That's life....
that's what all the people say...Riding high in April; shot down in May..." Remember that tune and the lyrics? It really is fact. I'm living it right now and don't have many complaints while I'm still keeping "my" program as close to "thee" program as I can so the highs...
Jerry F
Can't Believe It's Been A Year
Thinking back to last Thanksgiving- what was supposed to be a lovely family vacation in the NC mountains turned into the most horrible 5 days of my life due to my AH ruining the entire trip. Fast forward to now, I will be spending thanksgiving at my cousins with my mother and sister and am actually lookin...
Thanks everyone
Thanks to everyone who posted. It reminds me of who I am and what I need to be doing. The verbal and physical abuse is worse lately. More so since I stopped buying into the situation. He wants me to engage. You all reminded me -- detatch with love. Pray. Take MY inventory - not his. Thanks & God bless. Wi...
Still in Surrender Mode
Asking for God's guildence
It's interesting because I am in a situation in which I could completely utilize my will and I know doing this always works out so not fun. So I am very frustrated at the moment with the whole don't just do something sit there ideology. I'm ok with God sending a big lightening bolt and striking my STBAX o...
Overidentification versus empathy
I used to think I was a really empathic person. I could identify with people who had problems so well and could almost feel what they were feeling. I also would spiral into a whole circle of emotions about how unfair life was and how I felt I had been given a bad deal. I certainly (even though I have a pract...
Did I make a mistake
Hi All I have been in counselling and Al-anon for a little while now. Also have not talk to my son in 4 week trying to get well. This morning he texted me asking to come up for Thanksgiving and I said yes...would love him to come. Now I may have made a mistake. I want dearly to see my son but I don't want to ge...
Thansgiving w/o a glitch?
I am hoping that Thanksgiving will go w/o a glitch. It will be just me & my husband like I mentioned before. I think my mom wants to spend time w/ those in my family who don't regularly see her "true" self & soak up the spoiling she gets when she goes down there. Just saying... I will rem...
Hoot Nanny
Stop it!
Having been in Alanon a while (over 4 years) I am recognizing more than ever places in my life when I just need to tell my own mind to stop all the nonsense of second guessing myself, say what I mean and mean what I say without falter, and set boundaries with love. I say these things because my AH has been on...
Al-anon meeting this morning: Topics will be: "Changes (This too shall pass.)"; "Rejection (Real or Imagined)"; "Unreasonable (Without knowing it)".
Heading into the holiday with gratitude and appreciation
My oldest child turns 13 today. Over the weekend, my dad stopped by on his way out of town to take us all out for lunch to celebrate. He gave my daughter a very, very nice gift (combination birthday and Christmas), and then unloaded three big bags of Christmas presents into the trunk of my car. We have h...
Why I hate the Holidays......
Hello everyone..... Well, here it is, a few days before the holiday and I am keeping myself busy with prep (cleaning and shopping) for Thursday. Our AD and her son live with us. To the best of our knowledge, she is not drinking, but with no program. She has been working since September, going in ever...
I wanted to start a discussion topic about JADE. Those of you in program long enough know it stands for: Don't JADE: Justify, Argue, Defend, or Explain I am looking for what people's interpretations are of these words and how they apply it to their recoveries. For me, I feel like the word explain kin...
THE GRATITUDE BANQUET WENT WELL. A FUN TIME WAS HAD BY ALL. WE LEFT EARLY BEFORE THE SPEAKER WAS DONE. THE 50/50 WAS OVER 1000 DOLLARS. A LOT OF PEOPLE COULD USE IT THESE DAYS! My MIP buddy made it because of a change of plans. I was so glad to see her there--she is a ray of sunshine to me! I enjoyed the fellowsh...
Hoot Nanny
Looking forward to tomorrow
I finish the day out at work tomorrow and then I'm off until after the holiday. It's not that people haven't been caring at work but I just can't cope with the loss of my mother. I have to just feel these feelings and there's nothing else I can do. I'm finding that the people who have had good relationships...
Starting step 5 and feel really crappy about myself..is this normal?
I just finished Step 4 with my sponsor. I feel closer to my HP and am so thankful to be doing the steps. But the problem is that I am so aware of my defects of character that they seem to be EXPLODING everywhere from me! I am very aware of them but can't stop them and they seem to be getting worse. I feel so bad...
the holidays
For me the holidays with the ex A (and there were 7 of them) were an opportunity to plunge into despair, resentment, envy and really a huge spiral downward for myself. I spent many of them racked in grief, sobbing and feeling absolutely abandoned, ignored and totally disrespected by him. Naturall...
I made a joke in bad taste at a F2F meeting tonight :(
Hi Everyone, Tonight, I was at an Open meeting in my area. There is a member that I speak with every week and we are about the same age. Tonight, I asked with a smile 'When are you speaking?' and they looked a little flustered at my question. I then added 'Because I submitted your name'. The look on their fac...
Recognizing patterns/Can you relate?
Growing up in an alcoholic home, and having gone through living with an alcoholic father, you begin to think that youve become good at reading patterns, especially when it comes to drinking patterns.Last night I was out for a friends birthday. We attended a local hockey game, then went for dinner and...
Sibling relationships
My parents were both Alcoholics. Today I had brother and sister and lots of neices and nephews age 6 upwards for lunch and no sooner did i serve the food than my siblings started screaming at each other about Christmas. I tried to shout over them not to do this when all the kids were there but i could hardly...
getting sucked in
I'm losing my ground. My A has promised to change several hundred times. I mentioned divorce during the week and she freaked. This is not the life I want. I can't forget that all her promises are empty words. It would be such a relief to believe her and she actually got into recovery. It's not going to happ...
telling the landlord????
I'm trying to make a decision on weather or not i should let my landlord know that my BF is an alcholoc. We rent a property that has to houses and a barn on it. My landlords elderly father lives in the 1st house and she has a horse in the barn with mine so she is on the property twice a day. We do not have written le...
Always a struggle......
I've overall been doing much better, but there are times when I get tired of the struggle. Daughter (11) is in therapy and was able to tell her mother in the therapists office, with me there also, how she feels about alot of things that were bothering her. It was hard for her. She was trembling and ner...
Where to turn?
First time poster here. Bare with me.
My partner, my best friend and the love of my life is an alcoholic. I'll preffice this by saying - I have had no personal experience with alcoholism before. And I'm finding it difficult to understand this disease.
A bit of back ground. High achiever. Smart and s...
it is that time again!
Not only is it almost time for Thanksgiving but it is the day of our annual Gratitude Banquet. It is always a fun time for everyone but I can see that I can get a lot of anxiety over it. There are usually about 300 recovering people there--mostly recovering AAs. They do a sobriety countdown w/ people who ha...
Hoot Nanny
How to deal with daughter...
Well the weekend is here and my AW decided to drink. The drinking has really cut back but she still drinks at home on the weekends. This message is actually about my 24 year old daughter and 1 year old grandson. We watch our grandson quite a bit (I think too much cause my daughter pawns him off on us so she...
Needing Support
Hi Everyone, I'm a wreck right now. My A son, 32 yrs old who just recently separated from his wife of 10 years and 4 single digit age children, lost his home, his job, his car, and his drivers license ... all due to alcoholism, called me about 2 months ago, saying he wanted help, had no one else to turn to etc...
Maybe some of this is acceptance....
I thought I'd detail some thoughts here that were triggered in another's post. I'm now 53 and dealing with all the issues that come with that age. Besides experiencing regret in past life decisions (choice of spouse-really wondering "what was I thinking, WAS I thinking..., career - just don...
feeling betrayed
I am not proud of myself for feeling the way I do. I know I'm being self centered. There are those who have been seriously impacted by my friends relapse but I am being honest, if not particularly spiritual. I have a very close friend. A guy who I see several times a week, and talk to via phone virtually e...
Hey! what's happening?
Well...I AM having a GOOD day so far. My hubby has been in court for one of his AA buddies who was sentenced for something that I would rather not mention in details. He has a LONG road ahead of him. I am so GLAD that my husband is in recovery so HE can be there for someone else. I don't know the results from the f...
Hoot Nanny
http://stepwork.activeboard.com/t51595318/step-3-alanon/-- Edited by hotrod on Saturday 17th of November 2012 09:43:22 AM
I Don't Want to Believe Like That
My daughter was five, in morning kindergarten so she could still get her afternoon nap, and I was invested in getting her to bed early enough for her to be well rested the next morning. And she was a little master at delaying tactics. One night she had lost a tooth and we were putting it under the pillow fo...
Does anyone live in Louisiana?
Al Anon has taught me to look at things realistically, not be trying to make things into what they are not. For instance;"OH sure I will move to La. I am a tough cookie, I can do it." Then research and its hard to live there with asthma and arthritis..... ok now what? I learned one thing, that is i...
HP's Surprises!
Boy when I Look around at the World we Live in, it reminds me to Constantly Count My Blessings... Not just my Daily ones, but also the ones I found Right Here! In Al-Anon/ACOA... Today Marks One Years since I Lost My MIL... She Lost her Battle with Cancer, and Went home to be with her Husband, Mom, Dad &...
My wife drank--what it taught me
After many, many months of apparent sobriety, my wife drank last night. I wasn't aware although I knew she was having a bad night. She called me today to confess, something that has never, ever happened before when she was actively drinking. What this latest experience has taught me is two things--1-...
facing my fear and letting go
My sponsor made me log on today to "listen" to some shares today. I still did not know if I belonged here or could relate; still wondered if I needed to do some more "research" before deciding if I needed t his program lol. I still think it's about dealing with the A or dealing with ot...
assuming the worst, then finding out I was wrong....
I have this thing that I have worked on for years. A fear that anything good is not real. If it is, it will go away. He asked me not to push him away, don't hesitate to tell me anything. This time our relationship allowed me to let whatever happen be fine. Next thing I know I am sharing everything, no longer sh...
I grew up in an extremely dysfunctional family and while no one was an alcoholic, there was drug abuse among other things that went on. I'm in therapy now and my therapist, recommended I come here so that I see I'm not alone. For as far back as I can remember, and Im 41 now, my life has always been hard. Thes...
Re-tooling, isolating?
Hi, my name is slogan_jim and I am a grateful member of al-anon.One thing that Al-Anon has given me and continues to give me over time is clarity. Clarity in my thoughts and clarity in situations. Over my time in Al-Anon I found I have been able to now distinguish which relationships in my life are health...
Update on marriage counseling
Hi guys, I typed this up on a word document for myself but changed it so I could address it here. We had our 4th session with MT number 2. Some good things are coming out of it, some bad. Basically, I'm seeing my part and seeing where I am unwilling to accept a lot of his character traits and behaviors that ha...
detach with love
I first heard this phrase at an alanon meeting just the other day. I understand detachment, and I understand love, But I have no experience with doing both at the same time. Cany anyone share how one goes about doing this. Seriously, I am totally clueless. thank you so much.
Re-learning the 3 C's
I've just had to re-learn these, having been in turmoil for a number of months. No I can't control it, No I didn't cause it, No I can't cure it. This includes those who do not tax their car, get certificate of roadworthiness, my son's school life, my son's criminal activity in the past, people he has hurt i...
maire rua
I got out of the way
I just thought I'd share something positive that has happened this past week. I got out of the way of my A brother, I didn't budge, I didn't enable him. I gave him love and detatched as best I could these past 4 months. He has been homeless and has called me numerous times asking for help. During those t...
Alanon Retreat
There is an alanon 12 step retreat in my city next weekend. There is absolutely NOTHING stopping me from going. I'm just a little freaked out by sharing a room with someone. I will request a single room, but if it is unavailable, i don't know if i want to go. I went to my first face to face this sunday. ...
Random insanity....
Want to laugh now more than I wanted to kill him then. Story; I'm at work leaf blowing the parking lot and I feel a bump on my back on the leaf blower motor. I turn to the right and there is a large Ford pickup going past me inches from my shoulder. He tried to drive past me in a smaller than truck space ra...
Jerry F
unsure what is better or worse for my 7yr old
I know this is something no one can answer for me. Im more thinking out loud and venting, I guess? My seven yr old knows the cycle with my AH as well as I do it seems. A lil background here. I adopted my son when he was 22 months old. His birth mother was an addict during pregnancy, after pregnancy and eventual...
The next right thing
I have been in communication with my ex AH recently, due to the fact that my accountant insists we resolve an issue from our divorce once and for all, my exAH has not taken action on dividing some assets, (company stock) which he was supposed to do immediately following our divorce, over 4 years ago......
glad lee
Deja Vu Yesterday...
So of all days yesterday and I could not access the board! My AW called me mid morning to say she was going home from work because she was taking the day off. She said she was stopping by the grocery store before going to the house. I immediately felt deja vu coming on. The last time this happened I found...
thinking about a non a who is addicted to his a ? huh?
I am such a dipstick. It's all cool believe me. Today this did hit me. Even though you love a non A, if they have been with an A, they are addicted to that A. omg do you see what I am trying to say? Now I am wondering, am I enabling him? Do I give him a soft place to land? Does it make the progress slower cuz he has me t...
What to do?
Hello, I'm new here. I'm the mother of a 27 year old son. He has been out of a 28 day rehab program solidly based in AA, he's been home for a little over three weeks. Sadly he's relapsed, and back in the hospital going through detox again. We had plans to go to Austin to see my oldest son, leaving on Sunday...
I posted a while back about my sister assaulting me at the time of her daughters HS Graduation and I am still struggling with some issues around the whole thing. The drunk sister is still going through the court process because of the assault and interfering with a police officer. I have been in contact...
On any given day ..
Truth be known I can be just as dysfunctional and with crazy behavior as I was at the very first alanon meeting I attended. I was reminded of this last night when all this garbage with the stbax started coming down. The thing that always shocks me is that other women who are older than I am feeling as if I am...
1 year later...a little lengthy
Hello, I haven't written on here in a very long time but have found myself in a curious spot so I thought I'd write to see if I could get some feedback. I was married to a pill addict. Long story short there were many years of lies, theft, sickness...everything that comes with addiction. In July of 2011 my h...
drinking buddies
I feel stronger since I am connected with you guys and my therapist again-he is a CASAC & that helps very much as he gets my spouse. Now every so often my spouse goes out with a couple and she always drinks and lies. I feel like I can handle it better for the next time. I usually get fuming mad, confron...
Tired of carrying this baggage
I am 45 and am starting to deal with the fact that I have never ever had a truly healthy relationship. From the time I was 15 I have only chosen men who didn't want me for anything other than sex, who physically abused me, we're drug addicts or alcoholics, who cheated on me and who were emotionally unavaila...
Acknowledging how I still feel
Here I am two years away from the intensity of the madness, one plus year divorced. Song in my head spinning around - Dido, I will go down with this ship. Looked up the lyrics to see if they meant what I thought they said, yup, I will go down with this ship, I will put up my hands and surrender, there will be no w...
Taking it a day at a time
Thanks for your prayers, condolences and esh. I am so glad to be home again and back to my daily life. I am going back to work tomorrow. It'll be good to see everyone and return to somewhat of a routine. I have a very understanding boss who called today to ask how I was and told me I could take more time off if...
trying to live w/ NO FEAR!
These days w/ a lot to be afraid of I am trying to live w/ no fear. It is hard when life is so uncertain. Some things just scare me because I am afraid of the future & then I have to remind myself to just live one day a time. So, I try not to future-trip. I hope that some of you can really relate to all I am feelin...
Hoot Nanny
Coming back
My Friends, With the exception of a few "drive bys", I have been away from this board for about a year and a half. In addition to feeling a bit overwhelmed with work, parenting, and wicked insomnia, I decided I was at a point where I was stuck, and needed to shift my energy from words to action. T...
Completely FLOORED!!
My STBAX has decided to threaten me since I asked him (well I probably told him .. LOL!!) that I needed him to take the kids to school tomorrow. My van is having issues, between the transmission and the heat being out we are getting the first frost tomorrow. He was FURIOUS. I got the most horrid text th...
First meeting was great :)
Hi ya'll, I hope you are all well and happy today, I just wanted to let you know I finally got to my first face to face meeting and I absolutely loved it, I cant express how nervous I was on my way there, but with help from my HP I got there in one piece, lol, I met some lovely people and while the al anon meeting w...