The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
What I'm reading is, you seemed to feel better after the al-anon meeting. That's how it works for me too because that's where I get my DETACHMENT FUEL. If you notice, it's not just detaching from him that you need, it's detachment from YOURSELF and your obsession with things you cannot control.
The great news is, you can control YOU and what you're doing. If you fear his relapse, notice that you are in relapse yourself and get to the next meeting, that's what I have to do, step up my meetings so the peace of the program can wash over me again.
All is well, it really is. It's just my dis-ease that loves to stress me out and separate me from my Higher power with all these fearful thoughts. It's totally successful when I am in fear, when I'm anxious and panicking....
The solution is to get quiet, and get still with Higher power until meeting time, however that works best for you. I usually do that by getting outside, it's my favorite way to let Higher power soothe me. Of course, we're presently having a thunderstorm here, lol, so I might just sit with my recovery books, or phone someone in the fellowship, get connected again, with the truth.
You are okay, my friend, you are okay (((hugs)))
-- Edited by glad lee on Monday 11th of June 2012 02:14:21 PM
The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.
((dear friend)) don't let his disease trigger yours. His disease loves to make it everyone else's "fault," it lets him off the hook, makes him not responsible for it. Do you really have that kind of power???? If I had some power, he certainly wouldn't be drinking today!! But that kind of talk confused me every time, my disease would believe those lies, my disease nearly destroyed me too.
Once my husband came home from work to tell me he had gotten into a big fight with a fellow employee that day. He told me it never would've escalated as it did, if I hadn't argued with him earlier that day. I wasn't even in the same city, but somehow, I was responsible for his behavior, lol
What helps me so much, is to notice that own thoughts are what bring on my anxiety. Specifically, my thoughts that "this should not be happening".... that is my THINKING problem. I can certainly argue that things should not be like this, and I have. I just cannot win that arguement. I can argue that an alcoholic should not act like an alcoholic, he should not relapse, etc. etc.... but I cannot win. I lose that battle every time. It is happening. He is an alcoholic and I am powerless to stop it. What would it be like to stop thinking that thought? For me, it meant more peace, my serenity is in direct proportion to my level of acceptance.
If your experience is like mine, you'll learn to stop the nagging, you'll take your hands off him and his life (detach) and he will still continue to drink. Because that's what alcoholics do. You are powerless to change that.
Now is the time to detach and decide what you're going to do. Time to take care of YOU, whatever that looks like. For me, I have to cover all the bases, mind, body and spirit, I take care of them all. I typically read our literature, love to walk and workout, love to meditate, I do all of that daily and I include several meetings a week... this is what taking care of myself looks like. You might like to start of list of what YOU like to do, things that make you FEEL GOOD. Take the focus off him, and put it on that list... you'll feel better, that's how it worked for me.
One day at a time, my friend. Keep sharing, you are not alone. ((hugs))
-- Edited by glad lee on Monday 11th of June 2012 08:56:45 PM
The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.
It's been only a few days since I've written. I came off a great weekend -- spent some quality time with my AH outside and managed not to nag/bother/ask him about his relapse last week. Went to an Alanon meeting and found it really comforting. My anxiety lessened significantly, mostly because I think I was at home, around him. But I felt better about things -- started really looking at the first two steps and how ready I am to have this pressure lifted from me.
But it's Monday morning and I'm at work, and the anxious feelings are back. He's at home and I'm trying hard to just breathe, tell myself that today is my day and I can be in control of my feelings, but it's tough. As in, it feels impossible right now. I've been unable to really eat a lot in the last week, and I feel like these bouts of anxious thinking/catastrophic thoughts about our future are coming over me in waves. I'll be able to distract myself for an hour, and then its back.
I know in my head that I need to leave his recovery to him, and that the only way I'm going to get better is if I emotionally detach myself from his drinking. But that sounds so much easier to do than it is.
Anyone else have these issues? How did other people get through them? Any readings that helped?
I'm trying to keep my thoughts from going to "what if he drinks today" and just tell myself to concentrate and make it through the work day. but those thoughts keep creeping back in .....
I see the serenity and peace that so many of you have obtained, and hope I can find myself there soon.
Do you have any of the daily readers?? I have 3, the C2C, ODAAT and Hope for Today. when I had that kind of anxiety I would go to the index in the back and literally read everything I could on detachment and step 1. Having to admit I am powerless is seriously for me one of the hardest things I can do on a daily basis. I also hope you have a phone list from your meeting .. don't be afraid to call someone and just say this is how I am feeling, just knowing you aren't the only one out there who has had these kinds of struggles makes a big big difference!!
It gets better and you are ok!
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Thanks all. Your words are really helping. I feel/fear my AH is drinking today, and I'm just so tired of going through these awful emotions. I hate seeing him like this, and I hate feeling like this. He's said before that my nagging and anxiety has led him to drink before. (He acknowledges it's his choice, but says he just can't deal with it). I feel very alone with these feelings. I'm going to try to get through the work day and get to a meeting tonight. I guess Ill see what condition he's in when I get home. It's just so awful to see him doing this badly, and I'm at a loss of how to move forward with my life. I'm also trying to find a therapist of my own, and I hope that will help me some.
Thank you everyone for your kind responses. It gives me strength and reminds me of how strong I have to be to regain control of my own life.
No surprise here, but it turned out he was drinking and was out of the house by the time I got home. I managed to be pretty calm about it, made myself dinner and watched some TV. When he stumbled in later, absolutely obliterated, I had no reaction. I told him he might want to go to bed, and he did. I stayed in the spare room, let my dog hop up on the bed so I could get some unconditional love from her, and slept.
We talked a little this morning -- he's remorseful and upset. (He also suffers from combat injuries, and feels like he's never going to be "normal" and is depresed from this). He said he wants to stop drinking but doesn't know how to stop. I told him that people seem to get a lot of strength out of AA, and maybe he should try that again and go to some meetings. (he said last week that the meetings made him crave alcohol when he went and had been avoiding them). but i added that it's his decision and then told him that I'm not comfortable with our life being as chaotic as it has been, and I hope that we both start seriously looking at how to recover from all this. Then I told him that I've been finding a lot of comfort from Alanon and that he's more than welcome to come with me to an open meeting or read any of my literature, to see if any of it applies.
We'll see what happens. I'm so very sad for him, but also glad I was able to get on with my night and not get sucked up into his drinking and spend the night crying or frantically driving all over the town looking for him. Tonight, I'm going to the gym and then meeting a friend for dinner. Some me time.
Maybe this love with detachment thing will be something I can do one day.
You have soooo much more loving detachment than you even see at this point .. what you said in the AM IS loving detachment .. you stated some very good boundaries and you remained calm. You didn't beat him up verbally, you stuck to your side of the street and this is truly the best any of us can do and you were a rock star!!!
Give yourself credit!! You did GREAT!!! Thank you for your share because I really needed to read this .. thanks again!!
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo