Been gone awhile and desperate for help.
So here's my story. Where I came from, what happened, and where I am today. I am 27 years old and have been married to my husband 5 months, we've been together 5 years. He is a recovering alcoholic. He was drinking and using for the first 2 years of our relationship, and thankfully has 3 years sober and cont...
Here is a little something to pray for.
HOPE!! Just found out that the state legislature is considering a proposal that all the liquor licensenees in the state have their employees that handle alcohol from the establishment to the drinker be educated on alcohol and the effects it has on drinkers plus a few other twists. I have no idea if t...
Jerry F
Prayer Request for mbub
Good morning fellow members Because I believe so strongly in the power of prayer, I am asking as many who care to to join me in prayer today for mbub. Some of you may know her and others not, she is having treatment today for a tumor in her head. I believe that the more prayers go up the better able HP is able to...
I have to talk to someone; I can't handle this anymore (sorry-long)
I have to get this off my chest. My husband is an alcoholic. He accepts that he is an alcoholic; he embraces the fact that he is an alcoholic; he brags to buddies about how much he drinks. He doesn't think he is doing anything wrong because he still gets up in the morning and goes to work every day. His ac...
What a good weekend
I had a great weekend full of recovery. It was our annual round up here. I hadn't been in a couple of years. This year it was gently suggested that I go. For me. I have missed it so. The speakers, the fellowship. Seeing friends who I haven't seen in years in some cases. Just the love. So, I went. The speakers w...
Step Work on MIP???
Hello Family, So I have had this idea rolling around in my head for quite some time. I am getting ready to do my second round of the steps with my sponsor. I have always had this urge to really get into some deep discussions here with my MIP family regarding the steps and learn what the people I spend so muc...
I have to do this
Since I found this site I've learned so much. Mostly to take care of me first which includes learning to detach from my AH. I've quit nagging him about his drinking, I don't yell at him or argue about the help I don't get from him. I don't try to make him eat, shower or do anything else. I've let him be even whe...
Valentines Day
This has been talked about on this board before but it is now imminent and I am feeling increaslingly sad. AH and I met on Valentine's day 40 years ago. He gatecrashed a party I held with fellow flatmates. I got talking to him at the end of the evening, he asked me out and the rest, as they say, is history. We h...
12 Steps of Pre-Program
Hi folks.....a friend sent this to me, I like it......... thought you might too. Don't know the original source.........maybe you will. 1. We admitted we were powerless over nothing - that we could manage our lives perfectly and those of anyone else who would allow us. 2. Came to believe there was...
Why Do People Think They Are All Above It?
I am the mother of an addicted adult son. I love my son very much and someday I hope he will love himself also. I cringe when I hear people giving their opinion on addicts and what should be done about them. "They (addicts) should be put into prison with the key thrown away", I would never put up...
NEW * Addiction to oxycontin, what do I do?
Where do I begin? It has been hectic past couple of weeks and not being able to get here hasn't helped. The first trauma/drama was husband having chest pains and being admitted to the hospital and getting a 2nd stint put in his heart. He had a blockage of over 93% in his artery. They said it was so close that...
is this to good to be true?
Okay, so I confronted my A Fiance, who has been drinking off and on since I met him. The only reason he stopped in the past was his DUI..SO-little background- He's got 4 DUI's went to treatment, 6 times I think. He at first said, no way I am not going to quit blah blah...then the next day(which was yesterd...
The changing tide in my recovery
Family, I came across the following, which I wrote back in July 2008 [how time flies] and thought it worth posting again as I have kept it safe to happen upon it again someday. That someday is today: "Gratitude leads to humility - so I am told, and if that is the case then I need to make sure that my humi...
had an awful fright!
am back! been at AH's side for the past two days, nursing him back to health. oh yes! despite him wrecking the former marital home and destroying a lot of my possessions, and despite my being resolute that i could see no future for us, when he text me in the middle of the night saying he was really ill...
miss lucy
Snow In Alabama ???
Family, It doesn't snow in Alabama very often, but it is as I post. For those of you who are not aware, just the mention of snow in our forecast causes a stampede of grocery shoppers that wipe out every loaf of bread and every gallon of milk available while the rest of the world laughs at us. We treat 2&q...
Have A Wonderful Valentines Day
(((((Hello my Friends)))))). First of all Happy Valentines Day to all of you young at heart out there...and for those of you are still couples may you treasure these simple things in life....a card...a hug or even a happy valentines day wish from the one you love....... I have been having some sad mome...
Another little Gem that spoke right to my heart!
We do what it is that we think we not ought to hoping that we will get what it is that isn't possible! Curtesy of our very own Jerry F, ya just gotta love him to bit's, I do mwah x Katyx
Help with 3 C's
One of the three C's, anyway. Hi. I'm new, sponsorless, and hoping for a little guidance. I think I've got the "can't control it" and "can't cure it." It's just a matter of making it habitual in my day-to-day life. I'm having trouble, however, with the "didn't cause it.&qu...
I took another small step for me....
First of all, thank you to everyone who offers ESH to me whenever I post, I take what I need and remember it when I'm going through things. I am so happy to have found this site, it keeps me grounded in between F2F meetings. My step.... tonight my Abf told me that he loves me. He had therapy today and appar...
Where we are today
My daughter is going to treatment again. Her husband said they can talk with no promises on what thier future will be. I did go too the al-anon meeting here last night. To my surprise I am not alone. Our stories are different yet all the same. I could have written most of the posts others did. Last night I ju...
I'm doubting my actions
I've been in the al-anon program for seven months now and I had been told to try and hold off on any major decisions for the first year. Seven months ago my AH finally admitted he had a problem and saught help. This admission was made after about a month of me completely shutting him out.. He entered himsel...
New here....
Hello. I am new here, but not new to Al Anon. Aside from being an alcoholic, my Father is very, very ill. I honestly do not know how is body is even functioning. He looks so sick. Every day I wonder if I will get "the call". I even have a hard time talking to him on the phone. He is really out of contr...
Greetings, You wil have to pardon me but I do not know all the acronyms for this forum as I am very new to understanding addiction and this forum. In fact this is my first outreach I guess you could say. My Husband is recovering from Achoholism and addiction to opiets. I am deeply in love with my husband...
Rebecca 31003
New Yorker article on alcohol
The current issue of the New Yorker has an interesting article on alcohol by Malcolm Gladwell (author of The Tipping Point, etc.) He talks about evidence for what alcohol really does. People have considered it a drug that lowers your inhibitions, but some researchers think that what it really doe...
Ok, I know what I'm supposed to do in this situation and that's NOTHING. Mind my own business, keep my mouth shut, etc. But some days it's just so dang hard! That's why I'm posting here. I am so angry at my A. I'm so tired of doing almost everything around here by myself. Yes, some things can be let go if he d...
My ABF is in recovery and we chat about the programme sometimes. He has started to identify how sick other people are in his family etc. It is lovely to watch him grow although I am keeping the focus on my recovery as I have so much work to do myself. Here is a good example. Before the A I was married for 1...
I certainly hate having to put up with the tantrums that A's have when someone says no to them, at the moment I am curing my new stove which means burning all the black wax and excess polish off, all doors and windows are open as this is a process. A wanted to use a wire brush on new stove, categorically told h...
maire rua
A ME Day!
I am married to a dry drunk who acts like a total jerk most of the time. Note to the alanon police, LOL, I didn't call him a jerk, I said he "ACTS" like a jerk most of the time, LOL. Anyway, LOL... I have adjusted, detached, and moved on emotionally for the most part, but at times his behavior is...
Where and how to draw the line
Yesterday for the first time in 17 years...I got the brunt of my A Father's anger. I know that I am not "exempt" from the anger. It's just that I haven't been one of his targets for a very long time. There were 12 years where we had no contact in between there. Anyways, I am really trying to set bou...
falling out of love
How do you stay in a relationship with an alcoholic? My fiance is a functional alcoholic, has 4 DWI's, three were before we met which we have been together 4 years...he got the fourth when my youngest was 2 months old and my oldest was 17 months..we were out of town and he got wasted rolled his truck. He dri...
All of the stresses are finally getting to me. The major one is financial. I don't even want to begin to think how we're going to handle all our financial problems when AH gets out of jail - the way it looks now, it's going to take YEARS to get back on track. Anyway, I find myself taking a lot of this out on m...
A bit of an update
Hello family, I haven't posted in a while. Lots of things going on. A revelation of sorts has happened to me. I have spent alot of time in the last few months putting my focus on the ex. One thing I noticed is I go to fantasy land. Watching my thoughts I find while in this state, my thoughts are always on...
What I don't understand
I get what everyone is saying about enabling and I don't want too do that. My question is, it is very cold out, she has no place too live, she has a job but the money is all gone. If I give her money to live how can that be wrong? How can I say well you are on your own. Her husband is gone and I know in my heart he is not...
I just need too talk
Some time ago I came into this group because I had found out my daughter was drinking. Since then she went to treatment and I prayed her life would get on track. Last night I found she is drinking again and her husband has left her. I can't say I blame him and I believe nothing she says.The fact is though she i...
Immediate help needed please
She caught me off gaurd. Our cell phones are missing or broken for about a week now. Due t the snow my ABF called his mother from the house phone to check in last night. Well first thing this morning she calls to ask if he went to work today and that her power is off. Well without thinking I gave her his work num...
Momentary Weakness
Tonight I was watching this special on CNN. It just came on while I was on the treadmill at the gym. It was about how cheap and easy it is to get pain pills in Florida and how people can even track them to places like Kentucky and Tennessee for large profits. My mind instantly went to why the A wanted to go t...
Reality is sometimes quite nauseating
So I posted here a while back about my dilemma with getting my brother out of my house. I had set a deadline of February 5th for him to be moved out. Being the good little sister that I try to be, February 5th came and went and I wouldn't put him out on his ear because he had not received his last paycheck from...
How Do You Know?
Hi, I am new to this site so I thought I would share a little about me. I was raised in an alcoholic home. Mum was quite functional, went to work during the week, got smashed on the weekends and that was the "norm". I married an alcoholic when I was 21, divorced him when I was 30. During the end of t...
Thank you Canadian Guy!
((((((Family)))), Just wanted to give a GREAT BIG SHOUT OUT thank you to Canadian Guy. His offer of Toby Rice Drews' book was a wonderful help to a dear friend. I got her the book Getting Them Sober. She was a little intimated by Alanon. But after reading her book she understood what was going on wit...
It seems that many of us on this site try to be friends with our exes. Just questioning the wisdom of those choices and how that works out for everyone....?
Moral Support
My ex AH is stuck in Wilmington, NC with nowhere to go, can't get into any recovery houses he says. It's freezing cold and windy here today. He's at the library messaging me saying that he feels like he can't go on. I feel like an evil B!t@# because I won't drop what I'm doing and go help him out yet again....
I feel good today
Just wanted to pass it on!! Life can be SO good. Had a home decorating party last night with 10 women and it went great. Can't remember the last time I laughed that long and that hard. Today, I'm just smiling!
Sweet Stanley
Reality has kicked home today
today has been a really bad one. emotionally. i have witnessed my AH removing any possessions he had left in his home that we shared and putting them in the Biffa bin not 20 feet from where i live. the temptation to run out and claim anything i wanted to keep was almost too much but i managed to close the c...
miss lucy
Resentments !!!
In the dictionary it states........ "Resentment" can result from a variety of situations involving a perceived wrong. The dictionary also defines "resentment" as a feeling of displeasure of indignation from a feeling of being wronged. From time to time that definition ...
Breaking Up is Hard to do...
Hi there MIP support group! I really need your ESH today... Its been 3 days since I broke up with the (ex) ABF. I miss him and am second guessing my decision. I have not contacted him since Friday and he has not contacted me. I want him to at least know that I am thinking of him - but that could have good or ba...
He left rehab..
Found out today that the A left the rehab a couple of days ago. His mom was fuzzy on the details as to why, etc. I just got this strange text from him tonight that said "Got any advice for a new local?" I was picking up my child from his mom's after my church class and showed it to her. She said ma...
I First want to say THANK YOU to ALL that Responded to my "In Need Of Sunshine & ESH Please :O)" Post... I learned alot of wonderful things & I hope that i can use them to help me move thru this step... I have been at it for a while now, so have decided that till I can get a date with my Sponsor...
Girls please read this book
this post is aimed mainly at the girls amongst us (sorry boys - no disrespect intended) when i was in therapy i was asked to read Women who love too much by Robin Norwood. Some of you have commented on several of my posts that you wish you had my strength, my hope and my determination to make something out o...
miss lucy
How to deal with this?
I just got home from my meeting and found AH more drunk than he has been in months. When I walked in the door, he was at the bottom of the stairs, hauling a bag of stuff into the garage. I noticed something on the wall, so I went downstairs and looked at it. He had made a hole in the wall (which we just had pain...
Reflecting on Valentine's Day-I hate it!
Well as most of you know this time of year is hard for me, and I'm working my program hard, but still struggling. Still trusting though that even though this waiting and being still is HARD, that is is what I am meant to be doing. Valentine's Day is approaching, and it makes me think of my first V day with EX...
The AH is coming back (LONG)
So the ex AH just left about 3 weeks ago after staying with me almost 3 months. I said in the beginning "NEXT" in regard to the new /old girlfriend (knew from childhood and reunited on facebook) and him trying so desperately to find someone to rescue him and save him from himself. Soooo thi...
and so the disease progresses
Disease is progressingIve heard today my Ason is up in court next week for trying to break into a chemist shop (looking for diazepam no doubt). He has also broken a bone in his foot trying to kick the door down in another shop (looking for drink) so that will be another court appearance. He is now never sob...
In Need Of Sunshine & ESH Please :O)
At Times I have these Ruts that never seem to give up or in... This last 5-7 days have been Super Trying, not so much on my Program... Just everyday (Out of My Control things)... 1st would be the Snow storm that brought close to 36" inches of snow & dropped it in our way...lol... I have shoveled, p...
Why is it that I read all the insightful, inspiring messages here and feel strong and no longer alone and ready to tackle these problems and then get home and get sucked right into my Abf's constant, daily drama? He is a dry drunk that has pretty much broken any feeling I have for him and I've told him so. ...
Power and Control...
Help me out on this please. All feedback is welcomed. I'm revisiting an old reaction (Don't react!! LOL my bestest slogan personally given by an early sponsor) to another person's innate practice of power and control. My stomach is flexing and not so that I can create a 6 pack abs condition. Its b...
Jerry F
Still grieving the past, and just when I thought I was done
First I wanted to say Thank you to all the folks yesterday for the responses, emails to my post.....Another one bites the dust:) For anyone to tell me that I am helping ease their pain through a difficult times means so much to mean, it lets me give back and that is what I hope to do more of....eventually...
Which is worse?
Which is worse? Leaving him and missing him. Or him leaving and missing him. He left me and our marriage five years ago. When I have clarity, I realize that he was gone "mentally" many times before he actually left. I fight my obsession of the mind. He's gone, moved on, we have little contact....
Watchin' My Motives!
Okay, friends ... today I need to take a look at my motives! I just had a conversation with my AH. During the conversation, I told him that I was worried he may be getting sick again. It seems like a good thing to be able to convey how I feel, and I am allowed to care. It's surely a fine line, though. W...
White Rabbit
Another one bites the dust!
Well to make a long story short........the guy I was dating and I broke up today. As I wrote this am I had been thinking about it for my reason, he had been for his. It didn't happen the way I had wanted it too, but it was a good thing. The sad part is I knew when I woke up this am that it had to happen, yet I knew h...