Where's the miracle here?
He is drunk. 6 day binge and not showing any signs of coming off it. He is determined to die, and he is doing a great job of seeing that come about. He cannot eat without throwing up, is losing weight, and just keeps drinking...not fussy about his liquor. Gin, vodka, beer, wine; anything will do. Al...
My A's are acting up
My mom and dad took in roommates earlier this year. They needed extra money. Of course giving up the Captain Morgans was not an option. They took in a homeless couple they knew nothing about. Fast forward to now. The roommates are crazy and made up a story about my parents to have them arrested. My mom cal...
Questioning my decision.....send in the reinforcements....
Today has been a tough day. It's been 6 weeks since breaking up with my abf. I've learned alot and progressed in my recovery, but today has been difficult. Today, in fact, I've been questioning my decision to break up with him. I did so because I did not want to be on the receiving end of his alcoholi...
Little update
The first night no sugar was hard. I cannot even imagine someone quitting smoking and or using. My mood has been great though. Today was not hard at all. Had a feeling and drove up and saw my AH. He told me he had been so depressed for a few days. So that is what I felt. I feel him when he is not using. When he uses...
very exciting news
I don't think I posted this....my dil is pregnant. She and my son have been trying for 7 years. She had IVF 2 times and was planning on having it again this month. While my son was deployed and was in Perth, Austrailia she flew there from Japan and spent a week with him. Low and behold....she got pregnant. W...
New here - my story
Hi everyone, I came to these boards because I don't know where else to start. I'll try to give a concise background. It may be biased as this is how I perceived everything. My boyfriend and I worked for the same company. I am 30, and he is 36. We became friendly in April 2008 and started dating in August...
I LOVE the shopping!
A has been drunk, and most of the time passed out, for the past four days. And what about me? I've been SHOPPING! Clothes, shoes, purses, scarfs, coats. I am going for the complete new wardrobe. WOW! What fun. No need for me to whine and cry over his situation. Actually, peeps, I am really enjoy...
Can I ever have a "normal" relationship w/someone who drinks "normally" ESH needed
For those of you who have followed my story from last August on....here is where I find myself today.... I'm still working the program and am in the process of beginning my second round through the steps (not sure if this will be with or without a sponsor but I am determined it needs to and will be done agai...
We remember& honor
(((((Family)))), On this day September 11 may we remember those lives lost. May we remember the many Alanon family members who are grieving for their family & friends. May we honor their memories with a simple act of kindness. May we offer prayers for all on this day. Much love and blessings...
A grandmother's specific problem with special needs child and an alcoholic 'mother.'
(Asking questions on behalf of my mother because she doesnt have the internet) My mom watches the kids when my brother is at work and my sister-in-law needs to go to a meeting. When my mom goes over there in time for my SIL to make a meeting, Mom often finds the special needs child in her bedroom covered in...
((((Family))), Well it finally happened. My brother in law was arrested at a meth lab. He was cooking up a batch when the police raided it. He's sitting in jail with no bail. More charges are pending. This was only a matter of time. Five years ago the family garage burnt down. The police had no p...
September Business meeting Agenda
September 13 Business Meeting Agenda
I. Review of August minutes
II.Review of op meeting schedule
III.New Business
Chat Room Security
Please pm me if you have any additional items.
Detaching...unleashing myself from the viscious grips of enabling behaviour...
I've read on this board that if you are doing something for another, whom has the time, ability and facility to do it for themselves, then you are engaging in enabling behaviour. I agree. I've had the opportunity to set a different boundary with my ex-aH recently and though I know it is the right thing,...
Why am I losing it?
It's been just two and a half weeks since the divorce and I am losing it! I am not able to concentrate on anything and I am not motivated to do anything. I have company coming this weekend and I just can't get myself in gear to clean house, do laundry, fix meals, just the everyday things that must be done. I ha...
Overwhelmed Yet Again
Over 2 weeks ago my husband got suspended from work for refusing to take a drug/alcohol test. He told me that his company offered to let him keep his job if he enters a drug/alcohol program that lasts 5 years. It's the same program that the Board of Pharmacy uses and he'll probably have to enter it anyway...
He threw a punch and missed!!!!!
Hello and Hugs Everyone! Tomorrow will be two weeks since my husband moved out. HURRAY! Today is day two of his at home detox. He called me a few times and tried to use me as a punching bag, but guess what....he missed...he never landed those punches...i'm too quick you see...i saw them coming and i go...
Constant abrupt change of emotions.. Highs to Lows and back again
Since I started attending meetings, I have noticed that I have had massive emotional outpourings. I remember the night after my very first meeting and sharing, I was talking online to my partner (long distance relationships, different countries - we met for 3 weeks in July and it was truly fantastic...
Change to the fearful, chage is threatening, because it might mean that things may get worse, to the hopeful change is encouraging beacause things might get better, to the confident change is inspiring, because the challenge exists to make things better. katy x
It's alright, It's OK
today was a hectic day and I'm exhausted but it was not as bad as I thought it would be. I made it through the day unscathed and not abused by my aunt. I actually told her I was in school because I thought I want to tell people what's going on and maybe she will also get the message I'm getting ready to move on. I'...
Self Worth - Courage to Change 8/4
Reading the passage this morning in Courage to Change for Aug 4th, I am reminded that through my self care, I am slowly finding my self worth. Part of my self care has been my dedication to touch base with my program daily! I made this dedication only a few months back and already I see a huge change within m...
If it's alright
I have been very hard on myself lately. I've also been isolating. I haven't really been connecting with people. I do find myself getting lonely. I'm fed up with my ABF because he still defends a girl that tried to break us up and said such cruel hurtful things to me and threatened me. I try to explain my fee...
My update and lessons learned
OK Rita's wish of magic wands and combat boots sure brought something to the day! I love the saying in that card, and am thinking I could really get into the thought of visualising a sparkly pink tutu'd combat booted guardian angel, fairy or whatever she or well ... he wants to be. On to the stuff I really d...
Good insight
Woops said something in Jennifers thread that really spoke to me. You mention that by talking about your past with A's it opens the doors to new A's. #1 - you tell them you date A's #2 - I'm an A so I need to hide it. Wow! That's exactly what my exabf had to think. I didn't give him all the details of my lif...
When They Get Clean
I can thank Al-Anon for giving me the courage and the tools to let my son get himself clean. He recently married and things are going well. His business status was such that while he was using, he managed not to lose everything. His credit suffered as he was late on making payments at time but somehow...
Enabling vs helping
My mother and I provide babysitting for my brothers family. My sister-in-law never lifts a finger to clean anything. She seldom even fixes food for the kids. My mom struggles to know when to step in and help the kids by cleaning and trying to get a meal together or if that is enabling the mother to abdicat...
90 day journey of self improvement...
Yesterday I embarked on a 90 day journey of self improvement. I have decided to do this to get on with my life and let go of my ex boyfriend. I am not smoking, drinking, eating carbs or seeking a relationship/sex for the next 90 days. Plus exercising every day. I'm hoping to lose 45lbs in 90 days. I am r...
my share today on courage, faith, hope
This is from my share today and I was encouraged to share this with others, so Im doing just that. not feeling too prolific but i'll give it a go ;) i was very hopless for so long i was seeing & obsessing on the situations of others and ignoring my own i suffered a lot of pain & anguish mental anxi...
Ok day one of my steps to give my addiction to hp
Today I choose to not eat sugar. I may have fruit, and real 100% fruit juice. sigh, I have to. So keep doing the one day at a time, give it to hp. And put down those things I naturally grab to buy. The first step goes thru my head and it is true. Have craved it all my life. Doc just ok'ed me a gluco meter from this co...
Why is change so bad and scary?
I am grateful that my step mother shared the wonderful world of Alanon with me. It is times like this that I feel often directionless, stressed, and pressured to be perfect. I have to make the "right choice." I am blessed with the opportunity to be able to seek new employment and have several...
So what are you up to and how are you feeling girl? I keep thinking of you and depression. It is such a hard disease and most feel it in their lives. Grief, different losses, all kinds of things, then for some reason our body cannot get back into that balance of the normal chemicals. That commercial on tv is...
As long as there is Al=Anon...there is hope
Hi. It's been ages since I posted. ( Sorry) You've no idea how many times I have posted,and lost it,or got an error message. But I really wanted to let you all know that really,this Alanon programme is just fantastic. A brief recap on my situation............for those that don't know me. I am English,b...
I'm sad. I'm awake in the time I should be sleeping. I don't want to share which means I probably should and I don't know where to start and I really don't want to start the whole eyes leaking big fat tears and not being able to breathe properly so I am not going to. I want this whole new ABF situation clear...
Seeking support in all the wrong places.
I was in a therapy group for 9 weeks. I had really hoped after the group that someone would call or email from the list we circulated. Noone has. I really don't want to be the person who organizes this because I have a great deal on my plate as it is. I feel like I am always the one who gives and I have had to t...
Will the real Alanon please stand up?
Hello Dear Friends, Lately, as I relfect on my growth in the program, I feel I am ready to face some problems that I have always encounted in alanon, and feel the need to try and find some clarity in these matters. Alanon has saved my life, in more ways than one, so this post is NOT about the merit of Alanon, o...
To New Beginnings
Well today was a very slow progress of a day, I did manage to do 3 loads of laundry even tho I have been feeling terrible... I don't know if it was something I ate or what but I have been having belly problems all evenning last night, and most of the day today... After such a wonderful weekend, it was kind of a b...
why am i complaining
my dh is alcoholic and also uses prescription drugs when he can get them. he is by all standards successful. owns his own business, is respected in the communitity. we live well. he pays all of the bills and i spend my paycheck the way i want. (usually on the kids or grandkids) he is never mean when h...
I feel really guilty
I have been on this forum for 7 months and it has helped me so much. but i feel quilty because i dont help others very much at least not recently..im in a different place to the one where i fel like there was no way out, wanted to die, couldnt believe it...trouble is I still cant believe it and it has for some re...
Lilly Burn
husband was arrested last night
he was extremely intoxicated. He snapped and started to hit me. he punched me in the chest and he twisted my arms. thankfully, another couple was here and the guy was able to get him off of me. AH then went to bed. after 10 min or so, i went to check on him with my friend. he was unconscious, his body was...
need lots of help
We're Seperated
Hello Everyone! After many days of fussing and fighting and saying i wanted to move out and so on..i just had enough. Last Friday night, I begged him to leave. I called a friend of his and told him that I am serious and I needed his help. I needed a witness to what I was about to tell him, cause he (my A) thou...
I have heard alot lately about the book getting them sober by toby rice. i was just wondering if this book is a good read for families of recovery alcoholics or if it focuses on the active alcoholic. any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Tara
control of self
I have notice a lot lately how I react to what ever environment I am in or what people I am surrounded by. My boss talks about others, critising, judging I dont want to hear it but I am trying to be polite and I feel obliged to engage in the conversation. I always try and get her to see that other persons good p...
Your support
I am overwhelmed with all the people who took time to read my "lost" post. Also to all the ones who responded. I was so afraid my integrity was ruined but you all showed me the truth. It has been a HUGE lesson! thank you! Next time someone attacks my person, as we know in this world it happens too m...
Getting to the nitty gritty.
I'm two years out from leaving the A. In fact this weekend is the 2nd anniverary of my taking the dogs from him. That was one of the parts of severing the tie. For me there was a long long road to leaving. The leaving went on long after I had left. In fact in so many ways I am still leaving that relationship...
Happy Recovery Birthday to ME!!!
5 years ago today - I walked into my first Al-Anon meeting. Scared, unsure of why I was going and how in the world could this thing called Al-Anon help me. I just knew that at that time in my life, I was separated from my husband, he was 6 months sober and I was still miserable, angry and wanting something to c...
Rita G
One Year On
Dear (((((All)))) Today is my MIP 1st birthday I dont recall how I found this place, I was distraught and my life had become unmanagble, obviously my HP brought me here. The one thing I do remember clearly is the feeling I got from the welcome I received. The responses to my original posts where amazin...
New member In need of advice
Hi, I just signed up so this is my first post. My father has been fighting all sorts of addictions his whole life. He is on MMT and he continues to drink hard alcohol daily. He has been to rehab 3 times and says he will never go back. I live 30 minutes from my parents house and am at the point where I refu...
Prayer for depression
Some of you know I have had problems with depression for many years.. And have gone to the hospital for it as well.. The last couple of weeks I am back there.. I have talked to some in the room.. Ever shared about not being in a good place right now in meetings and in chat.. Friday i spoke to the doc and we are ho...
A newbie share..
When I first came to al-anon, I could not even meet the eyes of the people in the room. I cried silently, in fear, and had so much resentment for even being there. I hit bottom. We talk about A's hitting bottom. I hit mine. At the time I hit the al-anon doorsteps, I didn't recognize who I had become. LI...
Looking for insight & ESH...
Ok, So here the last couple of days I have been doin some much needed soul searching, and it came to me from a Loving Friend, that I Love others with an open heart, but... Myself... Not so much... I was not offended by this, by no means... but it did bring up somethings that I just never thought about... I alw...
A-lAnon Killing our Relatioship (Update)
Went to my first meeting yesterday and OH Boy. I have/had no idea. I guess that most of us outsiders had no idea what a different life members lead. I got up explained my dilemma then listened to others talk, some were just like me when they started others were just like my girlfriend is/was. One thing I n...
Does it ever just go away?? Completely?? In need of ESH......
I have been seeing a great guy for the past 2 mths. We have been going really slowly-at my request and his understanding of where I am, and where I have been, but the past two weeks I can see more in him than I wanted to see. He has so many good qualitites and seems genuine. He does drink on occassion but no...
Happy Labor Day weekend!
((((Family))), Just wanted to wish you all who are here in the States a HAPPY LABOR DAY weekend. Enjoy the last traditional weekend of summer. I hope you get the kiddies off to school without loosing your mind! I have seen the glazed look on the parents' faces when they come in to buy sneakers. I hope...
Thank you.
Thank you to everyone to prayed for me last night. I went into the night with one situation in my mind making me VERY anxious. That situation turned out great. My A had strength last night. I know I can't expect anything for the future, but I am grateful for last night. It was interesting though becaus...
Taking Back Control of My Home
Hello Friends, Thank you for all the wonderful advice. I took my daughter and her boyfriend to lunch today. I simple let it fly, I told my daughter that I love her and I will support her and her daughter until she finishes school. That promise I made to her 2 yrs ago and I intend to keep it. After all you a...
Hi everyone. This is my first time here. Can I live like this and be happy?
I am 36 and have been married for 14 years. My husband and I have 1 teenage daughter. My husband is an alcoholic. I have just recently realized that - yes he is one. I can't go to Alanon meetings locally because of the time that the group meets and I can't keep going like I am with out help. I have alwa...
A-lAnon Killing our Relatioship
I've been dating a girl for years who used to be married to an abusive Alcoholic. She tried everything to get him to stop but that's in her past now. My problem is she lives thes courage to change books as if they are the Bible. I am everything her Ex. wasn't. We never argue, we never fight, we've never had a d...
Wrong attitude
Recently in the past few months I met a neighbor who told me he was sober and living in a clean and sober house. I made a point of not getting too chummy. After a while I noticed that he didn't have much together and always had money problems. That was a red flag. Last week I learned from him that he isn't r...
Hello Everyone, I am new here and joined the group because I was distraught over my fiance's addictions. It seems that the first two steps were big eye openers for me. They were what I needed to hear! I got the 12 step book, and have been reading it, and re-reading it. What it says about instincts is reall...
Please say a prayer for me tonight..
I'm in a bit of an anxious situation.. I knew I'd be anxious and I have to keep repeating, "I cannot control it..I cannot control it", and just pray myself. I'm really focussing on me, but this disease not only affects my A, but me as well. It's very difficult. My mind gets the best of me a LOT o...
Daddy-O Strikes again....
Ok so as most of you know, I have been handling my Afathers affairs since he past last Nov. and it has been nothing short of an up hill battle, and thanks to the help of Al-anon/ACOA I have been moving along, working my program, doing my best, and welp... It dawned on me today that my last conversation with m...