Please help
Ny 29y/o son is dying of chirrosis. He needs a liver transplant but of course cant get one. I am trying so hard to stand back. I have told him not to contact me unless he is ready to get help. So I sit here and wait for a phone call saying he is dead.
Pickin up the pieces....
Hi All.... As most of you know I had a minor melt down the other day when my son was missing his pap pap, My Afather, (deseased)... I have sence found my ground again, and thank you for all the shared your ESH with me and took the time to respond... It was most grateful... I did learn a few things from the exper...
health issues
During my last two years with the ex A he had two major health issues. At some points he embraced the idea of getting better wholeheartedly. Nevertheless when he was depressed he would schuttle everything and I'm sure taking drugs made him much worse. Needless to say he also didn't give up smoking or...
Seems everyone knew but me!!
Ive posted this onGetting them sober site too, but thought someone might have more words of wisdom here too. My AH has flown off back to the west indies to his new life yesterday, a hard and tearful day for me. Then I find out last night, that he had been telling our mutual best friends and who knows who else...
Lilly Burn
((((Family)))), Just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY! Although I am not Irish, I do love my corned beef, potatoes and the sweaters. It has always been a dream of mine to go to Ireland. My favorite color happens to be green (along with pumpkin). Irish music is played he...
New here-need help with my pill addict
My son(age 21) is addicted to pills. I need any advice that I can get. I know I handle things all wrong. I have helped him out so many times and when I finally stopped financally he started stealing. Stealing cash, checks from the back of my personal and business accounts, stealing my ATm cards and get...
Once agian my wind is gone :(
Well.... LAst night went from having all my power to being powerless over thee very next moment...I was sit'n here sharing and reading ESH from all my MIP family, while my son was get'n in the shower and get'n ready for bed. I was sitting in my chair ESH'n. and when my son gets out of the shower and sits on t...
A smile to start the morning....
A 54 year old woman had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. While on the operating table she had a near death experience. Seeing God she asked "Is my time up?" God said, "No, you have another 43 years, 2 months and 8 days to live." Upon recovery, the woman decided to s...
Happy Birthday to (drumroll)
TEA!!!! Have a wonderful day!!!!
Stressed? Try this
Just in case you are having a rough day, here is a stress management technique used traditionally in Sicily. The funny thing is that it really does work and will make you smile. 1. Picture yourself lying on your belly on a warm rock that hangs out over a crystal clear stream. 2. Picture yourself with both...
I should know better
I should know better than to let my A get to me. I am a drug and alcohol counselor in a residential facility. I have been married to an A for 5 years. He had 70 plus days of sobriety beginning Dec. 1 of 2008. On Valentines day it all started going sour. He is currently living an hour away. He phones so often som...
So he called me last night...
My ex A called me last night on my cell phone (I didn't give him the number and asked ex MIL not to either) and surprisingly I didn't recognize his voice and when he said my name I said yes this is her - awaiting him to tell me who it was. He sounded shocked and disappointed about that. Anyway, he asked when he...
Sometimes we need a catalyst to come to a decision
I've been on and off with my A for over a decade. I've been in Alanon for 5 years and have learned a lot in that time. A couple of months ago I got diagnosed with a muscular disease and after coming out of the depression that caused I started making some plans to adapt to my health. One of those plans was to e...
avoiding catastrophe
One of my dogs is getting up there. She's showing lots of signs of age. Her walks are are lot shorter and she is definitely aging fast. Before al anon I would make this into a catastophe try to force her to get better. Now we take lots of nice short walkies with room for rest. Of course I have to avoid those...
Child custody issues....
In the beginning of last month, I went to court with my children's father to modify our child custody order. My children's father suffers from alcoholism. I've never known anyone so dependent on alcohol in my life. I was hoping that the judge would order that his visists with the children be supervise...
A Year of Looking Back....and forward!
Today I have been thinking a lot about my life, and where I've been, and where I'm going. It's been a wild trip so far....I turn 55 tomorrow. Maybe that's why I'm thinking.... After 4 failed marriages, I married the one man I thought I would love forever. An A. Who turned out to be an abusive, violent A...
A story of alcoholism and abuse
This is such a sad story and unfortunately all too familiar. I saw it in the Anchorage newspaper. This was a once vibrant woman caught up in a codependent /abuse situation. It's a well written story of her decline. For anyone that is in this situation, please read it. Killer stole victim's spark, t...
chatroom back up and running!!
woo hoo thanks all great to be back on java belle1 hugs
Prayers and Love please..
One of our long time members, stillkickin, lost his Mom last night, suddenly and unexpectedly. Prayers and lots of uplifting thoughts and love are needed at this time for this young man and his family. ((((love you buzz)))) Do not stand at my grave and weep,I am not there, I do not sleep.I am in a thousa...
Working past obsession, projection, and expectations~
After a rather topsy turvy week last week I feel much more grounded today. Last week I was letting the upcoming date with EXABF work on and test every part of my program. Thanks to my program, my HP, my MIP family and my sponsor I do believe I passed:) Two of my worst character traits are obsessing a...
Thanks for sharing!
It has been over a week since I got on this site. Missed getting on--even though I didn't have a whole lot to share. Thanks for all who shared on the topic of staying on topic. I am glad that I am always accepted even if I do ramble and seem to get off topic often. I hope you all benefitted from the share I did...
Hoot Nanny
I deserve more
My DH is an alcoholic. We have had significant problems for almost 10 years. No physical abuse, but extremely draining. He has been in therapy on and off, and lately because I demand it. We have been married for almost 20 years. I am 46. He is 58. I am ready to leave the marriage. He lies about how much he dri...
MY work while hubby is in rehab
So my A hubby checked himself into rehab. I gave up "suggesting" that perhaps he should go a couple of years ago. This last time he was away taking care of his father after a surgery. I could hear him spiraling down and could only watch, which in retrospect is such a blessing. The funny thi...
Letting go...finally
After almost 20 years and a 16 year year marriage to my recovering alcoholic husband I have finally reached a point where I can't do it anymore. I left him at the end of July. He has been sober over five years now and I remember how happy I was when he finally reached that low point that he had to hit befor...
i'm sorry and i'm selfish....those words are in his vocabluary!!!!
i woke up this morning after sleeping in the guest room. i was frustrated after having been woke up so many times in the night by him. as normal, the coffee was made and he was not home on a friday morning. he was at his aa meeting. i called him to let him know i was awake and that the coffee was good. he ans...
Newbie wants to share too...
Hi everyone I just joined recently but this is the first time I am posting. I just have been reading everyones post/comments. I thought it would be my turn to tell my story. I just turned 33 and the love of my life is my AB. I met him about 2 1/2 years ago. He was sober. But half of our relationship has been a HUG...
Ups & Downs
Well RIP family... Sorry I haven't been on all weekend, but I couldn't get my computer to do so, so here I am.. :) I went to my usual F2f fri, with my SIL..I don't know it had to be just what I needed, when we left, we laughed the hole way home.. I mean till tears started to run in my face... It was just a wonderful...
12 Step suggested home work.
Hello everyone, I am looking for some type of homework to help me work thru the 12 steps, is there such a thing? I know that AA has such an item, but I can not find anything for Al-Anon. With the AA home work you can print out suggested readings to read and then you are asked a series of question from your rea...
hurt and confused
I really need some esh on this. My bf, almost a year sober, has been staying away on weekends for many months now, not overnight, but during the day, comes home after work during the week. He's also been grumpy lately and keeps critizining me over everything in the last few weeks. We had a sort of argument...
Yippie..i FINALLY went to my first FACE 2 FACE
OKAY, MIP! With the meeting room being down this weekend, I was forced to go to a face to face meeting today. I honestly don't think it was a coincedence that the rooms were out of order. I think it was because my HP knew how much I needed to get myself to a face to face meeting. It will not be my last. Than...
first time here.....
Where to begin???? My father is an alcoholic. I grew up seeing him get drunk and physically abuse my codependent mother (at the time), and also abuse my little sister. They are no longer married. It's been about 15 years since he's been pretty much out of our lives. My mother is remarried to someone so wo...
Prayers please!
My MIL had a stroke on Friday. She seems to be doing well now but it was touch and go for a few days. I have never been so terrified in my life. She is truly my best friend. How weird is that? My mother-in-law is my best friend!!!!! It happened over a period of days. She had horrendous headaches and had gone to 2...
Firing into step 10
Hello everyone At an al-anon meeting the topic was step 10 "continued to make personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admit it" A member spoke about jumping onto this step in the beginning which I feel am doing myself a lot. Does anyone out there feel that they did or do this? A rec...
going to my first weekened conference at the end of the month it is called new beginnings. I am really looking forward to it I am going with 6 members from my group some who have been in alanon for over 20 years. My sponsor said there will be al anon and aa meetings and it is up to me what meing I choose to atten...
Feeling guilty
Hi (((All))) Just need to off load this. My job involves shifts and a rota. I requested specific days off for when I have a visitor coming in 4 weeks time. Nothing unreasonable and requested in good time. I've just had to really stand my ground to get my request, I didnt get the 3 days off I wanted, just...
Have a quesstion???
No big drama, I just recently 'Since Finding myself' Realized that I LOVE TO READ fiction books... My question... I know that there are TONS of AL-anon books, but is there any books that anyone knows that are fiction books that tell the story of an Afamily, or an alcoholic that recovered or an Adult Ch...
last night I did something really foolish I went to a family party and got really drunk. really really drunk. I went to the my AB's house and he walked me home. I can remember crying getting aggressive apologising all kinds of carzy stuff. It was like all my pain was coming out I have been trying to und...
How to stop being a door mat?
After hearing Shells story I started having serious flash backs to a time my ex-husband took the only car we had and left me and five children( 4 under the age of 5) stranded. God provided one of the most remarkable miracles and over the course of a day friends and family donated 9,000 dollars to buy a new c...
One day at a time....
For today, I have realized that since coming to Alanon I have improved my emotional state...I am no longer trapped in my mind of past events...able to live in Today...Break free from Yesterday and not step into Tomorrow...I can feel the sadness being lifted from my eyes and a new way of life approachin...
The best gift that Al-anon gives
Someone said this in a meeting last week, and it's been so helpful to me... Well, I should have written it down because I'm sure I'm getting it wrong, but... Al-anon allows me to love the addicts in my life. Even if I have to block them from my life for awhile. Even if the rest of the world is saying "Ho...
Thank God I found this site!
Hi all newbie here. I am so glad I found this site, the daily stress I go to is sometimes unbearable. My story starts out as a child, i had a lying, very manipulative mother who never showed love, and an alcohlic father. I grew up not knowing who I was and where I was going. I tried so hard to please my parents a...
Do you remember your "first time"?
I've heard it said that we never forget the "first time", and I would imagine that for most that probably rings true, but as I write this I wonder how many of us remember the "last time". My son and I have gotten in the habit lately, due to my ever increasing love of the world around m...
February - Step Two Revisited
So here it is February again already! And with that, time to revisit Step 2 and contemplate how, if I keep searching, I can continue growing...always new things to learn and discover! This past year I have spent getting to know my HP once again. Still in process of that, and probably will be so the rest of...
I just had to share ........
I am a Great-Auntie!!!!!! I am so excited. One of my very favorite nieces had a baby girl and her namesake is for my mother who died when I was only 26 years old with my own young babies. I know you all just won't believe that a 29 year-old could possibly be a Great Auntie, but tis true. Maria And here she is...
Do I confront him or leave it alone?
My husband and I went to se his grandmother in a nursing home for the first time. she is really losing it. She has alzheimer's and not doing well at all. He then went to band practice and he got home at about 10:45 or so. I was asleep. I noticed that he had gotten in bed when I got up with the baby at 1am but w...
Chatroom And Java Trouble
Hi All seems to many using java, access to the chatoom not possible, this is due to the java server being down If your experiencing any difficulties you can download mirc or do what was done last night and visit But1purpose room where we were able to continue with our meeting http://www.but1purpo...
they called me to sub today, I missed the call but at least they called. Come to the chat room if you have time, I will be there, working on income taxes again today. Sure enjoy chatting with you.
Having to be the big B!
My ex A got out of prison last week and his mother has been harrassing me to let him see the kids, talk to the kids, etc. I don't really trust myself on this issue so I talked with all of my friends and family and they all say the same thing - why bring him back into their lives... I have enough problems without...
How do I move on?
Hi Everyone, This is my first time on this forum, and I'm not really sure if it's the right place for me, since my boyfriend is not only an alcoholic but also cross-addicted to several other drugs. I left him on Saturday and am feeling lonely, guilty and heartbroken. I suppose I just need to know that ot...
another great movie which is all about dealing with the impossibilities of alcoholism
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aa-nY3TOhFk this is a fantastic film with Marcia Gay Harden and her real life daughter which is all about alcoholism and the effect on a family. Riveting stuff. I hope it makes it to television or a wide release. I know it helps me tremendously to see some aspect...
On forcing solutions?
What is this about? Can you write about what it means to force solutions, to you and what it looks like in your own life? What is your ESH re: forcing solutions? I am wondering more and more about this in myself. I think that for me, forcing solutions feels like controlling something but its also about...
help request
Hello to all, Thank you for being here, helping all of us to grow in this wonderful site. I live in the Phx metro area, as some of y'all know. We have had a serial rapist whose impregnated one of his victims, an eight / nine year old. I am imploring his angels to turn himself into the law. Your help is accepted...
"Connections" keep calling, what do I do?
I am very perplexed about this matter today. AH ck'd into rehab yesterday. No sooner had I turned his phone on, than he started getting calls from his connections. I have yet to answer. Part of me wants to make up this ellaborate lie that he is dead from bad drugs and the cops are looking for anyone associa...
My husband forbids me to go to an Al-Anon meeting
I am a 27yr old women with a 5 1/2 month old little girl. My husband is an A and I am suffering from the stress of it all including the stress from my own family. They see that he has a problem and complain to me about it. The catch here is that my husband Nd I live with my mother and step father so we can get on ou...
Two years out
I am almost two years out from leaving the ex A. As many of you will know I left him but still continued to interact with him for the entire year. I am now almost one year out from having any contact at all with him. I believe I am barely scratching the surface of taking care of myself. I'm taking concrete...
Putting the past behind me
This morning I was on the way out (which is good since I've been in bed for a few days with allergies. Quite by chance I met an old boss of mine who I worked for 7 years ago. I greeted her warmly. She was very nice and encouraged me to get back in touch with her. I was happy for about 10 seconds then in popped a...
Seems so sorted, clear minded and decisive and understanding -driving me crazy
Hi, ive posted a few times here about my AH who has just left me, via phone call from abroad 6 weeks ago. He is in Uk now and weve talked on phone (nearly killed me) and emailed (very unloving but "kind" emails). He has organised himself to get what few things he wanted from house, cos I said I didn...
Lilly Burn
A newbie from sunny california
I currently live with my ABF. We have been together for over 2 years ( but dated also for less than a year over 10 years ago- long story alcohol was not involved at that time) We have lived together for little over a year now with my 2 kids from a prev marriage. ( 11 and 13) My ABF does not think he is an alcoholi...
To all My ESH'rs....Update....
Ok well got up this morning did my prayers, read my books, sat with the HP and thru in my "Last" Text message to Abrother that read "If you did not contact Land Owner about water, call me ASAP... The Bill is Only going to go UP! Love ya", that was at 7am this morning... So I heard nothin...
Being nice and warm with aH doesn't come naturally....
Ah and I are separated. It has been on and off for about 2 years and sporadically we flirt with reconciliation, though it doesn't take long for the idea of that to be blasted into oblivion, once we spend a few days together. We do really well superficially. It seems a relationship without expectation...