Success Story
I have seen a few posts recently and wanted to share my thoughts on something... Everyone here (EVERYONE) is a success story. I was told by my father many years ago nothing in life that is worthwhile comes easy. How true this is. Some work things out with the alcoholic in their life and the alcoholic...
Teenage Son - Worried Mum
Hi Everyone, I am a Very Grateful Member of Al Anon Member for four years, nearly five... I have learnt so much in Al-Anon and with the help of the wonderful groups and a fabulous life coach, I have learnt so much and come through so much. As I have gotten much better myself, I am now becoming more and mor...
I keep doing the two step...one step forward, two steps back! In need of serious ESH!
Everyday starts another journey for me. I am currently separated from my AH, but not by my choice that is something he chose. It continues to break my heart...today it feels like a mack truck ran it over. As I continue to work my program with 4 f2f meetings a week, daily reading, and visiting MIP multiple...
I have just seen my son in passing
I went over to speak to him just wanted to say how happy I am for him, that he has kept his job and has stuck to it all week, but he said he wasn't speaking to me, it hurts but I feel that if my putting him out has kept him in his job and away from his fair weather friends, and safe, it's a small price to pay, Ideally I...
Do happy endings exist after rehab?
My love has only been away a week in a 90 day rehab program yet I feel like I am the one being punished. Granted the past 90 days with him had been pure hell, but I seem to be glossing over the bad, and miss him to the point I have shut down. I think I operated so long on sheer nervous energy that now that he has take...
Sometimes I struggle to have empathy for alcoholics. The damage they cause to their partners and worse, children is shocking. Long lasting damage. They are selfish and self centred at best and aggressive and violent at worst. I mean has anyone actually spelt it out to there a, really told them. I beli...
How is my child EVER going to have a relationship with her AH father?
She is 12. Visitation has been discontinued. His response was to pack up her belongings and drop them on my porch. She is angry. We were never allowed to express emotions with the AH lived with us so expressing any emotion is overwhelming at best. My daughter does know he's an addict and of course sh...
DH of 3.5 years just admitted he has to go back to AA
Hi, I new here. I have been with a wonderful man for 3.5 years 1 of which we have been married. When we met he said he didn't drink and had gone to AA 10is years ago. The entire time we have been together he didn't go to meetings and "said" he didn't drink. The entire time I suspected he had one here a...
Hello I am new here and I just need a hug!
Hello! I have been with my significant other for 9 years now and just now trying to find some support. He was a recovering alcoholic and when I came home from work tonight he was drunk. I am usually an optimistic person but tonight I feel very sad and pretty much hopeless. I hope to read many posts to...
Sweet Pea
Left with child
Hey everyone, My husband and I have been together for 10 years and married for 4 of those years. In September last year I gave birth to our first child who we both immediatly fell in love with. To back up a bit, I'm here because it wasn't untill my child was born, that I realized my husband has an addiction t...
anyone who has gone through separation?
Hi Everyone I have been on and off these boards for about a year, but the past 2-3 weeks have been attending online meetings and have gone back to a f2f after a long time. I am trying to work through some 'stuck' feelings I have and would love to hear from anyone with similar circumstances... Last 1-2 year...
Rebuilding friendships
Our peak event in our home scared friends we used to associate with, and they uninvited us to their home and have written off my husband. They say that I am ok, but they don't like him. They talk about my husband like he is garbage when he is a man that made a mistake, and they completely forget that he is my...
Husband getting out of rehab
I am so nervous. I have not seen my husband in almost 3 months. He is graduating from a rehab this week. I kicked him out before he decided to go in. I really thought I was done dealing with him. I am still hurt by the things he has done to our family but I am having unexpected emotions. I know that my resentme...
Moving forward
All this last week I had to make the decision about truly letting go..cutting off that last string holding onto my son. It has been very hard for me but Im now doing it. Let Go Let God. Im sure I will mess up from time to time but Im letting go.I finally started working on me and as I think back on my childho...
Speaking (share)
Hey Guys, I have been doing a lot of speaking at open Al-Anon meetings over the last year and a bit and it's an experience I really enjoy. It is very rewarding, I feel great after and people always leave feeling better. I always leave feeling better. I feel I have a pretty neat story and have overcome a lot t...
A Prayer for my son who has Relapsed
I just read an older post from Jerry F about detaching with love...quite powerful. "Love first, Love always." It has helped me so much and given me a sense of peace as I turn my son over to the God of my understanding. Here's the prayer I found online in those deparate times when I would search...
Jackie Z
Help! A Newbie Who is Lost!
My love has been in rehab 8 days and I am losing my mind. I feel like a part of me has died. I can't sleep, can't eat, can't stop crying. I am so lost yet was so thrilled he went to rehab now I don't know who I am or how to function. This entire scenerio is so screwed up, I feel so helpless because I don't think I ever...
ACOA and now a parent
I recently had a baby, and it the transition into parenthood is difficult with an alcoholic mother. I relate to my mother on an emotional and biological level, and I fear that I will become her as a mother myself. She want to be a part in my child's life but I told her she can't until she seeks help....she...
The far reaching effects of this disease are... yeah baffling
Some know I came to this board when I began dating a man who presented himself as a recovering, sober alcoholic. He appeared to be all he said then had a relapse early in our relationship and went to rehab and voluntarily stayed 60 days. What followed next was me getting into Al Anon (best thing I've eve...
Want my wife back
Hi all , guess i just need to vent some frustration like so many others. My beautiful wife has been an alchoholic for around 6 years . Its just getting to much for me now . I really cant bear it any longer . I Love her with all my heart and it makes it all the more worse seeing the woman I married, the mother of o...
Signs you worry too much!
Here's a funny one! I received an email from Web MD that was titled "Signs You Worry Too Much". Does my computer sense my worries? So, I thought I would share where my brain is today. My AH has been sober for 30 days today! He is currently going through the DUI process for a second DUI. Tha...
anxiety, thoughts, feelings, confusion - maybe too much thinking?
Hi everyone, i'm new here on this forum and have been going to al-anon (fairly consistently) since May 2012. I've gone through so many changes of awareness it's unreal! I've been with my AHB for 5 years; he's been working his AA program for a good 2 yrs but has relapsed every so often. I don't know if its ha...
Now what?
My AH checked himself into a treatment facility. His program will end on Tuesday. He is coming home. Up until about 3 months ago, I didn't even know that there was a serious problem. Don't get me wrong, I didn't think we were perfect, but I thought we had more good times than bad. Now he has 28 days of 2...
This is my story
Hello everyone and thank you for all the wonderful insights and encouragement! I found this site just this past week and it has impacted me immensely. I was married for twenty years to an emotionally abusive man. He's not a drinker and I'm not much of one. I finally had enough when our daughter graduat...
It's okay to be angry
Really. My therapist and I had a great conversation about this topic tonight and it's okay to be angry. I have been through so much and continue to go through so much and being angry is part of the process and it's OK. I have been so angry for weeks on end in awful and heavy flows and started to worry that it wa...
How do you cope with lonely?
I have been doing fairly well with the changes of going from a married woman to a single woman. I have been with my AH for ten years and during that time there were some really good times. We were in love and I think in some ways still are. I am now starting to struggle with the lonliness of it all. I have no...
Frustrated and New
I don't know where to start. Basically, I've been in relationship with a herion addict for almost three years. I didn't even know he had drug problems until almost the second year. I told his family and they had an intervention for him and he went to rehab. He emerged from rehab and seemed to be doing well...
How important is feeing safe?
Hello everyone. Greetings to you and best wishes for the coming NewYear! We have had a rough go of several months. I did one positive, I quit a toxic position!:) My family members I am a caregiver for have been in and out of the hospital. I lost a relative thatI was very close to very unexpectedly C...
Old Timer
Not very good at the boundaries thingy
Some folks know what's going on with my daughter and us raising her daughter. The daughter lives in Maryland near us, and we have sole custody of the grand daughter because my daughter have her up so she could go back to Michigan to get back into partying. She lasted one day and absolutely HAD to co e right...
New to this site
My husband and I have been married for 22 years. He has just finished a detox and has entered a outpatient program. He has always been a drinker,but the past few years has gotten much worse. He was very good at hiding it. I always knew he drank, but had no idea how much. Was I in denial? I am not feeling...
they are all around me.
Without being to long I will try to describe my situation. I have an AH who has 2 A brother's and one brother that is married to a recovering addict. That would make her my sister-in-law. I am dealing with my AH fine, who is in his 6th week of recovery. My sister-in-law has been in recovery for well over a yea...
My babies & Sanity - New to this ...
Hi: I'm new, from england and have never written in one of these forums. My husband is the Alcoholic. We were married 10 years ago. I kind of knew he was a heavy drinker but never realised that over those 10 years, he'd become abusive and start to get so drunk, he would pee his pants. He used to drink sociall...
Our son has been out of the house one night!
He did come back last evening and demanded to be let in, we didn't, I worried about him all night it was so cold and was snowing, I felt pretty low this morning but being in work was a tonic, I keep thinking about the main reasons I cannot tolerate his bahviours anymore, his drinking comes before everythin...
Tired of feeling crazy
Okay so I know that I am not the cause of his disease, but it's all I hear. He also keeps telling me how I need a psychiatric evaluation followed by medication. He blames me for his family not talking to him because I told them the things he was doing. My therapist told me that he is doing these things to take t...
it never gets easier; really.
It never seems to get easier for me to say Goodbye to someone who passes away. I went to a funeral today complete w/ giving of the US flag & Taps which I cried from. There were so many emotional moments because this man was truly loved and very committed to our community. They even named a building afte...
Hoot Nanny
A bit nervous...
Hi All, I've been really appreciating this site, thank you. A few weeks ago I was offered a new job and accepted. At the time AH was drinking spirits for breakfast! He has started the new year without any drink, which is great. We have lived with alcohol for nearly ten years and after all the usual ups an...
My Ason 29 is having marital troubles and probably will be separating real soon. I am sick to my stomach that he may be heading my way for a temporary shelter. He's only been married for 6 months to an incredibly beautiful, and sensitive woman, she is doing her best to work it out with not very much success...
When they tell you their life is a series of !!!!ups. And that you should have had him aborted before he was born. Just basically down, down in the dumps....how in heaven's name do you respond to that? ESH very welcome. Oldergal
I had to let my AA sponsee go yesterday
Setting boundaries is what this is about. And he crossed the line in a big way. I had been his sponsor for only a week when he confided to me that his live in pregnant girlfriend caught him flirting with women online. He said they had a long talk over it, and things appeared to be returning to normal between...
I dont know options...
My husband as in rehab last week after being self admitted. He got out Friday, we went to an AA meeting, meeting saturday and then he went on his own sunday. he has a 15 day permit after a DUI. I went to work yesterday - left him his truck and no money. He had a rough morning and pawned something to get money...
I am lonely
Ive been out of my marriage for almost a year and physically separated for about 8 months. I had a rebound relationship over the summer. Nothing since. I've been on dates, no connections. I am lonely. Friends and family are great but not the same. I just want to have someone to share my time with. I'm okay...
alcholic daughter with children
Hello, this is my first post. My daughter is an active alcoholic and just moved herself and her children into my house due to a broken relationship. I have felt for years that she isn't raising them right due to her alcoholism and now I am seeing it in my own home. It pains me to see the children not cared...
Letting feelings get in my way
Hi everyone. It's been a long time since I've posted. I haven't been absent from Alanon, only from MIP. I've been active in my group for 4 years now, have been a Group Rep for 3 years and participate at the Area level too. Giving back is definitely extremely rewarding and healing. At the same time,...
Dating an AH Books
Hi, Does anyone reccomend books to read for people dating alcholics ?
Will he ever trust me ?
My Story, Early 20's Female, nursing grad, 5 months dating Alcoholic, our biggest problem is that I enjoy drinking he doesnt like me to drink, he is jealous, assumptive swears he knows everything and how it is going to happen. For example if I go out one night he basically has a play by play of what is goi...
house sold what next?
My childhood home sold recently. Sad but good news! I am part of a 6-way sell. That means me & my 5 siblings are getting money from the selling of our house. Now that my dad & my step-mom have died, the house sold very quickly. I am very grateful that I can have money that I can use for good choices. I t...
Hoot Nanny
Why do I still do the same things and exspect different results?
It's been getting worse with our son, the binge drinking has become more frequent, his personal hygene is a constant battle of wills and hes verbally abusive and emotionally very unstable when he is drunk, christmas has been a nightmare of worry and anxiety lack of sleep and generally all round it's s...
New member with no one else to confide in....
Hi everyone! I just realized today there is actually an Al Anon site. I have never been to a meeting and plan to go next week to one during my lunch break. As is the case with many family members living with an alcoholic, my AH is tearing me down emotionally and it's beginning to affect me physically beca...
Topics for chairing a meeting
I would like to use how music can be healing and therapeutic as topic next month when I chair a meeting would that be okay? Or would it. E crossing a line
Hi I am in the UK and Im not sure when the meetings are. I think I am 5 hours ahead of you so does this mean the 9 oclock meeting is at 2 am for me?
making amends
A miracle happened tonight. My ex ah came round first contact since Xmas. He is sober since Xmas and is in aa. Anyway, the miracle happened, he apologised to me. He said he realises he has damaged our family and his drinking is the reason he has lost everything. He said he feels guilt and shame for the firs...
This Horrible Disease Took Away My AH Last Night
My AH of 30 years (we've been separated for that last 1 1/2) died of complications of his alcoholism last night. He was 52 years old, was the father of our three daughters and grandfather of our two young grandsons. I am saddened, yet angry at the same time. The disease won, our family has lost. He died of l...
Green Eyes
AWESOME thought from my AS!
i was talking to my AS the other day. and he came up with this. "mom, if people stopped looking at other peoples lives, maybe they could focus on what makes them happy." that statement was so very meaningful to me. my son is active in his disease and is slowly dying. i am amazed at the peace...
Newcomer: staying w husband after peak event
Hello, I am a newcomer and my husband and I (married 4.5 years) have both been sober since Mar. 9. We stopped drinking after a peak incident that was violent and scary, where my husband became an aggressor and I was agressed on. I wondered if there were any others out there that deal with the judgement o...
loved one going through w/drawl
I'm new to this site. The past 4 days have been difficult as my boyfriend has been going through w/drawl. Tomorrow he will be entering an inpatient rehab program. However, I am having a difficult time dealing with this emotional roller coaster.
Considering legal separation
I have been coming to these boards for over a year now. I have been in Al Anon for almost a year, too. I am currently working with my sponsor on step 4. I am finally learning that it's OK to take care of myself. One of my issues with my AH is that he drives a rental car frequently for work in neighboring state...
between meetings...
I was wondering how you cope between meetings, esp when you are still resisting the alanon way? I just went to an alanon meeting today---it was hard to even go and it was not happening. Instead, there were several ppl there and no one wanted to lead and the rest, incl. me, were new and unqualified to lead...
Being Alone
Well, now that I am on my new journey, it has added some awareness for me. The last time I was alone was when my AH was at his 5th rehab. My Mom passed away, two days after he left, and it was a really bad time for me. They say what doesn't kill you, will make you stronger. I have to agree. Over these almost 3...
Sweet Stanley
This is sooo important
a share and bears repeating. I asked if I could so this is not pirating of some other members experience and awarness and strength. It was in response to two newbies here and it got the attention of this old timer as something he also needed to hold close to his recovery. It's author is Sweet Stanley.....
Jerry F
Living with Sick Parents
Staying with my parents has been challenging. I can see that their anxiety builds up and they release it on me. They think they don't trust me when really they don't trust each other or themselves. I am in fact the smokescreen for their troubles. Mom looks me right in the face and says things all day that a...