Most of my work has just been reading and posting on this board. There are many wise people here that have years of recovery experience, and I have benefited greatly from all of them. And there are also other folks in the chat room, especially after the online meetings.
Notice that the 12th step is meant for us all to pass on everything that we have learned. Take advantage of everyone's twelfth step work here, that is how we all keep growing!
I could not understand any of this in my head and, even though I was seeing an addiction counselor and attending meetings, it took me awhile to get it. The 12 steps are experienced through our limited senses, yet, we don't get them until we have the experience and that cannot occur, by most, without face to face meetings and sponsorship. Step one is also about surrendering to the process of recovery as it was designed to be experienced, we don't know what we don't know. Sharing here is great, listening to responses is great, yet you wont get recovery until the ego is in the backyard and the mind is quiet. I cannot hear my heart/soul until my head and ego is done yapping.