I am pretty sure...
After this I will not mention the cruise until I get back. I am almost to the point where I am going to say Yes to my MOM. I know she wants to go pretty bad. I guess I am convinced that I want her to go. I am so grateful today that I live in a beautiful area where even when it is hot, it is still the most beautiful plac...
Hoot Nanny
This just tickles me
Many of you know that I just love to laugh. For me laughter is the best medicine. I came across this quote yesterday that just set me off. It is:Regardless of what other people say, my tendency to overreact and lose ALL perspective makes me a THEATRICALLY interesting person.Gosh, that really tickl...
A Chinup condition with gratitude...
Aloha all and thank you Chinup for your post..."The fear of having to move" because along with my morning meeting and the ESH there and now here I am able to stay centered with what I have learned and am learning in this process called recovery. Chinup said; "ive been renting here for 7...
Jerry F
ESH on breaking up/moving out?
Does anyone here have any esh on breaking up/moving out when you're the one with the house and and the sig. other/A/RA is the one who must go? Long story short my RA has blasted through my loose ultimatum, is not taking care of himself, not going to program, not spending time with me, and breaking prom...
rara avis
fear of having to move
ive been renting here for 7 yrs my x landlord gave it all up and turned it all over to her lawyer son and things have changed oh my ,ive had to on him about my air conditioner its old and in bad need of maintenance or gotten rid of,he my new lawyer lanlord didnt say nothing except to call back and tell his secret...
update and confused all over again!
OK, so my dad is gone and my AH is still here. He has shown no signs of moving out. After not speaking to each other for about a week, We are getting along perfectly now even though he is still drinking. Sometimes this feels so confusing because I was positive I wanted him to move out. Now I am not so sure. I ha...
New here dealing with the 13th step
New here and looking for some guidance wife is an A and also abuses ephedra supplements. Have caught her taking the pills numerous times and each time the promises are made to stop. All I asked was to tell me if she used again that never happened the denial that the pills were hers even when they were in h...
First-timer with housing/detachment question
Hi all- This is my first time posting here as I have just recently come to the decision that I am enabling my ABF and cannot live with his behavior anymore. I know this is not an atypical situation, and while I feel really badly about the whole situation I know that this is what I need to do for myself, and ho...
Should I feel guilty about this?
I have had my job for about eight months. It's my first full-time "grown-up" job. The schedule isn't great, and neither is the pay, but I like the people I work with and the company I work for. My manager has been giving me some leeway to adjust my schedule and make it more sleep-compatible, wh...
Need advice about how to detach in a loving and uderstanding way
Hi Everyone, Well I never did get that opportunity I had been planning to confront my dad with the divorce document since the court registry would not give it to anyone other than the plaintiff/defendant or the executor of my mothers estate. So, I never met with him personally during my 19-day stay...
just a word of thanks
i just wanted to say thank you to all who responded to my very first post. it feels so good to be able to freely speak my mind, and to have people listening who understand exactly what i'm feeling is just amazing. it's been an ok week. lots of intermittent stress from hurricane irene, but we faired qu...
I feel better this evening. Going to cook dinner for my son & I. Spent the day " talking to myself", "it's not about me", "I need to work on myself", "today the healing begins", "let go & let God", etc. I decided to look & see exactly w...
fighting and failing.
I've been married to my AH for four years, been attending al-anon for four months. I am also 4 months pregnant (surprise to us!). Since finding out that we are pregnant, my AH has quit his job, refused to support me through attempting to get health insurance, drinks/is stoned most of the day and is quite...
Meetings make everything seem better! (I LOVE AL-ANON!)
Had a crummy weekend, made worse by an unexpected and painful health problem, and worrying about a job interview Monday morning (it was a second interview, which I was surprised at even getting because at the first interview I was so nervous I broke the interviewer's pen!). Went to a meeting, left in a...
Giving Alanon to my 8 year old son
I try to be open with my kids and put stuff down and use good body language when they want to talk to me. Tonight my 8 year old shared with me that a kid on his foot ball team gave him a hard time. He said the kid and him were against each other in a scrimage. They had to block each other. He said the kid got mad a...
Some Good News
Hello Everyone, Just wanted to share that I am starting to believe this stuff works! Thanks to all my Al-Anon brothers and sisters who have talked me down and cheered me up. I have been slowly participating in the pricinpals and teachings of Al-Anon for about 2 months. I was just starting to see that I...
Detox !
My poor husband, trying so hard to quit drinking! Input way to the er to deal with the pain of detox. He's been up since 4 and I can't even imagine the agony. I am proud of him for his efforts. -- Edited by RLC on Monday 29th of August 2011 08:43:11 AM
We made it through the rain and hurricane
Alls well! We got back our power last night. The sun is shining and nothing hit our town house! I feel greatly blessed and grateful... There were others in our complex that had a tree land on their home, and about 7 full trees were blown over in just our complex. I am back at work this morning. Alls we...
Attending Meetings Together
How many of you attend open AA meetings with your A? My AH often invites me to go with him to open meetings and I actually enjoy them a lot. We talk about the meeting afterwards and share our insights. Is this unhealthy? Codependent? I also attend Alanon meetings alone but I find as I work my program my husb...
Being honest with myself.
For a while I've been struggling with my weight. I've always been curvy but more than a year ago I had some hormonal problems and gained 20 pounds, and haven't been abe to shed them. I was watching Dr. Oz a few weeks ago and he was talking about food addiction and those ladies sounded a lot like me. I'm so obs...
He relapsed
I think I am ready...
I think I am ready after a lot of praying, anger & consideration to say that my mom can go w/ us to the Speaker Cruise. She didn't mention it all weekend. By the way, the cruise is on the 17th of Sept. so I have a little time to really decide if I am up to making a solid decision to have her go w/ us. As of today,...
Hoot Nanny
I'm losing it, fear, and things are becoming very clear.
I make a good living. My A does not until recently. He got tired of making little money and got a new job. My sister lives with us and does not work, smokes our cigarettes and eats our food. My A will not take part in our bills at all. He will not help budget and I got tired of the issues. I removed access to...
How do I let go?
I feel like I am carrying a load that is finally too heavy to carry. For 17 years I have lived with someone who doesn't seem to see beyond himself. I've tried talking with him explaining how he treats me & the kids is hurtful & that he is the adult & needs to set an example. He just doesn't get...
giving it over
HI everyone I haven't been overly active for the past few days. for the past three weeks I have been on here all day every day. I have been trying to put into practice the things I have learned. Someone told me once, stop trying and actually do it. So I think I did it. My husband did not smoke any pot this we...
I get so far and fall so hard
Hi all, so it has been a couple of months since my ABF and I broke up. I finally ended things after finding some strength in the program and working it every day. I admit that I got somewhat lazy with it in the past month or so because I was feeling happier. Guys were noticing me, I had even started talking to s...
Stuck in "Ism" Muck & More
Often Times I Wonder What it is that Keeps Me Slipping back to old habbits? What is it In ME, that Makes me feel the disire to do anothers Inventory, and Yet knowing its Not My Place, or my Business... Been looking a little harder at somethings here lately, and even tho for the most part I keep my side of the...
And just like that...
...out of the blue, he's sort of back to himself. He took his nap, woke up a couple of hours later, sobered up and actually ate dinner for the first time in over a week. I'm not even going to think about tomorrow, I'm just happy about today!
Update Grandma - Thank you
Well, it seems like grandma had a TIA and has started recovering from it. It's a situation that to have it confirmed she would have to have testing at the hospital done and moving her at this point is not going to yield good results. She has been eating a little. I'm taking it more of one day at a time. I c...
Another Tragedy
Hello Friends, Today we buried another of my son's friends. He was on his way home from work and fell asleep at the wheel. His name was Justin and he was 19. This is 4 friends my son has lost in 3 years. His dad makes 5. Some were lost to drugs and others either a car or quad accident. I am asking all of my wo...
AH trying to draw me back into the drama
Hi everyone, I am new to Al-Anon, but thought I would give this a try and then maybe go to a meeting as well. I have been married to my AH for 20 years and finally came to the realization that while I will never change him, I can change me. (I know, it ONLY took 20 years! lol) So, I found a job in a city that is hop...
Who Is Detaching?
Hello. I'm going through a tough time now where it seems my AH, from whom I'm separated, is detaching from me. (Hey, wasn't I supposed to be the one doing that?) He's living w/ his mom since last month when he landed in the hospital to detox, and has relapsed at least once since. He is in an outpatient rehab...
Second appointment
Hi Everyone! My AH and I had our second marriage counseling appmt yesterday. I was really feeling low and out of energy from the night before, when I was feeling sick and up in the middle of the night. I was sad, more tearful than usual. I felt very weak, and usually in counseling sessions I feel at leas...
Attitude is Everything
This was shared at a recent F2F meeting - I love it! There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed she had only three hairs on her head. Well, she said, I think Ill braid my hair today. So she did and she had a wonderful day. The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw...
Hot Chicka
Can't stop crying
Hey Everybody. I'm probably just tired from five work days and watching H go through one week of opiate withdrawal. Today he's on top of the world he says because he got through it. When I got home from work he tried to seduce me but lately I've been as low as I've ever been in my life. When he asked me "w...
Same "symptoms" but no alcohol?
Hi all, I went to my first Al-Anon meeting today. It was a meeting for adult children. However, as we know everyone in invited. During the meeting I really connected with some of the things members were saying, like how your feelings are not your own, and you do not know what you truly want because someon...
Today I realised some things after talking with my sponsor. Seven years ago I ended a relationship with someone I was very much in love with. We had dated for over a year. It was probably the most influential relationship in my life (outside of parents). I starting seeing a therapist while in that r...
Where do I begin?
My husband & I have been together for 17 years. He was drinking the first 2 then stopped after his third DUI, but even sober he was very hard to live with at times. The last 2-3 years have been extremely difficult. I think it is because I have had enough & I am tired. The way he has treated the kid...
New member hello and a question
Hello, I found this site by accident. I was writing in my journal on the daily strength website and was trying to find an al anon quote that I remembered but do not have any of my books with me where I am staying. Anyway, glad to have found this message board and want to say hello to everyone. Also, was wond...
Moving Day
So today is the day I am moving out. My parents are on their way, I am finishing up the last of the boxes, and in couple of hours I will be on my way to a new city to start over. Saying goodbye to my AH yesterday was emotional, but I think we are both realizing this may be for the best. He even sounded hopeful about...
Apathy and procrastination....
Just got off the phone after making 2 phone calls for help. Reaching out for help is not a usual behavior for an enabler as the default is thinking I can do it and do it all now all the time and I face fear again of...judgement from others or the "what ifs"; what if they say no, what if they tell me...
Jerry F
Thinking things through and trying not to panic.
My husband has been on a binge for the past 4 weeks. I've been living the slogans "easy does it," "live and let live" and "let go and let god." So I've been basically leaving him up to his own devices. I'm scared though - today he drank a lot very quickly and got incredibly...
Sunday nights meeting
I'm back up and running with the computer, so Sunday meeting's are ON!! Thanks to Dani for covering for me the last two Sunday's while my computer was down. Hope to see all of you there next week! Love in Recovery, Overcome -- Edited by Overcome on Sunday 28th of August 2011 08:33:53 PM
Getting the silent treatment
My dh is not drinking tonight but he's just getting on my nerves. How do you handle it when someone gives you the silent treatment just because you got ticked at how they were behaving? Namely:while watching a football game, he was talking like he was from another race and making fun of them and makin...
Update on my situation
So, told AH on Saturday morning that I was moving out and going to stay with my parents in a different city. We tried staying amicably in the apartment for that day/night, but he got drunk after work, came home, started a huge argument about who gets to keep the dog and such. Eventually things calmed down...
Crossed my boundaries tonight. Argument with the A.
Hi everyone. I'm a grateful member of al-anon. The A in my life is my partner. She is a "functioning" A, we both work full-time. Her mother was an A. She told me she was an A about 2 years ago, it was a shock. *sigh*. I crossed my boundary tonight. Not to engage with the A partner. It's been tough es...
cya later
Going on vacation. omg i'll feeling withdrawl symtoms from the thought of NO INTERNET for 2 weeks!!! Cya all later
Hurricane coming
I live in an area that is getting a hurricane this weekend... pray its not too bad... I will be praying to HP to guide us through... I have the kids this weekend too, so we will make sure to keep them safe :) Thanks all! If I am not on for a few days, you will know why! youfoundme
This whole post is again going to be focused on my MOM! It saddens me to think that another person in my family has to remind me how important & deserving my mom is of spending time w/ me when I don't really want to. My aunt who has some points messaged me on Facebook this morning aboout the importance of...
Hoot Nanny
i need help
joined 1 minute ago. feel so helpless, again. can't stop crying because i miss the man i fell in love with. found more hidden alcohol and started looking up online help. can't believe i read the exact post of what i had just done moments before. i threw it out. i'm tired of all the empty promises. b...
RIP Stephen
Just wanted to let you know my husband of 39 + years died peacefully in his sleep at 5 O'clock this morning - (British time). The last 5 years may have been a nightmare but he was the love of my life and we had so many happy years before the drink took hold. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers - you will n...
Another question that I feel I should have the answer to....
But I don't. My biggest issue is the fact that he hides his drinking in the late afternoon when I'm out with my son at the gym or at after school activities. Then, if I want to go to a party with my girlfriends(jewerly parties, candle parties, etc) and ds wants to go out and get food I know that my husband wi...
Just Checking In
Hi family: Just checking in today. No updates to report. Maintaining pretty much at this time. Still job searching as well as taking care of Shirley. I will report to work on Sept. 6. Since my job depends on students' enrollment, it is uncertain how many hours I will work. I am not worried about it at all...
Trying to center
I am again having difficulty concentrating at work. I am again struggling to feel anything other than negative about myself. I don't really even know why. So, I check in here, I read, "listen," and write to all of you instead of sit in "silence," hoping it will help me to cente...
Self esteem and self worth
Our f2f meeting this morning was on self esteem and self worth it was amazing , some of us seek it from our work others from our relationships and most of us from our partners who were too sick to give any encouragement for our efforts . most of us were people pleasers at one time but also resented the reque...
Checking In
Drinking last night turned into drinking today. Months and months of sobriety ended by a 2-day bender. So what am I going to do about me? I am not going to be snarky, naggy, lecture, or be catty. I will be respectful and courteous. I will keep a respectful distance since I don't like to be around him whe...
Hot Chicka
Where do I start for online Christian chatting
My family is filled with alcoholics, recovering and still drinking. For many years I didn't want to touch a drop of alcohol or even be around people that drink. When I see my father who is a "recovering alcoholic" drink or talk about drinking, it makes my skin crawl. Thankfully he got away fr...
Need some prayers, positive thoughts
My grandma is 93 years old. She's in a nursing home and has stopped eating. It seems like maybe this is it. It could be two days or it could be two weeks. My mom and I are both only children and I'm not around the corner from them. They have been living together for about 8 years now. This summer is the fi...
Missing him...
Well, I am really, really missing my ex abf lately. Tonight has been really tough. I'm posting here because I know you guys will understand and because I'm dangerously close to contacting him and I don't think that would do anything good.
we had about 3 years together and family weekends with his kid...
Do any of you 'partake'?
Hi I was just wondering, do any of you drink or anything? Most people in Al Anon that I know, do not drink if their partner is an alcoholic. In my youth I was a big pot smoker and loved the stuff, and my husband knows that. He has seen me stoned on substances in a recreational use sense, he is stoned also at t...