Yesterday's Positives and Negatives
My 15 yo son went to court yesterday. He pleaded guilty to some charges he claims he is innocent on b/c the court had enough circumstantial evidence to convict him. He plea bargained and the lessened one of the major charges down to a misdemeanor, which was great. And by pleading guilty, it allowed h...
dauhgter will actually be here!!!!! Can you believe????
Spoke to AD last night and she is all set to come out here to take care of Bonnie Lou. We will have to leave before she gets here because she is trying to miss the FT Worth rush hour traffic, which I do not blame her. Bonnie Lou seems much better,however will not eat much, however she still beggs at the table...
Fighting the Desire to Control
Hello Family - I'm struggling with the desire to control my A. As I posted a few weeks earlier, his meeting attendance has decrease significantly and it takes everything inside of me NOT to speculate on this. My comments and overwhelming worry HAVE decreased but, not vanished. Sometimes I feel I go to...
You gotta love how they can ruin the holidays
So last night I got a group of girlfriends togather to spend the night at my parents' empty condo for a pre-Mother's Day celebration. Just something special for us moms so we can spend a night relaxing, hanging out, and having fun. I got home this morning and was greeted by my husband whose first words...
Grief and anger....ESH needed
Two weeks ago today I buried my father and Saturday we buried my father in law. Grief has got ahold of me and I do not like where I am at. I am so angry with all of the people that have managed to slip into FIL's life and take, take take and never give back. There are even times I feel like they have robbed me of my...
When we cannot DETACH, we----------------
What are the negative effects not detaching? If you are unable to detach from people, places or things, then you: * Will have people, places or things which become over-dependent on you. * Run the risk of being manipulated to do things for people, at places or with things which you do not really want to d...
Decision making...at last
Dear all, Have been reading the posts and getting so much out of them, its unbelievable. I rang my A father and told him the truth, that I would not be able to transfer dead step moms car to me and insure him as a named driver because of the consequences for ME. This is a first. I am sure he is annoyed. I made som...
maire rua
Feeling Off Today...
Welp... Don't know what is up with me this morning... I feel ok I suppose, but a little off... I am not sure if it has to do with Yesterdays Good/Great news or not... when it come to getting rid of the My Deseased Afathers estate or what... Or if it is just Realizing... That I am getting were I need to be with it...
My detachment posts
Hey guys...Sorry I did not quote source for those posts... I was going through some old posts of mine and notes of mine that I had saved over this 5 years and don't KNOW where I got the info from......SO for now "source unknown".....I surf my old notes...old posts.....internet....type fr...
I Lost My Job, The Only Thing I Could Count on for 22 Years
Actually found out my job is being done away with....actually being sent to China, come August. I have worked there 22 years last month. No matter what, men problems, health problems, whatever, I still had my job. I NEED MY JOB! I moved into my own apt. last July, and have been doing wonderfully. Gett...
Am I addicted to AlAnon? Need to find some balance.........ESH greatly needed today
First of all thank you all for responding to my post yesterday, I always appreciate the ESH that comes from my MIP family, I have been carried more times than I can count by most of you here. Several people (not just here) have voiced to me that maybe my problem is that I am "overdoing" AlAnon....
Last Day on the Job
Hi Alanoners, Yesterday was my last day with my old teaching job. In August I start teaching in a new subject area - same school. After 15 years, it was bittersweet. No fanfare, no party, no gold watch (he, he). They asked for my keys. The transition is from a great environment - terrible co-worker to a ne...
(((((((MIP Family))))))) I am so awed by meetings where the shares by other members are exact echos from my past in program. When the thoughts and feelings are exactly as they were for me in the same language and expression. I just close my eyes and let myself be guided thru the journey by a newer willi...
Jerry F
How to Develop DETACHMENT
How to Develop Detachment In order to become detached from a person, place or thing, you need to: First: Establish emotional boundaries between you and the person, place or thing with whom you have become overly enmeshed or dependent on. Second: Take back power over your feelings from persons, plac...
Alanons Who Hate Alcoholics
I know that Alanon is a program for people who love an alcoholic. Or as the reading states, there is a problem of alcoholism in a relative or friend. This implies love, but how many of us really hate alcoholics? As a sober alcoholic myself, it's hard for me to hate alcoholics, but I do find myself har...
Who's Your Potter?
I know it's nowhere near Christmas, but I just had thoughts of the classic Jimmy Stewart / Frank Capra movie "It's A Wonderful Life". It truly is a film with many lessons and a timeless message - and it occurred to me that there's a specific message in it for we codependents too. At the heart o...
grown 'kids' and 'consequences vs control =confusion!
Hello. I'm new to this board and have only been to a few al anon meetings. I know there is wisdom there, but I do get frustrated by the fact that most members do tend to be wives/significant other -as opposed to parents. There are some differences in issues and emotions that are just hard for me to ignore a...
Feel like I'm about to go under......
For some reason this week, that I can't wrap myself around, I am feeling quite "off". Almost like I can see myself in this huge lake, and I am swinging my arms, kicking my legs and fighting with everything I have JUST TO KEEP AFLOAT, and I am getting so worn out, and just don't feel like fighti...
Feeling Anxiety
I just want to apologize, I feel like I take, take, take from this board and hardly give. My emotions are such a roller coaster right now. I've been dealing with anxiety and panic attacks for a few months now, I lately I've been doing well (between therapy, medications, and meetings). Yesterday, my hu...
Update on my situation!
I made it!! He left for work early so I started packing up he came home for a minute to get something and I just said I will be out by tonight. He didn'ts ay anything just left. Then 2 hours later we had the first truck loaded up. My friends brother calls and said he did something to the propane tank in the garag...
Sick of walking on egg shells!!!
Daughter is supposed to come out to our house while we go out of town this week end to take care of our sick Beagle(bonnie lou), who thank God is much better(Beagle, not daughter). She loves Bonnie Lou and would take good care of her and give her the medicines she is still taking So, I called her 3 times y...
Need ES&H
I just started my dyslexia training, the class is hard and so many roadblocks before the class started. Husband lost job, son two surgery's on his elbow. I am able to concentrate in class and do the homework so far.... Last night brother who spent three years in prison called., he was drinking.... what...
Could my Prayers Be Answered?????
Well.. Bit of an Odd Day... Had a good day volunteering at the school... No Drama per say... Which was... Got back to the office, and started reading some of my Daily's... "Really Working Hard :)" Well I have been studing up on "Exceptance"... For I have been excepting my respons...
My Newest Journey... ;)
Ok, Yesterday in my travels on my Bike, as I was praying for my al-anon family I also made a HUGE Step back to ME :) When we left here on our bikes we really didn't know were we were heading, just the oppisite direction of the rain :) 99.9% of the time, my husband will ALWAYS ask... Were to You want to go.. and I A...
Lovin my MIP Family :)
Ok, yesterday I took a ride on my Harley to see what God had in store for me. And WOW did I have an awesome day... I have to say tho that the first 50 miles all I could think of was my Al-anon family and how much you all mean to me... In my prayers yesterday I could not thinking of: Jerry... how you are always there...
Do I belong here?
My husband just left me. Both of his parents and all his grandparents were raging alcoholics and he also is a child abuse survivor. When we met - I was very ill. The first two years we were together he had to really take care of me. Then as I got better and better he seemed to get angry. Aggitated all of th...
should i write a letter?????
I have been on this site off and on and have had many good responces which is appreciated. My b/f who is a severe alcoholic/ bipolor and then started smoking crack. I hung in there for app 8 yrs, stuck with him through prison, through many breakups i always went back until this time. Was bad enough with the...
Dealing with feelings of guilt for my part in it all.
Today for some reason I got to thinking about EXABF and our relationship, how it started and ended. In the beginning I ran from him as soon as I found out he was an A, for fear. He pursued diligently, and fought to get me. He even told me at one point early on that I took all the fight out of him in the beginin...
Feeling low again
I just needed to come to the board...Ive been so much stronger, getting out and about, meeting new people and re-establishing old friendships and importantly, sorting my finances etc and now I feel utterly flat. I have effectively cut my exAH out of my life, not responding to his various communicati...
Lilly Burn
Phone Job Interview -- Update
Lucky #7. The interviewer closed the interview by saying to me: Well, Tonya....over the next 2 days I will be interviewing 18 people. You are number 7. And you are the first one that I am recommending to the second interview. You know what my friends???? This has inspired me so much! I am very confid...
just a little venting here
My ex-dil decided that she would tell my granddaughters (8 & 6) the problem that daddy has. I agreed that they were probably old enough to tell them about the alcoholism. Here is the thing....ex-dil told A son that the oldest had a little anxiety about ex-dil and new husband having a beer the other n...
WHY am I such an enabler!? I really need to stop.
I'm slowly learning how I enable my dry drunk, to control me. He does it with ease and I need to stop. I need to stop running his calendar, and doing his business for him. I do step in from time to time still. Mainly when it affects my bottom line. I'm learning NOT to do this. It's not just my husband. I j...
A-Father's request
Dear All, A-Father has asked me and initially i said i would take over step mother who is now dead, car and insure him as a named driver. I have checked this out and am not prepared to do same as if he has any problems, and he does he is eighty not declaring same however he got away with that, and it would affect...
maire rua
Don't Want to Go Home
Ever since my husband's Mother's Day stunt (which seems like days ago, but it was only yesterday), my son and I have been staying at my parents' condo. It's pretty nice here - everything is so clean, it doesn't smell of booze or pets, and the condo complex has a nice pool with a hot tub (it's like a mini v...
Phone Job Interview
Hello Everyone! I've always searched 'monster' to find out what jobs are open in my profession around the state. Just to know what is happening. I've never applied for any until recently. I love my current job and I am pretty satisfied with my salary. BUT...a position was advertised by our main c...
Hard to stay, hard to let go
Oh, sit back, it turned out to be a long one.... I feel like I am at a fork in the road. I left my AH 2 1/2 months ago. Things have been up and down. He is a recovering alcoholic and addict. Sober/dry for a year (relapsed a couple times recently). I took him out for his birthday. He said that he was ok with me havi...
What a wonderful, wonderful day!!! And I mean it!!!
First of all, thank you, thank you for all your prayers for my sweet Bonnie Lou(my Beagle). She seems to be a whole lot better. Not completely out of the woods, but not coughing so much. Praise God and all of you with your wonderful messages of concern. There is nothing like the love of a dear pet. And w...
Rejoining the human race
Hello Friends, It has been a long while since I have posted, just recently I have rejoined the human race. It feels wonderful, I just woke up on day and I could see life clearly for the first time in a very long long time and it feels great. It's been almost two years since Chuck ( my husband) has passed. I s...
horrible mother's day - an intro
I am so very new to this. I did attend some al-anon meetings what seems like it must be 20 years ago, but I have no idea what EHS is, etc.
anyway... please understand how very much i love my mum, but her alcoholism is toxic for me. I live about 20 minutes from her and try to see her every sunday. EVERY time i se...
post birthday insight - my birthday was Saturday.
Every year on my birthday I craved that the A take notice and do something for me. One year he got drunk and took his friend out. I refused to go out with him when he was drunk. The next day he hosted a mother's day special for his mother and I went to it. That was some of the beginning of my detachment. I realis...
Few Alanon things you have learned and like best!
I was just wondering if you all would share a few things you learned in Alanon you liked best and have helped you work your program! Here are my couple: Trust HP (still working on it though) No or low expectations for A's or anyone for that matter Mind my own business and worry about ME and no one else!
This program really works!
So hubby is now into week 4 of trying to live a new life without alcohol. He started off really great after detox (going to AA 2 times a week, repeating the slogans etc..). I was encouraged, but kept in the back of my mind "Hope for the best, plan for the worst". So this weekend he decides to d...
Dry Drunk Detachment & Getting Better at It Part II
Hi All, This is the sequel to my original post from about two weeks or so ago. My bf eventually came around to talk. He told me that he realized that he really hurt me and didn't treat me right and he also realized that he let my son down (as he promised my son that he would not hurt me). He told me that he felt hor...
Saved By Grace
hello I am new and so alone
My husband is in a treatment institution for substance abuse, I don't know what to say or do for him I feel really selfish Like its his fault for being there what SHould I say or do for him?I want to be supportive but this is my first time at this any help or encouragement or friendly support would be accecpt...
This program really does work! My share :)...Updated 3rd post!!!
I've only been here about 5 months, have a WONDERFUL sponsor, went to one f2f meeting and can see progress in ME! My A is also a sex addict and I think at his worse right now. People keep telling me Oh I saw him at this bar with this person...I do't even care. I know he is sleeping with 3 other people and you know...
Looking for cheap Alanon books, delivery Australia?
We are looking for cheap Alanon books. Does anyone know where to purchase some cheap books with little transport expenses. These alanon books can be used or new, but must be cheap for purchase and transport? Mia
Wishing I had heard this one 20 yrs ago
We are fortunate enough to have a 50 +yrs in program old timmer in our meeting who told this little joke the other nite So for moms who are homemakers with little ones this just might work for you, wish I had thought of this when I was alot younger. A young woman with 3 small children made sure that the home...
seeing it for what it is, not what I want it to be...
Our family tradition on Mother's Day during our married years was to work in the yard. It was what I wanted, and a day that I could expect everyone to pitch in and help, and not feel the slightest bit guilty about it This year my exAH asked if he could have the kids for a while on Sat to prepare for Sun. I let the...
My AH and I have been separated about 8 weeks. He moved out after he believed he was sober and stopped going to AA as soon as he moved out. His sister who is 11 years younger LOVES being able to control him and spend all his time with her. They have NEVER been close in fact she is her parents biological child...
For my Mom
This is a reprint of a post I did several years ago for my Mom (Toni as she was called) on Mother's Day. For all my Alanon Moms. I love you all. Mom, Even though we can't be together because God called you home when I was only 19, I wanted to thank you for still being there for me. Your life was far from perfect,...
So...Scared. But ok. I got a job. In topeka. I'm moving. Again Yes. I'm scared. I'm scared of alot of things. But God bless america. I'm not dead yet. I'm not dead yet. I need y'all to remind me that I have the strength to do this again. Y'all got me through moving to KY. Things are different. My mom's fam...
Ok I feel so stupid
I have not dated or even talked to any man since my AH. I have been alone for years now. So I go on this JW match site. sigh. NOT me to do this as you guys well know. I am in no way knowledgeable how to do this. I have always been persude. Did I spell that right? OK Chased. Being on my mountain the chances of meeting...
My sweet Beagle is very sick; what next???
Our sweet Beagle, Bonnie Lou is very sick and probably will not be with us much longer. She is 12 years old; has congestive heart failure and now has bronchitus. Took her to the vet this morning and spent a ton of money(I would spend my last dime) for her meds. She is coughing and coughing. Yes, dogs c...
Monday, Monday :)
Hey y'all, I'm doing ok. Y'all made a huge difference yesterday. I need to add a PS to yesterday: So my stepfather called Su afternoon and mediates. he agrees that it's my life, my move, etc. He suggests that I'm stressed ( duh) and when I get stressed I get a little dictatorial (ok, I can get that) and t...
can I do both?
I am the daughter of an alcoholic. My boyfriend is also, in my definition, an alcoholic. I have noticed that in the past year, I might also be an alcoholic. However, when I went to an alanon meeting, I could relate to everything they were saying about the frustrations and the effects that growing up in an...
Baby steps today, but moving forward not backward...
Thanks to everyone who responded to my last post, where EXABF sent me the Mom's day card. I realize that I do not need to know WHY he did it, nor his motivation-as I doubt even he does. However he does know me well enough to know that I am ALL about manners, always have been, so I will reply with a sho...
Oh the Ups and Downs
Last summer when things were getting increasingly difficult w/my teen son, my exAH started coming around more to help me with him. The more time we spent together, the more I realized I missed him. The good times with him. His laugh, his touch, his presence in general. I blame part of this on being a...
Need Help On Step 4
I don't know how to even start . We made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. How did you do it ? Please HELP !
Awakening To Choices - Massachusetts Alanon Conference, May 15 - 17, 2009
Just thought I would share for anyone/everyone who's from this area that next weekend is the Annual Massachusetts Alanon Conference "Awakening to Choices." If you are nearby, think about attending. The conferences are wonderful, a weekend of recovery with "those who understan...
Focus, focus hocus pocus
It's a wonderful magic trick, when I focus on you I disappear!