do interventions work, can treatment work?
hello again, I'm working Al Anon and detaching, realizing Alcoholism is a disease. At the same time, I'm doing things proactively regarding the illness because I feel the relationship is worth trying for. So I asked my AF within the week to get a full evaluation with recommendations for treatment an...
Feelling Depression...........
Depression has taken such a toll on me, I just wake up not wanting to get out of bed, I have lost about 20 lbs., I have no interest whatsoever in eating. I saw a counselor Friday because I have been having thoughts that dying would be easier than living like this. She wants me to go to a medical doctor and ge...
As expected.
As I thought, I'm feeling better the last two days. Nothing changed but my feelings. This depression comes and goes. I know I can feed into it or work against it. What helped? I think two good nights sleep in a row. Some exercise, went to a beach bonfire with some friends, spent time with my daughte...
About me....
I must be the whiniest person on this board. Sorry folks. Anyway I though I'd share some of my past....i dont' know why but it seems connected to why I'm having such a hard time today. Without going into great detail, I'm an ACOA, who got into therapy in the early 90's and was directed to Alanon by my thera...
BIL never completed detox and know his father thinks it is better if he just drank
Hello Again...so my bil went to detox and was only able to be there for the night. The room had no T.V. and there were 4 other men sharing the room. It broke my heart when my FIL told me that his friend's mother picked him up and brought him home. He is 26 years old and lives with his father who is also a AH. I have...
question how do i get to 12 step work board?
hi how do i get to the 12 step workboard?thanks. meg
Update on My exAH's Bizarre Story
As I wrote in my last post, my exAH does realize that the bizarre story of being held hostage at gun point in his home was all in his mind. I spoke to him about he is in the last stages of alcoholism and that I hope he gives detox/rehab serious consideration. He was straddling the fence. He shared with me s...
Monday a.m. Al-Anon Mtg
I am unable to chair the Monday a.m. Al-anon Meeting (November 1). Hoping someone will be able to step up for me. Thanks
I'm so tired of feeling like this.
I feel down so much.....there are moments of contentment, but they dont' last. I realize it's my own fault, that I should be able to be happy regardless of what life is throwing at me but it doesn't sink in. Somehow I feel screwed all the time, like I"m not meant to be happy. I feel like Charlie Bro...
I am so rushed today...
Life is rough today--I really have to slow down anymore! I want to take it slower but I am having trouble doing it! I will keep plugging away! I need to take some deep breaths & relax! I am hoping the day will go better later. Oops there goes my cell phone. Gotta go! Kathleen
Hoot Nanny
Stigma and labels!
I was just thinking how as my family grew up, I am talking my mum and my siblings, we really were very aware that as a one parent family we were made to feel somehow less than, and that stuck with me most of all the time I felt unhappy, when I started to feel better, it was when I stopped feeling less than, I didn...
Hiding the A's drinking problem
That's what I've been doing for many years. I've been hiding it because I'm ashamed. My mother doesn't know about my A husband's problem although she has cracked some jokes about it seeing him with her own eyes. My parents seldom consumed alcohol, it was saved only for special occasions or Chris...
Just want to share
I am posting this evening to talk about the way I started to handle a situation, and the way I finally surrendered the situation. This weekend is a big holiday for my AH. And I thought Halloween was for kids. just kidding, anyway I just wanted to note my progress. I saw him today and he was just whirling wi...
My bad? Reality check needed, please.
Overcoming my fear of hearing responses, it is important to me to set my mind straight, as I feel I am, once again, taking on someone else's problems. I am aware I am not for everyone and everyone is not for me. I am trying to sort out my hurt - it seems that I allowed someone to dump their anger on me... actu...
Just realized something--I am feeling GREAT!
I realized something earlier today--in spite of everything that is going on, in spite of my wife's continued drinking and depression, in spite of everything seemingly on the verge of falling apart and her potentially having a breakdown, in spite of us having to consider her going to rehab...in spit...
Everyday is a winding road...
I feel so much better today, just thought I would say. I really really am so glad for this board and all of your responses! Thank you so much! I went home and my bf was there for me, he made sure I had dinner, he talked with me, we took a walk together, we watched a movie and both fell asleep doing so :) It was...
I used to think it was a destination we just arrived at and stayed there, and I thought it was a place and it just would happen lol, I was always just expsecting it to just show up because I deserved it, I was so full of concete, hadn't I earned my right to be happy, wasn't my suffering worse than anyone else's...
New Here, with a basic, general question
So about us: My A husband and I have been married for a year and a half. My second marriage, his first. I have two daughters from my first marriage, and my A husband and I have a 5-month old son together. We knew each other in junior high and high school, went our separate ways, and then reconnected a few...
Separated from my AH
I am recently separated from my AH and am very sad but very glad at the same time. We have a two year old that has seen and heard alot of arguing and then the last straw was physical where he was arrested. Our two year old was very scared and that is when I told my AH he had to go somewhere else, and away from us a...
I am feeling better...
I am feeling better but I am only limited to so much time on this computer! I can truly say that my HP is working in my life! I am healing both physically & spiritually! I am only as sick as I allow myself to be! Recovery can really get me down but I am willing to hang in there until the miracle happens. I mea...
Hoot Nanny
He said sorry mum, result!
As some of you know, our son had started to go off the rails, so we have set clear boundaries, and enforce them when neccaserry, he wanted his motorbike last evening and I said no, not for general socialising now you have no job, he said I will go get drunk then, I said ok but you know the rules if you get so dru...
Get up and keep going, don't give up
"...Beth Anne DeCiantis had to complete a 26-mile marathon in less than two hours and 45 minutes to qualify for the Olympics. She reached the final straight in 2hours43, with just two minutes left. Two hundred yards from the finish she stumbled and fell. Dazed, she stayed down for 20 seconds. Th...
Fallen off the cusp today...
I am not having a great day and am trying to turn it around. I guess I fell of the proverbial wagon and into my seductive depression again... That hole is there still and it is so easy to fall into, and so much harder to fight back out of. I know that happiness is an inside job. I know that I have to live in the...
Something for everyone
I dont know if everyone is aware of the Pod casts that are available on our WSO site . they are amazing . U just click on to site pick the language of choice , click on pod casts and you are in a meeting . there are several topics being discussed this is perfect for new commers who wonder what goes on in our meeti...
New here
HI I am new here. I am married to an alcoholic, have been for 39 years. He was clean and sober for about 10 years and then began drinking again about 7 years ago. As you can imagine, he has become progressively worse. We live in Beijing, China and he did find an AA meeting here, though it's inconvenient...
the need to possess.........
this probably has to do with not being satisfied with myself (or anything else for that matter) but I've come to learn that I have this need to possess everything. Here is what I mean in a few examples: 1. I play guitar, am at least decent enough (and have a degree in music - another instrument though) to...
Higher Power Question
Ok. I have not been very religious during my life, nor very spiritual. I have been doing a lot of the Al-Anon reading and I seem to be struggling with the higher power stuff. How do you realize a higher power? I guess I don't really understand this. I am trying to "just live" and let happen....
She is SO angry at me
My wife & I had our weekly marriage counseling session. She is so angry at me right now and I really don't know why. I'm guessing she is displacing some of the bad feelings she has on to me? If yes, do I just ignore this? Or do I try and talk it out with her? I'm not even sure that is an option. Our counselor e...
clean up behind the shed...
For the past 6 months i've known that behind the shed under all the weeds and vines and overgrowth lay several small vodka bottles that my exaH has been tossing there through the last winter. He'd come to the house to visit, we'd do a trial at reconciliation sometimes, it would fall apart in days and he'...
Making a plan be
The holidays have always been a difficult time for me. They are creeping up on me and for once rather than leave it to last minute I am making plans. None of them include taking care of anyone but me! What a difference. I remember one holiday making plans and letting them go because my then boyfriend...
Update on last post
Hi everyone. Well we went to the doctor this morning. There is both good and bad news, The bad is the doctor said his liver is buggered, his words not mine. The good news is he said that if he stops drinking he will be ok. Rehab rang yesterday and said he can go in three weeks, so It's just a countdown now. Than...
he he he....
I just realized today that nothing on the outside world has changed, And that everything inside of me has changed, Thus creating responses instead of reactions, I have a voice, I am an adult. I'm not that scared little girl anymore. She's growing up and changing. Today I had a huge fear grip me like chai...
the road so far.......
Sorry for all the posting...I'm home from work - for the record I was just at the orthopedist who told me I need arthroscopic surgery in my knee (severly torn cartlidge) so I had to take the day off for the midmorning appointment. So I'm sitting here wanting to share stuff. I'm inspired to write this pos...
Getting ready for the day ahead...
Each day I wake and think, "Today I will prepare for the day ahead", and I mentally draw up a plan. Each day I get that far and no further. Each day I bemoan my lack of self discipline and realise that NO ONE is going to do it for me, this is something I have to do myself. So what is different about tod...
quick visit
Hi everyone have not posted in a while still having big probs with my computer and financual stuff, I have really missed this site. However still attending my face to face so still moving forward backwards and sideways in my recovery he he. Feeling good today Hp has given me some constructive guidance...
Real happy to see more men here.
I just wanted to let the men reaching out for help know how grateful I am to see you here. It really makes me happy, as men are not in the normal demographics of our membership. I sure hope you all spread the joy and hop over to face-to-face meetings, too. Personally speaking, it's a breath of fresh air havi...
So why don't I feel better????
A big jump in my tax bill (after I refinanced, grieved taxes and thought I would actually be saving a little money) basically wiped out that savings. I suppose I should be grateful that as a result of this, the big tax increase didn't raise my payment at all ( may actually still save 1-200). However...
This Poor Kid .. How is she functioning?
Well, I don`t know if I mentioned it recently but for the last month my grandaughter has been obcessed about her mother`s drinking since she met up with her current boyfriend who sounds like a severe alcoholic. This kid is acting out in school at home and with me. I finally got it out of her what was bother...
Uk Members Out there
Hi everyone, This is my first post. I'm an adult child of an alcoholic father and I have an alcoholic brother, husband, uncle, brother in law & sister in law. I wondered if any UK members would like to reply to this post to share. I have just started going to Al Anon. I love reading everyone's p...
chat room not loading
Another member wrote to me last night about the chat room not loading and today I cannot gain access either... is the system down?
Looking for support
Hi I'm feel like I'm falling apart at the moment, My AH is now on the waiting list to go to rehab and today he got results back from tests and he was told he had a really high glucose reading and his liver is in bad shape. I came home from shopping and found him on the floor with chest pain, I called the ambulance...
I'm scared
Many of you will have been with me and held out a cyber hand as I have gone through many ups and downs with my AH. Recently he has been a lot better. This has followed a 3 week spell in hospital when he very nearly died but somehow pulled through and has been making good progress in his physical health. Troubl...
On the cusp...major changes...
I have been really working hard on keeping my head on me. I have realized where I have let people walk all over me or where I have become the victim in a relationship. I tend to allow people who know me to either control me or I become the caretaker. In the business I have on the side of my regular job, photo...
ok...NOW I am really stuck...
I have worked so hard to try and ACCEPT that my kids are not home with me and are with their dad for school weeks. Now they dont want to come home at all. My ex is a man who has always struggled with rage, and his hatred of me is now being translated into my kids. This is terribly painful. So, I was outside, tryi...
((((((((((Friends))), As you know I posted a few day ago about a young loss of life. Well here is the kicker...he is 19 and his mother rather say he was dead than be proud that he had the guts to walk thru the doors of recovery. I have been in this crazy go round of life for years and never ever have I ever her...
Aloha...I'm home!!
The Assembly is over...my hangover is almost all gone. Most of you will know what kind of hangover that is...the headache that comes with not being involved in an intense mental, emotional, spiritual endeavor over a short period of time. Yes my HP was there helping to keep me appropriate around 60...
Jerry F
I hope it gets better soon...
I am struggling again--been having trouble sleeping. Really that is nothing too hard to believe. I am recovering still from surgery & have to depend on my Ah for help still. I hate depending too much on him but my HP knows what I need & I need help! I am trying to hang in there until NOV. 10th when I g...
Hoot Nanny
Advice please
Hello. My name is Brooke and I have just recently been introduced to al-anon. I am twenty years old and I have been dating a drug addict ( he is addicted to perscription drugs) on and off for the past eleven months. He is my first and only love. We have gone through so many struggles together. He has relap...
What about the children?
Or in this case, the one special-needs child? It is one thing to let my brother make his own stupid mistakes. And I even understand about letting my mom make her mistakes in trying to rescue my brother. But how do you form good boundries when there is a special needs child who can't fend for herself and yo...
Just need to talk about my children. Everything is changing. I have stopped being this meek little person that allows my children to run over me. They don't like it. There are constant battles. I can't wait until the day when we actually have one day without chaos. Yeah who am I kidding. I just wish my kid...
Just had to share this snippet... it's a gem...
Every goal scored in life is usually a team effort. Be like the little boy who came home from the auditions for the school play and announced, 'Mummy, I got the part. I've been chosen to sit in the audience and cheer.' When you can do that, your head finally fits your hat size. Suzannah
Last night's meeting topic was communication. I was thinking how different my communication is than it used to be. Actually, when I got here, I had just about NO methods of effective communication. In my family of origin, I was not permitted to express my opinions, disappointment, anger, or any...
White Rabbit
Getting lots of advice from people not living in my shoes!!!
Since I told my AH that he could not live here until he got his act together. Told him he needed to get back to AA once he starts skipping meetings its not long before it gets real bad. People that have heard he is not living here told me well its about time you threw him out. It really hard when you know he can s...
Every time I hear this song . . .
I heard it driving down the road when it first came out and it made me cry. Now it is very popular and on all the time. I feel myself walking away from it. It is starting to feel less like what life should be and more like what I should be running from. That is a good thing. These are explicit lyrics . . . Emine...
My first post
I've been to about 5 meetings and I guess I should keep going... I'm just so confused about certain things, it's like a war constantly raging in my head. My ABF has been sober for almost 3 months, and things are going well. He's very active in his recovery and half of the time I feel guilty because so many p...
My life is in shambles right now
Last night AH and I had an argument. He was upset with me because I am currently on medical leave, and I spent my time yesterday on the computer looking for a new job, reading the boards here, chatting with people from here, and reading a book. The kids were in school, AH was working from home, and there j...
Told my wife's parents everything--mistake or no?
My wife's parents have known that something is wrong with my wife for a few months now. They thought maybe it was medication or just exhaustion. But they saw her at her worse earlier this week (they live 400 miles away but happen to be visiting this week) and knew something was seriously wrong. I got the c...
I'm having A really tough time - some advice would really be appreciated...
I really hope there are some folks here that might be able to give me a little advice that gives me some relief, as I am really hurting. I am a recovering alcoholic (10 months) and despite all the warnings from others in my program, I went ahead and got into a relationship with another newcomer. Perhaps I...
Another Senseless Young Death
(Friends), Well we lost another young man in our community today....he was going to check into rehab here in the next few days but instead he checked out of life. This beautiful young man was the tender age of 19. His name was Mike, he was a good kind hearted person. The drugs took him away from his world...