I have to make a decision about a part time job I currently have at a woman's consignment clothing store and I am so torn. I enjoy this job, I like the customers, I get to shop while I work, I sing to the music and I get to enjoy the pretty clothes. Many of you may recall, I encountered a young man this past win...
I am paranoid
So I have issues. I see 13 people have read my post about living in a crazy life...nobody replies so my head starts spinning!! I start questioning if I should have posted at all. I am trusting online strangers to help me. But you really aren;t strangers, right? We understand living with alcoholism. I am...
Newlife girl
Why can't I let go?
Yesterday, my AH and I went to the beach. Our kids had left for camp earlier in the morning, so it was just the two of us. I've been thinking this time alone would be a good time to address our problems...again...and to tell him I want to end our marriage, and I've been dreading/anticipating the weeks when...
Own property in Ash Fork in Coconino County AZ. Got a letter from the county assessors office asking for information on the Manufactured Home built on the property??? WHAT!!!! Somebody just decided to set up living on our property. What a mess we have on our hands. I hope we can get the coun...
Ah Ha Moment - with my enabling
I am working on the first few steps and had a moment of clarity today. I am learning to sit back and quietly feel my emotions and to figure out where they are coming from. Today at work I was feeling so frustrated and overwhelmed and realized it was because I couldn't so no to requests and also try to contr...
That was easy
This evening I had already showered and had on PJs when know there was a knock on the door. My AH rarely answers the door, or the phone or does anything at all around the house, etc. Another knock. I called out, "Can you answer the door? I'm in my pajamas." He did, with a huff (he huggs/sighs a lot...
Any point even hoping for better?
so my adult son decided a week ago to detox/cut down. It was unbearable seeing him do this when I visited. But, a week on, he's not drunk as much - claims to have had nothing for 2 days. He's been to 1 AA meeting. Says he'll continue. Yesterday his work said he was to be disciplined for poor performance (they...
A lot to think about
Today I find I'm back in my head again wondering if I made right choices . Feeling like I failed in so many ways . I hate this side of me that allows the negative thinking take over anything positive thought I have going on . I'm going back to step one again . I think it's the hardest step to pass . Why can't I acc...
The Phone Is In My Hand
I'm ready to call the attorney and give her the green light on filing my divorce papers. Before I tell my story of the weekend, let me say that there were a few times in this year of my husband's sobriety where I thought things seemed odd and wondered if he was drinking but he would get in his car with the cou...
power of A's denial
Denial is a truly amazing defense mechanism. I think I was in it for many yrs re: the seriousness of my A's problems. And the A is in it so deeply~everything is OK, there are no problems, and what am I still concerned with? And before I got stronger, the A could manipulate me and confuse me. Once when I k...
Back to the NA beer!
My AH has been going to AA meetings now for about 3 weeks. I do not know if he is working with a sponsor since we barely communicate with each other and he really doesn't even talk about where he's going or telling us he's going to a meeting, etc. He has not told our son about his recover, either. I came hom...
A glimpse into crazy
Just feeling numb from it all. Please give me your thoughts after reading. Desperately need understanding people who get what I am going through. All I am trying to do is get along with my AH. We are still not living together. He still doesn't have a job. I have to realize I am powerless over the fact he has...
Newlife girl
New here...need advice
Hello. This is my first time here, and I am not even sure where to start. I have been with my husband for 10 years. When we met, I had just lost my husband to suicide. I felt lonely and abandoned and he made me feel loved. We started dating, and very soon I began drinking very heavily with him (He was/is a...
I never learn
I guess I'm a gotten for punishment Im home from vacationing,and my a bf calls me 3 days later and says why didn't you call me and let me know you were home ,I told him it didn't matter,he pleaded with me to let him come to my home and I give in and said come on over well he acted NORMAL for a little while then his s...
New and seeking advice
I am new here, seeking advice. My brother is in his late 50's, dx'ed with anxiety, depression and PTSD. He has lived with our parents for the last 18 years and has had bouts of alcholism during that time. He is currently living alone and it is challenging for him. He isn't eating well, has started dri...
Music is good for the soul
Good Morning Everyone I woke up this morning in the pits. On my way to work I usually listen to talk radio but this morning the guest host pissed me off so I turn the channel. I turned it to a oldies station. One of my favor songs back in the day was " Brown Eyed Girl " by Van Morrison. WOW......
Struggling with his recovery
Me and my boyfriend have been together almost two years. We met while we were both in rehab for alcoholism 3 years ago but he went back drinking initally so we didn't begin a relationship until almost a year later when he came back into recovery. Since then things have been good. We had our little spats li...
Alateen sponsors? your experience?
The last few weeks I feel I have been called to possibly be alateen sponsor? I feel like I need to expand my program a little bit, have some new experiences and it weighs on my mind here and there...my intuition..my hp..Has anyone on the board ever been one? if so what was it like? please share your esh Hugs...
Will be in Akron/Canton Ohio 3-6th of July
If you live in the Akron/Canton Ohio area, my girlfriend and I will be camping at KOA Sparta, about 30 minutes from Akron, in the Canton area. We are planning to enjoy festivities and 4th of July fireworks in Downtown Canton on the 4th, and visiting Dr. Bob's house and a few other AA related sites in Akro...
Working the steps, or not.
This morning I attended a morning version of another group I have attended 3-4 times. I really like this group. I go in thinking I have me all together, and leave knowing I have a lot of work to do. That's a good thing, right? lol! Well, this mornnng was different. When I left I was almost in tears. I was anxi...
What am I supposed to do?!
Hello, I am here because after 11 years of being sober my husband is know drinking again. Hes trying to "control" it by fighting his demons so he says. Trying to drink as little as possible so that he can get to where he needs to be ie feeling crappy enough about life with alcohol in it that it m...
I am struggling a lot with forgiving my AH for the things he has done. He cheated on me once (that I know of) 2 yrs ago before we got married and he's done a lot of stupid crap that has made me feel like a fool, publicly embarrassed me, hurt me emotionally, physically abused me and has lied millions of times. I...
Feeling the pain of unacknowledged thank yous. I recently gave some gifts to four of my grandchildren.....not one said thanks. Hurts. As they involved some hard work and sacrifice. Smacks of doing for the alcoholic and receiving nothing but contempt in response. Is there something wr...
Rusty Angel
reaching bottom
I went to an aa convention the other night and the aa speaker really moved me. He was talking about the hell his life had been, homeless, life support a few times, begging for money, lost every family member, a common story. Nothing unusual really, he then talked about his surrender and his journey in aa...
Would love input/perspectives
Hi, I will try and make this as short as possible. I am trying to decide how to move forward regarding a relationship that I was in for three years, but that was ended (by him) three months ago. I have been pretty devastated since then, which brought up a lot of my codependent issues that had been hiding (...
Is it time for me to move on...?
I've been doing alot of soul searching lately and have realized that my AH and I are not really happy people. He has his life-which involves alot of drinking. And I have my life which I have mostly distanced myself from anything to do with his alcoholic behavior. We have two separate lives most of the...
AH Marriage and the 1/2 way house rules.
Whew, so I have to ask questions and also tell what I did that was completely insane. My AH went to a 1/2 house probably 30 days ago. He called me the day he left at 9 AM and said I have to go in there today by 1pm. I said ok, well let's hope this is a good thing, do you need anything etc. He said no he had what he neede...
what can I do for me on the next day after my AH was drinking
Hi! My AH was drinking yesterday. I'm feeling sooo bad. I have headache and I'm crying. I realize that I powerless before my illness. AH doesn't understand why I'm crying. He invites me to go somewhere and have fun. I'm ACOA and I realize that I need love and support. But because low self esteem I kee...
Looking for Advice
I'm very torn on this topic and am hoping for some alanon advice. My sister is currently in rehab for the 5th or 6th time and today is her birthday. She and I were very close growing up, but have grown more and more apart over the last 8 years of her active use. We get closer during periods of her recovery o...
I am scared
I have a 29-year-old daughter who is currently living with her boyfriend in her car. They are both opioid addicts. She is currently on suboxone and he is on methadone. She is employed thankfully. her boyfriend is living off of her (no job in a year). I have been doing well detaching and letting her l...
Should I tell my husband TO NOT ask my daughter to get beer for him from the fridge?
Hello. It is 12:10pm here and although my husband has been awake for a while he was all the time in bed on his tablet (he did work had the whole week so I am not begrudging him for being in bed on his 1st day off after 6 days at work) however... He never had breakfast or anything to it but just asked my our 7 year ol...
And not because I don't know it .. I know it .. lol. I am in a HALT mode as well as the extra H, hormonal as well it's that time of the month for sure. I had some weird things happen over the last couple of days .. as if getting so close to my divorce date and then my atty having a stroke isn't bizzaro enough .. My S...
Not so good actions followed by good actions
I am a work in progress. Working al anon every day in all areas of my life. The other day I decided to go online and check up on my AH. He posts on this very immature and offensive website. a few months ago he promised me he wouldn't post anything offensive about me or my kids. I told him I didn't care because I w...
Newlife girl
New to group, insight/advice needed
Hi. I'm new here, and reaching out looking for some guidance. My husband had a drinking problem - not sure if he's an alcoholic, but definitely abuses alcohol (drinks beer/wine, anywhere from 3-5 days a week, usually to the point of being buzzed or intoxicated). He is definitely drinking more frequ...
The Right Kind of Help
I have only been at AlAnon for 3-4 weeks, but jumped in w/ both feet online, f2f, forum, and FB. I haved learned so much, and given up on some lies that I beleived. First, was my too long pursuit to find "someone/ anyone" that would make my AH stop drinking and be a leader in our family. Counselor...
Meeting/Chat Room Questions
I was looking at the details in the FAQ section regarding the meeting/chat room. Can someone please tell me if members on the message board use the same nickname for the meetings/chat or should we use a different name? Also, do many go into the chat room just to talk when they feel like sharing thought...
NEW Al-Anon App with daily sharing's , quotes etc Can be used on computers too
Hello fellow recovery people! I wanted to let you all know about a FREE app I made for smart phones, tablets etc., both Apple devices and Android based devices. It's an Al-Anon App that has daily sharings from The Forum, Al-anon's monthly magazine, a daily reflection and daily quote. You can find/i...
My mother just sent me a message, it was very long but basically i love you, I know you are feeling like poo, I'm sorry, I know you try so hard to work on yourself and I'm proud of you, and if you come home I won't pick on you I'll just do everything i can to support you BUT I cannot abide people sleeping all day so...
He relapsed
I got a call this afternoon from the director of the sober living house where my son has been for the last 4 months. Seems he came to the house meeting clearly intoxicated and when they searched his room they found empty bottles, including mouthwash. He was taken to the ER and will be sent to detox. They ar...
And here comes the drama
I knew this wedding would not go off like a fairy tale. Future mother in law decided to tell my partner that having a big wedding at his age is "gauche" and it's too expensive and more than we can afford. She barely helped anyway. Really, I believe she doesn't want to be bothered flying up and s...
Me, me, me
At first it was a little against everything I ever learned, to think of myself first. As a Christian, we are service oriented. Loving and serving others selflessly. However, as I thought about it more we are not promoting loving ourselves at the expense of others, but to better ourselves so we can be be...
My son is in jail again..
One week ago he got arrested for the same thing today. I always look at our county jails and there I see his name.. I prayed this morning for god to give me a sign my son is alive and god heard me. In my eyes it's a blessing but as any mother it hurts very much. One hour later I get a phone call and it's my son .. He so...
Feeling down
Detaching from an alcoholic is hard sometimes. I have been with my husband for 27 years. Sometimes it's hard for me to see that he is an alcoholic because he is so high functioning. But I realized it doesn't matter if he is or not his behavior certainly shows it. This morning I woke up in a good mood until he...
Just had to say....
I just need to say this today: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. I need help in all three areas, I continually try to change my husbands drinking behavior - when I know that is something I can never do...
I think I don't want to lose this relationship
I grew up in alcoholic family and have attended alanon meetings in another state. They were great. I have tried several meetings where I now live, and have not found any to be as helpful. I'm really struggling with judging others. My marriage of a year and half is great, my wife is very forgiving, ve...
Started the new counseling
Well my week went better. I started the new counseling and we are going to do a lot of safety planning.
The exchanges were okay. He tried to get me out of the public facility by standing in the parking lot for twenty minutes. I just stayed inside and reported it to the police. They were just going to respo...
Advice about my AH's "emotional" Infidelity...for now.
I'm not sure where to begin but I sure could use some advice. I recently found out my AH's what I call "emotional" infidelity - Texting another woman from AA. He said they are just "friends" but when you spend an unbelievable amount of time texting each other and then seeing eac...
Just because the A is aggravated with me, doesn't make it my fault nor does it require me to be defensive or hurt.
I have found it much easier to deal with my AH now that we live separately. God bless us, we sure do still love each other, and I pray that we make it through. None-the-less He is hard to live with. He certainly brings a HUGE energy into the room, whether it is for the good or for the bad. That is one of the thing...
Still have not heard from my son..
Well from the last I knew my son was in jail and got released. He never called me so I really don't know how to take that.. but as spiritual as I am I pray to my HP to shield me with his armor and send his angels to protect my son. Lots of meetings and great face to face support helps me understand what I need to con...
I find myself moved more now....
By movie quotes - things I might not have paid much attention to until I started paying attention to the world through Al-Anon eyes. Eventually, all things merge into one................... and a river runs through it. What are your favorite movie phrases? I am haunted by waters...... How do you pic...
Crabby Appleton and Mercy
As you know, I'm only a few days from retiring and a few days from doing my part to dissolve the organization I created about 27 years ago. The workload has been intense. The people around me needy in part because I am retiring. And I am tired, tired, tired on all levels. I will remain tired until Tuesd...
Can't put it much more simply than that can I? I made it all the way to the end of the test, then found myself in a traffic situation I haven't encountered before and, I simply didn't know what the rule was and made the wrong call; instant fail. Felt so bad because I had gotten everything right up until then a...
Ah ha moment
My A has always been the kind of man that would not go to the dentist or doctor, etc, I was always reminding, begging, nagging, until one day I just said, "if you want your teeth to fall out, fine. I am done." Actually, a friend of mine said, "I stopped doing that and I just make sure the life...
Pruning time
This was in an online newsletter that I subscribe to and I found it appropriate for what I must do - Let Go & Let God. (edited for our purposes) The other day I was standing outside a restaurant right next to a tree that had recently been pruned. I was caring on a conversation with a friend but in the bac...
Sister's wedding: update
My sister was married last Thursday and it was beautiful. I had so much built up anxiety about it because of my strained relationship with her and our parents. A huge thunderstorm rolled in just as the ceremony began. She was married on a covered deck so it was very dramatic. Everyone was filled with exc...
I decided to call him
He finally answered my call I debated on wether to call him since he wasn't tryin to even get in touch with me ,I started right off fussing at him ,he is of few words lately I told him I was tired of his bs and he said why I told him the way he was actin weird he said he was feeling weird that he was dizzy he dont make...
Hi Everyone I'm finally home and relaxing after a hard days work. My company is completely overhauling our manufacturing processes with new servers, software and every thing else you can think of. I'm one of the core team putting this together so hours and hours of extra work is now in our plates. T...
Just say no....
So the ex-A returned and tried to push the boundaries of the court order. I stuck to my boundary and said no. It actually got returned with an "ok".
I will see how the exchanges go this week.
I did catch him in a lie however I just chose to document it in my journal.
Visualising success….
This is for you Melly