I will be getting my nails and toes did up and taking my daughter with me. We have a wedding to go to tomorrow and I will have fun and enjoy myself and enjoy my time with my husband and daughter. I will for ever keep my son in prayers but I will continue to take care of me. Next weekend another busy Saturday for m...
Creating life anew
Although retirement is about 13 days away (yes, I'm counting), I've already begun recreating my life. I signed up for two day a week walks with others my age and two warm water pool classes two nights a week starting next week. Today, I asked one of my current board members who did begin as a program vol...
A month ago, my AH's disease progressed more than I could have imagined. He is a sneaky drinker - never ever drinking in front of me and denying that he is drinking. He was in outpatient treatment over the winter but drank during it so was discharged from the program. He continued to go to AA and insist t...
CT Scan
I went to the doctor and he told me my CT scan was clear. So clear it didn't look like I was a smoker at one time. Now he's confused with my shortness of breath so I'm heading out the door soon to take a Stress Test. What if it hasn't been COPD but a heart condition. Lovely. We will see. I don't like do...
missing meetings
Due to work committments I have missed my meetings for the last 3 weeks. Ive been feeling a bit fearful in case I revert back to my old miserable self, but im doing not too bad. I can feel a bit of a decline and a bit panicky a couple of times but im getting good at using the tools. Ive been reading each day, conn...
Everything is a lie...
I recently married my bf of 6 yrs. He was almost 3 months sober and working the program but it seems like everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie whether he is drinking or not. from dec-April he completed detox, inpatient and outpatient relapse prevention. he relapsed late feb and then again at th...
How many days? Any fun things you're doing as you prepare that you want to share with us? Any fun surprises you've received? Any requests from your MIP family? Looking forward to sharing your joy in some small way if you want to share some of it? If not, I'm still very excited for you. You've worked...
My new life...
I am really excited to start this new chapter. I am ready to move forward and ready to heal. It is going to be a new adventure.
First step share
Share from "BLESSED " a new Member who posted to the Sticky at the top of the Board I transferred it so we could all read and share Thank you. I am new to the program; and just kind of glossed over Steps 1, 2, and 3, which of course I have aced and why I came to AlAnon to start with. However, as I s...
Wanted to share that I finally left
It was almost exactly a year ago today that I left the first time. I was a severely disturbed and depressed woman, scared she would hurt herself or others in the fury of the backlash of alcoholism.
Today, I am learning to ask "what do I want?" Not even what's is best for this relationship or fu...
Why do I feel like I have to answer their questions???
A quick recap of my situation. My AH and I used to be coworkers. He was fired back in March. People ask me almost on a daily basis if he has a new job yet. They ask about my kids. They know we are separated. They ask about my new apartment. Question after question. How is he making it without a paycheck? Etc etc...
Newlife girl
The Avatar
I've been asked about my avatar which I posted as a humble reminder of who the real artist and creator is. The is the back view of a Peacock. The symmetrical beauty of this animal is awe inspiring to me. I've seen them strut and fan their tails and rarely have seen tis view of one like this. I have a pe...
Jerry F
I don't understand.....
I have not posted since my introduction but I do follow the forum everyday and find great comfort in the support here. I am so grateful to each of you for having the courage to share your journey and I wish that I had the same courage, but thank each of you! After reading another post today that sparked a tri...
New Here: How can I mourn her when she is still alive?
New Here. I just need a place to let loose where no one knows me or my sister. For seven years I've watched her fall into alcohol. It was subtle at first. I noticed she would never talk to me unless it was a crisis. No casual, "how are you?" or "what's new?" or "let's meet up&...
A Rerun?
Maybe and maybe not and then there will be more maybe than not because a duck is a duck is a duck. Some of you might remember that part of my journey that included "Pinch and Roodie" the two duck chicks I rescued from my clients hotel who were abandoned by their mom. Well this one isn't named...
Jerry F
Today, I made my decision to move on
I visit this forum very often but don't post very often, but right now I just need to share (okay....vent). I feel like such a sucker. My ex and I broke up over a year ago due to his alcoholism. We have still been in contact and have even, at times, discussed the possibility of us getting back together if h...
scared new guy
Hi folks. I'm sure glad I stumbled across this site. I don't know how you determine when enough is enough, but it feels like I'm getting close. My wife left on Sunday to go to the beach with her parents while I stayed at home and kept working. I'm ashamed to say that it has been wonderful having her gone...
Charging money for helping someone who is depressed
I am helping out a person who was more of an acquaintance but is becoming more of a friend. She has been severely depressed. I have been helping her going on my 7th week. I'm there practically all day, everyday it seems. She is getting help so I don't feel I am enabling her by staying with her and helping her...
Lesson in humility
I fooled myself for many years. I thought my spouse cared about me so much that she would get healthy and learn to control her addictions. NOT SO! Not even close. The addictions are her priority and let me learn this please. I cannot compete with them. Alcohol, food, and gambling, are so much more...
I broke my first bone....
So I went roller skating with my kids at the park, which isn't that abnormal, we usually bike ride there. We play Frisbee golf there and go to the beach, but yesterday I fell roller skating and broke my right arm at the elbow, trying to catch myself. Of course it's my primary arm and I have to figure out how t...
Making a moral inventory is hard.
I've been sitting here reading about Step 4 and thinking about the idea of making a moral inventory of myself. And it scares me. I don't really want to take a real deep look inside at myself because I'm afraid of what i will find. Will I find only emptiness. Maybe only bitterness and resentment. Or j...
Anyone have a shopping problem as a coping mechanism?
I discovered the "high" of shopping when I was about 7 or 8 years old. I stole money from my father and went on a shopping spree. I've been doing it ever since and I will be 52. I don't steal money from anyone but I do steal from my husband and I lie and cheat with him. I know why I started this. It's...
I don't like when I feel this way
I have not been here in a long time. My husband was doing much better on his own. He found a good job and was happy. But for some reason in the past 2 weeks he is back to drinking AGAIN. I honestly do not know what gets into his head. His nasty attitude towards me is back and he actually blames me for his dri...
Just for today
I love to find proof that this program is truly a fellowship of equals . Inspired by "Slow Learners" use of the Just for Today bookmark , I have decided to follow her lead and take one portion of that little pamphlet and work it today. When I first came into program, I really loved t...
He wants a little bit of credit cause we had a nice day.
Lets forget for the moment that I had decided to move out. That no matter how hard I try, I DO love him. I am noticing (he is certainly pointing it out) that I am a negative nelly I do frequently point out the negatives. I will turn a positive conversation into a negative conversation. I am harping on him, a...
14 Days and counting ..
Please keep the prayers coming because there is some wild stuff coming down the pipe. I have to let this go tonight and I'm soooo HOPING I'm wrong .. I sold the van a couple months ago and these folks got the van running and now are switching the title .. well .. there is a lien on the van .. now I did do some thi...
Oh Goody
Hi Everyone I thought I was OK with my COPD but I guess I'm not at night. The study shows my oxygen go's down below 80 and they said that's not good. So they are coming today to my house and check it out and set up oxygen for me. ??? Dang I don't need to start losing my health Oh and I just started a diet and t...
Plan for today...
Just for today... I am going to listen to my body and myself. I am going to listen for the times I am enabling. I am going to think before I speak or agree to something. I am not going to be the superachiever at work. But work well to the best of my abilities and not take on anyone else's projects and admit t...
Hey JOHN dear! (c:
Is there any way an individual can make her sight of the board be like it was? I know I remember seeing an ascending and the other ,once? I am seeing posts from days ago first. Then I miss new ones. I am scrolling all over trying to find new ones. I hate to miss a newbies welcome! Also someone who I want to make s...
slogans are the gateway to the steps
My sponsor was telling me how the slogans are the gateway to the steps. Like practicing live and let live, saying it in your mind when you feel that need to get involved, is like practicing step 1. Do you use the slogans like this? -- Edited by el-cee on Tuesday 17th of June 2014 01:52:12 PM
So that didn't go to plan.
1 2 3
So, feeling kind sad but determined to keep it together, I was due to have my brother and his girlfriend visit yesterday for the weekend and I went ahead with that plan and just cautioned my brother that I might not be totally animated and excitable as I'd had a bit of a hard day but would be really pleased t...
Would you, if you could?
Have you ever wanted to go back in time, undo something you've done? As you get older, wiser (snort), you can name moments where you think to yourself, if only.... If only I could go back and take a different path, that "other" road. But - would going back change things for the better? If going...
years of watching enabling. i finally BLEW!
hi everyone, my AS is enabled by my parents. they pay all of his bills and watch his child while he sleeps. they are there for him at the drop of a dime. he is their entire focus in life. (he doesn't work) 7 other grandchildren in the picture that my parents rarely notice as they are so addicted to my AS....
New Some feedback or help at this point
I am fairly new to this board but have been in alanon for a while now and have been working on my recovery for many years. But it never fails that dealing with my original family members always seems to set me back so so much. I am so upset today and have been for days that I decided to post. My sister got marrie...
Soaring on my own now....
It is now starting to sink in that the one person I called when anything really good or bad was going on is no longer just a phone call away or on this earth any longer. There was really something special about having her as a sponsor and being able to say anything and not be judged for it and loved through it a...
Alanon Daily Readers
The ODAT for today summarizes the first and second step. It reviews the difficulty of surrendering control and trusting that there is a power greater than ourselves that has any concern about us. I know when I first entered Al-Anon I did not have a faith in the Power Greater than MYSELF and for a num...
Quote I heard... finding it
New to Al Anon... at my first meeting someone told me that maybe I was getting in the way of God and he had stepped up the problems for my daughter because she wasn't listening... really helped me... does anyone know where this quote comes from so I can read it? Thanks
How do I begin to gain strength?
Hello everyone. I have a question. I have been an enabler for years. Grew up with alcoholics and then married one. My self-esteem is so low. I'm a nervous wreck and hide in my comfort zone. My fight to excel above this situation is gone. I go to work and come home and sleep. I barely get the basics d...
OMGOSH .. I am SOOOO glad I took the kids to see their grandma. MANY reasons why .. the biggest so I could see for myself what is going on .. Now .. she was in a bad way on Monday .. she has terrible COPD (however that is .. lol .. I get confused) ... she's been in and out of the hospital for the last 10 years usuall...
Dontcha know?? I gotta ASK b4 I can receive....
So ok...I go on a short break to kinda get away, break up my being a part of the drama that went through here like a brush fire and I do teh ole step 4 again sponsor is with me, thank god she felt up to the task and also my sis who is ret. mental health counsellor.....anyway, i really got into the steps of aca - rep...
One Bite At A Time
Overwhemed and Grateful. That's how I would best describe myself lately. My life, like any one else's here has its up's and down's. And it seems that the really big things don't bother me too much, but all the little things that I deal with on a frequent or fairly regular basis, do overwhelm me. Coll...
FYI I changed my avatar in anticipation of summer and the July 4th Holiday
Is this wrong?
Struggling with what I'm currently doing. AH is still trying to control his drinking but he drinks throughout the day at times, just not enough to become drunk or obvious. I'm trying not to care and carry on but find myself trying to figure out his behavior so I know if son is safe with him outside (around...
Accepting Responsibility
K so today I am accepting responsibility for placing my trust into someone that was "showing" untrustworthy behavior. I am just wondering about moving forward. How will I know I am trusting the correct people? Would you think it would be if you set a boundary and they accept it?
How Al-Anon works book
Hi! I'm reading "How Al-Anon works" now. I part two "Al-Anon experiences", chapter 5 "A dual member copes with his mother's drinking" he tells :" I have been sober for 30 years". But later he tells:" After 13 years of sobriety, 13 years of Twelve Ste...
I fear my son. my fear is that I don't want to see him this way. I don't want to hurt so much for him. I don't want to see or hear him hurting. I ask myself how to I remove this......... I DON'T KNOW HOW and that is fear in itself.
Fearful of myself & my actions towards others
Hi everyone!
I hope that what I'm going to say makes sense.. In coping (or not coping) with my Qualifier...I find that I'm fearful of myself (not because I want to harm myself..I'd never do that!)..but I'm fearful of how angry I am towards myself for not coping with this better. Maybe this will help..I...
It is done!
my sponsor went to meet her maker at 8 pm tonight and she was surrounded by so much love. Her husband and I called our team of caregivers and we played music and told stories and with the moon shining off the lake out the back sliding doors we celebrated an amazing person leaving earth tonight. It was truly...
I got out of the tunnel !
I haven't been on this board much over the last year. This morning as I read several post that all sounded so similar to my experience... The alcoholic lies, makes promises and then doesn't keep, blames it all on me, I'm angry and acting out with others etc. Yes, we are sick too because of the disease and I...
making amends
Ive been thinking about amends as I am planning to do some step work and work on step 8. I ahve made amends to my family through my changed attitude but I would like to make direct amends through an apology. However, I dont think anyone in my family would be comfortable with that. I imagine they will say no...
You know ..
When you think that it can't get anymore weirder .. My daughter text her dad to see about Father's Day visitation .. she gets back he can't as his mother is coming home from the hospital and so he will see them next weekend. Then proceeds to ask her if she's bored at home. The text I get is an awful picture o...
Hi..is there not a meeting on now?
One security system......check
I am in the process of getting my security system..... Yipee
Life Does Get Better
It's been 3 years since I separated from my AH and a little over a year since his passing. I still think about him every day, but I'm moving forward. I've made new friends whom I never would have met if not for the way my life has turned out. I've recreated my life, and rediscovered my faith in my HP, whom I cal...
Green Eyes
Happy Father's Day Weekend
For all of you who are dads, or mentoring young people like a father might, or being a mom doing the work of both parents, I want to wish a happy time for you this weekend celebrating who you are and what you have been able to accomplish as a person who cares for a child. Happy Father's Day! -- Edited by gra...
I have wishes and still
I am powerless. Happy Fathers Day to all of the guys who are fathers here and else where and all of the mothers who are doing double duty, you are amazing. We are celebrating today, Saturday with my third son and his wife and daughters and I have memories of my other sons who are not here even when I wis...
Jerry F
Should I explain.....
I'm living witha " productive(at least until 5pm) AH, my 13yr old daughter , and my 4yr old Son. Does anyone have any advice regarding explaining to my 13yr old what's really happening with her asshole A father? She absolutesly hates him because of how he acts while drinking, before drinking, a...
AW sober, but still cheating...
1 2
As I cry and write this I fight between my head and my heart. We have been married for almost 18 years and together for longer than that. Our marriage had it's normal set of ups and downs, but once the alcoholism/pain pills took over her life all hell broke loose. She had cheated on me with at least two ot...
Needing Help
In effect I am being asked to choose between my recovery or his potential recovery
I continue to contemplate staying or going. Yet, it has gotten more extreme. My AH is planning an overseas move. I had yet another conversation with him about how he is "ready" for therapy. He is waiting on our doctor, who is amazing and he met with a week and a half ago, to call him back with t...