I totally lost my serenity today
I tried to join the on line Al anon group tonight, but did Not & could not figure out how to change to my nickname ????? I had a really bad day & right now I cannot stop the tears. I am dammed if I do & dammed if I don't. As you know one son is a alcoholic & another son is married to a alcoholic lad...
I'm new here, not sure where to begin
I am in my early 40's and I have been married to my husband for 19 years. We have 2 kids aged 12 and under. My husband blames me for his drinking. Last November, I'd had enough of him being a selfish jerk and told him I wanted a divorce. He was a social drinker back then. Now he says I ruined his life when I told h...
I miss my brother
The hardest thing about my brother being an addict and homeless is that I miss him terribly. I wish I could see him. I notice myself seeing a homeless person on the street and hoping it was my brother. I just wish I could call him and hear his voice, see him and give him a hug and pray with him. I can't stan...
Using AA Big Book
Went to an Alanon Big Book Study meeting last night. There was so much recovery in the room it was astounding. All the Alanoners had been through the 12 steps using the Big Book of AA. The honesty and sense of responsibility was awesome. The peace and the power too.
New to Alanon
Hi, My baby brother is 20, is an addict and has been homeless since my mom kicked him out. Previous to this he was 1 year in AA going to meetings daily. He was doing so well. I haven't slept, ate, or functioned very well since he has been out on the street. My mom is following the alanon approach and are n...
Moving Day Is Finally Here
Well, it's Monday morning and tomorrow is moving day for my AH. He found an apartment and is doing the big move tomorrow. I have a lot of mixed emotions but still know my decision to separate was the right one. I spent the weekend doing lawn work, for those of you that don't know me you should know I HATE yard...
so, here I am!
Here I am all of me for all of you. I have been super-honest lately. My fear is going back to lying. I have so much to say & always so little time to tell all of you. I have a history of covering the truth. I am always honest on here. But, at home, I sometimes lie; sometimes overtly. I have to remember that I a...
Hoot Nanny
A tear away from crying!
In church yesterday, I realized that I enjoy the experience al-anon speak about being happy and enjoying life whether the alcoholic is still drinking or not. It must have been something the minister was saying, but I thought of my a/a daughter and realized I'm always just a tear from crying, the pain...
i wanna SCREAM at my son. (poor 13yo granddaughter with sick father)
i work a decent program. and i am able to detatch fairly easily. i don't really care if my AS is drinking or not. i love him just the same. yesterday my 13yo granddaughter and i went to lunch. her parents separated 8 months ago and she chose to live with dad to take care of him. (god love my daughter-in-...
HUNGRY: I don't have the time to fulfill even the simplist of needs, and have to do better. I eat Doritos out of the machine for lunch and run all day and realize I haven't drank anything. I am hungry literally, emotionally, and spiritually, and finding very little in my life for me. My work and my kids and...
Supportive and healthy in a dysfunctional relationship?????How does that work??????
I grew up in an alcoholic household and I must have told myself a million times that I was never going to marry anyone with a drinking problem....but I did. My husband has tried to quit several times. He isn't physically abusive or anything but I am so bitter because alcohol has been his priority, the par...
You don't support me!!!
This is a line I used to hear from my ex-A so often...wow. I remember feeling like all I ever did was support him. I was paying his share and was always encouraging him to make a go at whatever hairbrained plan he had for making money (get rich quick schemes instead of ever willing to get a normal job like I...
Trials are not meant to make you fall, but to make you fly!
This was something I read on a blag this morning and it reminded me how I am so much better for my struggles. I know when I get through all this schooling it will be well worth it and I love what I am showing my girls in the midst of it, it is never too late to o for your dreams and soar! Sending you all love and supp...
afraid to move!
so it happened... I'm stuck .... AGAIN. working through the program, and doing great I think, with all that came along lately. Really loving myself more, but still: sometimes anger comes back (anger, I discovered during my program, is my 'best friend' that always sticks around, like a shadow...but...
Maintaining Perspective, and Passing The Lesson On
I'm in the middle of what feels like a crushing financial drama in my life. It has left me feeling very anti-universe, like every time I make the tiniest step of progress forward, something happens and shoves me back about a hundred yards. I know that a very large part of the financial crisis is a resul...
Surviving vs. Living
Hi, my name is slogan_Jim and I am a grateful member of the worldwide fellowship of al-anonId like to share something to anyone willing to listen. I have been doing some thinking about living vs. surviving. Most of my life has been about surviving. People who grow up in healthy, stable households grow...
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Hi, I have just split up with my boyfriend ans am very upset. In seven weeks he has dropped me 5 times. He is a darling in his normal state but when he turns to the second personality he turns in a violent, cruel and ugly being. He is racist, insulting, paranoid, jealeous, possessive,makes up stories such...
Strong enough to stay, Strong enough to leave....
One of the great old sayings in Al-Anon is that "Some of us are strong enough to stay, some of us are strong enough to leave", and I couldn't agree more.... I get nervous/anxious on here whenever I see people encourage those who have left their A that "wow, they are so strong", as i...
Lovely day with my sponsor
Due to my job I haven't been able to make a meeting for the last 2 weeks. My sponsor rang me the other day to ask me if I'd like to go to a convention with her today. I wanted to go but had a lot of chores to do today, so I said I'd let her know then yesterday I had a really bad day so called her up and said yes please....
UK Jane
A little background, AH admitted to using Meth again this week. This is the second time since rehab. He chose to quit again. I didn't ask him to, but he knows I don't choose to live in that situation. So he's detoxing at home, quitting by himself. Choosing not to get any help, no rehab, no counseling or a...
where love used to live
Hi All. I'm new to these boards, but not new to this... I started to write a little backstory about myself, and the last ten years with my partner (engaged for the last 3)... but I just don't have the energy to relive it right now. I've been up all night. Things are bad. Really bad. And it would not be unreas...
Small miracles
My alcoholic son, who has a twin brother finally hit his bottom .. the twin brother was enabling his alcoholic brother big time & for over a year whenever he would phone to tell me the horrid stories about how his alcoholic brother hurt him used him, manipulated him, conned him, broke dates, commi...
He is approaching the one year anniversary of sobriety
I have a question about the one year milestone of sobriety. My bf and I have dated nearly 10 months and he is less than a month away from being sober for an entire year. However, instead of our relationship and his behavior improving and growing, he has relapsed into his former self, treating me with di...
Support for online meetings
Hi everyone. I'm on a mission to improve support for our online meetings here on the MIP website alanon chat room. They are often a first port of call for newcomers (and those with disabilities) and it is vital they be kept going. I realise that Summer is a time when people have been on vacation but now the...
My name is slogan_jim.
Over the years growing up in an alcoholic home, around a father who sometimes never loved himself, putting up with his abusive and alcoholic partners, and a mother that was never around, I find I have gathered a very distorted view on what love is.
I don't know what it is anymo...
Not altering my mood to "mesh" with another's
I caught myself at the grocery store this morning planning to "nice it up" with a store cashier when I was picking up a few items. The cashier and I recognize each other and are, for the most part, on friendly terms. She's been working there for years and I've been swinging by during her usual h...
My Meltdown Yesterday
Yesterday afternoon I started feeling resentful at my compulsively lying investment partner. As a result I started doing the "Dont's" by sending texts calling him on his broken promises, etc. I was pointing the finger and being accusatory to him. He retaliated, yet promised to send me a...
Need some emotion prayers.
Hi everyone I'm a grateful member of al-anon, the A in my life, my partner, she drinks every night. There is a lot of strain - I'm looking for work, my partners mum has been in hospital a bit recently. She's had a couple of bladder infections, last one requiring IV antibiotics. She is 80 and not in great hea...
face to face
I went to my first face to face Alanon meeting today. I am glad that I went. It was really a God thing. I was in the part of town where the meeting was, at a friend's and happened to be driving by just minutes before it started, so I pulled in and went! So glad I did. I think I'll keep coming back. Having su...
Wondering what "other"people think
So even as is wrote that subj line, the other part of my brain was saying, "who cares". Buuutttt...Heres what I wonder....my ah is out ..at bar, at friends...2_3 and sometimes more, times per week....me, im home taking care of the home and our child. Hes rarely home for dinner, sometimes ba...
Please your opinion
For years I have always asked my Grandchildren to make a list for me for Christmas of things they would like as a gift. Out of the list I always bought them one gift for a $100.00 & another one for about $10.00 & a few stocking stuffers. This year I have done the same asked for a list & for them to g...
Closure over something bad...
...it came out in the paper today... an inquest over my nephew.
He died over 18 months ago, the same night our mum died.
I recall coming home and then getting told. I went round and
was able to comfort his daughter aged 12. The poor kid had
lost her dad to a drug overdose, and had lived through a rape
This Disease has No Age Limit! :(
Howdy MIP Family :0) This Past Week I got to spend some Really Nice Quality Time with My 88 Year old AGrandma! As Some Know I Lost My Afather to this Disease at 58yrs old in 2008. Well this is His Momma! She calls me on the Phone out of the blue one day & states my Aunt is Leaving town for a couple day (She st...
Pregnant and married to an alcoholic husband
Hi my name is Yvette I've been married to an alcoholic for 2 years. I'm currently pregnant and at the early stage of pregnancy. In the early part of this year around January, I wanted to leave my husband because of his abuse while being intoxicated. He would verbally, mentally and emotionally abuse...
Must work on saying NO
Dang. I have known this was a problem for me for a LONG time. I do not say no when the boss heaps more work on me. I don't say NO when clients are unreasonably demanding. I let myself get taxed to the breaking point. Aside from coming to these boards in the morning, I haven't had time to do much of anythin...
He Left Yesterday!
After yet another argument that I Participated in ,he came home threw some things in MY car and said he would bring it back tomarrow as he WAS working on the brakes and the part he needed wouldn't be in until today! I don't believe him, because it sure looked like he had brakes when he went out the driveway....
Stupid !@#$% chemistry
I say this laughing, but am quite miffed with my chemistry instructor. He is a first year teacher and well can't teach us worth a darn. So our first 3 hour 150 question exam that he swore would be so simple was brutal. Most the class flubbed it and he wrote something about throwing out the last 2 pages of the...
question: where do I find?
Does anyone know where to find the Alanon literature: Alcoholism the 3-fold illness which includes the statements that alcoholism is a physical allergy, a mental obsession & a spiritual malady? I have been wondering about this for years. Early on in my recovery our Alanon group used to read thi...
Hoot Nanny
Never too old to practice self care
I just wanted to share with you how proud I am of my mom. She took care of herself today. I live far away in another state and at the end of last week she had chest pain and pain in her arm. She likely waited longer than she should have before calling an ambulance. The paramedics came and took care of her and...
Boundaries and Birthday Parties
Hi all! I am new to this board. I am a32 year old adult child of an alcoholic mom, a very co-dependent stepdad, and addict little brother. Becoming a mother has strengthened my resolve to set boundaries against situations that are not healthy. My mom has been on the relapse rollercoaster for 14 y...
Newly pregnant - husband is an active alcoholic.
I am at a complete loss. I feel so alone - more than usual because now I am responsible for a second little person. I just found out I am pregnant and while my husband claims to be thrilled and promises to "be a great dad" he is drinking more than ever. I watch him stumble around the house, slurrin...
So Unfair
I know my AH is on very thin ice at the bank where he works and I have just been waiting for him to tell me that he is fired (or in his mind I'm sure he will believe that he quit). I knew he didn't go to work yesterday and I just found out from my son that he didn't go in today either. I am so mad and upset right now but t...
Drugs vs Alcohol
For those who deal with both...how do you do it? Dealing with the alcohol is one thing. The drugs are a totally different issue. Yes they are both addictions but the consequences can be so much worse. If he were to get busted and I just happen to be with him not knowing he had anything on him, I can get in ju...
Al-Anon International Convention info
Are you thinking of attending our International Convention ?? Here is a link to all the info you need . If you have never attended an International convention this is the one , (of course I am prejudice as its in my beautiful province of British Columbia Canada) this will be my 6th International my thi...
Alateen ...Message board & chat room ?????
My grandson & granddaughter Have both signed up & gone to both chat & the message board & there is never anyone there. We Are going to lose them unless I can find them a active message board & group ????? I would really appreciate some directions. They said they would start on the ne...
Forgot about this...
I haven't had an active alcoholic in my life in a few years. My family and I have broken ties with my addict, thief brother until he goes to rehab and comes out working a program... I am in a healthy relationship, in a successful place in my career... And yet.
I'm sick right now. Physically sick frOm stre...
Got my dander up today
""Got my dander up"" is the expression my Granny used when someone ticked her off. A coworker emailed me that he was making an unusual deposit & that I should make a temp posting for the funds until we have a chance to discuss with the boss. Well, I email him back and give him th...
Path to Serenity
Patience is a work in progress
Patience has never been a strong trait that I possess. In my meeting Tuesday night the topic was on change, and I related to another share, always jumping from one job to the next, jumping from one boyfriend to the next, and yet I look back and I see how all those moves brought me to where I am today. Last sum...
I wanna be grateful not resentful!!
Hey hey, I have a wonderful loving partner, but lately I keep finding myself taking things personally and reacting in bitter resentful ways towards her. I take almost everything she says personally and before I know it I'm reacting in this grumpy negative way thats no fun! We we were a really good frie...
Why do I feel I need validation that what I am doing is the right thing for my kids and myself? I need to start trusting myself a little more!! My son invited a friend over!!! I know, I know, this doesnt sound like much to others, but for me, for HIM, it was HUGE! My son has not invited friends over to our hou...
Dating a Newly Recovering Alcoholic
Hello, I am new to this site, and new to Al-Anon, but I thought that it might be helpful for me to share my story and get some opinions from people who have been in a similar situations themselves. So here it goes: About a year and a half ago, I started dating who I didn't realize then was a fucitoning alcohol...
Denial was bliss compared to this!
Hi all, My title is meant to grab attention, beacause I really do think I need to move all the way out of denial. It seems like once I admitted that my husband was an alcoholic, the ball has kept rolliing and now I am seeing that our marriage has been a shell that I have constructed to make me feel like I had a n...
Embracing Acceptance
I got in an accident tonight. Well, incident really since there aren't really accidents, they are incidents - things that could have been avoided if someone had been paying closer attention. But, I digress (ha, digress tickles me for some reason, it means to stray from the point), Let me assure you th...
Forgiveness & feelings and my side of the street
Ive been feeling very angry lately and building skyscraper-style resentments. Its making me feel horrible and fatigued to the point where Im wondering how Im going to make it to the end of the week. Ive been beating myself up asking how can I forgive when the insanity (my A's and mine) is escalating,...
Validate MEEEEE!!
Folks, I've got to turn myself in. You know what I love about this program? It's that it's taught me to walk through life and question things when I'm starting to behave in weird ways. It's also taught me where some of those behaviors are coming from, what they look like, what their cause usually is. I rec...
Conflict Avoider
I am desperate for some help and perspective. I have been dating a recovering alcoholic, 2 years sober, who seemed to work a good program. He had been an alcoholic for 30 years, was drinking a gallon of gin a day when he finally hit bottom. His father was an alcoholic (now deceased) and his mother control...
Where in the world is my HP?
Hi, When I got together with my A I started to loose confidence and I ended up neglecting and somewhat abandoning my career. I so can't wait to get up early again, driving to work and do something productive. Things are so chaotic right now. I thought God sent me the perfect job opportunity. I found it whe...
My husband is in in-patient treatment :/ I am happy that he is getting help but I am so scared. I visited him yesterday, he seemed happy and relieved to finally deal with his issues. However I have heard it all before, I just want this to work so bad. I am tired of feeling like I am getting the life sucked out o...
I feel great today :)
Hi everyone, my name is slogan_Jim. Today I woke up feeling great and in a good mood. Sharp contrast to yesterday. I had soccer last night and it felt good interacting with others and getting my heart rate going. I havn't been able to get to many face to face meetings because I have chosen to take on some OT...
just need to vent i think...
I have been with my husband for 4 years. He has been drinking since he was very young... mostly beer. He has had drug problems alot in the past but now only drinks. We have talked about his drinking and he knows that he is an alcoholic. We have argued alot and he will drink less for a while then goes back to dri...