working the steps?
I hear "work the steps" a lot. Is there a workbook or something? Thanks!
I need some help figuring myself out today. When my husband and I were separated for about 2 months in February, my son overheard a call that his dad received and became suspicious and mentioned it to me. I made a note of the day and time and went digging. I found out that the number belonged to a young girl...
some anxiety but that is just me!
Just a little bit, just a little bit of anxiety today. I am doing better even w/ the pain! I am so fortunate that the doctors know what they are doing. I just wish I had private insurance of some kind. I am taking each test one at a time. I can only afford what I can afford these days. I can't spend what I have &am...
Hoot Nanny
Trying to stay in the moment...
Hi everyone. :) Im working HARD TODAY at staying in the moment. Ive had some struggles with my best friend in addition to leaving my A. She turned on me, and fussed at me for being upset only two weeks later. In addition to that, she called him and asked him to be part of an art show. While, she certainly has t...
EXPERIENCE of letting go
I have been attending Al Anon meetings for several years and have said to myself and others many times Let Go and Let God. This morning I had an experience where I got it...it is even hard to put it into words. As I mentioned in earlier posts, my husband's recovery program is Celebrate Recovery, which i...
I want my partner to make more time for me!!!
Hey all, So I am in a long distance relationship with someone who is coming to visit me on Saturday! I'm totally stoked but... They have made other plans while they are here to see other friends of theres, and emailed me a very detailed schedule of when they are and aren't available. It bummed me out becau...
still bothers me??????????
i dont understand why its even bothering me that my ex a has blocked me from his f/b,i had already defreinded him a long way back but ive found out y he blocked me is because i had this freind of his on my face book and his cell ph,has been down or out of mins for a long time now that he has it back on,so i cant see wh...
How do I stop this?
Hey, all.... haven't been here in a while as I've been incredibly busy (in a good way!). I've been stewing about something for a while now, wondering what the heck is up with my head, and just yesterday in C2C the reading said something to the effect of being open to the guidance of the people around me -...
Exercises in self-care
I was feeling really icky yesterday morning, and I know a lot of it was a sort of "oooh, I want someone to love me!" kind of ickyness. I'm real grateful for my Al-Anon program and tools, however, because even when I was feeling all blah I knew immediately that I need not wait for someone outside...
A/A daughter gone "mad"
Several family members called to ask me if I had read what my daughter wrote about me on facebook, also her deceased father. They were very upset and angry at her esp. my son, who is also a/a, but functioning at a higher level currently. I guess H/P (God) protected me from reading it because I was unable...
Update on "son facing jail time" Court was yesterday.....
A son (by the Grace of God) is not in jail..... The prosecutor really wanted him to spend 60 days of a 1 year sentence incarcerated. We found that out several days before the trial when his attorney spoke to her. Son's attorney told him to get his affairs in order as he would go straight to jail from the tria...
Struggling in Trust....
OK, So... I have Been Battling a "Trust" issue, and Everytime it is Brought Up I Find myself slipping back to Old habits of Judgement, Control... Now I have been Working My Program the Best I Can Squeeze into the Crazy Schedule I Call life, and I have been Asking HP to Show Me how to Forgive Thos...
chapter nine meeting in cobble hill, brooklyn, ny
i went online to http://chapter9-nyc.org/beta/meetings.html and found us a chapter nine meeting last night. we drove all the way there to find an empty church. it was really really frustrating. why would they have that meeting listed on the website if the meeting was closed?!?!
Today was a good day, it does get better!
Hello All - second time I've typed this because my pc went away for a second, ha, but that's all it takes sometimes! Today was a good day. I took my daughter and her friend to a saturday market on sunday; great great GREAT weather - man it was about perfect weather, did I say it was great? Lots of people, thin...
Blaming v annoyance
I'm wondering if anyone has an idea about what is blaming behaviour and what is just being or feeling annoyed about something someone does. I'm trying to sort this out in my own head. I think the program says that to blame someone is not keeping the focus on me and my own self responsibility. Out of fear I h...
Im Lost & Scared
Hey all... My partner decided to get give up the alcohol about 4 weeks ago, Said he would get help by going to AA meetings, couselling etc. Still to this day he has made no effort to get the help, making any phone calls or going to AA groups. I asked him twice in the last 4 weeks if he has rang to book an appt and...
Moving Back
It has been one year and four days since my loved one entered rehab and quickly relapsed. I set a very strict boundary that for the longest time seemed so unfair. "If you drink again, I am gone" He drank, I literally packed up everything I owned and moved 3 hours away. That was 9 months ago and in...
yup, I am messed up.
Hello everyone. I am so freaking happy to be here. This is my first post and I just need to be really honest and up front about my defects. I have been in alanon for about a year now and attend 2 meetings a week. I have been able to find great support in the program but am coming up against a block. Here is...
my feelings for my ex a
im haveing a diff. veiw of my ex a today after talking toa girl on my f/b about him that he had been trying to hook up with,but she told me that everytime she or he called her he would be drunk and would tell off on himself we we became freinds,which is good she is a very sweet person a has a good head on her should...
Has anyone tried EFT (emotional freedom technique-tapping) I have heard it is really helpful. I have tried it some but didn't feel to much of a difference. I am confused because Alanon teaches that we have to surrender and yet EFT teaches that we can tap and help our body release these negative ener...
A Cautionary Tale
I'm probably older than most anybody on here. Today I was thinking I may have 12 or 15 years left. No guarantees with that, of course. And I got to thinking about how I want to live these next years--however many are given to me. Mind you, in my head I don't feel any different than the youngest of you. Bu...
I'm moving back to the states Wednesday and am not sure about access to the internet or what I'll be doing the rest of this week. Will you all make an effort to cover for me for these three meetings? Thanks. Fina.
Abuse prevention order?
We had a bad episode two weeks ago. My AH became agressive towards our 17 year old nephew who lives with us and later became physical with him as my nephew went into the house to get away from him. The whole situation seemed to be totally unprovoked as I was ther when it happened and was shocked by my husband...
He's really nice and sorry all the time
I just got back from a lovely weekend away at my son's tennis tournament. We both felt ill this AM, I think we're dehydrated and tired. He lost his match this AM so we drove home today. AH has been hiding in his office all day, as usual. We got along for the most part on the phone but what's been driving me c...
Recent contact with her
I haven't talked with my mom for 5 years and I really needed that time to heal and take care of myself. I have been attending alanon meetings for a year now and am making lots of progress. I saw my mom the other day at an event and asked her to come over to sit by me, I just felt this huge compassion for her. Sh...
Good evening all, Tonight is not a good night. I keep working my program and I keep trying to fix my problems. But I am at a point that I don't know if it's working anymore. I try so hard to keep things in check and if I have a slip I try to correct it right away. Well last week I was told by my A G/F (who is in AA) that...
New here - husband is an alcoholic.
Hello! I have been married for 6 years. My husband is an alcoholic. He had been to rehab and was sober for a year when we got married. He kept his sobriety for 6 years and started drinking again last year. He goes on benders where he will drink massive amounts of alcohol for a few days and then will be ashamed...
Tough time this morning
It's been only a few days since I've written. I came off a great weekend -- spent some quality time with my AH outside and managed not to nag/bother/ask him about his relapse last week. Went to an Alanon meeting and found it really comforting. My anxiety lessened significantly, mostly because I think I...
How to have a healthy me despite an unhealthy marriage?
Woops! Something triggered in me last night. We had discussed getting chinese and renting a movie, in fact it was his idea. I waited and waited. Finally texted him after 2 hours and he said he'd be home in 5 mins. 4 hours later he stumbles in drunk. I usually do a good job at being nice, not rocking the boat,...
Cutting the isolation and figuring out who I am
My AH has been gone for about a month now. I am trying to figure out what I need to do to get better and continue to move forward in my recovery. My son seems like he is happier and says he is no longer suicidal. He hasnt been talking much this past week, so I have been getting nervous and worrying about him....
What does it feel like to feel detached? My husband, who has been in recovery for 3 years, has been asking me for a few days what is "wrong"...his description is "subdued". I feel different. Typically I am the one wanting to talk, trying to establish a connection, but I am in a...
Party went pretty well!
My husband's 70th birthday went well but because I have high expectations I was a little let down. It was "his'" party & I almost made it about me. I am so sorry that I can't just enjoy myself w/o making something out of nothing. So, today is his actual birthday. I am so glad his health has im...
Hoot Nanny
How Becky Got Her Groove Back
How badly, I want this to be true. I'm feeling positive about my life again. Its scary and exciting too. All my life. I've needed so badly to control people and situations. I used all my energy to try to force things to happen. They almost always ended in disappointment. I have given surrender a try for on...
Taking care of me (finally)
Both kids are out of the house today- happy with friends. The laundry was taken care of earlier in the week. The house is clean enough for today. Ordering pizza for dinner. A whole day just for me!! I worked on my art... something I haven't had the desire or inspiration to touch in almost two months. I tur...
Daisy Girl
Today while I was shopping in a shopping centre, with 2 of my children, a fight broke out between a man and a woman. We were standing in a bakery, when the yelling and cursing started. My God, I've never heard anything like it before in public. They just didn't seem to care. The shop assistant and othe...
Tracey C
He's in the money!
So, the exA just got about 50K of my retirement in the divorce. He's back from Vegas..bought us a big-screen TV, bought 10 year old new $70 Baseball glove (on sale), bought 15 year old a food de-hydrator (bc I mentioned he wanted one for his b-day in august) bought himself a new camera, and yesterday boug...
just now stumbling in
Hi folks. I am mary ann. I saw the nice video John posted in the sticky department and thought this might be a place to go. I have an alcoholic abusive husband. my husband and i have been together sin 1983. Been married and raised our sons to adulthood for the last 25 years. I went to an al anon meeting about 2...
Hi all, I thought a lot about my childhood and my AB today. Let me tell you about a situation I just had on the phone with him, as he is on a business trip in Asia right now. I told him I would love to communicate more with him about our sex life and I also suggested a relationship therapy session. After the conv...
Conflicting needs
I've been thinking about this a real lot lately, as this is a recurring theme in my relationship right now. My question for you is this: "How does one deal with conflicting needs in a healthy respectful way?" it often seems that my and my partner's needs clash, and while I am big oncompromise...
Unmanageability: Spirituality
Hi everyone. Im doing some step worksheets from my local CODA website. I have been to 1 mtg in addition to al anon, and am looking forward to trying the steps. The part I am on is listing ways that my life reflects unmanagability. Currentlu working on "spirituality". I have been writing out m...
helping my son
my son moved in with me last year in feb.he had been liveing out onhis own with freinds for 6 years when he came home to me in feb.he was very,very sick almost dead ,he is 26 y/o i rushed him to the er next day afer he moved back in he has severe sleep apnea and oxygen dropping down to 71,not even good scared me ,s...
Can I (and should I) give up this particular form of ¨saving him¨?
Today is a religious holiday here. A left for the village at 9 am ¨to watch the procession¨. OK, that takes about 30 minutes. He wasn't home yet at 1 pm but I figured he was in a cantina drinking, not my business. A few minutes later our friend who was here doing some work came looking for me. He said someone...
Blind Sided
I'm new to the forum and in a bit of a crisis. I'm a child of an alcoholic - my own struggles with life took me down a similar path = drugs. I thought I was better than my alcoholic Father in that I was functional. My 20yr son came to me one day and said "Mom, you're doing too much of this stuff". ...
Path to Serenity
~ PAIN ~:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~"Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain."Kahlil Gibran:~*~:. .:~*~:. ....
Mr. Nice Guy, AH texts, and yep letting go!
This weekend I got to spend some time with a Nice Guy. It was business, not romantic, but friendly and personal. I had forgotten what it was like to be around a "normal" person. I have my good girlfriends, but it was refreshing to talk to a man in a healthy way. He looked me in my eyes, didn't w...
Dolly Llama
married to an alcholic! i need advice
I have been living with my husband for over 17 years as him being an alcholic! he stops then starts again.. i need help. he has loss jobs over this and friends. we have beautiful kids together and now it is effecting them.. he is a great husband and father when he isnt drinking. and he is refusing help!! i am...
alcoholism battle is over
As any who has read my bio, I have fought this monster for only a short period of time but have suffered so much of what this disease can bring. However, early last week, my wife suffered a brain hemorage as a result of untreated high blood pressure from her heavy drinking. Although she has regained a lo...
I went away
Hi I went away for a week for my work. My husband could not come with me as we couldn't afford the unpaid time off work for him. That meant me leaving him at home alone. I do not cope well with that for a variety of reasons. I spoke to my psychologist about it and she gave me some tips and also I used the steps a...
The "What If's"
My ASon is drinking less lately, has a new relationship, but is not completely dry and not attending AA. I know about the 3C's. But I guess my fear is that tomorrow his wedding day "What If" he drinks too much, that keeps playing over and over again in my head. I know I have no control. I think it i...
Why is this frightening?
Married 9 years, separated three. Two children, 8 and 9 who are now noticing. Not violent, just becomes rude and very snappy towards me. I can't reply.....sometimes I try, and he says it will stop. It doesn't. I'm lonely, as he's not always the same. He's three hours late from work, I know where he is. He...
Destructive eating
Today realized a new way that my codependency harms me. I was getting upset today at work about one of the clients in our drug treatment program who we suspect is selling out in the parking lot. Now it's simple, you get caught selling you get discharged. However, I started getting upbout or him about his...
Heard from my ex today.
I got a call from my ex-A today. I let it go to voice mail cuz I was out with my current partner having lunch. The ex stated he wanted to talk about his latest book he is writing. He writes when drinking and sometimes it comes out pretty decent, but none of it is going to win a pulitzer or anything. That wou...
Hi all. I had a really cool experience yesterday. I went to an intuitive medium. I know I know, I wasn't a big believer in that kind of stuff but I was curious so I gave it a shot. She knew SO much about me and the things Im going through. It was beyond cool. She gave me some more confirmation that ending my rela...
:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~"You will either step forward into growth, or you will step back into safety."Abraham Maslow:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~In my early years in program, one of my sponsors told me, "You're in a very wel...
What does "Mamas and Papas" meeting mean??
I see meetings listed as "Mamas and Papas AFG". What does this mean??
Letting go...
It seems to be a fresh set of pain everyday. Ive really kind of lost track of time. Im really frustrated. Ive been sitting at home alone basically for 3 weeks. I leave only to go to the store, work, and meetings. I come home, and sit. I watch tv, and come here. This is no life. Its nothing but some kind of bubbl...
Time to think
I hope I'm posting in the right place - this is the first time I've used a forum, so please forgive me if I get any of the ettiquette wrong. I just need to get something 'out there', before I break. My A woke me this morning with a query about copyright. I answered as best I could but apparently in the wrong ton...
it looks like...
It looks like...according to the doctors; that I have authritis. For those of you who have been following me for years, I am finally going to find a solution to my condition. They have not really officially diagnosed me as I have not been to the rhumatologist yet. I am anxious to find out what is up w/ me fo...
Hoot Nanny
Feeling Low
My AH, Stephen, died last August of alcohol related conditions. But right now I am re-living the hell I went through this time last year.Try as I might to consign it to a box with tight fitting lid, it keeps rearing it's ugly head. It's the awful things that I flung at OH that keep springing to mind. I even s...
Courtesy, one day at a time
Today's topic in the book One Day at a Time in Al-Anon is about courtesy. To quote the passage: "The warmth and kidness of courtesy will take the sting out fo the resentments, and give dignity and importance to the members of my household, making them feel secure and loved." Today I had a p...