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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Boy when I Look around at the World we Live in, it reminds me to Constantly Count My Blessings... Not just my Daily ones, but also the ones I found Right Here! In Al-Anon/ACOA...
Today Marks One Years since I Lost My MIL... She Lost her Battle with Cancer, and Went home to be with her Husband, Mom, Dad & Brother! I Remember it all happening at what seemed like a rapid pace! Chattin on the Phone one day, hangin in the hospital one day, and gone the next... I am So Grateful I Got All the Time i did with her, even when she was in the hospital, very sick and struggling... She shared with me so many things I often Wondered and I'm so grateful I have those Memory's to hold onto! She was a Cat bird, in ya never had to ask what was on her mind, because she would be the 1st to let ya know... I Loved that About her, because I didn't have to guess where I stood! So People can't deal with that kind of a personality, but I Respect it more then most! I miss her with every passing day... She only lived a couple houses up from my Husband & I so her & I stayed connected pretty regularly! I So Miss our Phone Chats, and Hanging out talking about Nothing special!
The Things she taught me in life, I will carry on the rest of my life.. She was an Amazing Cook, Beautiful Gardener, and Loved her Family her OWN way! If she liked you... you was IN! If not, Well you knew that too :) She didn't care to accept me from jump street, and It took a while for me to warm up to her, but once the ice was broke, once the trueness of our personality met... She Treated me like Not just a Daughter in Law, but a Daughter... And I'm So Very Grateful for the love she has given me & my Son!
He talks of her Often about the silly things she would say & do! And When She Past, the only thing he wanted from his Grandma was this Squirrel she had hangin on the outside of her home that he now has hanging in his room ;) Last week! My Son was hunting and text me... His Grandma was always one to tell him the Dangers of the world, or at least as she seen them! He Starts tellin me of this Squirrel! He said, I'm not sure what he's doin.. He keeps Spinnin his Tail at me! lol I Chuckled and said! "It Prob Grandma distractin you from the Deer Under your stand!" lol He thought that was funny & true cause Grandma always told him he could get Hurt Huntin! We still Laugh about it, and that was the 1st Day after 3yrs of tryin, My Son Got his 1st deer :) With Grandma in tow :)
Well Me being the Spiritual Nature Lovin, Critter Lovin person that I am, had been Praying to her since she past to reveal herself to me! There was so many things about the outdoors that she loved I couldn't settle on just one! WELL... When I Was typing the paragraph above! (20 MINUTES AGO) Sitting here in my Office, having my Remberance of her! A Redheaded Woodpecker Flew into my window :( I went out to see if it was Ok, and it didn't look good! I Started talkin to her! Asking for her help to heal this beautiful bird! I got a tub & a warm towel and gathered it up! talked to it, gently petting it, and got it some sunshine! While Praying for its Return to the skys... within about 10 minutes, I Place the towel on to my Truck bed in the Bright sunshine, dapped its beak n face with a Damp towel to get the dirt off, and it came back to life enough to jump around some, Testing its legs, and strength, and within minutes, it took to the tree... I Know longer wonder what Her Spirit Sign to me is! And she did it with only the Style that she would have, Dramatic, Yet Loving! And I Couldn't be Prouder that She Came to Me on a Day that brings such Sorrow! My HP is Looking out for me Always, and Now I know My MIL is too!
Take time to notice all the HP's in your Life, All the Love, Caring, and Peace... Even on the Bad days! Tough Days, and Days of Sorrow! HP is there! You just have to listen! Glad I Did!
Amazing what can happen just sitting here, sharing my heart with my Al-Anon Family!
I just wanted to thank you for such a lovely share, really warmed my heart, I have had a bit of a rubbish day and you made me smile, thank you for that , I love coming on here and seeing such lovely posts.
Jozie...tho I not longer need the proof that the program works when you work it I love the shares that keep reminding me aht it does. I also have had my share of miracles...miracles which were for my own peace of mind and healing and miracles of the connection between the spirits in our interconnected worlds. Of course "Pinch" my rescue duckling is no longer a duckling and at the moment is wondering the neighborhood mud holes looking for crud to bring back to her swimming pool. She takes my mind off of the spine pain I am working on healing and shows me in real time "this too will pass" and it will cause it has before. There are lessons in this all and part of the lessons is "doing my part in it" and not turning my back on it because we are all connected. You played your part in the life of your family and in the life of that did what you are created I'm grateful you passed it back. Mahalo (((((hugs)))))