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here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I had lunch with some friends today. After an hour or so one of them asked ¨And how is _ ?(A)¨ I said it had been a rough week and I didn't want to talk about it. He then said ¨we don't mean to pry, but we care about him. And more importantly we care about you.¨ Well, that opened the floodgates. I told them the latest BS going on with A and told them my concerns and fears, barely keeping myself from crying. But the feelings wouldn't leave me. I thought I was doing so well at ¨detaching ¨. But have I just been in denial? I got home and have been crying since, can't seem to stop. I wish I could just leave but for many reasons that's not possible. We live in a foreign country where we are not residents so I am unable to work here. We moved here to retire and have been living off our savings until eligible for S.S. That's less than a year away for him, more than a few years for me. And money is extremely tight. I have no family or home to return to in the U.S. At my age and with the economic downturn I seriously doubt I could find a job. And honestly, I don't want to live there again, I love my adopted country and hope to spend the rest of my life here. But I often feel so trapped and hopeless. Having to live with him out of economic necessity is truly sucking the life out of me. I was doing OK, getting by One Day at a Time, doing my best to take care of me. But my friends questions got me thinking about all the things I've been avoiding-is this really how the rest of my life is going to be? What are my alternatives? Can't come up with any and that leaves me feeling even more hopeless. Even doing a gratitude list isn't helping. (Which usually does.) I have gone so far in making friendships of my own, finding interests and doing things I want to do. But lately those things don't help either. I don't know what I want by posting this, maybe just to get it out of my system and tomorrow will be a brighter day.
Some days pinapple this is truly just too much for us to deal with , your human , feel the feelings then let go , one more time .. thinking of you today- Louise
(1) The question of if you're detached or not depends on how one defines detachment, no? For me, the definition of detachment evolves. How I defined detachment last year at this time is different from today. As I grow my definiation develops.
(2) In addition, I see detachment as an onion. In other words, there are layers to the detachment process. Perhaps you've discovered another layer?
I've found that when I over analyze my feelings, especially those I would rather go away for good, I get very bogged down and just about kill my spirit. When I get like that, I let go and get busy doing something I like, such as gardening. I recall you like being outdoors too. Right?
I'm not suggesting putting your head in the sand. Like the other response you received suggested, feel the feelings and know that tomorrow will be another day. It's like riding a rough wave.
I understand the grieving process you're going through (I think). My recovering husband (okay, I divorced him but we are now back together) is not drinking now (thank God). However, his health limits the activities we can do and hoped to do when he retired. For example, we went through a national park last week and he sat on a bench while I hiked up trails to see water falls. He had to view the pictures I took, not the fall itself.
Perhaps today the gratitude list doesn't cut it for you; but tomorrow is a new day. Try then.
You love your adopted country. Put that down. You have dedicated friends - bing........ put that down. Take it from there sweet lady.............. it's all okay. Don't listen to your stinkin' thinkin'.
You have to go through the darkness to truly know the light. Lama Surya Das
Resentment is like taking poison & waiting for the other person to die. Malachy McCourt
Awww, Pineapple, That is just so very sad. Have you looked at becoming a citizen there, so you can work? Can you do anything under the radar to earn your keep? Maybe brainstorming with your friends, you might come up with a solution. There was a lady on PBS, and her name is escaping me, she wrote a book about how life doesn't even begin til you're 40. And I went to see her give a talk, and she said that you're only 6 degrees from anybody on the planet, and if you want something, invite friends--about 30, if you can, and say I want to do X. And somebody will know somebody who knows somebofy who can put you onto something. It happened there. There were 200 or more of us, but a girl wanted to work with horses, and the other audience members had her hooked up with a job and a place to live, like that--doing just what she liked. I realize you may not be allowed to earn money, but perhaps you could help manage an estate for room and board. Or something! You'll get good ESH from people with a lot of recovery about how to handle the moment. Sometimes we've just got to grieve--it isn't turning out at all as you wanted and you are in a tricky situation. There are always Miracles--just have to catch one. In the meantime, please love yourself for us. We care. Love, Temple
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
For me, I don't see detachment as meaning that we no longer care. Ithink it means we detach from their issues and stop saving them or getting involved with them and having our own lives. I don't think it means your love or concern for him has to go away.
Every now and then its good to open those floodgates in a safe place. Allow yourself to feel. Personally I hate emotions and would rather not have them at all.... But thats not the way it is unfortunately.
Sometimes a good cry and a melt down is the time that I feel a bit purged afterward.
I truly do understand your sadness and I agree with all the wisdom expressed by our MIP family.
Detachment enabled me to stop reacting to the feelings of others and to finally feel my own feelings. Once I honestly acknowledged my feelings and the truth, I was able to seek out constructive solutions to my pain.
Your tears were an honest response to someone's deep concern for you and your family. I am glad that you permitted yourself to feel this and to express it honestly here.
I have prayed on a similar situation and asked for guidance Remember in the 11 th Step we pray for knowledge of HP's will and the power to carry it out. HP s will was not my will but when I surrendered. my life changed. and I received the Power to grow and change as well.
You are in my prayers also
-- Edited by hotrod on Sunday 17th of June 2012 08:36:10 AM
-- Edited by hotrod on Sunday 17th of June 2012 08:37:07 AM
I think a lot of us can relate to feeling held hostage by the disease and the sadness and hopeless feeling that can creep in. Too often I walked around with my insides not matching my outsides trying to put on a brave face for the outside world trying not to be the one who was going to spoil the good time.
How lucky you are to have true and understanding friends with whom you can honestly share what's really going on with you. Real friends truly do want to be there for us.
You're right, the economy is pretty awful these days. All of us have had to get a little more creative as to how we're going to keep get by.
I like everything that everyone has posted to you but what Temple said really resonates with me. Even if you don't gather thirty people you might get thirty responses here :)
It's been my experience when I keep sharing, doors open. Volunteer work has allowed me to connect with more people than I would ever have imagined and hidden opportunities particularly, the gratitude payment. I've found when I put that sort of energy out it comes back to me.
I'm in this process right now Pineapple because I'm in a less than desirable place emotionally and with a dead end job and trying to get unstuck. At first I thought I don't have time for this. I want my "real" problems resolved now. No patience ya know ; ) But this has been a great way to discover skills and talents which might be tranferable to paid work. Maybe this would work for you too in some way.
People express their gratitude for my time and work. Freely giving that way has helped lift my spirits as well as build confidence in myself. I've met people that I would otherwise never have met. Who knows the what my higher power has planned for my future but the future is revealed to me a little more each day as I do this footwork.
It really is a tough deal living with an alcoholic who isn't recovering. Lots of unconditional love and support to be found here though. Hope the responses are helping you. Hugs TT
-- Edited by tiredtonite on Sunday 17th of June 2012 10:10:08 AM
Surround yourself with people and elements that support your destiny, not just your history.
Crying is cleansing and healing, it needed to come out.
I've found that the tears come when I least expect them but when I most need them, it's like releasing the air from a pressure cooker, an explosion of emotion. So many times I stuff it which is bad for my body & mind. I used to be fearful of letting it all go but have found if I reach out (as you have) I find ES&H which helps me through & strengthens me for the next step.
You are doing the best you can. Further detachment would only happen with distance from him. That is how most of us move on from painful relationships and breakups. He is still in your face all the time so that makes it harder. Also, friends have not heard of any "break up" so they continue asking about him as though nothing has changed in your marriage.
Detaching is allowing you to function and enjoy life most of the time. It doesn't make his disease and what it's doing to him any less tragic.
Sending you soooo much love and support, you know you are human and that's ok. Some days are going to be easier than others for a multitude of reasons.
Big hugs to my Pineapple friend, P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Thank you all for your responses and ESH. While it's cloudy and cool out today my mood is a slight bit brighter. I have a class tomorrow so am going to spend the afternoon studying and walk the dogs if it doesn't rain. As sad and hopeless as I felt yesterday I do now believe that the ¨meltdown ¨ did me good. In answer to a few questions-no, it is not possible for me to become a citizen of this country. Too many reasons to go into but it's not going to happen. Temple, I liked your idea and I have been somewhat doing that. For the past year I have been putting my hopes ¨out there¨ in the universe. I got a three month housesitting gig a while back. It didn't pay anything but gave me a place to get away from the chaos around here for awhile. I think other opportunities may come along in the future, I just have to be patient. Even though I speak basic Spanish I figure that better language skills might help me find some kind of ¨off the radar¨ job. If nothing else it gives me something to focus on instead of my problems and I do think will help me in the long run. As I plan to stay in this country I want to speak the language as best I can. And yes, the gratitude list is helping me today. This board and the folks here are high on that list. Without f2f meetings, phone lists, etc. this place is so important to me. I really don't know how I would get by without it and all of you.