Step Question
Howdy! Ok step one : We admitted we were powerless over alcohol that our lives had become unmanageable. Pretty straight forward i guess... Well not so much...(I am the analogy queen just so you know this now lol) If i want to make brownies i turn the box around and read the directions. I follow them and i g...
Narcissistic anyone?
I had court yesterday and I figured I could use a counseling session afterwards. So as I was talking about the day with exAH and how he has hardly worked due to his drinking and needing to sleep it off until noon that resulted in him not having to pay child support. Which i didn't even go after him for child s...
Black Out
Could someone please explain what actually happens when a person who has been drinking alcohol has a blackout. Can someone who just starting drinking have a blackout?Does it only happen to someone who is progressed in alcoholism? Is it the amount of booze they drink? All responses are appreciated....
pinkchip ty for yur post
just what i needed to hear if u read my posts ive left on here youll understand why,and if u have time do plz read my post.its not easy for me at all but ive got to really get to working harder on my recovery before im doomed,ty agin for yur post and do keep coming back,ill be looking for yur posts......chinup...
Twists and Turns - Making me feel like i can't go on.
Honestly - this is just a vent. I have to do it as I am losing it this very minute. Peak hour/dinner time/bed time in the family home. He had drunk one bottle of wine onto the next. He thinks he's funny and I don't know what - I just find it unsettling, loud, boistourous (sp?) and just generally not conducive...
I need to talk to someone
Over the last several years my girlfriend has put herself in harms way everytime she had a drink. From falling flat one her face to driving blacked out. It is kind of a long story, but i am sure everyone's is. It went on too long with her doing something really stupid like hitting me, to where i shut down emo...
Life after Rehab (newbie)
Greetings everyone... I am new to the boards, new to al-anon, and fairly new to relating to an alcoholic. My fiancee and I met in HS, and after 20 some years re-met. Fell fast in love, and after six months, moved in with one another. I knew he drank some, but not as much as I later discovered. After a serie...
Is it really a sign?
I used to be good at ignoring signs, unless of course they smacked right in the head.
Well I have been asking my HP to please give me signs and help me on what I should do about my ABF. (I posted my story about him and I and he is currently in jail)
I have been talking to my sister and sharing all the details o...
my a,b/f dont live here i wont let him 1st of all,he says he loves me so so so much,he sounds so sicere like its coming from down deep in his heart,but in the beginning 3 yrs ago he used people for all they was worth he sucked the life out of me almost ,untill i put a stop to it now he lives with his boss and his fami...
Something that is bothering me...
Maybe you guys can help me see this in a different way? After the meeting ended the other night, we were all chatting a bit. An older man came up to me and said "Why don't you leave that bad guy of yours and find a nice guy, theres plenty out there?" I responded meekly, because I didn't know wha...
I just realized
I changed from my grandsons pic as my avatar to a slug! hahahaha deb
"Mourning" (and my introduction)
Hi, Im PoF and Im a newbie.I wont go into the details of how I ended up here, only that once upon a time I had the perfect husband, perfect kids, perfect home, perfect lifeand alcoholism took most of that away from me.After (too many) years of attempting to help/support/cure/coerce my ex-husband into r...
Party of Five
Calling on linbaba/ "The Devil in a Sunday Dress"
Dear linbaba, I just read the post you made to Katy ("learning to love the person"). I feel that there are some message in there that are so well explained and would be of great help to a fledgling like myself. Would it be possible for you to make it a whole thread within itself (by special requ...
For those of us who are fixers
What should I tell my child?
Over the past few years my husband's alcoholism has gotten much worse. My daughter is nearly 7 and by now I know she realizes that sometimes daddy's drinking makes me very unhappy, and I think she's just beginning to realize that when he behaves obnoxiously it has something to do with his drinking bee...
So, had court today. When AH found out that he was not going to be allowed to come back home, he freaked. Started getting irate with me, and telling me that I didn't support him at all in this whole thing. According to him, my lawyer, my counsellor and the CAS are all wrong, and I am scared of all of them, and w...
HUMOR Making A Point.......Let Go And Let God
A man was walking along a rocky path overlooking a canyon hundreds of feet below when he slipped on the loose rock and fell straight down. He was lucky to grab hold of one small vine as he was falling and held on for dear life. He realized the small vine would not support him for long so he yelled at th...
is being teachable Jerry F", my elder sponsor taught me while I was working thru powerlessness and using rationalizations to decide what I work on and what I don't work on in recovery. I had a sponsor and was trying to do it my way anyway. I don't know exactly what lesson I was objecting to and mayb...
Jerry F
Today's Exercise
Good Morning Family and Friends! Today I am going to do Extreme Facial Exercise. All it requires is that I walk around all day with a big smile on my face.
I am so stressed.
I run a day home where I care for multiple children. Yesterday I was sick but worked anyways so parents would not have to find alternate care in the morning. I did let them know I would not be working today. I am still sick and cannot care for multiple children without strain on me physically. I sent an...
Sometimes YOU know best and if so, keep on badgering the powers that be until they listen to YOU.
Good evening folks, Yes it's me again, just checking in. I have been in plaster yet again and found myself very limited in what I could do. I have also battled with cabin-fever again but at last I am out of plaster and able to get around a bit better albeit still on crutches. I am not out of the woods yet. ...
A God Story
I was asked to help a woman find and buy a car, so I went on craigslist, and knowing she didn't have much money, and I'd probably have to help out with some money, I put in a low maximum price. Several came up, but they all needed alot of work. I kept going through the sale ads, and suddenly one ad stuck out....
Never thought of this.....
I recently found out that someone I work with is an alcoholic. I have always had such a great relationship with her; and finding out that she's in recovery only makes me respect her more. I love that I can go to her with my issues and know that she understands. It also helps because she is on the other side; s...
I'm beyond sad, beyond angry
Beyond frustrated and I'm tearing ready to cry and go throw a tantrum out in my back yard. Another death to alcohol...another innocent victim run over and dragged beneath the van of a drunk until dead; not a native sun a student at our local college from Texas. I want to storm the legislature and screa...
Jerry F
One Day at a time--January 17 page 17
I am not sure if I am doing this right, but I am reading from One Day at a time and this Today's Reminder really sticks out for me: "I will clear out of my life and mind all the tools of destruction I have been using. I know they can do nothing to improve my situation. I will make myself learn to use a new s...
He asked permission to drink
Hello all....well today is my ABF's bday and I wanted to have a nice day. He hasn't been drinking for the past couple of months, but today he sent me a text message telling me that he is having a party on saturday and asked what I thought about him drinking. Everything went numb. I don't know what to do anymo...
This past weekend, my wife and I took our kids to a bounce house. For those who are not familiar, bounce houses are basically large warehouses filled with giant inflatable bouncing things, slides, etc. Our kids love them, as do all kids. I only wish they had them when I was younger! Anyway, we love seein...
Blessings Big & Small :)
This past Weekend...My Husband & I were the only ones to go on the Kayaks, and I had never floated that area of River Before & the Veiws were Breathe Taking... I got to See 3 Bald Eagles, 1 Baby Bald Eagle, and Critters Gallore... You know when I am sitting out on a River by myself, & My Husband i...
I feel the need to share- sorry this is really long
Well I feel I need to share, get it off my chest or whatever we are going to call this...so here goes nothing :)
I met my ABF just over a year ago. He actually worked for my husband. I was at a super low point in my life. A few months later I left my husband (this was in the works already for me) I ran into the arms...
I'm back, beaten down and lost!!! (LONG)
I've been doing this for almost nine years, Left and went back, left and went back again and again. I feel as if I've burnt all my bridges with my family. I now am in my bedroom all the time except for work, which I am glad I have. No vechicle, my handicap brother is living us. requires assistant being fed, ge...
What to do when you have a little one?
So I'm new here, but not new to Al-Anon. I have been in & out of Al-Anon meetings over the years. And about 4 years ago, we finally split (for many reasons, not just his alcoholism) He got better, I got better, and we got back together. I thought I'd never have to deal with this again, but it reared its ug...
What do to tell people
I'll try to make this short....
When you all go to meetings what do you tell people?
Simple question I am sure but not so simple for me. I've always been crazy open with my family and friends. However for many reasons I feel this however is none of thier business. When someone asks what I am doing or to d...
Good things happen :) and a spiritual message...
Today I feel good. I had a good last few days actually. Even though bf drank Saturday, I didn't react and I remained calm. We had a good relaxed day actually and I took a lot of time to just be in the moment. I can be happy or I can get upset. Its a lot nicer to be happy. So Sunday and Monday were extra nice be...
Glad I'm not alone...
I have been what you can call a wallflower to this message board for sometime...when things got really rough, I'd read though and take comfort that I'm not alone. I was a member a few years back, but lost the sign on info...never forgot the site. Anyway... Things have just gotten horrendous...He got a D...
Asking for Much-Needed Prayers
If you believe in the power of prayer, please pray for my ex spouse. He was unable to attend our eldest son's wedding yesterday because he was ill. Whether he was actually sick or just to humiliated to attend, I do not know. I'm beyond the point to try to see the truth. I did attend the wedding; it was hel...
How Do You Define the Word: Selfish?
Since beginning meetings, I've pondered the definition of the word "selfish." I haven't looked in any dictionary, but I've thought a lot about my understanding of the word through my experiences. This past weekend, my ex has been going through hell with his delusions once again. It'...
The last day for my son (over 21) to be here was yesterday, he came by after a long weekend w/his girlfriend/buddy, to pick up the tent etc. I told him to leave the keys and that he could keep his belongings in my little cabin, until he found a place. He is not happy because I am "kicking" him out. H...
Maintaining my serenity
Hi. I am a very grateful member of Al-Anon. This evening my A tried to (it seemed to me) goad me into entering a discussion which would soon escalate into some form of verbal confrontation. She'd been drinking upstairs and I was waiting to actually see if she had been drinking, after she'd spoken a few s...
One day at a time....
Where to begin...first off I'm new to this website. I am reaching out for support from others. My fiance and I have been together for 4 1/2 years but only lived with one another for a year now. I have two kids in past relationship so I never spent the night at his house when we were dating. I didn't know h...
wonderful posts
just wanna say i love all of these posts,ive learned a gr8t deal,ty all and i love each and everyone of u.
still getting norply@activeboard new post in????its bogging my email down ,help
thanks for yur help ann ,i still cant figure this one out ive tried everything,lol i just wonder if the emails r coming off of a old account cause ive deleted several accounts and started new ones and every time i did it was still there even with the new accounts,i need help plz....chinup
Trying to let go of resentments...
I'm trying to let go of resentments today, but am so far highly unsuccessful. My husband is actively drinking, but trying to gain some better coping skills in hopes that he won't have to rely on alcohol as much. He's also getting therapy and we are in marriage counseling which I applaud him for. One posi...
How I've Preserved My Sanity This Weekend
This weekend has been one of the hardest in a long time. As some of you may know by reading my post from yesterday that my ex-AH is suffering from hallucinations again. This time he thinks that I had sex with one of his brothers the night of our eldest son's wedding. The ex lives on the same property as t...
Where does one draw the line?
In taking care of myself, and only working on myself and being there for my children, I have been able to completely block out the ExA in my life, he tries everything he can to get my goat and I just ignore it all.....the emails, the texts, and I never let him know how I'm feeling deep inside. He must think I...
Impending doom - Anxiety in the morning, ES&H?
Hi all, I was just wondering if anyone had any ES&H to share on the topic of anxiety and depression in the morning? I have this peculiar feeling, particularly on Mondays, a feeling of impending doom and hopelessness. I hate to get up. I normally try at least to do my daily reading, in an attempt t...
still getting the same problem with my email being backed up
its all still going into my email,,,,says noreply@activeboard....new post in?how do i get this to stop.ty muches for yur help....chinup
Pssst White Rabbit
Since I can not throw a get together and make you wear a paper plate hat with the present bows on top like my family of origin is prone to do ... I offer my congratulations. And a prayer, may your child be blessed and never want for the simple things in life. Jen
Ok, I just wanted to see what you do when that hormonal thing happens to you *every* month...how you handle that crankiness? Those that have already gone through the change, maybe you have some wisdom? And those that have worked the steps, do the hormones still affect you? I am just wondering becau...
Maybe some light at the end of the tunnel...
My A checked himself into the hospital Friday after a week of not drinking, he was still detoxing and having halucinations and losing blocks of time, snapping to in the strangest places. At the hospital, they 302'd him because he has been actively suicidal (not actually doing anything but going pla...
Court again this week
Hi everyone. Hope you all had a good weekend. So.. just a bit of an update. CAS has allowed AH to come home for the weekends, although it still has to be supervised. I was okay with it, even a little happy about it at first. I really needed his help with things. The first weekend was last weekend, and he came a...
Does music....
Danielle reminded me. Do you guys find it hard to listen to music as it brings back memor99ies when you and A were ok,or even great? I was/am a real music person. A was a great musician, and quite famous in his time. Sadly during a time when friends were dieing from being idiots drinking and doing heroin. A...
problems with my email getting bogged down with mess.board topics
what setting in here (message board)do i go to to stop all the messageboard topics from going to my email.my email is bogged down i must have allowed a setting the other week and didnt know what i did,plz can anyone help me to reverse this mistake?
Wrong to ask questions?
I felt attacked by a fellow al-anon member. I had a discussion earlier this week with a friend who told me his dad 'used' to be an alcoholic. I agrued with him that there is no 'used' to be, but he claims that his dad was but now in his late years can drink socially and control it. I've always heard that alc...
geting to the place of surrender
When I met the ex A I had already been in therapy and in some kind of 12 step program for a long time. I really felt like I had a lot of insight and a great deal of recovery. Indeed I had come a long long way in looking at my childhood issues. I was no longer in denial about my childhood was one where I was abused...
I *love* my new table!
I decided to try sitting at a different table this week -- wow am I ever glad I did! They're incredible... I don't even know how to describe it, except to say that the energy there is just amazing. And they've hit the right balance -- they're not afraid to share when they're struggling, and they also share...
Learning to love the person!
Our son is twenty he lives here at home, he is a sensative lad with an heart of gold, he is always ready to help anyone, is sociable and gentle, he's gulable and daft, he likes getting drunk though and has been out of his head three times this week already, last night he came staggering home just after midn...
Could someone please give clarification?
Hi, everyone. As many of you already know I am struggling to learn as much as I can about addiction and recovery. I often see written here, on the board, that only the alcoholic can say that he/she is an alcoholic (addict). I sense that this is some kind of "sacred rule" in alanon. I confes...
Here we go again
Hello, I went down this road many years ago with my husband and daughters father John. Alcohol and drugs ended up taking his life 7 years ago May 5th. I went to meetings and worked the steps and before and after his death. Al-anon was a blessing for me and in many ways still helps me today, but I haven't wor...
Is it true or am I just imagining
That our drunks, our alcoholic's are these really great, intelligent, sensitive, talented people. As I read some of the topics and think about the people I know it seems that these type of people are really special, what is it, a mere coincidence or what? Is there any truth in this, can anyone shed some...
Wife is in jail tonight
I sure hope someone is around tonight. My wife just got out of ReHab 10 days ago ... 28 days in Seattle. She was so happy and positive when she got home! It was great to have her back!! Yesterday afternoon or evening she took a pill. I don't know how long she'd been taking them again or if this was the first tim...