I Did It!
I attended my first meeting tonight. It was emotional and comforting at the same time. I didn't say much. When I first got there, a man in the group talked to me and asked me if I wanted to share why I was there. I tried to but ended up getting choked up. WHY do I DO that??!! I know I am strong enough to admit I ne...
Feeling Really Rotten about myself...
I probably should be at a meeting but I have not been feeling good. The problem is even when I`am not feeling well, I want to see my grandaughter and I push myself to make a good dinner because I feel that this is a good opportunity to get her to have some healthy food. I`am really struggling with her lately....
broken record
I know I really must sound like a broken record. After no contact with my AH since the first of January, I decided I would let him know how our daughter is doing. It ended up in a big fight. I know he is still using. He does not want to come to our home to see her, he wants me to bring her to him for an extended stay....
Started my Practicum
I am working at the state mental health facility in Myrtle Beach, SC. I was talking to my supervisor who said.... I want you to start going to alanon meetings... I told him I was well acquainted with alanon and had no problem with that and that I had been for personal reasons. He said he had too and that i...
New here, LOST!
I am new to this forum, but have been lurking for a while reading others post. My husband of 23 years was diagnosed with Lupus and RA three years ago. Since then our life has been a living hell. His family doctor started giving him pain pills, while his rheumatologist told him he didnt need to be taking op...
GG Jones
Coping with regret
Again things are ok, I'm not particularly down etc but I am having trouble dealing with regret. At the moment I stuff it more than anything or ignore it but I know that's not coping. I haven't learned yet how to actually "cope" with it. One of my biggest regrets is that my life choices have l...
twists and turns
After all the fear of my exah, which I later figured out was actually fear of myself reverting back to pre AlAnon days ... I have been in contact with my exah and am just fine. My side of the road is pretty normal, busy with work, school, working on myself and my moostiff. Over on his side of the road, a treatm...
Stayin' On the Right Track
Well, my husband went back to work yesterday. He has been off since January. That's the nature of his job, so we are used to that. When he walked in the door last night, he was a completely different person. He gave me money for bills and was rather pleasant to be around. Today, I am sick....sinus cold.......
"moderation" has run its course...
Hello all, not been on for awhile. AH and I had reached an impasse and he was set on doing the "moderation" thing. I set some rules of what I could tolerate and went about my own business. I have started counselling with a therapist who specializes in addiction. I have not been to any meeti...
It sucks loving someone who is sick!
Okay so mostly I am venting....it has been almost two months since my ABF sent me a text I don't want any communication from you and three months since it all came crashing down. It hit me like a truck everything was perfect then my sober (off alcohol not pot) BF started picking fights. We were back wher...
Without the drama life seems dull
I am breaking my addiction to me exAH and am reading every Al-anon book I can get my hands on. I am being a good mom and working my 3 part time jobs. I signed up for a 5k and my 13 year old a half marathon in May. I go to Church. I walk my dog regularly with my friend, I attend bible study, I attend a once a month par...
extracting happiness
Hey everyone. I'm still doing fairly well. I've made a conscious effort to play with the puppy my wife got (even though I still don't WANT him). I find I get more annoyed than I usually would when he craps on the rug etc. Not his fault, but it reminds me that I don't want him. So, I try to have fun with him...
why guilt is coming again!
My ah & I did something kind of underhanded yesterday. I don't want to go into what it was but I feel guilty. It has to do w/ my MOM who I love dearly. Anyhow, I hope if she ever finds out she will forgive us. Like Forrest Gump says, that's all I have to say about that! Now I have to go on w/ my life & strugg...
Hoot Nanny
my Dad again!
It is my Dad again! I can't believe it --it looks like he might be back in the hospital according to my Mom. I can't believe that he is not getting healthy again. I want so bad to get good news that sticks! I am so grateful today that my Dad is still alive, though. I am counting on some good things happening for...
Hoot Nanny
Friend is distant since starting AA is this normal?
I have a friend that lives out of state. He recently got sober and has been going to meetings. I have been sending him messages of support and he has been grateful and thanked me for supporting him. However last Sunday he responded to a message from me saying he was good but overwhelmed and would drop m...
Need advice
Okay I know in Al-Anon we are not really suppose to give advice but I could really use some right now. A little back history: My AH has admitted his problem (he doesn't drink constantly-but occasionally he will go out with friends and get totally wasted), he drives drunk, swears it won't happen again, I...
How to start via internet
Okay, So I've decided to start this program...the problem is that I care for 2 young children almost always. My ah is hardly ever here and I don't really have childcare. Can I start the program online? Here? How do I get a sponsor?
confusion, fear and insomnia
Life has been a whirlwind. My 14 yr old daughter broke her arm snowboarding, and needed surgical repair with pins. New boss at work, and I am convinced he is a drug-user. No other explanation for erratic, crazy behavior. Finally figured out what "al-anon in all my affairs means". Ha!...
Speaking from my own experience and feelings. I did not choose to have alcohol affect my life the way it has, I do recognize now however that I was an active participant in the progression of the disease. It is because of this that I have the choice to find recovery or claim the role of victim and seek ot...
Looking for an outsider's perspective
Really glad that I found this site. I am a teacher and I also work at a restaurant a few nights a week. Sometimes my schedule gets so hectic that I don't make it to meetings. This is just what I was looking for. A safe place I can go when I can't make it to a meeting. Where people understand my feelings and where...
We had THE talk again
Why is it everytime I have to talk to my exAH about dettachment I end up sobbing and him angry. I set down my boundaries he said they all sounded understandable and than I told him that I had to let go completely no more hanging out for a movie or just being a friend, because it interferes with my recovery. Th...
Oh noooo! I meant
virgin GUT not virgin guy! oh geez
It's official, I am old!
Omgosh I could only do two big wheel barrow loads of wood and one wheel b of kindling in the van I borrowed from my son! My arms are owee. I am a wus! lol All the while Fezzik my Pomeranian is running around like an idiot and under my feet, squished Pom anyone? (c: Of course the only time it rained was when I was d...
Missing him
It's been almost 2 weeks since my AH was told by Childrens Aid that he can not live with us at this time. Any visitation with the kids has to be supervised, and that he is to not have any alcohol 24hrs before the visit, or anything during the visit. This is the result of an argument that he was trying to have wi...
Second meeting tonight...A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!
I went to my second meeting tonight, my first "beginner's meeting". I am just amazed at how wonderful this is. While it's hard to work through my emotions, because I am used to being "the strong one", the people I've already met so far have been beyond amazing. I spoke tonight......
How can I live with active alcoholism??? Help
I have been actively attending Al-Anon meetings for about two months now. I tried it once about five years ago, but I wasn't ready to work the program. I went to a meeting out of pure desperation because I had no idea where else to go. I have two qualifiers - my boyfriend and my father. My father was in a coma...
update, getting thru it
My best friend called me a smart a** so I must be back to myself! (c: I am me again. That was a horrible one. I guess I have to face I need effexor. Thats ok. Am grateful it helps me! Learned to accept how I felt, took the help offered. Let myself heal as fast as I did.Cried a lot, mourned a lot. Got thru it. Kept ho...
Yahoo for me (I think!)
Hi Team, I was having a read of my AW's 12 Steps AA book which is her bible and read the following under Step 6:
"Self righteous anger can be very enjoyable. In a perverse way we can actually take satisfaction from the fact that many people annoy us; for it brings a comfortable feeling of superiorit...
How Do You Know If You're Just Being "Codependent" or Your Thoughts are Justified?
I have been in the same relationship with my boyfriend for over two years now. He's great to me in the sense that I trust him, I know he loves me, and he is supportive of me being my own person. The problem is that he had to take a job in south Florida in January. We haven't seen each other in almost two months no...
Getting the elephant off my chest
Living with an active alcoholic is like living with an elephant sitting on my chest. It is crushing and heart-breaking. Through Al-Anon, my elephant has gone on a diet and lost a lot of weight. This past week, though, my elephant went off his diet and started crushing me again. So, I turned to my AH (...
Very Very Tired
Why I have avoided alanon
Ok, so the meeting are late as heck...that's my bad excuse. My good excuse is that I'm afraid of detachment. I love my husband. (I know the rest of you love your spouses too) I don't want a divorce. I want my husband back without the worry of him turning to full-blow alcoholism. I want the days back wh...
Social Anxiety
I think I suffered from social anxiety since I was a teenager. However, when my wife was drinking she did hugely embarrassing things at parties. This includes telling people how to run their lives which ended in arguments, flashing parts of her body that should not be flashed, pinching the bottoms of...
How do I Override Guilt!
I just had probably one of the Best Weekends, I have had in a LONG Time... So Why is it I feel so Guilty about it... My Husband and I purchased a Piece of Property that in the Next 5-7 years we hope to Move too, When My Son is Out of School or Off to College... No One has lived there in Many Decades, and it has been o...
another update: MY DAD
It looks like my dad is out of the woods for now! He is home now & doing better--eating solid foods & all. To all who prayed: thanx so much! By the way, I could probably have called to check on him directly but he has a very huge loss of hearing & can barely talk on the phone. Now I don't have to cal...
Hoot Nanny
me again: update!
As I was sitting here, my mom came in & told me that my dad--they are divorced & have been for over 35 years--but anyhow, my dad is reluctant to get surgery because he is taking pain pills & feels better--I think he needs the surgery, though. He had been in painon Tuesday morning & ended u...
Hoot Nanny
The Early Days of Recovery.
Hi, Can anyone talk to me about your experiences when your A was just beginning their recovery? My A, after 12 years of being a "dry drunk" and having a relapse is now working the program, has a sponsor, and is going to several meetings a week. I am also working on my recovery and it seems l...
Its been awhile now....
I haven`t posted here in awhile but I have been able to find my way into the online meetings. Much has happened since I posted and then again, hmm, its really just the same I`am saddened to say. About a month ago my daughter informed me that she was going to start attending AA meetings. I tried not to let thi...
What is it? I just came back from a meeting on detachment and to be honest I'm probably more confused than when I got there. I was really hoping to understand it better, as well. I hear all the time people saying 'I detached with love and it was easier to handle' but I don't really get what it is. What are we de...
New Here - Working on Taking Care of Me
Hi Folks - I'm new to this group, but have been in Al-anon for avoer 6 years now. I have been with with AH 10 yrs now, married for 7. The drinking bothered me before we got married, but I chose to hope it would get better. It bothered me after we got married - so much so that I finally surrendered and went to A...
Please, Please help me
Hi, I am new here and I am desperately seeking advice and no one around me seems to understand what is going on. I won't bore you with too many details but I am taking a break from my partner of seven years. We love eachother so much and overall our time together is really amazing. Unfortunately he is reall...
Confused, angry, and in between a rock and a hardplace!!!
I could really use some old timer experience strenght and hope right about now. I am really struggling with how to take care of myself and work my program. My child has been through 3 in-patient treatment centers this year. Her fourth treatment is currently in an outpatient program that runs a...
Annie Em
Trying to find my own interests.
My AW has been in recovery for a year however I'm still suffering anxiety. As my "interest" for many years was monitoring my wife's drinking I am now at a loss. It was my addiction! I know I can't rely on my wife for much support and I need to find some interests of my own to help me move on. It sound...
Thoughts on a problem
I have a problem that may seem small when I try and look at it from outside my own head, but to me it's a big deal. My Abf was invited to my friends' wedding, not just as my 'plus one' but named on the invitation. He said great, he'd like to go, and I RSVP'd for both of us. However, now he's going through a really b...
another Detachment
Background first: AH has been living in a trailer in a parking lot for 5 months, stormed outta here determined not to ever come back blah blah blah.
He has since worked a temporary position for 4 months, didnt get hired, unemployment not kicking in again for another two weeks. He sends message last ni...
God sends Angels in Weird Ways Sometimes...
Yesterday I posted that I was afraid to attend meetings, and had even driven to the meetings and turned around and went home. I am PLANNING to go to one Monday night. Whether I will do it or not, well, we shall see. Apparently, God really wants me to go though because today I was sent a sign, loud and clear. I...
don't know what to do? my dad is sick!
I really don't know what to do--my dad is ill & in the hospital & 900 miles away! I can't visit him obviously & I really don't know how he is doing for sure because my family is lax when it comes to calling to let me know the updates of his condition! I feel so out of the loop that it kills me. My imme...
Hoot Nanny
Reverting back?
He was getting better and kept his drinking to a low since New Year's but it seems in the last couple weeks he's drinking more, not every day but more than he was. I'm noticing a personality change in him again. He's quick to lose his cool. Simple things set him off, his tone of voice has eve...
Why Am I So Angry?
I have my good days and bad, and usually they are primarily good. But man, when I have my pissed off days WATCH OUT! I am currently reading "Codependent No More". It's helping me a lot but the activities are really kind of shedding a lot of light on why I am "this way" and I cannot seem...
Need some Al-Anon perspective on my failures
I tried calling one of the members of my F2F Al-Anon group, but she isn't available. So, I'm turning here. (A bit of background: I'm new to Al-Anon, but have been married to an AH for 18 years.) AH is actively drinking and actively involved in an affair. Yesterday morning, I calmly said, "I do no...
Very Very Tired
My HP has appeared
Once again I see how true Let Go and Let God is. I needed to leave the chaos and unhappiness of my AH and my home. I had been thinking about it for afew years...made some inquiries and never followed through...Then I joined Al Anon and I just KNEW I had to go...and the perfect place appeared. There was a snow...
ended relationship
I ended the relationship with my bf who had been sober/dry from alcohol for 4 years now. He started using drugs and acting crazy. I am glad its over but sad. Guess nothing is for sure. I will spare the details. Otherwise I would have to write a book. buick
What do I do now?
I'm new to this and don't really know where to start! i'll try and keep it breif. My partner has been A for about 6 years now, with the usual ups and downs, good and bad times etc. a month before christmas she was referred to our local drug and alcohol service and has been seeing a counsellor and jsut start...
How not to be affected?
Several posts I read today got me thinking about this. I'm personally doing better but some posts remind me of how I can still have my mood "drop off the table" like a good curveball. Things can be going fine and then the new puppy craps on the floor or a big bill comes out of nowhere and I find m...
Detaching but forgetting the love part?
Mjhyankees post got me thinking about how I am dealing with stressful situations. When regular stressors hit me at work, I think I handle them "normally". Depending on the stress and the kind of day I am having, I may tackle it with little problem or get a little wacky about it, but eventuall...
Power of Attorney
Hubby's psych advised me to go to Al-Anon, and it has been helping. He is not a drunk, but behaves like one. They have him on medicine for PTSD and depression, which do not help him, but he takes the pills. My husband is letting the house fall apart. He doesn't repair anything. He has money but doesn'...
Horrible day - then Amazing day
Hi everyone, just wanted to share something that I feel lends intself to the ODAT philosophy...which I think I'm doing better at embracing or practicing. Yesterday was one of the worst days I've had in a long time. Alarm clock didn't go off in the morning, I was exhausted as my dog was really sick the nig...
Doing Something Nice for Your Drunk
These boards are always full of horror stories and requests for advice on how to handle horrendous situations, but I thankfully don't have any horror stories to tell at the moment. My previously hopelessly drunk girlfriend got her 30-day coin and is doing well, working the program, attending meet...
My wife's friend has contacted me--said she needs to talk to me about something
I got an urgent e-mail this afternoon from one of my wife's friends saying she needs to speak to me about something "urgent and important". This friend does not know my wife has a drinking problem or goes to AA. She said she couldn't live with herself if she didn't do something knowing the kid...
Update: My 1st Friday Night Meeting
Well, I had a very difficult time finding the meeting place! It was raining, street was rather dark, tall trees all around blocking addresses. I fought back the thought that perhaps I wasn't meant to find the place. But I pressed onward knowing it was just fear. I finally found the place. A lady was...
Confirmed husband has been hiding drinking for months....
Brief history: I stopped drinking almost 15 years ago and my husband stopped getting drunk 13 years ago. He continued to drink occasionally, one or two beers. Initially, I was scared each beer would reignite his addiction. I didn't understand it, but I let my guard down and began to trust him. I...