Newbie in Need
Frustrated that I can't get on the chat tonight. I was on the site earlier today (just found it today) and registered and all in anticipation of actually chatting with others that are feeling my pain and now I can't get on. I have an AH and am looking for lots of help in dealing with or not dealing with th...
Finding some serenity~
After several days and to many questions:), I have finally found a bit of serenity in the situation that I was struggling so much with. I realized first and foremost that I was hungry (been working out more and dieting some), angry (at myself for not being able to see with open eyes), lonely, and tired (...
Expectations v/s Counting on Someone???????...
I'd like to thank everyone who responded to my other post from earlier today. I received a lot of great ESH, which is why this is the first place I run when I feel overwelmed or scared (I used to isolate tremendously and did so for years....right up until I decided to let the EXABF in to my life). Anyway I am...
Went to First f2f meeting last night. Now what?
I am new to Al-anon. I went to my first real meeting last night. I was late because I wasnt going to go, but I ended up changing my mind at the last minute and I went. Im very happy that I went, because it was so comforting to see that there are others out there who feel or once felt exactly like I am feeling now-l...
M's Mommy
In Need of ESH :(
Having need of some ESH.... Just to get started, most of you know that I have an Abrother that i have been trying to get in my Afather (pasted) trailor... Well I know I told ya's about the $600. water bill and blah blah blah... Well since I got the bill I have been trying to contact him, for over a week today.....
Thank You MIP
HI Everyone, My name is Betty and I am a grateful member of alanon for over 25 years but very new to the MIP Family. I posted a short time ago and seem to have lost the posting in cyberspace. I will try to recap what I attempted to say. Although I have been a member of alanon for over 25 years I firmly believe th...
Frozen River
Frozen river is a movie all about dealing with alcoholism (of course in a desperate dysfunctional crazy way). I could so relate to the charactors trying to hold it all together when everything had crashed. If you want to see how far you have come rent it and enjoy seeing the after effects of alcoholis...
Posting for first time...
I posted this on the ACOA forum also, but thought I would post here as well. I don't know if this is the place for me or not. I am an adult (30) and my mother is an alcoholic, but she did not fall into alcoholism until I was in my early 20s. She always drank, and I see now that her lifestyle was getting more and mo...
Where do I start?
Hi everyone. I'm the wife of an alocoholic. I've been with my husband for 11 years and we have a 7 year old daughter. I just spent a long time going through different threads and I'm confident I'm in the right place. I'm just scared. It feels like I'm taking the 1st step into a journey that I have NO clue w...
Stop the rollercoaster! New
First off Hi to all,
Alot to say ....Worth the read.....
I am a mother of a 19 year old cancer kid drug addict and wife of a unproclaimed alcoholic. PHEW
2 years ago my son was dabbling in pot and I am sure other things...we had behavior problems and got him into a therapist...there are stories (night...
risk assessment
In work today I had health and safety training around risk assessment and lone working. The trainer said we have to explore the risk and dangers and take controlled mesures to protect ourselves and others. I related this to my relationship with the A. Risks and dangers. Wont get my needs met, achieve m...
Boundaries v/s Projecting
I'm having a bit of a tough time figuring something out and thought perhaps I would bring it to my MIP family for some ESH. I have an upcoming date with my ExABF on the 20th of this month (so far I nor he has canceled it but I won't believe it 100% until we actually have the date). Anyway I feel that I need to set...
I surrender I get it my life is a mess and I carnt do it. I am not the almighty. I carnt fix it all. I do believe in Hp always have but my will is so strong. I now get it I need to ask him all day every day what the next move should be he knows best (trust). I have been affected by a disease and need him more than ev...
photo of nubile pole dancing argentinian pole dancer on my AH facebook
Well weve only just separated after 6 years of marriage, hes about to go back off to his life of riley in the west indies which is just waiting there for him to do this when he couldnt bear the pressure of coming home and going back to AA, which is what he said he would do before he went away in January. AND now i...
Lilly Burn
If it hisses like a cat.....
it's a CAT!!!Hi ((((Family)))) I was reading the board just now and came across Karilynn's great post about the cat and dog analogy (comparison of cats/addicts and dogs/codependents). If you haven't read it check it out, it was posted on March 2nd. I just had to start laughing! I had a cat "incid...
Dealing with anger
Hi everyone, I have a question i thought i would bounce off my fellow alanon family to gain a better understanding for myself. My ABF is in treatment and has been making progress...so things are looking up. I have a question though on something they are teaching him. According to them it is ok to be ang...
Recovery coming first over friendship
Hello everyone I decided to post on the board where I'm at at the moment to get some things off my chest on an event that took place last week. I have completely lost a what I thought was a valued friend who I had a relationship with for 6months last year which ended in October last year. We kept the friendsh...
Is it against the rules to put a link in a message?
Hi everybody. I have recently written an article for newcomers about attending their very first al-anon meeting, and I'm wondering if it would be allowed for me to put a link to it on here. Thanks. Gran in Texas.
((((((((Family))))))))))), One of our very dearest old timers, Mastiff, needs all of our today. Her hubby had a heart attack this morning. Would you please all include her and him in your prayers today? in recovery, Maria
how to cope after AH attemps suicide
He seemed to be getting better, on the right track... and then in the blink of an eye, literally, everything spiraled downward and he is hospitalized for consuming enough drugs to have caused an OD. The hand of God spared his life and now, after many emotions and many what do I do... am trying to understa...
That was a lot of fun!!
Aloha Ohana (Family) The Family Groups are fun when they get together in service and support to do something that is positive and serves a recovery purpose. Service has its own rewards, for me fun and more growth. I know the serious side of all of the guys and gals in program here. When things get toug...
Jerry F
My Story
My story I grew up in an upper middle class family where both parents were alcoholics. Drinking and fighting and arguing was the only way I knew life to be. At an early age I took on things like cooking and cleaning so my mom could remain passed out and dad would not fuss when he got home. I rarely invited...
Nothing but Gods Beauty...
I just wanted to share with you all what a wonderful weeknd I had... Friday night me & Sis in law went to our "Much Needed" F2f meeting, was great... with exception to the migrain I had thru out.. THink that was mostly the stress build up after Abrother last week, but lived and found my grou...
Leaving without a backward glance
Ive just spoken to my sister and she says she is amazed that my AH is just leaving without a backward glance. Everything ive read suggests that its hard to lose an AH but this one seems to be well and truly on the run...hes got the chance to be far away and thats what he is doing, leaving our life, his business...
Lilly Burn
Staying on TOPIC!
I was informed that it is very important to stay on topic. I have so much trouble with this even after 23 years! Meetings with me get kinda strange sometimes because I go off on tangents and I am seeing that I do a lot on this forum. To anyone who is reading this: I am sorry for the terrible scattered brain...
Hoot Nanny
Leave an A up to their HP and start the bookmark of DETACHMENT for yourself. If you don't go to face to face meetings (first of all, GO!) , here is what is on that bookmark....I keep mine right in my wallet next to my money where I always know where it is! 1-don't suffer because of the action or reations o...
Diane B
mixed emotions
Just been to a x factor tour concert with my little girl I dont think I was even there. One minute the songs were making me miss the A. Next I was tellin myself I dont believe in love have to look after number one. Then beating myself up about stayin for four years. Then my programme kicked in I told mysel...
When alanon is thrown in your face
Ok, so i have been doing my alanon program and really trying to let go let God. Things have been pretty good considering the Abf is in treatment and he has even said several time that he can see me changing and he is so proud of me and my program. So today we have an arguement and i said " i am not going to a...
I am a new member of Al-Anon. I've been twice to my local meeting place. I know this is a valuable place for me. I do not yet have a sponsor... I am trying to figure out my place in all of this. I AM NOT THE ALCOHOLIC. HE IS. After failing miserably once at trying to control his drinking (after attending my 1st...
I finally ENJOYED my children!
I'm a newbie. So new, I don't even know the 12 steps, but just bought 4 books including the AA manual, Co-dependent no more, adult children of alcoholics and another Co-Dependent no more book. My A has been in meetings for 2.5 months and I'm not sure he took it seriously. Two nights ago, I started read...
ALAnon anniversary
Yesterday was the 16th anniversary of my first alanon meeting. My husband has been sober 2 of those 16 years...right now he is not. I have kept attending my meetings, kept doing service work, kept doing online chats, message baords and meetings. I know alanon saved my sanity and my marriage and pro...
Hubby got a DUI last night
Hi everyone, well as you know I have posted on here several times about my binge drinker hubby. The last binge he had was on Super Bowl and I knew one was coming. Sure enough yesterday he called and said he is going to stop at Red Robins for some "wings", um ya , that means beer. That was at 2pm I had...
Daylight Savings Time Reminder
((((Family))), Just a friendly reminder to those of you who are on Daylight Savings Time. Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night. Yes, that means we loose an hour of ! That means Pipers will be bouncing on my bed even earlier to go out. Got to catch those mous...
Mornings are hardest..
Hi, this morning i woke up having had a sociable evening with friends who I havent seen for ages, it was like old times, pre my AH. But found myself sobbing and feeling inconsolable again when i woke up, in fact, i hate that feeling when i wake up and for a moment, i forget where i am now..then it hits me like a...
Lilly Burn
keeping hope without expecting it
my daughter showed up. She was strung out on heroin. she addmitted she has a problem. She confessed a lot. She said she wants to get clean. It is not easy to find a treatment center who will take someone withdrawing from heroin. I was angry, frustrated, tired. the kid was asking for help, and it was not eas...
New member here-- with "functional AH"
So, I feel funny even posting here. I mean, MY H is not an AH, right? And yet, I think he would qualify at times. MOST of the time, he doesn't even want to drink. I do want to drink, and seem to crave it more than him. However, once he does drink, he has trouble stopping. The first night or so, he might jus...
How do you have hope for the A?
For those of you who know my story... my A is being released from prison today after a nearly one year sentence. I find myself dreading his call and yet wondering what's happening with him at the same time. I also find myself wondering how long it'll be before he goes back, before I run into him at a bar wh...
don't start a crisis
This is my first response. I just found this forum a few minutes ago! I've been in Alanon for about 6 months - 3 meetings a week usually. Anyway, I'm supposed to be the one that 'gets' it so many of the long-timers in Alanon told me anyway. Everyone has been so amazed that I've been sticking to all of the...
Diane B
Lost my appeal...
Resigned to the fact that some people have no moral conscience and place little value on honesty...that is why the other half of society are seen off...just sick of dishonesty ruling the day. Trying to stay true to myself for without integrity I end up with nothing, so I WILL hold on to my integrity even...
Getting balanced again, crawling out of depression
Dear Family, This past week, something has been terribly "off." While I've been muddling through all the losses in the past year, the divorce, the house not selling, and not being able to get a full-time job, I have recently learned that our assets (including the retirement account) ar...
glad lee
Second Guessing....
My AS came in our house last night after getting a very costly ticket (won't work & does not have car insurance), and came apart on me, my husband & his 15 year old brother; screaming obscenities when his little brother came to answer the door he told him to get out of his f**king face, pushed b...
Today is sit here...Starting my work day.. "As you can tell i am really buzy"... :)... I YET AGAIN...Allowed my Abrothers life, lifestyle, Drama, and Craziness disrupt my Serenity... Why do I do that ALL the time... I mean I know, "Codepentant", but when is enough, Really Enou...
back on track
I am not gonna let this disease beat me down.I have choices and I am making them.I got back on track.Thank you for patiently listening to my whining with unconditional love.I could not see half of you rolling your eyes (LOL) thanks to cyberspace!Here is what I did:Went to my shrink and let it all hang out...
A typical story.....
I joined Alanon August '08 after my husband of 28 years revealed in couple's counseling that he was indeed craving alcohol and not just binge drinking any longer. He then announced he needed to move out and 'be alone' to sort it all out. A recovering AA buddy of his is letting him stay in his condo that is...
Diane B
Priorities, faith and hope
AS those of you know that have been following my story......My 12 year old son suffered a concussion on his 12th birthday, and that really made me stop and take a look at the things I was worrying about up to that point (lack of child support, broken dryer, etc)....I realized my son and his health were all...
New here
I am totally new to Al-anon. I have what I think would be called a functioning alcoholic husband. He goes to work everyday, and he drinks at home a few times a week. But one day a week for the past few months, he has been drinking more. He goes out with a friend after work and comes home basically drunk. He ac...
M's Mommy
This is my second marriage and second experience with alcoholism...
I am new to all of this...I don't really have anyone I can talk to that understands...I am 29 years old and mother to a 12 year old son. My current husband voluntarily admitted himself into a 28 day inhouse rehab program yesterday for which I am grateful. We have been married since last July and his drinki...
Ok, so it was a really bad day that day. I thought long and hard and did some soul searching and talking to HP and I came to pretty much the exact conclusion that Jerry laid out. I decided that I know we are meant to be together and even if he does go we'll be together again. So I decided I'm not bringing it up...
today was my 40th b-day and I didn't even get a cake!
It's childish, I know. But AH didn't even bother to get me a birthday cake. He was able to go pick up our take out food for dinner and get smashed while waiting for it, but couldn't think of me. My three kids felt so bad, but it's not their fault. They expected Dad to take of it. This disease really pisse...
desperate for help
Last Night Was My Best Al-Anon Experience Ever!!!!!
Hello To ALL, I am in this program for myself. Taking care of yourself "first" is the first thing we are told when we walk through the doors of Al-Anon. We must never forget that. The second reason I am in the program is to give back, share with others my ESH of the experiences I have had or lea...
Add physical exercise
I love serenity.....can I share one new topic I used as a reply a minute ago? For me anyway, the new me HAD to add physical exercise. It is so theraputic and so good for you anyway - not to mention your outward appearance improves even if your inward appearance is about the wig-out! Everyone during ha...
Diane B
The Blame Game
I have a question. I live with an A and he drinks all the time. He says hurtful things and blames me for everything wrong and I'm the reason he drinks. The question is/ Why do I blame myself for his drinking?
Need ESH & Strength... LOTS OF IT!!! Part #2
All (3) of you make very good points...(((((Shelly, Christy, WD))))))) June is the 6 month the state needed for me to settle dad's debts, they make you wait 6 months so that if there is anyone out there, that my father owed money then they have till then to get ahold of me...After June, they close all his c...
Husband Relapsed after 106 Days
I told him when he went into rehab last time (after a major binge) that this was it, if he drank again I was done and he'd have to move out. But he was really working the program and working on his issues until about two days ago. I saw the red flags before he did. New he was going to drink but couldn't do anythin...
Donna S
Need ESH & Strength... LOTS OF IT!!!
OK....Well for those of you that have followed my drama... I have an Abrother, that I currantly HANDED a trailor that belonged to my AFather that past... Well Dad past in Nov. and I have been in charge of getting all his affairs in order... LUCKY ME!!! to make the long of it short, I paid the first (2) month...
Feeling like a bull in a china shop...
Its like walking on eggshells. What is this about? Why am I so afraid to be who I am at my job? I guess its because if they do not approve or "like" me, they can fire me or ask me to leave. Its like there is this whole subtext there that I do not "get" and it keeps tripping me up- rules t...
Sad day hearing from AH after 5 weeks
My AH finally returned from abroad on monday and got in touch this morning. I have said i dont want to see him because i have to protect myself and am frightened i would beg him to come back. He says its a mixture of chemistry and his mind that has caused this final split, he has left me many times before. This...
Lilly Burn
Okay family, Just heard today that the papers from my medical have been lost and the appeal that I am to attend tomorrow may be affected by this. My advizer says: If the medical report had been negative then my case is helped by the report being lost and not received by the tribunal; on the other hand if th...
My exab brings lots of madness and pain into my life. I have a good job I enjoy, two beautiful, healthy children. Enough money to pay my bills. My own health. Lots of friends in alanon, a loving mother, father and brother. Yet i miss him so much the closeness I know this shows me that I need time alone. ...
update...... b/f alcoholic and now crack
Last post I was talking about leaving, well after finding out about him now smoking crack and the last argument when i threatened to have someome come beat on him for the treatment i was getting, He got a knife and pushed me to the otherside of room sticking the knife into the wall next to my head, and sayin...