not begging anymore
I was just emailing my sponsor, and realized that for years, I think I begged my spouse to spend time with me. Her priorities were never our marriage, and it is with the help of alanon, that I am breaking my codependency on her. Not that I will be great at this anytime soon, but I know that I can, actually I...
This was the subject for discussion (in part) at my morning meeting and the crowd was into it so all I had to do was sit and listen. My now sponsor was there and my former sponsors also ...in spirit; thank you God. There was a 9 year anniversary and tomorrow an 18 monther, a young man who has followed the s...
Jerry F
the dolls house
Has anyone ever read this play by henrik ibsen? Its all about a woman who lived to please and entertain and make the people in her life happy. A crisis occurs and she sees the reality of her life and she leaves her family to go and find herself. It was banned in many countries when it came out in the early 19th...
Visitation Vent ..
This weekend is suppose to be my STBAX's visitation .. isn't this sad .. he actually gets brownie points because he took them yesterday .. on a milestone note this is the first Saturday in almost a year he's had the kids. He's suppose to have them for almost 72 hours some of which is their choice and so...
Opinions (not sure this is a great subject title, ha! but its gotta have a title eh?0
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Recent posts having sparked a few debates has me thinking about the phrase - you don't have to join every argument you are invited to. Theres this guy in my town who is very bible-thumping religious and thumps on a few things as being worse than any others (um, not my perception of The Word) and he loves to...
My sponsor called..
I am so grateful today my sponsor called. I know she didn't exactly tell me everything but that is okay. I am just happy she was having a good day.
In less than a month
I will be getting married. After such a rocky relationship history it is strange. I can easily see how you straight people have it so much harder in some ways because I totally would have married 2 of my past partners (one of them whom I designate as my ex-A), had I been legally able to do so at that time. ...
Holding on
Been a month since i moved out. I can feel myself recovering but I know there are still a lot of underlying "injuries" I substained through the years. They are just hidden away and I will need to deal with them to enjoy full recovery. I used to wear my wedding ring on my necklace to remind myse...
Don't stress me out...
Last night my husband came from work and he had a few drinks before coming home. He came into the bedroom to check if I was awake (I was) and then proceeded to ask questions about the fish tank...apparently the fish were acting weird. As I had made some changes to the fish tank set up - with his agreement - he...
One Day At A Time - June 8
deleted due to copyright violation
How does speaking my words, opinions and thoughts tie in with my recovery? Sincerely, og
Express condolences ....
I don't know if I am allowed to do this but I want to ask for prayers for the families for the recent fallen police officers in Canada. I hope their families will find peace.
It never rains but..
Sigh. Don't even know where to begin with all of this. It might not make much sense. It might be too much about what the A is doing. It might sound like a lot of whinging. It'll certainly be long. But let me preface with, I feel OK. I know I can navigate my way through and I know HP has my back. One foot in front o...
Grateful it turned out okay.....
So I had a little bit of a scare last night. I had to phone the ambulance for my three year old. He had asthma as a baby. Well he ended up with croup. However because of the asthma he gets terrified he cannot breathe. He was screaming. Well of course I got a little emotional so good thing my safety training...
I love you is not enough...
My AH has been "trying" to get sober..."trying" to make things better...but wait...I'll quit next weekend. Meanwhile, my life is ticking by. I love him, but I don't like him. When he drinks I dispise being around him, and find his behavior completely belligerent and I refuse b...
In the still of the night
It's amazing when you come out of depression to realize how depressed I have been. I had no idea. I'm making a conscious effort to make the most of every day, choosing to be happy and focusing on just the kids and myself. It's working, and then nighttime comes, kids are asleep, AH falls asleep in couch usu...
K I got a cute story....
I have been singing my son the song "Four Hugs a Day". So yesterday when I dropped him off a daycare. I went to go give him a hug good-bye and he said "no mommy I need four".
Tradition One- conscience issue... new member to board...
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There is no evidence so far that Jerry has used any copyrighted material... If it happens to be, then he should be given to option to delete them himself. it is not good Alanon to censor anyone, based simply on suspicion. Any member has the right of reply if there are any issues raised. Otherwise we mig...
why it is sooo important to live in the RIGHT NOW
Wednesday's client whom i have been killing myself to clean up his books, teach his off. mgr. how to cover him b/c he is so irresponsible, well Wed. was a hay maker i never approved of him buying the office building he got b/c it isn't a good "cash cow" the debt he owes for the rent he is potentia...
Is it just me or has this forum got a bit manic and chaotic? It could be me, Im fed up and wanted to hear some good stuff but I just cant get into it at all. Its like there are prickly undercurrents everywhere. Manipulative people with snide comments, hidden agendas everywhere I go. At work I have a 'friend'...
I'd be lying if i said I wasn't a "Tad" worried
yep, my post on living in the right now is true blue....I am working the beejeebers out of the slogans mentioned and lots of self talk BUT today, yea, Friday is my "junk food" day and today was no exception....didn't make so much at today's job b/c it was slow...thank god the elder boss tipp...
HP reveals deception when it is time...
I feel very disoriented in my thoughts but will take a few steps back and pray for clarity. Funny how you stumble on lies sometimes, in this case a five month lie of omission. My grandmother has this saying "an ugly thing will show its head." And all her wisdom of ninety years is right. The only...
why do we go back?
Good morning lovely people, I'm making progress in letting it all go. After having had several temper tantrums, and sad depressed episodes, I feel I'm resurfacing again in my new project 'life'. In fact circumstances are good, since after 2 weeks I will be moving away from here, leaving this country...
Charting progress
I'm so grateful for the arms and ESH of MIP and alanon - the difference I feel now compared to my low points a few years back is astonishing. That difference is helped by you, I really valued yesterday's feedback a lot. I slept for ten, well needed, hours last night, and woke to see a beautiful falcon flyi...
Advice - How to cope with living with AH?
For those of you who have decided not to get a divorce or separation, how do you cope with living with your AH? I find that reading my literature is very helpful and a private counselor helped me but I would like to hear what you do to get through the storms. I still experience anxiety, sadness and frustra...
How do I handle nervousness?
Good morning! This morning I am thinking about a lot of things that I probably shouldnt be because its making me nervous. As an Al Anon I know we are supposed or should rather, stay on our side of the street and essentially mind our own business. What is the best way to handle situations when you suspect th...
Apparently I am rude...
Hi Everyone, My name is slogan_Jim and I am a grateful member of al-anon. Tonight I had a blow up with my dad. On the way home from work, I stopped by to grab a sandwich. I walked in and set it on the table. Him: "What are you doing for dinner?" Me: "Pita place" (I turn on the sink to wash m...
Censoring vs. following mip rules
In our "Frequently Asked Questions," It gives us the guideline for mip. One is we follow copyright laws. This is not censorship. As mods we follow the rules, traditions etc. It's not personal. We have had ones come on only to rile things up, sell things, gossip, use horrible profanity, the...
Addiction -- A family Disease
Addiction -- A family Disease Where there is addiction within a family there is also strife between the other members not addicted. Basically there are two situations to talk about. The first concerns parents who have an addictive child. That child may or may not be an adult. The second is a scene that...
Jerry Froggie
Stuff I learned in Alanon...
I learned to speak, and I learned to speak for myself... I went through a long periods where I had so much to say... but in recent times this has slowed down, thankfully... In m first years I really wanted to reach out and help people who shared. I was one of those who really wanted to do my 12th step first!...
They don't know what they have until it's gone
My AH keeps asking me to go out with him. I have gone out a few times with him and our daughter. He usually expects more to come out of it later...but I keep saying no. Right now he isn't drinking. I don't think he is really truly sober yet, as he does not go to AA meetings and keeps NyQuil around. My sponsor say...
Newlife girl
So, How should I have reacted for the best?
Hi. I am brand new here.I have been living with my husband's 'drink problem' for around 9 years now. We have a 7 year old child.Until earlier this week I was still hopeful that he would change eventually and everything would be wonderful. Now I am tired of waiting and sick of excuses. Even though things...
Accomplishments ..
Well, .. I have specific challenges I face and this place really makes me stay on my toes .. I have gotten rid of a ton however there is more to go .. really my next project is filing .. that will eliminate a lot of crap and give me a little more storage. They come in and do random inspections .. ugh .. I'm reall...
Lost daughter
My daughter has had a drinking problem for years. She seemed to function anyway. She even got a college education. Now that her kids have grown and left, she is barely functional. She can't work, is sick all of the time. I think her brain cells are affected, as she repeats and doesn't remember things rig...
As an example ..
When you think that it won't get worse in terms of watching someone self destruct they manage to surprise you and yes it does .. what sucks is when it can affect the kids and myself. STBAX just got another judgment against him which means that he could wind up getting fired from his job. I know that there...
Another good day
Busy at work but it feels good. Little hot outside now....110 degrees but I have AC The well man came and it's the pump. 3500 to replace so I'm happy we still have water. Have a meeting at 6 so I will see ya all later. (((( hugs )))
walking the walk
Step seven tells us to humbly ask him to remove our shortcomings. I know I cant expect miracles or shortcuts, I need to do the work. Thats where jerry comes in, I hope you dont mind me mentioning you. Jerry talks about opposites a lot and my plan is to work out what the opposites are and then focus on one for a...
Red flags and heeding their warning
A few weeks ago, I met with a service man from a heating and cooling firm in our area to do routine maintenance on my air conditioner. He asked if I wanted him to do service on my water heater for an additional cost which made sense to me since it is 10 years old. He discovered he couldn't do the work of servi...
Grateful today.....
I am excited to go my next sessions at the domestic violence shelter. I just have a feeling this is what my HP needs me to advocate. It doesn't matter where you are coming from. It's where your going.
If I was a plant...
I would be snug in excellent soil with warm sunshine warming my face and able to enjoy the moment since just for today I have no obligations or outstanding issues. How lucky is that?! How simple my life can be. Sometimes I struggle with the simplicity of it all - silly me Its 8.30 in the morning here...
Today at my f2f meeting, we went through patience. I thought I was very patient with my AH. I gave him many years of chances after all. In fact, I was not very patient with my AH for many years because I expected something from him. I did a and automatically expected b. when b did not happen, I am frustrated a...
progress not perfection
I finally made a decision a few nights ago. I had long conversation with my HP and decided to file for divorce. My soon to be ex ah was all talk abt divorce. He told me he was filing but he actually never did. I have a few weeks before my big move and when I leave I want to be able to leave and be free from him. Slowl...
With the help of my alanon friends and lots of meetings I feel like i turned a corner today, able to detach
Hello fellow alanoners - Today I really felt like I turned a big corner. For the past 8 months, everyone here and in the chat meetings have listened to me complain about my co worker. Today, I feel like I turned a big corner in detachment. I can't even tell you what she wore today. She has been the elephant i...
My feelings !!!
I'm missing my a bf already,sounds dumb,I make him leave now I'm wanting to see him I called and texted him today he said he got him a place he is gonna share a place with a guy friends 24 y/o daughter cause her roommate moved out,he said he just Got to get him a bed,it's good he is getting him his own place wit...
Should I or shouldn't I?
Well I did. On sunday I saw these two scrubbed face girls sitting at walmart with a sign. well one was standing. I stopped of course. Well they had come from Montana for a job. Older sis 26 who raised her sister 19 since she was 10. Job was given to someone else after promised to older sis. ugh. PLUS they trai...
Things I have learned in Alanon....
Things that I learned in Al-anon from a wonderful sponser. It has been an amazing journey and it will only get better. Only a few short years ago, I would use numerous techniques that I did not even understand how it affected others. I use to mistake my feelings for others. I felt this way in a situation so...
excerpt from reading one of my books written by Melodie Beattie........ It's a worthy goal to be a considerate, loving, nurturing person. But caretaking is neglecting us to the point of feeling victimized. Caretaking involves caring for others in ways that hamper them in learning to take responsi...
Supposing you have been legitimately victimized...
Letting it rule your life or being obsessed about it is allowing PTSD/or the abuser to kick your ass still, or it's embracing martyrdom. Neither of which are things my higher power wants for me and am grateful to have that clarity. It was a giant step in my recovery when I began refusing to suffer through...
"You're too hard on yourself!"
I have been told three times now in the last couple of weeks that I'm too hard on myself. The first, and toughest, came when I was working my 5th step with my sponsor. At one point I had to just stop the process and say "I'm fed up!" because I was just in tears seeing my behavioral patterns over and...
Very grateful!
There was another court date today .. similar updated status deal .. word on the street is STBAX's atty is very over him at the moment. They are going to have to compel him to come to court to show his financials. It actually means I could be divorced sooner than later ... we will see. Sooo .. things coul...
Failure to teach a moral code
I just read a fantastic article on parents failing to teach a moral code. I think parents now a days sometimes excuse inappropriate behavior.
Is this the right place?
Hello, Is Al-Anon the right place for family members of those who are using drugs? Or only alcohol? If this is not the right group, would someone kindly direct me to to the right name/group. Thanks very much!
Respectfully disagree....
Well I did a lot more research on PTSD today and I have to respectfully disagree with assessments of martyrdom.
This is research from the leading psychologists.
KEEP IN MIND: Although it is common for people with PTSD to feel very guilty about what happened to them or the way that they acted durin...
Hi Everyone
I wanted to tell everyone I had a very happy day yesterday. I got all my chores done, made some homemade potato salad and bbq ribs that were great tasting. I went for a ride on my son's bike down the dirt road praying I wouldn't fall. As I get older I'm getting scared of riding a bike..LOL Spent the aft...
Dogs and cats
I was at an Alanon meeting and I heard this analogy that was and is so me. In the beginning of my disease, I am like a dog. Always at the door listening, waiting for AH. A little pat and we are all happy. I will be so happy as long as he makes it home. At some point, we need to be like a cat. Taking care of ourselves....
Hi... It's me again. First day and 2nd topic... soooo... He went in to a detox rehab voluntarily a few weeks ago. The next day they sent him to the hospital because he complained about his leg. He was diagnosed with Wernicke's Disease. He stayed there for a week detoxing. They were going to transfer him...
Please help me detach
Hello all....looking for some ES&H. I really like my job. I have a co worker who is a dry A. How do I detach? She tries to abuse me on the job, to suck me into her drama. I stay out of it but she is the elephant in the living room. I am having a really hard time. The boss likes to complain about her, and says...
Hi. I just found this forum a few days ago. I've been to my first three f2f meetings the last three days. i know one of the three C's is control. We can't control them ..... But Saturday I took his car for the first half of the day and didn't leave him with keys to mine. I really want to take it again today. *a...
Amends - What does that really mean and how do AA's approach this
I hear a lot about making amends all the time in AA meetings I go to with my husband. I have read about it in the big book, in Al Anon books in short it is everywhere. My question is what is an Amends? My AH telling me sorry just won't cut it. He has reeked havoc in our marriage, spiritual, emotional, physical a...
new to this and in desperate need for support
Hi all, Newbie here. I've been lurking and reading for a while and finally decided to make an account. Long story, kinda short...my partner told me that she wanted a break, completely out of the blue and I was blindsided by it. We have been together for 5 years and were going on 6 in a few months, were engag...