I don't know what to do anymore....
My A is my husband. We have been married for 20 years and together for 25... since I was 15. We have been struggling with this for about two years this time. He had trouble about 8 years ago but got sober and stayed sober for about 6 years. This time is different... he won't get help even though he says...
Feeling crappy when I leave meetings
Hi guys, I'm a bit frustrated at the moment. I have been going to a minimum of 2 meetings a week. I have a scheduled time to call my sponsor weekly and I have a few other program friends whom I chat with every so often during the week. My biggest issue is that I don't feel connected to my sponsor. This past...
Great expectations
I had a light bulb moment...expectations are what has led to my sadness, dissapointment,ect, ect. My expectations were what anyone elses would be. In my marriage, I expected to..... be loved enjoy each others company be nurtured to ha...
MY BIRTHDAY is today so I am OFF on sabatical till MONDAY
I am gonna do some fun stuff.......NO recovery work for Sunday....Its my Birthday, now at 3am, I am still up from watching good movies. Going to go to sleep now and later???? HAVE FUN.....maybe I'll go browse the books at goodwill....OR play on my new "jump ball" where I straddle this big...
to old-timers: Al Anon book recommendation for father in slight denial but open to information!
hello all old-timers, I am seeking for advice. My parents are in town. And alcohol runs in our family, it's a long time history. Not all binge drinkers, but alcohol has always been omnipresent. So for me it has become obvious it is creating problems, where if it would be absent, life could have been nice...
Great Intimacy Meeting today
Thought I would share a cool meeting idea with my recovery pals: Today I went to a great special 3 hr. workshop Al-anon meeting on intimacy. It had so many well thought through ideas and a panel of people with very differing intimacy situations just answering questions out of their own experience--...
Even Gandhi!
"It is wrong and immoral for a nation to supply intoxicating liquor to those who are addicted to drink ". Gandhi (10/2/1869-1/30/48) -- Edited by Bettina on Saturday 21st of September 2013 09:02:04 PM -- Edited by Bettina on Sunday 22nd of September 2013 12:34:55 AM
It's only words.
One thing that's been hitting the "hurt" button with me is reading posts from people talking about their A as their "best friend" who has been "lost" to them. 'Cause my A used to be my best friend too, but I don't think about that anymore. It's been so long since there wa...
Too busy for anything else!
I have noticed my program tools slipping with me basically living at school now and working the weekends. I have had to let house work go and am not able to make it to my Tuesday evening meetings or find time to do much else except school work. I am doing good in school, but they said this program was intense...
I feel like I am disappointing my higher power.
Hi Everyone, My name is slogan_Jim and I am a grateful member of al-anon. I have mentioned in the past that I decided to foster a cat so that I could give pet ownership a try and give me some company. They offered me a cat that had been poisoned by his previous owner and he started experiencing seizures. I br...
Isolating begin today
Hi I'm not in my head or in my body I don't no where I am . My home is now a house of secrets the doors are closed and whispering begins . I have broke down my walls and busted my bubble I am open to all around me to gain access to . I'm scared my confusion has taking over me. I pray that my break down does not have my hu...
Ms co-dependent
Time for some internal housekeeping. Scary.
Hi everyone i have posted here a couple of times and find myself frequently seeking comfort and learning on these pages. So here I am again, and that can only mean there's been yet another drama with the ABH. Promises, promises. All broken. I kicked him out of the house a month ago after his abuse went b...
Sun sun
H.A.L.T. prevention
I am currently understanding 'taking care of ME' by observing very strictly anti-HALT Hungry- I find pleasure in cooking and selecting healthy food--- my body seems to absorb this thankfully, I feel energetic and enjoy the cooking process...gives me creative ME time Angry- I'm tired to be angr...
HP has given me a sense of humor
Hi MIP Family. Here is a small laugh for the day. My partner and I went to Jones Beach today to walk the beach, have lunch and feed the seagulls We purchased a .99 cent package of hot dogs from the Supermarket for the gulls and went to Subways and purchased a $5,00 Foot Long to share. We arrived at the b...
I am new here
So my significant other was dry for a year with the help of antibuse (which he understood would make him violently ill) he made the decision to go off the meds and try drinking socially again. We have had so much go wrong in our year and a half relationship, a house shooting, a major flood, custody battle...
Don't have to be perfect, right?
So yesterday and today I have experienced minor setbacks with my A. I'm not yelling at myself because I know I am making progress overall. But the setbacks did take me by surprise. Yesterday maybe we didn't communicate well. When I thought she would be coming home was not when she came home. She sa...
I notice that I am "infected" by ALANON....
Today, Saturday was the last day that the gal at the front desk worked.... We have quite a history...She came to work a year after I...At first it was "ok" then one day we were facebooking , chatting and she is AT WORK...doing this on company times...I was at home...I realized this and told h...
For the snoopers :)
I'm a huge offender in that area ESPECIALLY when I started making a conscious decision about getting a divorce .. I got my hands on every single piece of paperwork I could get and started filing everything down. In my mind THAT is not snooping that is being proactive and thank goodness I was because he h...
Maybe my thinking is off on this, but I find myself no longer caring if working my program makes a difference for somebody else? Although I do want to carry the message, the results of that carrying of it simply doesn't interest me as much as it once did. What's more important to me is whether or not work...
saw myself
A new member came to my F2F meeting and I saw myself-scared, not knowing what to expect, not knowing the prayer we say together or the format. I felt relief and gratitude after my first meeting and I hope she did too. A few of us spoke to her afterwards (myself included) and a man gave her the newcomer pa...
Happy Birthday Jerry F
Forgot I'm meant to wait on the shelf until I'm needed :-p
So, I took a deep breath, and adjusted my thinking as best I could. See, before I wrote that last post, I made a little plea to the A- just a little one- I said "I'm really struggling with the isolation and loneliness at the moment, do you think you could make an effort to be friendly and speak nicely to...
"In order to keep it...you have to give it away"...My elder sponsor wedged that one into my head when he started to support my growth toward doing service for the program and others. It was cute to me then until I found out that it was really true. He also told me "If you really want to...
Jerry F
another promising day!
I can't believe how things are going in my life these days. I feel the most positive lately. I guess I just am finally in acceptance. It makes a lot of difference if I let go of all the things that prevent from finding serenity. I have noticed how much of the promises have come true this last month especiall...
Hoot Nanny
HP at work
Yesterday was a tough day for me and I spent most of it praying for guidance and help for my son. Late this morning he called me to tell me that he had good news - his unemployment was finally approved and he received a call about a job he applied for. Then he told me something he thought was strange - yesterd...
I just seem to draw them too me....
Today, I go to work and the gal at the front desk whom I had to literally "melt down" w/kindness to a witch....well today, I go in and shes LEAVING......gave her notice on Wed...and Sat. is her last day....not even a week.... well I wish her good luck and tell her I hope it works out and I really d...
Pick up your tools, read your Al-Anon literature, follow the Steps you have learned, get a sponsor. You have choices, you don't have to be sad and crying, ask for help today. Don't wonder if you are doing the right thing, you are.....Al-Anon is tried and true. Ask yourself what is the alternative? Yike...
Please forgive me I blew it BIG Time!!!!
I am horribly embarrassed, made a huge mistake. I have NO excuse and accept any hard feelings. ugh This grieving has made me insane. It had to stop. Not sure what made HP bring this but boy did I learn from it. You guys were WONDERFUL. I learned as usual from you all.It all still fits as the guy has really goo...
Visit by Ric B. to our neck of the woods...
This proves that Alanon can be anywhere... even in New Zealand. The old public hall in Mataura. He is a humble man. In the afternoon session he talked about official Alanon Stuff. In the evening he appeared as Ric B. and gave us his ESH on the steps. All congratulations to the members who arranged this v...
OMG did you know other people can do stuff too?
After my dog's rabbit-massacre 2 weeks ago I really didn't know what to say to the neighbours. So, feeling like a coward I sent them some (overly expensive) flowers and a note to say sorry, and I kept my dog inside while the other dogs were out playing and avoided walking him past their house. And all the w...
Moon trivia!
Tonite's the Harvest Moon....trivia fact that a lot of people will binge drink on the nite of the full moon... Observe.....
Feels so bad.. But I did the right thing
First off, it's "AngieP" had to delete my account and lay low a bit.. Got google and found on here posting about "planning to break off contact."
I did end the relationship tonight as promised to myself as a bday gift (a lil early) and wow was it a firework show, I've been feeling s...
Step One
We are beginning the Steps once again on the Step Work BoardStep 1 and the associated questions have been posted to the Board. Please join us and share your Experience, Strength and Hopehttp://stepwork.activeboard.com/t55025047/alanon-step-1/
How do I keep my mouth shut?!
Ok, So I keep going up and down, back and forth between acceptance and pure fury over my situation with my A. Some days I think, OK, I can do this, I can't change him or control him, just let him do his thing and I will do mine. And then a moment later I am back to giving him a lecture on how much he has hurt me, and t...
Last Friday I posted in regards to a few vows that I wanted to work on. It is amazing once you FINALLY reach the point of understanding that you really are powerless to their addiction, and that the only thing that can be changed is ourselves and our attitudes. I have been attempting to get to this poin...
What was I thinking.... I wasn't thinking!
I'm not sure how it happened. I visited my coworker at her cubicle today because she's the only left of her team after downsizing. She sits in a big room of empty offices and empty cubicles on the other side of our building alone. She isn't going to leave until they tell her to go and that kinda makes sen...
Victim Vs Being Victimized
Something that has come up in my therapy is the whole I'm a victim mentality Vs being victimized and choosing to take a different route. When I first came to Alanon I definitely felt other people did things to me and looking back I can now see how much power I used to give away on a daily basis. I was able to...
I agree about all the posters(not the carboard kind)
Everyone on here has something to add. I appreciate all of you that comment on my posts. I try to put my two cents in every once in a while. I feel compelled to say something even if it is just a short diddy of some kind. I am just being honest & try to be comical once in a while because life can get too seriou...
Hoot Nanny
Mo`o metaphor...
My new avatar is just for me and a reminder about open perceptions and how the program works in so many many ways. That little Mo`o or lizard is a Madagascar which have become way to numerous in a short period of time on the east shore of Hawaii island and my village of Hilo. My office is a garden and I tend...
Jerry F
If alcoholism is a disease...
If alcoholism is categorized as a disease, then why do we say to fully detach from the alcoholic? One wouldn't abandon a family member that had cancer or diabetes. As an example - my son has a dual diagnosis of alcoholism and depression. Both of his sisters have fully detached and feel I should do the s...
new ways, maybe into change!
yesterday i had a minor panic attack due to loneliness that came over me. I have gotten better though, thanks to lessons learned due to meditation. i now know the feeling and the confidence in the fact that storms do pass. It is hard to sit and wait though. But i am learning to trust. So i went out for a walk i...
Mean Spirits & How to Deal.....
Hello MIP Family <3 Sorry its been so Long! I have been Sitting Here Pondering yet another Life Gone to Addictions... Yet Trying to Grasp the Ridicule, and Harsh Slur's from the Judgements in his Death! Tho I Grew up with this Man and Haven't Seen him in Prob. 15yrs, I Still Remember the Man he WAS! But...
A thanks for those who post here regularly
I wonder if you will ever know what a wonderful thing you are doing in sharing your lives. I know that you come here for caring, compassion, an understanding ear and heart, a thumbs up when you are excited or feel you are moving along and a reminder that we all fail and make mistakes and it is a form of growth...
A moment of gratefulness
Should we all be so fortunate to experience a moment like this. AH is very aware of his addiction. He had reached out last Friday to another recovering member who picked him up (AH was half blitzed already) to go to a meeting. He has continued to drink daily since that meeting. He knows how I feel about his...
Addicted to an Addict
Hello everybody, My name is Raven and I'm an addict. I'm addicted to my Alcoholic/Addict Boyfriend. I live in fear and denial of his and my problems. I started thinking that I didn't need 12 steps, because I wasn't the one with the problem. When ABF stopped drinking earlier this year I thought maybe &qu...
Raven Juniper
THANK YOU!!!! :)
Omgosh .. thank you all sooo much!! One hurdle down and there are probably 5 more to go so this is not the end to say the least and I'm sure that the money stuff is going to be what pushes and pulls him over the edge at this point. I am completely shocked and completely in awe .. now .. why couldn't the...
An Anniversary
Tonight one of my alanon groups is celebrating its anniversary. I've never been to an anniversary meeting before, but am really looking forward to it. The timing is perfect too, because it is almost exactly one year since I walked through the doors to my first meeting. My attitude and ways of dealing w...
loneliness-a constant co-dep companion??!
So I went back to step 4 again, and found out more interesting things about where my values get hurt. and one thing that I noticed now, that I never noticed before, going back to my lists I wrote down months ago, is that down on the root of my own Self, there is a huge part of loneliness. which I have difficult...
Have finally hit bottom/desperate for thoughts
Have not been able to stop him from being in my head/heart. Sorta in a weird stale nothingness. It was strange as I could not really not ask HP to please help me. I asked if it was his will to help me feel better. I was afraid of what/how his help would be. Be careful what you ask for. I prayed day before yester...
Don't know how much more I can take
My son was released from the hospital yesterday and I met up with him in the afternoon. He is so depressed....broke, jobless, difficult living situation. I bought him lunch; spent some time with him and when we parted ways he started to cry. It broke my heart. He had confided in me that he had been thinki...
using the tools???? I'm confused
Ok, I'm just figuring this all out.....When you all are talking about using your tools, are you meaning using what you learned, by working the steps???? Is there a book or something with specific things to do in different situations?? I need a sponsor to point me in the right direction for sure.
Blessed with 2 new family's Alaon &
This is true I have to keep going forward to my journey to be free healthy and happy . I love Alaon no one exspect nothing from me just pray for me to change and get better. I also belong to a new family of domestic abuse . They welcomed me to there board with acceptance and there's so many ppl on there that are c...
Ms co-dependent
Many light bulb moments :)
Everything that is coming to a head at the moment and I've experienced some anxiety and loss of serenity for the most part I've been able to hang on to serenity part of the deal through the storm. Mediation is today and my part is completely done. I am really trying to let go of the outcome and it's not eas...
Need some esh~ teenager situation
Greetings I'm going to cross post this in the other forum I'm on so if you see this twice, ignore. Ok I was reading a article about parental enabling..and wondering if those with children, teens or stepchildren might give me some esh? I'm realizing I may be enabling this boy with a few of his behaviors. I...
Addict in a Hole
I stole this from an NA website, although it was written by an addict/alcoholic, for an addict/alcoholic, I thought It was extremely powerful for both the addict/alcoholic AND their loved one. It puts into perspective that we, as the loving family members who are on a consistent and trying journe...
Oooo, I've run up against a codependency trigger...
My birthday is coming up, and after YEARS of not doing anything to celebrate it except to stay at home with my AH (if he is in town) and my children, this year I really, really wanted to go out and do something. I still don't know a lot of people or have a large group of friends here, but I reached out to my smal...
Hitting rock bottom is good
I have to say thank you to my husband for all the bad things he did all the harm and that last button he pushed made me hit the bottom of that his job was done to bring me there. We all have a purpose in life and I guess we change by the poor choices and the suffering that goes with it. He sober today his higher powe...
Ms co-dependent
Adversity is an Opportunity
" Have you ever noticed that great moments of courage & Wisdom come in response to a great problem. Adversity gives us an opportunity to bring out our best." unk
Why did I stay with someone that treated me like crap?
I was reading other posts - not judging but feeling bad and wondering what is the point of staying with someone that treats you like crap? Of course then I had to remember, which I often do, that I have a long history of staying in crappy relationships and that continued all the way up until working the 12 s...
A long rant that contains the word "HE" a lot.
Ugh, A has switched addictions again and I must get my head together and control my anger and dissapointment and keep the focus on myself! When I met him, he was an out of control drunk who would make booty-calls at 3am every night; and, being a newly-single and awfully codependant mum I was just lonely e...