Self respect.
I am noticing a bit of a trend around my house lately. A lack of respect. No repsect for others. No respect for things. No respect for self. And it seems to be universally affecting all who live here. I don't think it's new. I think it's been here for quite some time. I just never really had a name for...
Guiding children through the maze of an A household
Last night, a few things our preteen DD and DS said are weighing heavily on me. As I went into our DS's room to say good-night, he said: DS: "I asked Dad when we could take a trip to Grandma's." (MIL lives about 1000 miles away and we haven't been to their house in 4-5 years--though they come to v...
Very Very Tired
Don't know what to do
I know this is going to sound really naive of me. I'm not sure if my boyfriend who I have been living with for 4 years is considered an alcoholic or not. I would say he is, but just need to get some help deciding what to do. He is self employed and keeps alcohol in his fridge at work. He has lots of friends who s...
As the Water Rises....
Hi All... Sorry I have been Gone for a Bit, things here are their Usual Insanity only this time of year it dont have to do the Many A's in my life... Just the Usual, Work Slow, Tax Season :( (Should say Uncle Sam Pay out) ... Soccer, Spring Cleanin... You name it its on my "To Do List".... I'm sitti...
gotta love all the fun stuff we have to deal with
So, today was like any other day. AH started drinking around 11 am. No issues all day until kids came home from school. I was spending some time with one of the boys, and AH starts saying how I show the kids too much affection, and they dont have to have so much attention. It went from there to other things, a...
intervention ... pointless?
Sadly my wife plummeted into a relapse last week. She was making life threatening decisions during the binge. I had been contemplating divorce but held off for a while. I'm not sure how "normal" it is, but this was the worst episode yet. Driving, drinking cleaning solution in an at...
Back on track
My big old ego was having fun with me pushing this idea that I needed to forgive something I was not quite grasping yet. It must be in my nature to look externally when I starthaving those thoughts of there is something you need to do and it has to do with this topic. But as I was meditating on what exactly was...
new here and I am venting....sorry
I recently was told by our couples therapist that I needed to read a book called It Will Never Happen to me by claudia black. I could totally relate to this book and realized I am truly an ACA. I started attending ACA meetings a week prior to new years 2011. I've been with the same man for 2.5 years and I NOW r...
Update Re: gotta love....
so, I just found out that AH will be in the hospital for a few days. He's meeting with the crisis team, then talking to a psychatrist. Its so peaceful here without all that!
I don't think I want him back here... I'm not some cold hearted b@%$^ that doesn't care about his well being, I still care.. I just don...
Humiliated. Why do I do this to myself?
My exabf broke up with me several months ago. Our relationship was so dysfunctional. We were together for years. Anytime he wouldn't get his way he would break-up with me. Well the week before he broke-up with me he was texting me that he loved me and was glad I was in his life. Then the next week he broke-u...
update on my progress
Just a quick update. I am still finding I have to make a conscious effort every day to keep turning A bf over to HP. I have to remind myself not to obsess over his detox and his progress with his own sobriety. I am trying to remain supportive, but not ask him if he went to a meeting or had a drink or is struggling...
Is Al Anon for me?
Hi my name is Sean and I live in Ireland. I have been living with my partner for 16 years, he is a recovering alchohilic, I came from a previous alchoholic relationship. Although my partner does not currently drink, he has had other addictions (spending, debting) which have dramatically affected my l...
Does alcoholism and intense jealousy go hand in hand?
My AH is extremely jealous of any male person I have any contact with - i find myself justifying the need to talk with whomever it is (and getting angrier about having to justify my right to talk to whomever i please as time goes by) so I'm wondering, does intense jealousy go in hand with the alcohol abuse o...
It's all about me.
I got into a huge argument with my Dad on the phone this morning. Yelling and interupting each other. It wasn't full of profanity or anything like that. But certainly it was ridiculous. I realized about 20 minutes into it that I had completely missed the mark. D'oh! Old habits are hard to break. I...
Having trouble figuring out where I fit in
Im new to Al-Anon even though the A in my life is now sober. I wish I would have gotten help when he was actively drinking, but at the time I didnt feel worthy of help because he is just my boyfriend, and felt like it was easy for me to leave as opposed to ones who are married to an A, or has a parent who is. I kind of...
Need someone to step up tonight
Hello MIP family, I will be unable to chair the 9pm meeting tonight, 3/7/11 I am sorry to have waited so long to ask for help, I'm not feeling well and would really feel better knowing someone will chair tonight. Many thanks in advance to who ever steps up to do service, Bless you..hope you have a wonderfu...
hubby sober a year now! wrote a poem for al anon
One too many" when we were married, just you and me life was so happy, fun and carefree we were just 2, but soon I would see that little by little 2 became 3 the third was the booze, starting off slow and over the years began to grow poured out the bottles when you were drinking and then wondered wha...
A few questions from a Newbie....
1. I signed up to chair a meeting in April. What exactly do I do? Is it just reading through the preamble and such, or do I need to prepare anything? 2. Where can I buy the ODAT, Courage to Change, or AA "Big Book" books? I see them on Amazon but I'd like to support local Al-Anon meetings through my...
Denial all around
I had to have a conversation with my MIL last week and even though I am divorcing her son, I still have to pick up my 2 year old from her 1 day a week. She lied to me about something little and I knew it right away, I can't figure out why and never will. She has undermined me with my husband and kids for years an...
Such a hard weekend.
We made a spur of the moment quick trip home for the weekend. My father in law is not doing well and I really wanted a chance to see him, and for our kids to see him, one more time. He is an alcoholic. He has been drinking heavily for over 35 years. And he is going down hill quickly. His kidneys are shuttin...
As I'm getting better....
he's getting worried... or so he says. I have been going to my counselling sessions, going to my Al-Anon meetings... working on me. I cut and coloured my hair, just got a new job (ok, it may only be at McDonald's, but it's a job... I can't be picky), and just in general... feeling good, and feeling happy, d...
New here (new to Al Anon, too!) and feeling a bit lost
Hi everyone, I went to my first Al Anon meeting on Thursday night, and I'm so glad I did. I feel a bit all over the place. I even feel I don't really have the right to be at Al Anon or on these boards, as it's only my boyfriend and we haven't been together that long - just under a year. I'm not sure of the rules here...
Saw A bf today
After a long debate with myself, I went to see my A bf after work today. I miss the person, not the alcohol. I knew it would be hard to see him, that he would try to manipulate me to accept his drinking, but I decided to visit him hoping I would catch him in a sober state. A bf was fairly sober saying he missed me a...
what exactly is co-dependency?
What a stupid end to a promising night.
Made it to my F2F tonight. First one in three years. And it was really hard to walk in there. Why? I don't know. I'm going to have to do some searching and see what it was that upset me so much. I walked in and before I could even hear what was being said I was in tears. Maybe some of it was relief. Just to...
Stuck to my boundaries
Well, I am very proud of myself. I stuck to my boundaries all weekend and did not give in to the numerous phone calls and text messages I received from A bf throughout the weekend. I kept myself busy focusing on things I wanted to do and I actually did them. No compromise, no putting them on hold. Just me for...
Feeling blessed
For the first time in my life I am feeling renewed. I found Al-Anon around the beginning of the year and at that time my life was completly upside down! I had been seperated from my husband since April and I was so tired of his drinking I could not focus. Today I am waiting the 120 days until our divorce will...
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Forgive me if this is long. I have been struggling the last few days. Yesterday was an eye-opener for me. I took 2 steps forward, one big step back and today feel like I just made a huge step forward. I talked to A bf's friend who is an active member in recovery in AA. I told her what has been happening with A bf...
I know he will never change
So...my AH hasn't been to work in a month. He was on sick leave from June to November. Went back to work in December and January...and here we are again. He is still undergoing withdrawal from clonazepam (prescription). He can not get a doctor to help him any more. His own doctor told him not to come back....
I Feel Violated
When I got up this morning at 6:15 am to take my Labs out I noticed the power was off in our house. At 7:30 my wife called the power company and they arrived a few minutes later to see what the problem was. My wife went out when the power person arrived. Shortly after she came back in crying and telling me someo...
It's happening again....
My husband as an alcoholic. He died a year ago. My 24 yr old daughter has become my husband. I don't think I can go through this again.
What Higher Power????????
I had a tenuous grip on this to begin with and again feel like there isn't any. Yes there are things in my life to be grateful for but for every one of them there's and equal and opposite problem. I'm no good with denial...it would be great to pretend that everything is ok and go tip toeing through the tuli...
Confused about the definition of an alcoholic vs an alcohol abuser
Well, maybe my title isn't quite right, but I have been doing a lot of reading and thinking about how I see alcohol and how I classify drinkers. I've been feeling guilty lately because I've been judging everyone I know who drinks. We were at a party last weekend and AH and I were drinking NA beer while ou...
Whether or not the alcoholic is drinking?
Is it really possible to find peace and happiness with an active A? My AH is my best friend. He's been there for me when nobody else could be. He's given me the unconditional and unfailing love and support that I've never had from anyone else. He takes care of me better than he takes care of himself. W...
Hi Everyone, My partner has been sober for 6 months 5 in rehab and rest in supported living. I am tired I keep slipping into resntfulness that although he is sober life is still so difficult and hard. He is in early recovery he is going to meetings most days and is doing good. I just feel like I need time f...
Encouragement with a smile
Today I smiled, and all at once things didn't look so bad Today I shared with someone else, a bit of hope I had Today I sang a little song, and felt my heart grow light And walked a happy little mile, with not a cloud in sight Today I worked with what I had and longed for nothing more And what had seemed like only...
Lois's Birthday
For those of us who's lives have been positively affected by the Al-Anon Family Groups; take a moment to express gratitude for Lois W., one of the co-founders of Al-Anon and also the wife of Bill W., the co-founder of AA.
Jerry F
what can I say?
I can say an awful lot even when I don't make any sense--a lot of people make sense for me. I am so glad that I have a lot of people in my life who have grown along w/ me over the years. I have had many opportunities to share my ESH but lately I have been able to share positive & uplifting memories & good t...
Hoot Nanny
Facing your self in times of emptiness
One of the hardest decisions for me is to face myself in times of emptiness. When I am feeling empty I tend to look everywhere for things to do, places to go, people to meet so that I do not need to face the emptiness that I feel. Tonight a friend rang me and asked me if I was okay? "Yes, thank you."...
Taking a trip to Chaos USA
I am supposed to be packing my bags to catch my flight to visit my kids for a few days. I am sitting here, fighting some anxiety over this visit, a few days ago I was bouncing with excitement. Today, I am faced with some nasty realities... my family is so torn apart since the divorce, my kids currently do...
glad lee
Just wanted to say some things...
I have been away from my AH for 3 years now but he still effects me. It took a long to realize that nothing was going to change. I know I would make excuses of why my AH couldn't go and do things which for me it didn't seem right but I did it anyhow. Finally when there was nothing else I could do I had to leave for my...
really need to makw up my mind
Hi everyone if I am really honest i have not been working a good programme of late. I am under a lot of stress in my life loosing my job, trying to start my own business run a home and raise to teenagers. I have cut my meetings down to one a week and although I read every day, I am not using my phone as much as i us...
How do I do the alanon steps??
Sorry if that's a stupid question, but how do I do it? I have read the steps, but it still doesn't make sense to me. I desperately want out of this nightmare that I'm in. I'm trying to make sense of it all. Okay, I've read some posts....I guess I'm now labled codependant...but what do I do with that? How do I f...
In your experience, how have you chosen to handle your A's lies? What was your response when you knew something was a lie (have proof)? What was your response when you suspected something was a lie (don't have proof)? I'm choosing my response to what I suspect is a lie and would like to hear about other ex...
Very Very Tired
young adult with alcaholic perent
hey im 18 years old and live with a alcaholic perent . my mom has been in rehab twise . and she just relapsed today . i dont know wat to do she keeps on hidding it and i told my dad , now she makes as if im the bad person in the story . CAN ANYONE PLZ TELL ME HOW TO COPE WITH A PERENT LIKE THIS ? im in university and my gra...
My qualifier is resentful of my recovery
Right, so, I need some advice. My qualifier, my boyfriend, seems to be resentful of the things I am learing in Al-Anon. I have learned many coping skills and changed many behaviors. A few times after I has referenced some wisdom I've learned in a meeting or from Al-Anon literature, he will throw it back...
It's not his fault.
That is what I told my son on the ride to school this morning. And it was long past due. It should have been said long ago. He shouldn't be left stumbling and struggling in the minefield that is our home. And he shouldn't have to feel responsible for the moods of the other family members. After an outb...
New and feeling confused
hello everyone, i am new to all of this: being with an A (h. addicit), al anon and these forums. id like to thank everyone because so far reading others expereicnes really helps. on march 7th, its our 1 year anniversary. when i met him, he was 4 months clean. He is in the beginning years of trying to get cle...
Not sure what to say
When he says " You knew I drank when we met"
Hey all, This is my first time posting here, I've been following for a few days. I have almost 1.5 years of Al-anon recovery, but its slow going... Life is a bit crazy at the moment, and I am battling anxiety problems using the program tools. We have many big issues at the moment although I know that my p...
writing it out helps
Writing down how I was feeling and getting those feelings on paper was really cathartic. It helped clarify my boundaries and why I needed them in the first place. I was able to re-focus on myself and what I need and let my A bf go. Turn him back over to HP. Thanks for helping me step out of the chaos again. Hon...
New to this group...Alanon member since 6/10...please help
I really need some input. I have 3 sons, my middle one is an active addict/alcoholic, while the other two do drink but don't appear to have the disease, quitting alcohol at will. My boyfriend is a recovering alcoholic of 14 yrs & attends meetings daily. He is extremely judgmental re: my sons &a...
Had to work tonight and of course as I'm going out the door my wife starts in on my daughter......I see my daughter looking at me as I leave.....I have anxiety....not that she'll be beaten or anything physical, nor will she be starved or neglected but that she will be the whipping boy tonight while i&qu...
Today I can see what I have done in the past to make sure to please everybody. I am afraid of what people might think of me if I don't do what I perceive that they want me to do. Even though I know that I am doing the right thing for my kids in me, I still have a fear of upsetting my AH because I am no longer participa...
terrible day
Hi everyone. What a day. My husband stayed out most of the night. Which was fine but he woke up this morning being a brat. He demanded I pay half the bills. I got student loan money so he knows I have money in the bank. He threatened to slash my tires and disable my car. Actually my car still isn't fixed from ye...
deflecting projection
Hey everyone, it's been a little while, I'm humming along, trying to keep my head above water with bills, kids and choas. Leaving the AH to his own devices and trying to mind my own business. Against instinct, I asked him if he wanted to talk about the "elephant in the room", "the dista...
Saying "NO"
Saying no is something I have always struggled with. A woman in my f2f meetings says that "NO" is a complete sentence, and does not require justification or softening or sugar coating. The sugar coating is what I saw in my family of origin. When I saw my mom interact with other people (not...
White Rabbit
1st night of Al Anon... is this for real !!!
Hi !st night discussing Al Anon and I am frightened to death !! I am sober 4 years my now ex girlfriend sober 20+ years.Our separation has left us both emotional. And we are respecting each others space and time to heal. Both accepting where each other is. She is not financially well placed and therefore...
Still struggling
I feel so guilty, angry and hurt. Have hardly talked to A bf all week. He called me as soon as I got off work today at 3 p.m. He assumed I would be going to his house after work today since I haven't seen him since Monday morning before work. When I said I didn't know if I was going to visit him, he was sarcastic, l...
A Storm vs. Hurricane...
As some of you may remember, last month I was the wife with hate in my heart towards my husband who was in rehab. I was the wife, who at times thought my life would be easier if he would over drink himself and die.... He did his 30 day rehab, came home, and I kept my space. I did not encourage him, I did not clap my...