The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Hello everyone and thank you for all the wonderful insights and encouragement! I found this site just this past week and it has impacted me immensely. I was married for twenty years to an emotionally abusive man. He's not a drinker and I'm not much of one. I finally had enough when our daughter graduated high school and I think I subconsciously waited until then for her. A few weeks after graduation I had hurt my back and was unable to go to an outdoor concert my husband and I were going to attend. I told him it was fine if he went without me and he went. I was bored so I wandered into an online chatroom. This was 6-7 years ago. The chatroom topic was food and I still frequent that room to this day. I met my A in this room and he hasn't been in the room in maybe five years. I was immediately drawn to him when he was present because he was very funny, he said whatever he wanted without care, he has such great knowledge about music, we're from similar socio/economic families etc. I had no idea he was an alcoholic until three months into knowing him online and on the phone. We met online in June and it just so happened he lived in the same area as my sister, states away. Come October my sister invited me to come out to stay with her alone so I can figure out what I wanted to do about my marriage. Three days prior to my going to my sister's my A calls me to tell me he'd done time in prison, but I didn't let that deter me because I was already emtionally invested in him. My A wa a caretaker for a diabetic in a wheelchair. He's not medically qualified, but the man he cared for was an old friend before he'd gone to pr I spent three weeks with my sister and never felt more alive or liberated! She lives in a major metropoloitan area and we're from a small town so she left me on my own as she went to work and I learned how to get around and talk to all kinds of people. Yes I did meet up with my online guy and it was a nice meeting over lunch. We hit it off very well. Out of three weeks at my sister's I spent maybe 3 days with my A, but we chatted daily on the phone. One of those days I'd seen him he was beyond drunk and later he told while drinking he was supposedly slipped a mickey whcih i didn't believe. the truth he told me some time later was he'd taken a pain med or something from the guy he took care of. as that day drew on he asked me to stay with him the night, he didn't want to be left alone. He lived with the man he cared for by the way. I didn't know what to do, I'd never ever known anyone like him and I was afraid if left there with the man he cared for he couldn't get help if needed. So I stayed. He was a hot mess. He stayed in his room and I was in the living room all night. My A came out a couple of times because he was afraid he said, but he made sure to sit way across the room from me. It was odd, but what did I know? When morning came he couldn't believe I stayed with him and he said anyone else would have walked away and I know now that he's right, but I just couldn't. I had one more week there and didn't see him again until I filed for divorce, moved in with my sister in February. I did not get a divorce because of the A, in the end he had a lilttle to do with it I can admit, but I had filed for divorce 10 years prior and should have gotten out of my marriage at year five. So I move in with my sister and the A and I have great fun. He drank, but he was functioning which I know is still not ok, but I was starting a new life, having fun I never had before, this man used my name when he spoke to me (my ex never used my name), he complimented me often etc. I don't live with my A, my sister HATES him, the few people I know are angered I stay with him given the current status of things. This past May the man my A cared for died and my A fell apart and used that as an excuse to pretty much be pickled 24/7. The drinking has been gradually getting out of hand for the past 18 months, but especially so since May. He drinks to the point he doesn't know if it's day/night, he doesn't know what day it is, he'll call me every ten minutes and say the exact same things because he doesn't remember calling me, he gets very verbally/emotionally abusive, I won't hear from him for days at a time etc. I am trying to make this as short as I can so forgive me. This man's past, which I know also is no excuse to drink, is very ugly. He was abused in all kinds of manner as a child, he said he began drinking at age ten and that led to drug use. He was a herion addict and beat that and he told me some three years ago he'd been smoking crack and had quit shortly after, but he just told me he never quit. <sigh> The last year he's been averaging 4 visits to ER by going himself, being found laying on the ground all over the city or in front of his home and going to the hospitals via ambulance. Mid November just past he was wasted beyond reason apaprently, flagged down a police car and told them he wants help, he's going to harm himself or others so the police had him do a breathalyzer. He blew a .303 and not for the first time. how he is still alive is beyond me. The police take him to a psyh ward at a hospital where he stayed for two weeks. I didn't know where he was the first week. H called me the second wek he was there. From the hospital a caseworker got him into a rehab where he stayed for 30 days. He would have stayed in rehab but there's a side story concerning an atty which I won't get into, but the atty said he had to stay in rehab for 30 or he can't go home. I saw my A after rehab and he looked wonderful. Before rehab he was weak, could barely walk, skinny etc. When he left rehab he bought a bottle of vodka. I saw him again four days later when I went to visit him and he scooted across the floor to answer the door. He couldn't stand up. It was a Sunday and he wanted to go to a nearby state to buy liquor, where we live you can buy beer/wine only on Sunday. I refused to go and left him on the floor. I haven't seen him since nor heard from him. Tomorrow will be a week since I last saw/heard from him. In the past I would always call the hospitals and even the morgue in the city where he lives, but not this time. I love this man, but I can't deal with the insanity any more. I've walked away from him before, he often has told me he's done with me and I always say ok, but he ALWAYS comes back. It's a circus and I can't believe I let myself get so enmeshed with someone like him. It's painful, I get angry, scared and I've been worried to death. We were out the day he was released from rehab and ran into two street vendors who recognized the tag my A was wearing from rehab. They said I can't believe you just got out and already you're drunk! The man had been sober 5 years and the woman 10. They both had just come from a meeting where my A went to rehab. I was near tears and told them I wished they had magic words for him. The woman took me aside and told me I was loving him to death and I cried. She said I need to stop rescuing him and let him fall and fall hard. She told me I have to let him be. I cry now just thinking about it. So I have let him be and not made one phone call to any hospital. I know he's smoking crack again too. I'm not a drinker and never a drug abuser, but I know more about these topics than I ever thought I would. I have done tons of reading. I do go to thrapy on my own, but I started that four eyars ago to handle my issues, but now I know I need al anon. There are other pats to the story but this is the gist of it. I know it's very long winded and thank those of you for reading. I know I will be ok, things always work out in the end and I'm rady to be well.
Sounds like you have held onto some one your sanity, good for you. I see you looking at this A for what he is. That is good too. I do agree, we must do nothing for them. He has to be sick enough to stop himself and never want to go back again. HE has to do it.
You, yes al anon is perfect, do the work and it will work I promise. My life is totally different/better becuz of al anon. I have a normal relationship with a wonderful smart a** man I have known for over ten years! We were friends, now it is turning into what looks like mates!
So as we get healthier we make better choices.
My ex AH sounds lots like your A. Still it is no excuse for them to help the disease take them over. He was sober on a great program for years, had a brain surgery and is now so brain damaged and into all drugs he cannot stop. I never hear form him. do not want to.
I hope you stay with us. We do care, do not judge, will tell you our experiences. hugs,debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
Aloha F4Y...(I don't like that word fool in reference to a victim of addiction; alcoholism.) Be gentle and compassionate and empathetic with the victims and the alcoholic. Thanks for he story. People in the program use to tell me that rarely was I ever moved by the destruction of alcoholism that I held my feelings tight to me and then your story moves me to tears and angst.
I read your story and I hear a former sponsors direction for me to read my own story as if I was someone else so that I could get a picture of myself and my choices and my consequences and the need for change. Let me suggest that to your story as if you were one of us and see what picture you get...start to present. You're not a fool and I would guess that you are as addicted to him as he is to his chemicals...all of them and that he also cries and wails at the thought of having to get away from them...give them up. Either he does or he dies and he certainly is close to that. Alcoholism and Drug addiction is a cunning, powerful and baffling disease even the professionals have not been able to figure out why the addict and alcoholic do what they do knowing that what they do certainly kills them. "It is a compulsion of the mind and alergy of the body that can never be cured and only arrested by total abstinence..." that is part of the AMA definition of the disease and that definition does not include that it can be changed or cured by some loving enabler who thinks or believes that they are impervious to it and will be able to change its course without being harmed in the meantime. You have been seriously harmed while wanting something else...happiness?
I don't know of any other solutions to those who love addicted people and who are drawn to them and become addicted themselves than to do what they suggest the addicted should do themselved. Get into your own program of recovery as soon as you can or earlier. In support. (((((hugs)))))
Thank you debilyn for the hugs and care. My A has bleeding on the brain from the alcohol and numerous other physical issues. He'll sit there and cry about how he needs to quit drinking and the crack, but the second I am gone I he goes right back to it. I know he has never faced and dealt with the abuses he has suffered in his life and we've talked about that endlessly, but he says he won't go back to feeling that way. I tell him he never stopped being the victim and he won't until he faces his feelings and himself. It's an endless circle as you know. Today is a week since I last saw or spoke with him and I'm doing well, but I am worried. I went out with a friend Friday after work, I did all kinds of things around he house that needed done and today I've already been to the grocery store and about ready to do some lesson planning for work. I have learned to carry on with my life during the insanity, but as you know it is exhausting. I've come to far to finally be me to let him staunch my progress. I'll go to a meeting soon as I find one I can bus or walk to easily. I drive, but I have no car. I've kept telling myself that he and I met for some reason because had it not been for the internet I never would have met him. Onward and upward is th eonly way to go!
Thank you Jerry for your support! I have reread what I wrote and it makes me shake my head if I'm to be honest. I am a people pleaser. Growing up I was called names by my dad, told I was stupid and other lovely things so I tried to make up for what he saw as shortcomings by doing all I could to please him and my mom. It never worked and I know as a seasoned adult it never will work, but it is ingrained in me. I know it can be changed with work and I have come a long way since my divorce and therapy. I feel like I am in over my head at times with my A and I do believe you here and going to meetings will help me be well. I never once asked/told my A to stop drinking or drugs, he knows I hate it and he's a grown man who knows what he's doing. I've walked away from him many times only to return. I know it's only a matter of time before he dies from this disease and he knows too. I wonder every time my phone rings if this is the call saying they found him in the street again only this time he's dead. I have told him he likes being a victim so whatever happens to him is of his own hand no one else's. His response is that I don't know what it's like and I told him true and I have no plans to know, but he has no idea what it's like for me on this end either. He changes the subject. I have started my path to wellness here and will continue to move forward.
As for the name I chose for this site it wasn't meant to be derogatory, but I know how others could feel that way. It's the title of many songs, I don't think I am a fool.
i think your name is fine. i know ive felt like a fool over and over again when it came to my ex ah. he certainly took me for a fool on more than one occasion, but thats why we are here to get better and improve our own lifes. it can often take guts to reach out so well done and welcome.x