Attitude is everything.
I am tryng to change my attitude from "its not fair", "poor me" to accepting what is my lot today. I know it is far far better than it was 3 years ago. My reflex thoughts are always its not fair and poor me so I have to take it second by second and I am finding it very hard going. No wonder...
just need to vent!
AH is seriously testing my patience today....non stop text messages...indirect messages through other people....questions, questions, questions! of course i haven't let him know he is getting to me...i haven't entered into the arguement he is trying to cause....i haven't even answered his...
miss lucy
New Eden Addition
Retired from rescuing the big kids, horses, llamas, pigs huge and small. BUT have always wanted a tortoise in my life. So an opportunity came up to rescue one. He is only about a hundred pounds now, lives in my living room. lol I was going to make a bedroom just for him but decided heck with that, I don't wa...
Practicing Keeping Quiet
I know my daughter is an A and I`am trying not to engage in any more arguments with her. I really only want to talk to her about my grandaughter who she has custody of. This 6 year old has heard us have many an argument but mostly sees her mother scream and rage. Over X-mass I heard my daughter call me the filth...
New Year and new way of facing life.. thanks to Al-Anon
I just wanted to share the changes I have gone through since starting to work my program. I am really taking the idea of taking care of me seriously. I have gone to a Dr. and had a full check up, which doesnt sound like much but the thought of doing that always scared me before..(better not to know type thin...
Happy Birthday Christy (Cjo)
Hey Christy!!!! Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday :) Hope its a good one for you!! ((((((((hugs))))))))) Kerry
Detachment - Why Harder for one than another?
Hey all: I'm sitting here, tears and all trying to write my post. I guess since I've got 2 Active As in my home, I am extremely powerless. At times, I feel so powerless and confused, action is difficult. I did go to a meeting last night, and that was a good thing. I tried to go today, however the Ason got pu...
creativity triumphs!!!!
hello again...am back feeling much better than when i last posted. have had a good sleep and the meds kicked in so have eaten (first time since yesterday morning). thanks to all who posted hugs.....really appreciated them. Special thanks to Hotrod for reminding me of the unconditional love i get...
miss lucy
Ways to deal with resentments???? Need some input.....
After talking to an old friend this am, I realized that I am still holding on to a tremendously large amount of resentments when it comes to my older brothers, for a variety of reasons, many to do with regards to my 77 year old mother, whom I am very close to. My friend suggested communication on all of our p...
divorce after 11 years of marriage...how to let go
I am struggling with everything right now. My world as I knew it has been turned upside down and inside out. I am having trouble letting go. We have been together since I was 14 years old and married for 11 years. I am currently going through a divorce. He has committed the ultimate betrayal. Last nig...
am not feeling great today -
I NEED A HUG!!! i have been doing so well....but today i feel like throwing the towel in and returning to AH....i know i shouldn't for my sake as much as his. My IBS symptoms have presented themselves again (presumably due to the stress and the cold weather) and i feel lousy...weak....useless. i am tu...
miss lucy
good morning all......01.00 and i can't sleep....am busy finishing today's task of writing the next chapter of my novel, a task that should have been finished almost 2 years ago but AH stopped me working on the computer because he needed...well you know how that one goes! now i am in my own place i can d...
miss lucy
Step Two Help - Restoring myself to sanity
I have had so much going on in my life besides my ex A leaving me last month. My best friend has cancer, my ex-husband is on a rampage about my daughter and it just seems like life gets crazier every day. My sponsor said I am doing a good job at giving others in my life over to my HP - but not myself. How do I ask fo...
Sleepless Night
-Not a good night. -Empty feeling in the pit of my stomach. -Watching it all fall apart. I can't / don't want to discuss it right now. But, I guess you've all been there before. After not much sleep, I took my 20 minute drive to the MARC station to go to work. Waited around 15 minutes and got an announcement...
I am finding that being me is OK. I am getting more comfortable in my own skin! I have had many setbacks in my recovery but today is a great day. The sun is shining & it is not cold up here. We have had unusually warm temps. for January so far. Too all who have been suffering from really bad weather, I fee...
Hoot Nanny
I am a roadblock to myself...
Arrrggg The past few days have been rough I have had a lot of breakthroughs about myself from this forum and general self- assessment, but Im feeling a little battered because I see the problems (enabling, codepend, self esteem, etc.) but cant work through the solutions yet. I really need to start...
I told him i loved him and then i walked away
I did it, Its been two weeks since i kicked him out and four days since i called it quits. He called last night asking to come home.... He said he would do out patient and go to meetings if he could just come home. I want him to do inpatient so i can see that getting better is something he is serious about... i al...
Detachment, boundaries and guilt-
I genuinely believe, especially after this week, that my HP leads me right where I need to be, right when I need to be there. Not in my time-but always in His. To make a long story short, I set some boundaries this week-probally my first that I can really remember setting and thinking "I need to do th...
It's been a while - and I'm finally happy!!!!
Hi my friends. My last post on here was May 16th, 2008. I had just kicked out my husband, (AH) and I was nervous about starting over. I was living in Denver, CO then, finishing my Medical Assisting degree. Well almost a year after that post I graduated, and moved back to NY with my family. Since then I...
Last night a very good friend called on me to bring me a gift, to ask how I was doing and to talk with me about my possible input in our community - we meet every other week to discuss various topics and work out how we can support each other through our life journeys. One of the topics that has been chosen is PA...
New and scared
Hi, I'm new to Al-Anon, infact, last night I went to my first meeting. I was nervous and didn't know what to expect, but it went well! Everyone was very welcoming and I learned a few things! Now the scary part is trying to accept the fact that I need help and can't do this on my own. I've always been the ty...
I am the problem
Lately I've been given many opportunities to become aware of my self pity. My distorted belief system where a basic precept exists: I am unworthy and undeserving and simply LESS than. I navigate life based on this belief and my self-esteem issues and insecurities bloom. This keeps me stuck in my sel...
Has anyone seen my ax?
I need to detach - big time. My patience is wearing thin and my resentments are cropping up. The control freak in me is just bursting to get out. ARGH! After being on the receiving end of a couple of snarky emails and voicemails, I found myself thinking that if he didn't stop that behavior towards me...
AH has been doing really well and has been dry almost a week...we continue to live apart but see each other casually as we live so close to each other. we pass the time of day, share the car to go shopping, chat about our days and genuinely enjoy spending time together. he knows i have lost my trust in him b...
miss lucy
I came from a family where the parents reversed roles with the children. Somehow I became responsible for my younger sister's school phobia (I think to this day she still believes that), I was responsible for their poverty, isolation and desperate secrecy. So when I hear the word "selfish&...
Is this so?
I am a little confused, the majority of posts here that I am reading seem to indicate that many of the members here have an alcoholic/addict in their life, the majority appear to be boyfriends, husbands/wives, and if they are working their program then they are able to accept the A for who he or she is...
spoke to friend.
I ended up ringing my friend she said that she had been holding in things becaus e she new I was in a bad palce. basically we had a reaally unhealthy relationship. I people pleased all my friends now that i am looking out for me some who are healthy are o.k but the friend who got drunk is in a bad place and fe...
Expectation Verses Respect... Lookin for ESH
Ok, So These last couple weeks, I have began again taking on Step 4, and in doing so I slammed into a "Personal" Road Block... Expectation Verses Respect... Is Respect an Expectation? I Mean Really...I am by no means perfect nor do I desire to have that kind of a Title placed upon me, however,...
and another thing...
why is he so damn selfish? I swear he thinks the world revolves around him. everything is his way...what we watch, eat for dinner, board games we may play. and if i have a different opinion it's like dealing with a pouty 4 year old. but then it's me...i'm just a complainer and he does nothing right. ...
split personalities??
I talked with my brother last night and told him that he had 3 weeks to find another place to live. He was very understanding and didn't seem to be upset. And then after we both went to bed and the house was quiet, I could hear him crying in the next room. Needless to say, I have felt like a complete heel eve...
Just feeling sad
Not sure WHAT it is, but I'm feeling pretty empty and sad. I'm just trying to allow myself to feel the feelings and allow them to be so they can pass over me and not to resist or fight them. I am tired of the cycle of self abuse and self rejection. I must remember that the answer is NOT a change in others, but a ch...
I need serious advice
I'm new at this, so please bear with me. I have found myself in the middle of a situation with my parents and alcoholic brother which I don't seem to know how to get myself out of. I am 32, single, own my own home, have a demanding job. My brother is 39. He has been in and out of jail, treatment, etc. for th...
how to give the problem back
hello, this is my first time here and need advice. i am the oldest (and only girl) of 3 kids in my family. my little brother, brian, is the alcoholic. he is the middle child. he has been an alcoholic for 9 years. numerous trips to the hospital, treatment 3x, legal problems, etc. he is 33 and still liv...
feeling unsociable
Lately I haven't been getting out much. I go to the market in the village on Saturdays to buy food for the week and that's about it. We live on a beautiful piece of property on the lake and it's very tranquil here. Plus I just haven't felt like seeing people. All of my friends here in Guate are also T's frien...
Then and now, New Me and Old me and the struggle in my head
Just wanted to share a bit of a breakthrough that I think I had yesterday. AH has been doing OK lately.. He is dry at the best of times, not in recovery, and is on some depression meds that seem to be helping his moods. He still sinks into 'stinkin poor me thinking' bout once or twice a week, as he is a dry...
telling family
Hey MIP family! OK so I'm 90% sure that I'm going to be leaving my husband this summer after I graduate from college. (Nothing's 100% in life!) I'm working my Plan B, and so far it seems solid. My problem is this: how can I let my family know what's going on? They've been wonderfully supportive & helpe...
He JUST doesn't get it!!
And its actually almost funny sometimes (in the "if you don't laugh you will cry" kind of way). The ABF took my first "boundary" pretty well - that I was not going to spend time with him when he is/has been drinking. mostly because I think he is happy and relieved that I won't be tr...
More Women than Men?
Why do there seem to be more women here than men? I believe the ratio of alcoholics and drug addicts is approximately the same for men and women, yet there seems to be fewer men sharing here. Any thoughts?
From Me to You...
I read some of the post here today. I couldn't reply to alot of them, because there is no set of "right words" that will express what I'm feeling or make what you are feeling, feel better. One mourning the lose of a husband, another the lose of her mother. Others expressing anger, fear, sorrow, frustra...
What I feed~grows!
Last week was by far one of the most stressful weeks I have had in the past 6 mths-right on up to yesterday when my camera broke. (I have a HUGE sentimental attachment to it as it was the first and pretty much last, come to think of it, thing that I bought myself when I began recovery and began focusing on me...
Realising the POWER behind the PROGRAMME...
Realising the power behind the programme has been a mission of mine for so many years and it would seem that the power is there for the taking only if one really does dedicate oneself whole-heartedly. Many times I have thought that I understood the programme and how to work it only to be shown that I was be...
Today I wrote a poem
Today is a good day....i am calm, i am collected, i am singing to the radio, and i am full of hope. i have my writing and my sense of humour to thank for that. i set out to write a letter and ended up writing a poem instead. i hope you like it!... peace to all gilly
miss lucy
out of balance
Lately, I feel we are having problems again. I need my Higher Power to show me a way.The right way, for me to go. I am wondering lately if I should be with this man, my fiance. I care for him, but this relationship is taking a toll on me, and he doesn't see that.Not that I need him to come save me from it. But I st...
Partner told to STFU on AA message board
I would just like to express my disgust with certain members in the AA group. NOt this the ALANON group, just incase I confuse anyone. My Partner is an Acohlic who is still drinking. He started a topic on the AA message board. The topic was "Need some feedback" by Brett. If anyone reads it th...
sometimes quickly sometime slowly.
I revisted this past week one of the places the ex A ended up when he was on his apparently long slow decline into surrender to his disease. Being in denial I did not know at the time (2 plus years ago) that it was a skid row of sorts. I also did not know that when I asked for money from his family to help him out...
Can someone explain the column to the far left?
If the explanation is in plain sight, I have missed it. To the left of each original post appear a check mark. Some in black squares (No New Posts) and some in gray squares (New Posts). what is the significance of these check marks? Just askin' Diva who seems to collect the "No New Posts" ki...
There's looking back and there's looking back...
I am sure you have heard the saying: "Don't look back." Well, my post is about looking back. There's looking back - in a positive way, when suddenly realising one is making headway one turns to see how far one has come. And there's looking back - in a negative way, when one has not left the past...
upsets friend
Hi everyone, I went out with the girls last night for a friends birhday. We were drinking but had a really great evening. Then one off my friends who normally does not drink too much was drunk she had over done it and got upset. I took her to the toilets. She was saying lots of stuff has some resentments...
had to abandon a friend
Hello. The woman that I met over Xmas---it isn't working out. She isn't an a, but my patterns with friendships are all too familiar. I found myself wanting her approval constantly. I lost myself to her. I thought she was "better than me". And my body was getting sick again because I was putti...
Alcoholic dealing with alcoholics
First time with AlAnon - in real life or cyber space What do I do next to request advice....please. Peace Haze;1066
a higher power breakthrough
My boyfriend of over 2years, left me 1 month ago. I have been struggling with letting him go - he is now with someone else. I have also been struggling with my higher power, questioning why he left when we were to spend the rest of our lives together. The pain has been unyielding, constant. He left his dog w...
removing dependence
Hey MIP family! I need to post today about the trials of removing some of the dependence from my relationship with my AH. Hopefully some of ya'll can relate. ;) The dependence I'm talking about is transportation. My AH doesn't drive; I do. He has many "reasons" why he doesn't, and that's fin...
Minding my own business
I went to a f2f meeting today and the topic was this quote: "If I'm not part of the problem, I'm not part of the solution." I remember when I first got to Alanon - I thought I knew exactly what everyone else needed to do in order for me to be happy. If my ex AH would just stop drinking and go to AA, if h...
White Rabbit
Loving my friends and my husband at the same times
So my co depence is screaming right now. What I consider to be one of my best friends is an A. She recently split from her husband because she reached sobrity and thought that she needed to do more exploration in life. In reality a year later and a failed relationship since her divorce she is missing...
So here I am again...long time I know, the weeks seem to have gone by so quickly and yet it only seems like yesterday...
Hello dear friends and family, I cannot believe that I have not been with you for so many weeks, yes even months, and yet when I opened up my account this morning I had a reply from Loupy sent in SEPTEMBER and a message from Jerry F which he sent to me in early DECEMBER. Please forgive me and take this as my sin...
A Quote From Forum Magazine
Quote from the "One Quote at a Time" section "Fear" stretches our problems way out of proportion. ------- "Faith" shrinks them down to a manageable size.---- Quote from James G., MO. I still have fears, but with the Al-Anon program my HP will always help me get thr...
Financial Protection
My wife took out 5 credit cards, without my knowledge, and ran them up to the hilt in persuit of her pain killers. She was/is buying from an "on line" pharmancy. She had been out of work for the last 2 1/2 years, but has been back at work for around four months. Before I took over the finances (s...
mad at myself for being angry with him
So my ABF went to a friends surprise 40th b-day party yesterday that started at 5pm. He very rarely goes out like that anymore. As a matter of fact he doesn't drink very much anymore because he is always home (when not working 60 hrs a week) and I don't tolerate his behavior. That being said I knew havin...
I cannot allow him to kill me.
Blood pressure this evening 212/96. I have to go on alone. I cannot stand any more of the undercurrent that is in this house even when all seems peaceful. He just left screaming and throwing things. I am beginning to feel my health deteriorating, and I know it is because of his abominable and abhor...
Thanks Jerry, for the post.
The following was not posted to me, but it is as true for one of us as it is for the other. These are words to live by gang. Jerry has a way of always "hitting the nail on the head". Thanks again Jerry. Eternally grateful for your presence here on MIP, DivaReply Quote "... it's about you...