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here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
After yet another argument that I Participated in ,he came home threw some things in MY car and said he would bring it back tomarrow as he WAS working on the brakes and the part he needed wouldn't be in until today! I don't believe him, because it sure looked like he had brakes when he went out the driveway. His 13 year old son was crying, I know he didn't want to go.
Found out he has been smoking crack, doing cocaine along with injecting his pills. (in our home after I have gone to bed) Zanax and somas. He went to stay at a friend's house in town, I know that won't last long. He owes alot of people money for his drugs. He has left me in a very deep hole of debt.
When he came to get his things I didn't say much because I could see he was full of Rage.
When I ask him about the car he said it was expensive and if I wanted it I could fix the F*****R myself! So I said nothing more.
I missed my meeting last night that I really wanted to go to. Hopefully he will bring my car back by then.
He also sent me a text in respose to one I sent him saying he has already lost me.
He Said "You can't lose something you never wanted!"
So sad.... After 11 years I have finally hit my bottom and am willing to let him go! Realizing I am powerless over his addictions.
But my heart is aching for his son who feels like my own... What will become of him? IT IS NOT FAIR TO HIM!!!
Feeling kind of just numb right now, not knowing what I should do about all the mess his addiction has left for me to clean up.
I'm not working and light bill will be due next week. Everything else they can shut off. I know how to live a simple life.
I have the support of my children, but I am ashamed that I have let my life come down to this! Thanks to this board, I come here to read alot everday, and it helps.
I also know I need to start working on me NOW!! I'm sure I will hear or see him today, not looking forward to that....
Sorry this is happening in your life. There are lots of us who can relate to your story including myself. You do sound like you've had enough and are resigned to what is and not in denial about your situation. I lied to myself for a long time and later felt a lot of shame around that. I wasn't ready to end things. Then he ended it and I thought I hadn't been good enough. Can you imagine? His disease tagged me as unworthy and I believed it. Truth was, I'd had that belief system long before I'd ever married him from my family. It's why I chose him. I never learned to choose myself first and from a healthier place choose another who would treat me with respect and dignity. I hadn'tsecured those rightly deserved assets and kept them for myself. Over time I grew numb from living with the disease and relinquished all my rights as a person. I no longer acted on my own behalf but instead was acted upon by the disease of addiction which fed insanity to my own disease codependency until I bottomed out just like you. I can thank my hp that he left me because looking back I believe I would've continued to spiral down and lose my health and die before I ever would have left. This is how steeped in learned helplessness I was. Thank goodness, the rehab he was sent to had told us wives to go to Alanon.
I hope when you mentioned the meeting you missed, you were speaking of a face to face Alanon meeting. If not, maybe you'll give it a try. I wish I had had the tools earlier for making decisions. You sound like you are doing a great job of detaching, not engaging in his insanity. Only you know how many rounds you want to go with his disease. I've found my sponsor is great for helping me see a situation from an additional perspective as are other Alanons through their sharing. So many things circle back to my faith in my higher power and getting boundaries in place concerning myself and other people. You are lovable and not alone sis. Hugs TT
Surround yourself with people and elements that support your destiny, not just your history.
I hear lots of awareness and acceptance and I hear you looking at what actions to take. I am sorry it has come to this and I am glad you came here to share with us. It sounds like you have a good program and am so glad you have a face to face group for support also. Sending you so much love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
You sound like you are aware & have lots of acceptance of your situation. You say you don't know what to do for money. Please go to Social Services today, also look in the yellow pages to see if there is a place for abused & battered women to go too for help. Is there a food bank that you can go to ? How about churches ? Anyone that has lived with a practising alcoholic has been emotionally battered & many also physically battered. Remember thats what those programs are there for to help people that need help.
Sending you love & support ((((((((((((((((((((hugs ))))))))))))))
"Holding a grudge is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die..."
I can feel your deep hurt sisgragonfly, but remember, things will get better for you. The social services advise is good advise. ANd remember what family is for. OK so you are embarrassed to lean on family, but if I were a part of your family, I'd have a shoulder ready for you to cry on, an ear ready to listen to your sadness, a hanky ready to dry your eyes, and a nice, warm bed ready for you to jump in for a good night's sleep. Give it a try. I send you positive energy to help you through, and I will keep you close in my prayers.
-- Edited by Diva on Friday 28th of September 2012 09:57:30 AM
"Speak your truth quietly and clearly..." Desiderata