My AH and I attend the Saturday night service at our church. Every week we sit in about the same place. Last night I was picking my niece up from kid church and the man who always sits behind us introduced himself. He gave me a card addressed to the couple who always sits in front of me and told me not to lose it...
need ESH....
Ok my head is going crazy with... Where is he? Is he ok? Is he alive? Is he sleeping on the street freezing to death?? He only has what is on his back... I feel the need to call every single one of his friends and just see if he is ok... I wanna scream..................
Ticked at my HP but sure He can take it...prayer request
I've lost so many people that I cared for in the past year it seems....my best grade school pal, my uncle, then a month ago my mom who was my mom, my dad and my best friend. There isn't five minutes that pass that I don't think about her. Everyone keeps saying it'll get easier with time, and every day gets h...
Sometimes my HP slaps me in the face when I need it.....
I was looking threw papers that I had just piled up on my table... Bunch of old mail and school work from my son that I hadn't even looked at, or maybe just skimed threw... When I come across this home made thanksgiving book my son made in school... I was looking at all his little drawings he made in it... Tur...
so much more to say!
I can't get on here very often so I will just say that I have so much more to say that I have to say! I am so frustrated w/ my mom. I love her & respect but my tolerance level is still very low. I am so in need of more meetings w/o her there. I went to two meetings that she wasn't at that I felt so much better when I...
Hoot Nanny
I have been to many AA meetings and been here before. Thanks to God and 12-Step Meetings, my husband is in recovery. However I know someone who has a relative that has been an alcoholic for many years with short recovery periods. He has been to hospitals, rehab, AA and therapy. Unfortunately, as we a...
Has all the tools for Sobriety
so angry today at myself more than my 22 yrs old son. Yesterday started out great my son actually attended his first AA meeting after 6 months in treatment. I was so happy for him. then it all changed, he got a call from one of his "old" friends, asked for a ride to town ( we live out in the country)...
Yes, there are times when people get to me but they still have many reasons to rock! I am so grateful I want to cry! My life is so much richer & I am so blessed. I may be finalically blessed & that makes a difference but the truth is I am mostly blessed by the prescence of the good no great people that I h...
Hoot Nanny
I wake up in the morning and have this precious time to ponder the days beginnings. My HP has graced me with the peace to be able to think freely in the quiet of the morning. These thoughts are deep and help me remember what is really important in life and to those I touch. I am grateful for that gift of quiet t...
If I Could Rename This Site It Would Be
"CIP" "Care in Progress. People are so caring and sincere on this website. No one can solve your issues, but they certainly hang in there with you and give you real encouragement to keep on moving and growing until you can see some light. I thank everyone for taking the time to respond...
Quiet Saturday Night
I wish they had meetings here on Saturday nights.. why don't they? Its the number 1 drinking night. haha. Writing it out will suffice. I am in a good position but my husband is doing so well I find myself thinking about him far too much. When he talks about his progress and how he's doing in the program it r...
Why am I surprised?
Why is it that every time this happens I'm surprised? Surprised how much it hurts, surprised how disipointed I am, surprised at how lonely I feel, how angry I feel, but most of all just how much it hurts? Will it hurt this much every time? Or do I become numb to it? Why does his drinking kill me so much? Is i...
Buck - OT
I just really wanted to share this documentary movie by the name of "Buck", it's actually about the guy who Robert Redford based his character in "The Horse Whisperer" on. I can't remember the guy who wrote the book, however he spent a LOT of time with him as well, and the charact...
relaspe ESH
Ok-I'm pretty sure my AH who had been sober and going to meetings for the last month after another relaspe was drinking yesterday. In the past I have either ignored or confronted-both unsuccessful-from reading this board it appears I should act like nothing has happened-but to me that feels like den...
tired of trying
Good to be back
Hi all. It's been too long. I've been without my computer for quite some time. I have been going to about one face to face meeting a week, definately not enough. Things were going pretty well for a while when I was concentrating whole heartedly on myself...then I got back into my disease and started focu...
"Follow your heart, but take your brain with you"
Today, I came across this saying: "follow your heart, but take your brain with you". The dichotomy is striking; another exercise in simple, but not easy. I sat here running it through all situations, pinpointing the struggle to fear. For me it is an exercise in giving myself permissi...
Venting my grief
There are so many times that I wonder if I should be with my husband. He is sober and not abusive in any way. I just get so angry with his actions from the past. I know I need to -really- forgive him, and there are times when I think I have, but I just can't forget. He has lied to me so much during our dating and eve...
The Umbrella of Faith (Part III)
**Please note: I do not propose to endorse nor oppose any religious belief or religious value in my writings. Having researched and studied this subject of FAITH in somewhat depth, it is my belief based on this research that I could utilize any world religion to support and validate what I write. I...
Bad day (better after a meeting)
During a discussion of how to handle a minor task at work, I disagreed with a co-worker and he started raising his voice and sounding angry with me... I spent the next half-hour in the bathroom crying. I *hate* that I'm so fragile stupid little things like this can set me off. I was really glad I was meetin...
Delusional disorder and dry drunk--need a sponsor
I'm codependant. My spouse of 2 yrs and 54 yrs old is divorcing me due to an irrational belief--a delusion that I was/am stalking her. She is menopausal, has depression, alcohol dependence, thinks now that we married too soon after her suicide attempt and sobriety. Her family used to like me and l...
Sicker Than I Thought
So I am sicker than I thought. Now that I know I can not control my 22 yrs old AS. I am trying to control the way my husband deals with him. What in the heck is my problem. I never thought I was a control freak, wow I am alot sicker than I thought I was. So I am trying to take a good look at myself and see where this com...
Writing it out
Michelle posted about relapse. Last night I tried to walk away and I was in the car and he absolutely would not let me leave. Yesterday was such a great day, I worked a 1/2 day then met my parents for lunch. I was able to get to the Tag office to change the registration on my car (6months later) and then got a te...
So last night and this morning I completely lost my serenity. This morning I flipped out of my AH; yelling, telling him I hate him, wallowing in self pity over the fact that I married an addict/alcoholic, and telling him I wish I had never met him. Am I proud? I am so ashamed. But this slip has actually sh...
Wow, that was... new. And nice!
The co-worker who yelled at me yesterday apologized today. A *real* apology, not an "I'm feeling guilty so I'll say I'm sorry, but here's why it was your fault I yelled at you". I'm not sure I've *ever* gotten a real apology from someone who's blown up at me before. I wish it was acceptable to t...
Bad day getting worse
I really don't know where to begin, but the day started out rough not will my 22 yr old AS just things in general. Not much food in the house, (my husband has been layed off of work for the last year) truck wouldn't start for me. So I had to call my sister in law for a ride. Work was tough! I guess in the back of my m...
Step Two on Step Work Board! Join us!
We're on Step Two! Join us on the StepWork Board atstepwork.activeboard.comJust click on your group's step two area, read the chairpersons lead on the step, the responses/replies to it and then share your own experience, strength and hope on it.We will start on Step ThreeSunday, Dec. 25th, 2011...
Recovering Alcoholic Husband
I am currently seperated-3 months- from my RAH. He is 3 yrs sober. Drinking-wise he's not touched it..but his hateful, resentful personality stills lingers. When he's not complaining or passing judgement upon someone or telling me what i'm doing wrong..he doesn't say anything...totally diseng...
new beginings
I'm new to this forum. I'm actually new to this hole concept of al-anon. I've never been to a meeting, I've been to scared. I just read adult children of alcoholics.I could relate to that book better then I've ever related to a person. so i hope to find support and safe place to start my recovery.
I just en...
I am home from Cali and.....
I didn't want to leave. It was the first time I have visited my Mom and brother since I started Al-anon and it made all the difference. I can't believe how well it went. My Mom and I were able to hang out and take my girls to the aquarium together. I spent a day with my brother, his wife and kids and we even went w...
Memories, History and thoughts....
Hi everyone, I'm not sure why I'm posting this, or if it will get me what I need in the end, but I have to share it and get it out of me. In 1999, ten years sober, I walked into my first Al-Anon meeting... I was sober, but a mess. Al-Anon helped restore me to sanity during this time. I also started Miracless In...
Progressive Alright!
I remember the 1st time i ever read the 4 types of alcholics out of the Blue Book. I remember thinking and even saying outloud to my cousler, oh, my husband will never be type 3 or 4. That was 7 years ago. Well, he was right! Alcholism is a disease that is Progressive and w/o treatment it only worsens. T...
Christmas gifts
When I was a teenager I ended up in a children's home because my mother couldnt' take care of me as I had a serious illness. The children's home, a huge mansion in the middle of nowhere, was a mix of all kinds of children who basically had no one. We were all ages, all races, some of us handicapped, and the...
booze in the bushes
So I take the trash out today and I see something in the base of my lilac bush. Winter here so there are no leaves. It's a big bottle of wiskey. Almost empty. So this is why it takes AH unreasonably long to take out the trash. Hmm. It sort of pissed me off, like oh I'm so bad to go to bed with, you have to have some l...
Hitting a big low after committing to Al-Anon
Ugh, I don't know what my problem is. In the past I have gone to some Al-Anon meetings, felt a little better and then stopped going. Then things get bad and I go back. In the meantime, I can see now I've been depressed for a while now, my AH has been an alcoholic for a long time and struggled with sobriety ove...
90/90 - day five
(To break my pattern of isolation, I am doing 90 social activities in 90 days. Mostly Al-Anon meetings for now, but my sponsor says we can start counting other activities too once I'm ready for them.) Made it to day five... I am absolutely exhausted. I don't know how people with busy social lives find th...
Had to send the man I love to jail this morning hardest thing I've EVER had to do.... So yesterday after the cops told him to leave he ended up coming back around 8 at night... I had my little brother here so he only grabed some clothes and left... He then went to his mothers home, cusing her out looking th...
Benefits of Journal Writing?
Tonight, I found an old USB and plugged it into my laptop. I didn't know what was stored in it. To my surprise, I found journal entries on an assortment of topics. It was from a year or more ago. It was so beneficial to read. I'll spare ya the details as to why But me being me, I wondered if there had been a...
Old man grumpy syndrome...
((((MIP))))...LOL...yes it's real and I've gotta raise my hand that I have or own it also. I have a contract in my business which includes having to come in contact with a "mini" or "maxi" me depending on who's feeling more farty than the other. The "other" for me i...
Jerry F
working the second step and trying to figure out how to complete it
I saw these questions someone had posted. I'm not sure if they are from a work book or something, but I think answering these will help me really get through with the 2nd step, or at least guide me in the direction to complete it.
Do I sense spiritual guidance in my life? How?
I believe now and have alwa...
I have called this untitled cos I couldn't think what to title it. I have been doing some writing work for my psychologist. Dealing with situations and writing my thoughts, actions and impulses and consequences. I decided to try to write about an event that happened a long time ago. I see part of my pr...
My long journey back
Hello everyone, I posted several days ago about a major melt down I had concerning my grandson and told you I would be back to share my story...Well here goes. My 19 year old grandson lives with me and has a big problem with drinking one night he had been drinking and was out of control and I wouldn't let him...
AH, work, and ACOA
Last night I went to another meeting. I also think my husband picked a fight with me beforehand, because he knew I was going. I got angry, and we argued (it took a while if him pushing my buttons though). It was hard, but I think I did my best last night, and I was really happy that I went! The Jekyll and Hy...
My Abf opened up - now patience and pray?
Hi there :) I've been seeking the wisdom of experience from members on the MIP AA board. Their shares i have really appreciated. Everyone's feedback has helped me so much. More than simple words can begin to express. Im determined to learn as much as I can from your and their experiences as it helps me gr...
life is sooo good--live it!
I sometimes wish I didn't have so much to say! Today I am very stoked as we used to say in the 80s. I have more to offer sometimes than I realized. You all have shown me that I am worthy of all things even if I don't work for them. My life is great even though my ah is not receptive sometimes--he married a 33 year o...
Hoot Nanny
So, dealing with the ABF - who is currently out of town of training. It seems to be going...okay. He is home on weekends and I know he's drinking then. I can't stand the smell. I still don't know where I want the relationship to go. I'm tired of the blame he lays and moodiness but am I tired enough yet? I don't...
Not Alone
remember to take a NAP!
Just saying that if you need a nap, take one! I am a believer that rest keeps me going! Today I can't take a bath so I improvize. My bathtub leaks w/ cracks & it is ridiculous. I am hoping for a miracle in that department. Just sayin' y'all. Love ya, Kathleen
Hoot Nanny
I'm new and I'm lonely
My baby is due in 7 weeks and after 9 months of being sober my husband of nearly two years is out drinking again. It's killing me. Our history...(if anyone cares) We have been together for nearly 5 or 6 years now. I fell in love with him before I realised that he had a problem and it's been so hard to leave hi...
Serenity is..
In Hope For Today on December 25th there is a beautiful page that reads all the explanations of serenity. My favorite is where it says that the character defects are not something "bad in us but traits that we no longer find "useful" and we are ready to remove them so that the more usefu...
magical music
I am in awe of the individuals God chooses to send his greatest messages through - when I think of angels singing on high - this kind of voice rises above the rest.
Cops got involved:-(
He wasnt wanting to leave but he wa being very rude.. Name calling, blaming, and even telling my son that santa wasnt real... The cops got called.. Not by me. The made him leave. His mother came and got most of his things. Him and her are coming to get the rest soon.. She told me to set them outside.. Things a...
Question for A's
In a recent post, Never going back said this: he ruined every holiday, every vacation, every important moment for years, made his family live in fear of his next outburst, and HE doesn't even realize or admit it. My ex denies any wrong doing at all - everything was all my fault; I yelled too so we were both...
thats that....
I woke up from my nap and found that he blocked me on facebook....childish but he always does... And he put that he is single... Guess that just helped me out!!! So, I told him he needs to leave... He left but didn't take anything so he will be back... He doesn't have anywhere to go so I'm sure he will try to st...
How do YOU handle the blame game??
Me AGAIN... Ugh... Got off the phone with my Abfs(or ex) mother.. So to make that clear ....his mother. Anyways, of corse he went right to her work after he left here mad today.. ( still hasnt came back for his stuff i packed) i think I explained that in another post.. Sorry so many. So let me remind u that he...
sobriety v active drinking
wow this is definatley a cunning and baffling disease. I have been with my partner for nearly 7 years I have been in al non for 4 and he has been in AA for 2 and a half. I have learnt so much yet know this is only the tip of the iceberg. We seperated after his last slip my boundary I will not be part of his active...
Old information
I find that God (my HP) has fed me enough information at the right time. Originally when I thought I wanted all of the information about last year, I wasn't ready and God sure did know better than me. It was one of those things of I did get tired of being spoon fed, in this case ripping off the bandage would...
Worst holiday season so far
Hi, I used to frequent this board and al anon meetings but at some point I felt 'okay again' and dropped off. Last september-january my abf was in a residential treatment center, and things were great for both of us. After he got out and we were living together again, it was great for another month and a ha...
On days when "A" could stand for a couple things....
I'm finding that my Abf can be a real A when it comes to me standing up for myself and sticking to my boundries.... (and i'm not talking about Addict if you get my drift) So, I'm going to vent a little... He's pissed that I keep saying NO when he wants to take MY CAR, that he doesn't put any gas in.. I just say, &q...
Just at a Loss
Yea Know... Sometimes Life Just SUCKS... Last Night I Went to a Meeting because I had something On my Mind I was Hoping to release... (Which happened AFTER the meeting) but instead I found myself at a loss once more... Found out that a Dear Sweet Recovery Friend is Ill, and it seems that the Doctors don't...
Confused about attending a wine party
I'm feeling lost. I'm supposed to attend a party with my girlfriend where there will be a lot of wine consumed. My girlfriend is going to have a couple of drinks, and let me know that if I was going to get worked up about it that I shouldn't attend because it would get her feeling anxious about how I was feeli...
I have still been attending weekly alanon meetings. I love my Monday home group! I am finding that I truly need to shop around to find the meetings that work for/speak to me. Unfortunately last week I was only able to attend one meeting - but it was kind of nice to miss it, and know how much I value alanon...