song for co-dependents like me
Being a huge co-dependent I heard this song the other day...boy does it strike a soft spot for me...If interested, google it and listen. Alter Bridge "Watch over you"
Need advice about what to tell young children
Hi, new here but not new to alcoholism. A little background: my mom is an A (for 14 years)....not sure how she's still alive actually. About 3 years ago we build a MIL suite in our backyard for her. She could no longer take care of herself, and do the necessary things that go along with living on your own. I a...
Not sure if this is OK.....?
Hi everyone, So I've only been going to Al Anon meetings for about 6 weeks now and my Abf has been sober for about 2 weeks....longest since we've been together. Life is great.....but now I find I'm even more scared!! Why???!!!! I keep waiting for that first drink to happen. Even though his drinking...
I need your prayers, please!
I received bad news today after I had the MRI done on my leg. The tumor I had removed back in June 2007 (synovial sarcoma) is back.....different position and very small right now. It has developed in my right buttock just at the point where the original incision began. I am upset, of course, but I shou...
Bad night
I have had quite a bad night, with thoughts running away from me and feelings somewhat out of control. It started with two phone calls from my father's house. It was not his terminally ill wife that was the problem but my A brother who is being rendered homeless as his place is a fire hazard. He has been sor...
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Numb or dumb?
Hi all - it's been a while since I've been on here, but it's so nice to know I can sign on at a moments notice, and will find a group of understanding people any time.
Brief background for those who don't know me... daughter and wife of alcoholic/addicts. Grew up resentful, and married due to extenuatin...
The holidays are coming and I am working on making better choices. Last night I was in a store which was full of the Thanksgiving fare. How I craved to have a decent Thanskgiving with the ex. I would always ask him every year to try to make it special, he never ever could of course but I asked! I went full fo...
Ups and Downs of being separated from AH
I've been married to my soulmate for 16 years. The past 10 years the lies and mood swings have been sucking every inch of life out of me. I know I need to get better for me and our children. I know I am taking one step at a time. I know my HP has given me the strength to come this far. I know I am opening a new do...
Not well and want to make contact
Hello everyone,
I wasn't able to make my F2F meeting last night bc I am not feeling well. I was diagnosed with Lymes in September, treated for it, and I think I am relapsing. The DR wanted to put me in the hospital today for two days to run all sorts of tests, etc. I am not in the hospital now, nor do I plan on g...
Dad and son :)
My husband and son are going to upper Michigan to go hunting together. To most people it's pretty uneventful. To me, it's pure joy :) My son has waited for this for a literal lifetime. To be with his Dad. Some background: I didn't allow my son to go anywhere with his Dad because of the drinking. Whe...
Having strength
Today marks almost the end of very hard week. I have had the grandbaby since Friday afternoon; his Dad (my son) moved in lock, stock, and barrel to be here also. My spouse had back to back surgeries last Wednesday/Thursday; he came home weak and spent Friday. So here I am with a very active toddler wea...
New here and struggling
Im new to alanon & to this forum, but not new to alcoholism. I was married 21 years to an A & it took me 15 years to get the courage to leave. Now I am again with an A, who does not like my teenage son & vice versa. When I met him he was in recovery & was a wonderful man. However, he is back to th...
ray of sanity
I have not posted for a while thought I would come and update everyone I have been in Alanon for 1 year soon and wow what a change progression not perfection still have a long way to go but the more I attend meeting, read literaure, ring my sponser and do the footwork the better my life is becoming. I just wa...
October Business Meeting Minutes
Miracles In Progress Al-Anon Monthly Business Meeting
Sunday October 5th, 2008
Chair opened with Serenity Prayer.
September 2008 Minutes voted on and accepted.
OP Meeting Schedule posted; there were two updates- voted on and accepted.
Current chair accepted the position f...
Couldn't do it anymore
Hey Everyone, I finally left my A, after seeing him go from bad to worst. And I'm having a hard time dealing with the whole situation, so I hope you don't mind if I vent.... I am hurt most because we have a 10 month old baby girl. Most of the time I cry, it's because of her. I feel bad for bringing her into the wor...
I've gotten to the point where I am indifferent to my ah's drinking. If he wants to throw his life down the tubes, so be it. I'm not going to stop living. In a sense, I think he resents the fact that I'm not sitting around wasting away with him. The more I become independent, the more he tries to hold on tighte...
To not be a martyr
Hi Alanoners, I just got back from a sporting event - competing in my age group. I missed last year because of my shoulder surgery and really wanted to go this year. My work didn't approve my leave until the last minute so I called around and friends got me on a team (Canadians no less Canadian Guy!). We pla...
covering up
My AH used to drive and I didn't. I have a friend that would sometimes need us to feed her dogs while she was away. After awhile I just had her check with AH since he was the one driving, he would need to know the schedule. That was before he started drinking. After he started drinking he has become very untru...
Just when I thought...part II
Aloha Family !! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and only peace of mind and serenity surrounded you. My weekend was wierd...uh different in many ways and a little off balance. Thanks to the program I can use "little off" today and not anything more.Truck is fixed...that's a biggie an...
Jerry F
In a Bind
I have been in a relationship with an intellegent, successful ABF for over 6 years. He transferred to my town and we met and have been together since that time. He has a very financially high end job as did I the entire time we have been together. I knew in my heart he was an A with all the chaos in my life a...
Am I demented or what.....
Although I havent posted in a while, I have still visited the board to read your posts. I havent spoken with my ex A B/F in, well, I dont remember how long. Its been a while though. As a matter of fact I have for the most part backed away from anyone remotely connected to him. I just needed to, for my own sa...
Progress not perfection
Hi (((All))) Have just accessed recent posts as I have been away from you all for a couple of days, whilst my partners been home for the first time in over three months. This quote from Jerry F, really hit home, it sums up how way off the mark I've been. "that to place this need for validation on t...
New here and feeling better-thank you!
For those I talked to in chat last week you know I was just about at my wits end with EVERYTHING! I was sooooooo proud and felt sooooooooo strong that I had kept it together for sooooo many years and not counted on anyone, little did I realize that the "fall" was going to be soooo rough. ...
Hello all!
I find that Mondays are the hardest day of the week for me. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's bc my f2f meetings are on Tuesdays and I rely on them to get me through the majority of the week??? It seems that Monday is the day that I become most nostalgic, too. I am logical about why my ex Abf and I not toge...
I was just going through my emails because I need to cut the size of my mail box down. This year I have very very little money (less than I had last year). At the same time what I do have which I didn't have last year is no contact at all with the A. No more trying to make some dent in his never ending chaos, no...
The waiting game
Hello all, Abf is finally in an impatient program. He flew to Florida on Friday and is in good hands for the next six weeks...or five, if he has anything to say about it. We made arrangements for him while he was in a local detox facility, and the morning he was leaving, he found out it was a six week progra...
am I being reeled in?
As some of you know, my step mom A has been diagnosed as being terminally ill with a brain tumour. Tonight my father, an A, rang and said she is deteriorating and he needs to sort things out, legal, etc. I offered to look on her from 2 tomorrow while he does this. He started talking about power of attorney et...
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Program sinking in; finding some calm among all the chaos
The tug of war I've been having with myself over step 3- turning ourselves over to HP has really hit home this past week. In a previous post I had informed the board that I was feeling guilty about sticking to boundries I had put in place when my ABFSober moved back in. I moved him out last weekend after he cr...
An *entire* weekend .. with my family ...
So tomorrow I'm going to the other side of the island to spend the weekend with my family. Now, for most people in Hawai'i this isn't unusual and by "family" we usually mean uncles, aunties, cousins, siblings, parents, etc etc etc. But this weekend it's just the immediate family: my mom, he...
His first birthday
I went on vacation with my 2 sisters (The Middle Child and The Baby). I was worried that we would get on each others nerves. I was right. Well the two of them fought and The Middle Child left the vacation early because of it. The Middle Child was drinking and she lashed out at The Baby. She said some really n...
rage at the lies, thanks for listening
I have received a settlement from my AH's attorney. If you can call it that. I get NOTHING at all. Nada. AND he is demanding I pay him $2000 in attorney's fees.
I am so furious. I put my sweat and heart and soul into renovating that crack house by his side. I lived in construction hell for two solid years. I...
What does a Movie Star and doing Service work have to do with each other?
Absolutely nothing ! (ha ha) Our last business meeting for Miracles in Progress was on doing service but this applies broadly to any type of service be it on the message board (replying to posts, posting thought-provoking posts, sharing your experience, strength and hope) or be it in the chat room (s...
Just glad
Newbie here. Just wanted to say again that I'm so glad to be here. I'm reading so much that I can relate to and glad to know that I'm not the only one. I'm focusing on me today and praying for guidance from hp. Thanks for your support.
Need you all
Hi (((all))) Sorry to ask but I need you all with me, am feeling very unsure and anxious. My Abf is coming home tomorrow from rehab for a 3 day visit. A few short weeks ago I would have given anything to have time with him, but now I'm really confused. He'd asked me not to contact him after being advised by...
here to complain and vent
Haven't been on here in a while. My mom is here visiting and I see those red flags appear at times. She is taking my inventory at times and it really bothers me. She is a great person and I feel bad for talking about her like this. She is not intentionally saying anything that makes me see those red flags, and...
It's not funny haha, but funny ironic...
I just had to share this quick funny, not haha but ironic, story. My AH just called asking me to look in his pants pockets for $400 he brought home from work last night. Well it wasn't there. He was very concnerned about this money because it was from a deal he did last night (car dealership). I had noted las...
HP works in mysterious ways
I have been working on my charactor traits and one huge one is procrastination. So today I started working on my debt (considerable) and make some calls (which of course I have been putting off for months). I have hard times ahead to pay these few bills. Then next thing in my email box is a note asking me t...
My First Time Here
I'm new to ALANON. I've have visited the site in the past but never actually logged on. I'm very glad that is here. I'm in desperate needs for words of encouragement. I'm determined to leave my A this time. It's the same thing all over again. He's in jail for a DUI. Even before that he hasn't helped me ra...
Getting that urge to change everything again...
I'm having that discontent rut feeling again. What does it mean? I wonder if it's just my need to have some chaos or if I really am trying to make things "better". I want to move, start over somewhere new, find a new job, etc. I fully believe that my location is a large factor in not being abl...
New to this group and forum
I am writing as a new member and would love to read any thoughts/ideas from anyone with similar experiences. My husband is an alcoholic -- a periodic binge drinker--and has been this way for as long as I have known him. We have been married for nine years and have two children ages 5 and 7. My AH's father...
keeping busy
I was in a department store yesterday and for the first time when I was going by the mens' department I thought about the A casually. So a few things came up for me. First of all I think I gave physically, materially and emotionally seventy thousand times more than the A gave me. I know this probably sound...
Just when I thought....
it was safe to go into the water... No this isn't a recap of "Jaws". I offered myself up to the gods of relapse and got hooked. Happened so fast and with all of my help that I almost got a high on the adrenalin. All I had to do was go to the airport and pick up my wife from an incoming flight after at...
Jerry F
New here.......looking for online sponser
Well as you can see by the topic icon I really don't know where I fit in anymore. I used to really think I had it altogether or got it back together after my divorce from a very abusive functioning A years ago.......today I find myself in a relationship with a sober A (he has 10 yrs sober) and after a rocky...
Telling the Truth
The past couple jobs I have had were horrible. I feel like I have to lie on the interview because the stories are so horrible and I feel shameful for what has happened. Being a single mother with no child support is no picnic in the work world. This is not a self pity statement; just the truth. Got my first re...
dont know how to handle this one... very long sorry....
Well I dont really know if this on topic or not but not to mention I have my husbands drinking to deal with, ( he has been dry now for 3 weeks ) and all that drama, now my 18 year old daughter has moved back home.. A brief history on her, she is an addict and well HUGE drama queen, literally. She has been in and ou...
He is going to die! I just know it.
Hello Family!! I am stuck deciding how I want to handle this situation I am in. My AH just had a heart cath, which resulted in an agioplasty then a stent. Now that he "feels" better he has gone back to drinking and smoking. So what's new? I knew in the hospital that he would go back. His mom was so d...
A glimmer of hope
Hello all, It finally happened!...abf is going into a 30 day treatment facility! I couldnt be happier, or more scared. He checked himself into a program (detox 3-5 day) and felt that after he is released from there, he could continue to "do it on his own" with outpatient therapy and AA....
Awareness and the penny dropping!
Oh I been having all of that happen to me of late, I have this great gift of a vivid imagination ya wouldn't belive, most of my past imaginnings have focussed on running away, I have to take some credit though because I have been truly blessed with having some very fascinating outcomes of these imaginni...
I just want to say
That even though I am still get stuck in the muck, I have come along way since this program. I used to cry and cry, by myself, in the dark, about how much everything sucked and how there wasn't a thing I could do about it. Then I would get mad at myself for being so futile. Or I would get so angry I wanted to scre...
A Few Much-Needed Reminders That I Needed Today
I got a much-needed reminder today that I thought might uplift others on this board and/or give you nudge in a more postive direction. Here's part of it: Greatest Mistake - Giving Up (there are exception to this law, I think) Greatest Crippler - Fear Greatest handicap - Ego Greatest Victory - Victory...
Feeling stuck
Hello all, I'm new here but I've been lurking for several months now. Long story short my AW has been on again off again sober for the last year. I've managed to keep some semblance of detachment for the last several months thanks to these forums and my own self reflection. Anyway her problems came to...
slogans r great for us
Dare to share.. namaste~ Solgans: Just For Today...Easy Does It...Keep It Simple Sweetie...How Important Is It?...First Things First...One Day At A Time...Let Go And Let God...But For The Grace Of God...Think!...Listen And Learn...Let It Begin With Me...Together We Can Make It...Be Honest.....
Letting Go
I have come to the point that the fight is out of me. I mourn my will to fight. Giving up has made me sad but has also put out my anger. My AH comes home from work drunk almost everyday. At least he is not being verbally abusive right now. He is in total denial and even if he went and got help I don't thin...
do not do this
When suffering a tooth ache from a dry socket, do NOT put a drop or two of Clove oil in it. It will only stop hurting becuz you have burned the H out of your lips and tongue so much worse than the tooth pain.... Just a simple word of my experience....lol hugs,debilyn
Just miserable
I hate to start my post with a topic like that, but it's the truth. I'm at work and I'm simply miserable today. I am angry at my ex ABF for his behaviors and for leaving me here to live with this crap. He was my second great love--the one that promised me a future and a great life. My first one died on 9/11--and t...
I am wounded, faithful, hopeful and keep crying....Long stupid
If I drew a circle and made lines out from it expressing feelings it would look like a sunshine gone crazy. All the surgeries are finished,knee....could not do the dead persons cartlidge plug ick as the missing cartlidge the llama destroyed is too much. you will need a knee replacement. I say,"w...
As you all know I am more than one year out from leaving the A. I am in a big mess financially and one of the only ways I can get out of it is to take on another job which is huge for me. I am already tired and feel resourceless. I am making progress in lots of ways. I say no now to lots of things. No to being invo...
A rough day
I posted earlier today and I'm back after a long day of fighting the urge to contact the ex ABF. I have my f2f meeting tomorrow night, thank God, and I am hopeful that it will get me beyond this stage of wanting to contact him. I am feeling angry and also nostalgic about the relationship. I am also feeling af...
Feeling a lot of resentment and rage
Dear All,
At the moment I am very resentful, a person who I thought was a good friend has let me down. Of course she is with an alcoholic and in denial and I was foolish when asked to tell her what I thought, she makes sure that he contacts her every night when she's working away so she knows what time he gets i...
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husband threw wedding ring out or it is lost...
Well on one of my husbands drinking binges he asked for my wedding ring back and well like a dummy I gave it to him because I didnt want to start world war 3 with an argument, so I just gave it to him. Well he either lost it or threw it away. and now a week and a half later I keep telling him if he might possiably kno...