why do I need his gratitude
My ABF had a slip after 6 monyhs he has licked his has lost his job etc etc. He has bee to three meetings intwo days and is chatting with his sponsor. he rang and asked me to drop off bits and bobs. i am angrey it is like tracy will be there again, tracy will understand. When he was sober he went to chat to ex...
Were I'm At... ?????
Hoe Hummm... I was Speakin with a Friend of my Mothers, and got to thinkin about alot of things...When I sit and look at the big picture of "MY" family...I can't see but "1" Chain in it that wasn't takin over by Alcohol... And the closer I look to my back round the more I find... MORE A...
new to internet
I am new {very} to the net though not to al-anon. Pointers please?
I'm out of the cycle....
I've been with my husband for 20 years..married for 17 this past Sept. We have been together since High School. I watched him progress into a terrible binge drinker over the years. How I lived through it all I truly don't know. I recall hundreds or more times I would hide in my closet and cry and pray t...
Reaching out
Hi all, I have some trouble sleeping at night lately. I either can't get my mind to stop or I just lay there and stare the ceiling and pet Lily. I don't always feel like going into chat all the time sometimes I am not in the right head space or whatever. So........since my HP has been teaching me about the po...
Need strenght
My husband is having the occasional beer after almost six months clean. He's been an addict since he's 12, he's 32 now. He went to rehab on April after a 5 day binge, he just got up and decided to go to rehab. His counselor has told me his chances of recovery are small due to his job, his many years of addictio...
Need support please
Hi my ABF has had a slip after 6 months he was doing so well and had amazed me with his strenghth. His nephew died 2 weeks ago aged 5months ild my ABF supported his sister arranged the funeral and was the backbone for the family. I went away at the weekend to do work on my resentments with moretolife. His g...
Question on Holiday Etiquette and the Substance Abuser
Hi there, What is the etiquette when an extended family member brings a sig other who abuses alcohol to a holiday meal where alcohol will be served? My daughter's husband's brother's gf has a problem with alcohol abuse (and we think pills, too) and they are coming over for Christmas dinner. We're havi...
How do you learn to trust again?
My Husband has said he has stopped drinking for over a month now. He is not attending meetings, just doing it on his own. I have so many trust issues... I think he smells like beer so often and I accuse him of drinking, and he says he hasn't. I know in my head that this is counter productive, but I can't sto...
Happy Veterans Day
(((((Family)))), It is Veterans Day here in the US. To all of those who have served I thank you. To all of those who have gone before, we honor and remember you. To all of those who are serving and their families: thank you for your dedication and sacrifice. Come home safe to us. My father was a vet, hu...
CPS involved
One of my neices has been acting out in school so they took her to the councelor's office. Apparently she told some stuff about the household because CPS was called out a few days later. All the kids and the parents were brought to one of the schools, apparently to be interviewed and maybe to be examine...
Hi all - I read often but comment rarely. I have been on the board for several years through AH's rehab in '05, immediate relapse, chronic drinking. I asked him to leave last December and he moved out 12/26. In the entire time we were together (12.5 yrs) he was never sober for more than 2.5 months (which he...
Never thought the program would change me this much
Hi family, I knew this program was going to change my life...and I knew that it was going to change me...but wow last night I didn't even recognize myself. Earlier last week a couple girls I work with asked if I wanted to go out Saturday night. I said thanks but no thanks. One of them just wouldn't let it go s...
My alanon-spaghetti sauce story
Hi family, Here is the spaghetti sauce story. Ok so the night that I had my run in with the spider I was making spaghetti for dinner. It is a family fav and really easy to make. I make my sauce from scratch...so my first thought was that most spaghetti has the same base...a tomato base. The base is like the t...
Is this what letting go feels like?????
Spent as much time as I could this past weekend as my health and family issues would allow, at the AlAnon conference. I prayed for strength when I was on the way there to do the next right thing and asked for help to just let go of the EXABF and all the trama there and just move past it. Please God I prayed ju...
Doing My Best Not to Be NUTS....
One of the speakers for the AA group at the conferance was talkin about her up bringing, and many things echoed in my head how it was when my parents were still together, they divorced when I was 9... But the last couple years before the leave, were things you just don't for get... She had mentioned about...
Missing him during a difficult time
I could relate when I read Andrea's post a while ago. Hello, God, want to cut me some slack here? I'm not sure I can take much more. Lost my job in January. Had to file bankruptcy as a result. Was cleared of ovarian cancer in February after a year of treatment. Was recently diagnosed with breast cance...
Overcoming Fear
I have not taken a phone call from my AS for a week now, and I'm now having a very hard time not picking the phone up when he calls me. He is now getting angry when he leaves a voice mail, I can hear it in his voice, I am worried as to how he might react to my not letting him have money, or giving him gas, etc. I am begi...
Should I stay or go? Please share your ESH on why you STAYED and what was the outcome for you?
Hi MIP family. I've been noticing lately that there have been many posts on the reasons to leave and the reasons to stay. I'd love to hear more members ESH on this. Why did you stay and what was the outcome for you?
needed to say something to dh....
i usually don't say anything to my dh about his using. i figure it is his stuff and not my business. my son-in-law works for him and made the comment to daughter that everyone in his business uses. (he doesn't) he complained of a toothache and was told to ask dh for some vicodin. when dh came home from w...
What A Weekend.....
Welp... I Lived and Survived thru my 1st "al-anon/AA" Confrence.... WOW...WOW...WOW... Had someone told me how exausting it was goin to be, I don't know that I would have signed up... So I am VERY grateful... NO ONE DID... :) I got some much from it, and met such wonderful people, both in al-...
My New Favorite Quote
I've been reading a work by Vernon Howard, a spiritual teacher. I just found this quote: Permitting your life to be taken over by another person is like letting the waiter eat your dinner. Blessings, Temple
I was reading today's reading (Nov. 9) in Courage to Change and it talked about manipulation. This reading had to do with the type of manipulation that we learn from living with alcoholics and the day to day life that kind of life changes us into. It states that, "Alcoholism can create such a thr...
Detachment need not always mean leaving
Has anyone else felt battered by well-meaning advice from others that the only way to survive an alcoholic partner is to up and leave? And do you feel, like me, you have loved this person for so long that now things have turned upside down (to put it politely) you cannot just walk out on what is a very sick p...
Turing it over but not stopping my part.
My part is the program and the giving away what I have learned since I got here which has worked miracles in my life and in the lives of others. I have never seen anything as powerful against the disease of alcoholism and drug addiction as the spiritual 12 steps and traditions of AA and Al-Anon. I've be...
Jerry F
Trouble setting boundaries
Hi all, During a recent visit to my therapist, we talked a lot about setting and keeping boundaries with my addict boyfriend. My problem is this: during the summer, I set a boundary that I believed I could stick to - that if my boyfriend used again, I would leave until he was clean. He was terrified of my le...
my ex wife
Haven't talk to my ex wife in a week , haven't slept much , had deleted her from one of my email acc. , but this morning , added her back but didn't send a invite mybe she send me one , I miss talking to her , today is going to be a hard day , but I hope I will get through it , beginnig of a new week , as she has been my best...
john boy
Reposting of: What do alanon and spiders have in common? (Yes you read that right)
HI all, I was reading some of my old post and came across this one I am reposting. It really fits where I am right now and even stranger I had spaghetti tonight for dinner (that will make more sense after you read the post I promise ). Here it is: Hi all, I was sitting here typing this morning and I saw a movemen...
Alive & well!
I am alive & well! Sometimes I don't feel particularly alive or well! Today I can actually say I am feeling pretty good. Had a long weekend but was able to keep in touch with my alanon friends. I am so grateful for them. My husband & I are getting along pretty well. He is trying so hard to put up w...
Hoot Nanny
My realizations of the day...
1. I have lost 40 lbs since my ex bf and I broke up three months ago! WOOO HOOO!! 2. (Thanks for this shelly) my ex bf has totally shut me out of any kind of communication for many weeks now and it really pisses me off and I just realized today how the A feels when we shut them off. I'm angry with him for treat...
drama, drama, drama
Relationships are work and hard work at that. Relationships with alcoholics are even harder! My husband is an alcoholic and has been going to AA for over 20 years. Currently he has 9 months of sobriety (I think, I posted it a while ago -- he knows to the day). But marriage is work -- often a roller coas...
Happy 11th Birthday MIP Al-Anon Group
Just want say how thankful I am to MIP and all of the members for sharing and making this such a wonderful, supportive and safe place to come. Happy 11th Birthday, MIP Al-Anon Group! -- Edited by akristab on Sunday 8th of November 2009 04:52:28 PM -- Edited by akristab on Sunday 8th of November 2009 04:53...
No more guessing
I have been driving myself crazy for almost a week now wondering if my husband has been sneaking drinks since coming home from his 30-day in-patient treatment facility. Well today I got my answer and I didn't even have to snoop. It's his birthday and we used to have a tradition of having Birthday Mimos...
Can Anyone Share How They Stay Strong.....
I am trying to cut off my financial support for my AS, I have tried and tried to help him get on his feet, but I have just enabled him. He has been ringing my phone since 11:00 AM today every ten minutes ( I am not answering it), and my nerves are frayed. I want to pull my hair out. Thanks for letting me vent.
I am finally slowing down sometimes without any choice. Lately my life has been pretty fast-paced but the last couple of days I have been slowing down a lot. With less sleep, I guess I don't have a lot of choice but to slow down. I am definitely in a growth period. Life is sometimes kicking my butt so I wil...
Hoot Nanny
birthday , depression
This has been a depressing week , not much sleep , and depressed , for I am going through a rough time right now , today is my birthday , and I thought I would hear from my x today mabe telling me at least happy birthday , she was or has been a greatest friend that I could talk to about anything , and she was one o...
john boy
Totally Confused..........
So, my husband came home a little over 3 weeks ago after spending 90 days in treatment and I have to admit I'm really struggling with him being back home. The first three days he laid on the couch and watched movie after movie, with very little interaction with me or our three kids. I just kept thinking, h...
Prayers please
(((((Family)))), If there was ever a family that could use all your prayers it is this one. A friend of mine whose husband has cancer just lost her 29 year old son. She had taken her husband out of town for treatment. Her older son had just left the 29 year old son to go to work. When he came back a few hour...
feeling so alone tonight......
hi everyone, tonight is not a good night for me. my dh came home from work at 12 noon and started drinking. he went to bed at 4:30p.m. and is still sleeping. i have been sitting on the couch by myself all day. did a couple of loads of laundry and ate too much junk. (i am on weight watchers and said the hel...
I have just been away for 5 days with my son, for a bit of R&R and have come back to a very sick AH who did not eat while I was away, just drank. My daughter did check on him and tried to get him to at least have the odd cup of tea - but I have had to call the GP (General Practitioner = family doctor) today. He is vo...
2nd DUI Blues
First, I would like to thank Jerry F. and HotRod for responding to my post "Once Again." It has been almost a week since my husband's 2nd DUI. He left tonight because he realizes that I have so much anger in me. I realize that I'm acting like a spoiled child who doesn't get her way. But then, I...
Been a long journey, but im back
Hi MIP, it has been a long , rocky and emotional journey since i posted so long ago. Of course, i am right back where I started from because I didnt keep alanon with me. To sum life up, i took back my X who appeared to have the AA program down. With remorse, openness and heart on his sleeve he won back my mind a...
need your thoughts, prayers and ESH MIP family....
This week has been a test in so many ways, and in so many ways~ I failed miserably. After the insanity with the EXABF on Tuesday, it only got worse, before it just ended. I dont believe for five seconds that what he did was NOT intentional, and I told him that. This man can remember ENTIRE conversations...
Does he really need this much rest
As I mentioned, my husband came home from a 30-day in-patient treatment facility on Monday. Since then, he has been sleeping a lot during the day. He'll wake up at the same time as me in the morning, and then need to take a nap in the afternoon (usually for 3 hours) and then he'll go to bed early (around 7:...
Living with Mr. Grumpy.
I think I told you all in my last post that my husband and I were talking again. The guy is so miserable and so agitated over little things that I was thinking back on how much I enjoyed the silent treatment. I feel like I'm growing cold hearted and again wondering if I should leave but guilt feelings are...
I would like to say thanks
to all of my family in MIP that are no longer living with active aism but still come to this place and offer their esh to all that are still living with it. I understand that it is not really about the A but I am not sure I would be here if I no longer had to deal with it every day. I sure do hope that I would, though...
remembering what i have to be thankful for
((((((((((((Friends))))))))))))), I have been on the pitty pot lately, don't get me wrong I have had some awful things go wrong in my life lately, Today I have sat and realized just how lucky I am....my daughter survived that horrible car accident, granted she may need some surgery and she is not in th...
Prepping post
Aloha Family...This is a prepping post so that I can see my honest feelings in print and let you all take them apart and offer your experience, strength and hope and own personal honesty about it. I am 45 minutes away from a local Liquor Commission Hearing in my community and am feeling a slight more app...
Jerry F
Captured thoughts of a person (me) caught in the cycle of domestic (psychological) abuse: Breath One, two, three, breath. One, two, three, breath. It's time for him to leave. It's time for him to leave. He's cutting off my air. I stand here in the square. Where do I go? I hate to leave you, but it's time to...
AH just got an OVI, ugh!!!!!
I feel all foggy. In the past 2 weeks there have been 2 deaths of people I was close to. I am a cancer survivor and still fight the battle to this day. Right now I am in a "wait and see" holding pattern, sometimes called remission. But that aside, I am foggy because my friend just passed from lymph...
Need an online sponsor
I live in a rural community, the secretary here advised an online sponsor, I'd like to try it. I really have never worked the steps, but have come along way sonce finding alanon.
Needing some ESH.....on talking to kids about disease and divorce.
Hi all, I was talking with my mom last night and I was sharing my struggle with talking to the kids about what is going on, wanting to talk to them about their feelings and not pushing too much. Then I said to her that I am grateful that it is required that I attend a parenting class for the divorce because I ca...
Overcome with feelings of sadness and loneliness
My Alcoholic husband, after 7 months clean, had a relapse. I saw it coming; I kept telling him that infrequent meetings and then no meetings would result in a relapse. Sure enough, he relapsed. Since the initial relapse, he agreed to go back to AA. However, I can tell that he is not fully committed t...
Getting Excited :o)
Well This weekend will be that of another Al-anon/ACOA "Newness" for me :o) I am Goin to a Convention... :) My 1st... And who knows.. Maybe some of you will be there as well :0) I'm accually gettin butterfly's in my belly over this..lol.. i know sounds silly, but I have my son off at a sitter for...
I need God more than Ever
Another act from the devil in my daughters recovery. Yesterday went to pittsburgh sent us to the wrong dr. I was so angry but I maintained....go it straighten out told us to go to lunch will call as soon as the right dr is out of surgery. Anyway we were just sitting down to lunch 'xxxx' boyfriend says I c...
Cant imagine life with or without her
My alcoholic wife has apparently started drinking again after a month sober. Maybe she was never a month sober. We separated over 2 months ago and I have no plans to reconcile but still it has me crushed. I think I have this notion in the back of my head that she will get sober for a few years and then we will s...
I have a very difficult time right now with "detaching with love". I had to file an Order of Protection against my ex-A husband on Oct. 28. He was served Nov. 1. My court date is Nov. 9. Between those 5 days he called incessantly trying to get me to "reconsider counseling" and cryin...
alcohol breathalyzer from Walgreens
Hi Everyone. I am new here but not new to alcoholism. Just new to dating one. I have my own set of problems that I continue dating someone who has lied and betrayed me so many times within 10 months of dating. I never wanted to date someone who is drinking heavily but ended up with someone who said he was in AA...
My turn on the chopping block.
It happened, my ABF ended the relationship today. Granted we had only been together since August, I had become quite attached. We spent every weekend together when he got a pass to leave the sober living house he's been staying at. I had no problems driving to see him, ect....the relationship was ver...
hi to all my alanon family. its been a while since i wrote here,but have read and been with you everyday. for those that remember me,my a was arrested for stealing vodca from a supermarket . well its now 8 months later. he has been attending a alcoholic centre for 6 wks,not drank for 6 wks,after 8 yrs of utt...