Lost Job
Hi everyone, I new here and needed some feedback. I went to an open talk tonight, Al-Anon. It made me think about how similiar my life is compared to the A. When they are drinking, they make a lot of bad decisions. Well, I was looking back on my life and see how many bad decisions I've made. I have the same di...
so angery and Marriage therapy
just got back from our 3rd MT session, She said I still have to much anger at my ah, to keep comming back to the sessions, she said to my husband, can i do anything for you? I just walked out. Now i think he knows for sure i am crazy. All i do is just tare into him when i get there, i feel safe i don't confront him I am...
Variables of Recovery, Healing and Growth
When we enter the world of recovery so many dynamics come into play. Life continues to unfold. We still experience saddness, disappointments, frustrations, anger and fear. Many of us don't know where we will end up from here. Where we will live, where we will work, how we will take care of our famil...
We all got played
Well I'm back. Things were looking good for a while for my AD. He quit drinking for about two weeks knowing that I was coming with my wife and kids and his brother and hit wife. The whole Memorial Day weekend was really good. I talked with my Mom and she was telling me about here alanon meetings and that my AD...
A is out of control again, i feel scared
i guess i should spell out the situation a little bit first. i live in public housing, fairly nice actually, but we do have problems. there has been a guy about 20 hanging around here - after a trespassing charge and restraining order - he's preyed on ateenage girl in the building before, and the rumor is...
I really need your help..................
My son and I have been battling back and forth thru email-----I shouldn't say battling---they will not pick up the phone, or email. Well yesterday DS called me and I mean he was VERy mad--just yelling at me on the phone. A month ago their marriage was over---now its turned around and I am the big blame fo...
Gilmore Girls
so, I've watched this show from time to time and the relationship that Lauralei has with Rory, mother and daughter respectively, has been one I've often been jealous of. Here's why, Lauralei has this completely dysfunctional relationship with her own mother but she is a good mom in the show. Now, I kn...
having an online sponsor
I have an online sponsor. I went to the alanon online room and was in the chat alot. In fact I started with online before face to face. I got face to face sponsor she really didn't help me. I am not suggesting that face to face sponsor don't work I enjoy it, however there are some people that might do better wi...
Excuses and Blame
Dear All, Today I got another doozie of an email from one of my bosses. He says his higher ups are making him do these things which involve changing the title of my job which was sanctioned by all these higher ups. I rang him back and was very direct. I told him I was insulted by the email and had not received a...
maire rua
I am a Grandma
Hello Friends, Been awhile since I posted. I have a beautiful baby grand daughter. She was born May 31, at 5:30 am. It was a little bitter sweet as I was thinking why couldn't my husband be here he would have been such a wonderful grandpap. Things for me have been pretty good, I still cry, I miss him. How...
He wants me to change.
My AH that I am divorced from but have been living with for the past 3 years left under a rage, my interpretation, he felt guilty doing it in front of his family, his is that since his health is bad I have ignored him, wont help him financially for his meds and the kids get on his nerves. I use my tools everyday...
I'm new and needing input
Hi All, I'm new here, but I'm not new to Alanon, nor am I new to on-line support groups. Background: I've been with my AH for 23 years. When I was first w/him, he was actively drinking. I was a single mom of 3 kids, xh abandoned us and we haven't heard from him since, no child support, no nothing (and he wa...
looking for nick 'Blessed'
anyone seen 'blessed' around or if you can read this yourself could u please leave a message id like to get in touch again belle1
vomitting blood
In the last few days, I've found out that (my step-dad) the A is vomitting blood daily, now. Not sure how long it's been happening. My mother mentioned it and it seems to have taken me a couple of days for it to really sink in. I knew he was bad, I know it's progressive. It is really sad to know he's at this s...
Sorry it's been a while
Hello everyone, So much has happened in my life since I was here last. Just to introduce myself to those of you who don't know me, I am a 34 yr old mother of 5 children and a wife to a wonderful man. I am also the daughter to a mother who is addicted to additions. Pills, alcohol, gambling, men, sex, internet, o...
Things have been mellow and good lately. A little snafu with the bank, and changing accounts but I'm hoping that will be resolved without too much chaos. Still don't know if daughter graduated middle school and apparently they won't tell us until everyone is gone for the summer which I take as a bad s...
everyday's a new adventure...:)
SHAWNEE, Kan. - George Chandler says he didn't know a 2 1/2-inch nail was driven into his skull until his buddy spotted it stuck through his cap. Chandler said he felt only a sting. "It never did really what you call hurt," the Shawnee man said Wednesday on NBC's "Today." ADVERTI...
Starting Over- Insecurity
Well, the A is still in jail and I am SLOWLY leaving him behind. I still talk to him, etc, but it is getting easier to not answer the phone. I am also seeing someone else. He is "healthy" in that he has a great job is respectful of me, etc. He pays a lot of attention to me, etc. He is recently di...
Am I being to passive?
Hi all - My A has been drinking since he got out of treatment - first every couple months a relapse, then a month, two weeks, now the last two weekends in a row. I however feel fine (a major improvment). I don't even get mad anymore, I feel like "what's the use?". I know he's already beating hi...
guidance needed
Hello everyone. I have a situation with my adult step daughter that I cannot figure out. I have been married to her father for 10 years now and during that time she has consistently treated me like the family skunk. I have stayed out of her way so that I didn't become a barrier to her relationship with...
Meaning of..........??
My 35yr. old son accused me via internet that over the years I have said he has a "dark soul" I don't even know what that means. Does anyone else know?? I tried calling him and emailing him about it, but as usual like my other discussions about our delimma he will not talk to me. I am totally at a l...
So Good to Be Back- Question
It is so good to be back here. I finally have a computer that works and internet at home so I feel fully connected! In my last post I mentioned that I am trying to detach from my A in jail by getting back in the dating world. That being said I do still talk to the A and at times tell him about my new dating life. ...
Insight needed
This is my first post here, but I could use some insight into my problem. Husband is currently recovering and has 3 years of sobriety in. Good news BUT - he has recently started going to meetings with increased frequency - not a bad thing. However, he is taking a woman who is also in the program with hi...
trust issues
Yes, its been one of those days. At present I am working on trying to recruit students to a good evening ba programme which will offer alternatives to studying entirely on campus. I have done a good job. Today my boss tell me my name is being mentioned too much and he has been advised to leave me out of repor...
maire rua
Back again
I just wanted to say hello , I have been away from alanon online for about a year. This is a different group and appears very nice and not religious like the other group I was with. I have been married to the A 26 years, but Im not here to talk about him, I have done alanon for a number of years and I hope I can sti...
stop me before I shoot (a nasty email)
Hi Friends, Well, I received my son's report card today and I am not happy. So, I am typing out the grades to send to my AH and feeling kinda nasty. I've been so good (relatively speaking) in my actions and words and am just feeling the need to let my AH know I think he is a selfish b*****d. I want to tell him t...
Who got a new puppy recently?
I've been away for a while, but just got an invite (via e-mail from MIP) to come back!!! A while back someone said they were getting a new puppy. I cannot remember who it was, but I am wondering how it is going with the new baby? I am so happy to have been invited back... and anyone who hasn't yet tried the on...
It has been forever since I posted here
but I got an email today from the group and thought I should pop my head in. I read a lot here on my journey with my A. I cried so many tears, fought so hard, loved unconditionally, tried so hard not to blame. He died, almost a year ago now. He was drinking again, lying about it - I caught him at it again.. told...
new and scared
Too many stories to tell about how I got here, and I'm sure you've lived them all before, but this is the first time I'm seeking help. I do have a first appointment with a therapist next week, but something inside me can't wait. Long story short: My husband of 1 year is alcoholic. I guess he always has been,...
Unaware even still HP is there!
Sometimes HP gives us what we need, when we need it and we are not even aware. With my work I have recently encountered someone that is in charge of the system that pays me and makes referrals to me. I saw red flags the first meeting with him,instead of just walking away and not accepting business from his...
Should I say anything or not???
Hello everyone!! AH is home from his stay in jail/work release. Has been since Saturday. He hasn't drank much, a couple beers the day he got home. Anyways, he tells me tonight "Just so you know, if I want to have a couple beers at night, I'm gonna." I tell him that I can't control what he d...
Half hearted answer.
As previous post stated I told A B/F I could not live any longer with Active drinking without recovery program for both of us. Emotional distance. He stated he would go to AA and (sort of ) indicated he would try an AA related counseling program. ( I really didn't get a strong idea of what he thinks or feels...
Sooooo.....this is sobriety? I don't know that I like it! My A's still pushing my buttons(I'm letting him!) He's done four weeks of rehab, four weeks ago and now he knows it all!!! I need to get more ftf meetings in. He is seeing problems that have always been there for the first time and wading in to fix th...
drinking again
i was married to my a for 17 pretty miserable years, cheating, lying, spending money, dui, etc. then he left me for another woman. when i filed for divorce he begged me to take him back. i prayed about it and felt thats what i should do. he went to aa, quit drinking, we went to church and got saved, hung out...
connie marie
New online
Hello, John sent me an email this morning and I decided to take him up on the offer. I have been in Al-Anon for about 23 years. I have held many service positions. Right now I am the District Rep. for my district. I was the DR. ten years ago, when there was a lot of people in the program and a lot more meetin...
any grandmothers out there??
I apparently have been in a conflict with my oldest son. His actions so remind me of my exA. He has shown me not much respect. I have detached...but have left a few messages, because I want to see my Gkids. No response....It has been over a month. This is not fair to the kids..we spent so much time together...
It's all gone in an eye blink
Hi everyone. I'm new to the board. My friend is 19 yrs clean and has been a godsend to me. So here's my story... Both my sons are 21 and 18. I'm in a second marriage on 4 years now to a wonderful and loving man. We were introduced by my oldest and his middle son. My oldest son Nick (now 21) has always been d...
I'm Back!!! And this isn't a good thing!
So here I am again. It has been a LONG time since I have been on here. Some of you may remember me...some don't know me at all. History: I married my highschool sweetheart when I was 18 and pregnant in the 12th grade. We were married for 15 years. We had a son and daughter in that time, ages now 15 yo son in A...
how codependence distorted my reality
I'm at a place not where I am more interested in what I did in the relationship(s) that what the A did. I'm saying that not to minimize what he did (obviously it was incredibly self destructive) but to look at what did I do. Overtime and reading I'm really seeing that when I was in rescue mode, in victim mod...
Hard Time Dealing (My Story)
I feel lost right now. I am the son of an A and I am sitting here watching a family fall apart and there is nothing I can do about it. My Father, who in hindsight probably was always an alcoholic but had always been able to put on the brakes when things started getting out of hand can't now. For the past 18 mo...
changing the focus
I had a rough week last week. Thus, I have been trying to make a conscious effort thie past few days, mostly by prayer, to get my emotions away from my AH and onto myself and my kids. Uhhh, and its just as difficult as I thought it would be. Now I am finding myself getting mad. What set me off first thing this...
Prayers please.
(((((Family)))), Hubby and I could really use lots of prayers right now. It has nothing to do with his drinking (or not). He has some health issues and it doesn't look good right now. No one knows besides his Dad and myself. I found out yesterday. He's been carrying this around for almost 10 months...
I AM Nuts!
... one word or a phrase can set me off by anyone that knows me. I am very emotional and most days, honestly am pretty reactive. So the days when I'm cool, calm, collected are the rare ones... and just b/c I don't outwardly say any thing, my brain is likely having a nutty conversation all by itself. Then...
small update
Hi, thank you for all your support and words.I read them all over and over.The thoughts also come up in my head. Son called me, we had a nice normal conversation. I told him thank you for callind. He said if this is what it takes I will keep checking in. Was soooooo nice. Daughter apologised then went on to s...
New, and introduction
Hi, My name is Bobbi. I am married to an alcoholic, and also the adult child of an alcoholic (my Dad who died when I was 19). I have been married for 2 years to my AH, but we lived together for 2 before that. He is verbally abusive when he drinks, and I reached my breaking point with all of it. I told him about...
The weekend
I took my kids to the beach on Saturday. A guy friend and his 7 yo son went with us. I gave my son the option to stay with his dad instead of going with us. He doesn't really care for the beach or the heat and sand. So he called his dad, of course he didn't get an answer at 8:00 AM. He decided to go with us, said...
(((family))) I want to pass along some ESH that may be valuable. Collectively, we need to get past the question of "why?". Why does he/she __________? That blank can be anything for them; however, it is a path that leads to the dangerous places in my head. I have found that keeping the fo...
Live the question
Hi Alanoners , So glad that you are always here. I went to my f2f meeting this morning. Right before the meeting my AHSober calls me. He did it again. I thought we agreed to met to have supper with our son home from college. He was pleasant enough and then on the phone, he bombed me. He made an offer on land wit...
Ups and downs and thank you's and prayer request
I want to thank everyone for the lovely and very encouraging responses to my recent posts and for the lovely birthday wishes that you all expressed. The after glow certainly got me through the rest of last week. This week, however, is a different kettle of fish and tomorrow is going to be very testing, s...
asking for hugs of love and light for me
just checking in with my mip family, i have a lot to post about, there is a little chaos going on right now so i don't have much time to type. when i stepped back from the situation with my ah and took myself out to look at me, my mind started to get alittle clear, i love my self and there are people out there tha...
June Meeting Minutes
JUNE 1, 2008 MEETING MINUTES Of MIRACLES IN PROGRESS ALANON GROUP Madam Chair opened the meeting with the Serenity Prayer. Madam Chair then posted an outline of the evening's meeting agenda. Madam Chair noted that the Sec. was absent and asked for a volunteer to take meeting minutes in the Sec's a...
Life is Interesting
Ok, so I quit my pain in the butt job and the next day I was home to receive a phone call from a local Doctor's office that wants me in for an interview on Wednesday. And now for the last few days I've been trying my hardest to keep my tounge in check because my MIND and TEMPER are working overtime due to hormon...
One Day Great, the Next Day Not So Much
I got a call from my son's school this morning. The school psychologist called him in to "talk" and see if she can figure out what some of his issues are and how we can help him. Well, needless to say, he wasn't there. He is skipping school today!!! And on top of that he told me this morning tha...
can someone who qualified as an "A" before ever drink "normally"
Hi. I sought out this board because I have a question and no one to answer it. My husband is from a family of alcoholics. He drank as a teenager, and then stopped when he was about 21 (DUI). Then started again for about 3 years before I met him, at 28. We've been married happily for 12 years, without any drink...
Enabling vs. Detachment
Hi all... we've had lots of great discussion on the board in recent weeks about the subjects of "enabling" and "detachment", so I thought I'd post some great information about both of these items, direct from an expert in the field..... Hope it clarifies some of the misconcep...
44 years old, NOW WHAT? Family pizza epiphany...
Hello, So here I am all grown up and mature. Self reflective and saddned by my weaknesses and having developed skills to combat them to some extent. So my question is...? Yes, I grew up in isolation and chaos with two alcoholic parents who where both likely personality disordered or mentally ill in a...
The fine line between love & hate
I have never posted my own topic on here, only replied to others. I seem to gain strength from reading other peoples problems and the responses they receive. So bear with me - I NEVER ask for help. One of my "wonderful" coping skills learned very young! ahahaha
My life in a nutshell... daug...
Uggghhh, not again!!!
Well brothers and sisters, I am having a very difficult time, once again, with my oldest son. Who has graduated from high school. By the skin of his teeth. Now we are working on gettng grants, scholarships, or loans for his college education. None of which he wants to participate in. I have tried to talk...
just a thought
This morning in the meeting the topics were detachment and gratitude...as I sat here pondering the topics a thought came to mind. When I am detaching I can be in a mindset of gratitude. I know for me gratitude aids me in keeping my serenity. When I am feeling grateful for all I do have I do feel I'm in a pla...
progress, wallow, restart
Hi family, I know lots of the slogans now like aware, accept, action etc but my mode of operation seems to be progress, then the slip or regression that can follow sneaks up on me and I wallow so much I don't even realize what has come over me so I could give myself 15 min of self pity. It takes me days to becom...