I'm New
Hello I'm Adi I am the partner of an alcoholic and I never thought I would be looking for help because I do the helping and I need to stop it. My A (I've noticed that is the name your mostly using) is 'doing well' with his sponsor I think, it's hard to know whats true...but after the last 'big thing' I gave myse...
i didnt have to say NO
i just ignored it and when my a b/f called he said nothing about her or even mentioned her name to me he was off on a whole diff. problem than her,so i never mentioned her either so all that frustrating i done for nothing when there nothing even ever came of it so i guess they had made other arrangements anywa...
Struggling to move forward
I'm struggling so much, I feel so lost. I literally feel insane. My AH hit rock bottom 19 months ago when he drove drunk and injured a number of people - he's been in recovery since. I hit my bottom about 6 months later as AH's legal consequences were in full swing.
I've been in Al-Anon for 13 months, work...
Anniversary this weekend
AW & my 11th wedding anniversary is this weekend. Things have been really rough between us the past few years especially. We (I) started talking about a trial separation a few months ago. She seems to think I am talking about a divorce & doesn't understand that I think we need a break from each o...
Country Boy
Disappointed, disgusted, ready to quit the relationship
I have been dating a recovering alcoholic for just about 9 months. He is just over 10 months sober (I did not know he was in recovery until we were dating nearly 2 months). I have needed some emotional support the last few days due to a scary medical situation. I am still awaiting test results with no id...
My Mom
Hi everyone:) My mom emailed me about a week ago. Saying her friend had dropped off some clothes (then she emailed my S/O) mother who is 8 hours away from her asking if she was coming down on Thanksgiving to see family if she wouldn't mind talking them. I haven't spoken to my mom since March (six months ago...
9/11 Photo
https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/ZyZ7wwoAK-SegvjXm8iV3TffED60LoWb-3UxVckO2rI?feat=directlink-- Edited by InspiredPhotography on Tuesday 11th of September 2012 08:04:56 PM -- Edited by InspiredPhotography on Tuesday 11th of September 2012 08:25:25 PM
Need some POSITIVITY??!
So my photo shoot canceled, on the up side I had a great time with my gf (who I babysat for) we went out and took the kids to a park. Something so simple can uplift your spirits. The weather was off and on rainy but that didn't stop me from having a smile on my face! Any positive happenings in your life right no...
Thought For Today
"Today I'll allow others to say what they think and allow myself to think about what they say." - Hope For Today
Please share your experience
I'm starting to wonder if the disease is really starting to take a stronger hold on my hubby. I don't keep tabs on his drinking usually but I think I've definitely been noticing an increase unlike anythng I've seen before. I'm just fact-gathering for if/when I have opportunity to have a constructive c...
I wrote a letter about injecting heroin to the parents of an escort I fell in love with.
I feel so bad it was a few months ago. I have such great guilt and feeling of betrayal to her. She has not talked to me since, I think she has been though a recovery with counselling and free of heroin but not knowing is just so heartbreaking to me not to be able to communicate with someone I spent every oth...
First F2F meeting last night!!!
It was great. It was actually a Nar-Anon meeting but that's because my son is an addict. I found alanon years ago, right here, because of my AH. But the fact is I just needed a program for ME. So I believe that I should do both so that I can relate my situation best to each group. I was grateful to find a Nar-Ano...
This to shall pass. (share)
Hi, My name is slogan_Jim and I am a grateful member of Al-Anon. I would like to share on the slogan 'This to Shall Pass' Tonight, I decided to become the GR of my home group. It's something I look forward to and a challenge that I am excited to take on. I have thought about it for awhile, consulted with other...
Wondering if AH has really stopped...
My AH says he has not had anything to drink. 6 days ago he drank some beer when a buddy stopped by the house. I thought something was fishy. I asked if he had been drinking. He said no. I could smell it on his breath. He admitted to just a swallow, not the whole can. For ages, seems like several years, AH...
What is crosstalking?
Offering advice, directly speaking to an individual member instead of the group, Cross Talk is not referring to someones share if you are moved by it or if it reminds you of your own experience. Nor is sharing your own experience in response to a share. We try to avoid offering unsolicited advice or ins...
feeling so drained from not being able to voice myself.
my a mother after 2 yrs of haveing nothing to do with me is now in much need to use me agin,well she needs a haircut my a wants me to over to her house to cut her hair and she will pay me,ugh no this i dont want to do at all its not worth it to me but i havent the guts to even answer my a ph. calls,cause i dont know how to t...
red flags of a new relationship... sigh
Ok his name is Charlie. This guy loved me from the minute he saw me. How did I know? He got right next to me and gave me his full attention. I was a gonner. It's been so fun, lotsa laughs, going for walks. He hangs out when I clear out the yucky bushes and stuff up here,or relaxes on the deck with me. Never, every...
alcoholic son signed out of rehab. i'm ok...
i don't want to get into too many details. son signed out of rehab. because i am blessed with this program, i am remaining serene about his decision. however my elderly parents who are very close to him are just devastated. i saw them age before my eyes. my mother just about cried as she is so upset. ...
The man has no human feelings.
He loves cats. He has two. He dotes on them. I love cats too...and dogs...I love their company...I prefer theirs to his. It has dawned on me after all these years that he has no human feelings. No caring, no empathy, no feelings of any kind toward other people except hate. So sad. I shake my head an...
Update......in a bad place.
Its almost 5am here in Scotland, Ive just returned from our local A&E where Ive been since midnight, my husband has had a stroke. He lost power on his left side but has slowly regained some movement and is somewhat stabilisedthankfully he has had no brain bleed. Ive just had enough enough enough. I...
Meeting times
Hi, Thanks to wp, I have finally managed to get access into the meeting/chat room. I'd really like to attend some meetings, I just wondered if someone in the USA can please tell me if you are in day light saving time or standard time at the moment because this will inform me whether to add 5 or 6 hours onto G...
UK Jane
Need Your Knowlege
Well my AH gave me warning he was going to drink on our Anniversery I went to bed at 8:50am he was drinking by 10:00am. My son came home and he asked dad if that was breakfast. Dad got imbaressed and threw the rest out. The whole top shelf of a refrig. Then he came and awoke me up crying saying he was sorry he cou...
New Here.
Hello, I am new here, this is my first post. When I met my ex husband (we are separated), he had quit drinking. His nephew had just been born, and he wanted to be a good role model for him. My ex was a great guy, very caring, compassionate, friendly...we fell in love, got married, and slowly he started drink...
Yes, I have a funny story about being denied and it was by a website no less!!! Geeze, .. if only I could swing like this when it came from actual people I'd be a rockstar in detachment .. LOL!!! Anyway, God thinks He's very funny .. and I needed a lesson in my own words biting me in the behind. I decided I wo...
How Do You Deal With A's Family That Blames You
Now that my A is finally in a treatment center, I have decided after 10 years of addiction and abuse that it was time for me to separate from him. Of course, he is playing the victim to his family, that I am deserting him in his time of need. Let me be clear, I have only asked for a separation to work on ourselve...
The end. And the beginning.
My A is finally gone. It's almost two weeks now. The first week was really tough, cried my eyes out for days. The second week has been a little better. I'm still sad that things ended the way they did. I still miss the lovely, kind, generous man my A used to be. I still think of and miss the early years when thi...
Is Friendship with the ExA Possible?
So has anyone been able to remain friends with the Ex. Mine seems to think we can be friends now that I get that he loves me, but won't quit drinking, and our differences will cause us to fight so we can't be together. Wants to call me with all his problems now and tell me how he's ready to give up because of al...
How do you know if you can trust them again?
After my having kicked him out two months ago and his having nearly died and then subsequently being hospitalized in a detox/rehab facility, my husband has now been sober three weeks (out of the hospital for two), is doing the 90 meetings in 90 days, and starts outside therapy and psychiatric treatme...
Doing My Best to Follow HP's Lead!
This has been a Week to Practice.. Practice... Practice & its only Wens! I at times can get to place & ask WHY ME? and as I start to see the Light at the end of the tunnel growing further & further away... HOWEVER! This has been a Humbling week to say the least... My Momma has taking on some Healt...
An unencumbered life
Right now I am coloring my hair - ha, you needed to know that eh? last night I got home from a 480 mile driving job at 12:30 am, drank a glass of wine and watched Dr. Who to unwind (and negate the effects of the caffeine I'd had earlier to be awake during the trip) and truly enjoyed just being in my own living roo...
I Feel So Ugly
Haven't been here for a long while. I've been trying to deal with things on my own. Things have gotten progressively worse, as the months have gone by. I don't think I have ever felt so bad about myself. I have felt so terribly ugly, out of shape, fat, undesirable. It has come to a screeching halt recently...
I need spill my guts here. So here it goes. I have always been very kind to people. I never try to put them down in any way or be rude. I go the extra mile. I give without reservation. I even give free photo shoots per month (people draw), sometimes I even just do it for free (because I know someone is really str...
Meeting/chat room - error
Hi, I'm sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong place. I can't get into the chat room (well it's the meetings I really want to access.) When I try I get an error message that says "start up error Java lang error" Can anyone please advise me what I need to do. Thanks Jane
UK Jane
Disappointed by Al-Anon friend
Hi all,
I am in Al-Anon since a few months and I have searched and prayed for a sponsor for a while. One friend, who is going to many meetings and was there when I felt really bad at the beginning of my journey, almost became "the one". Our relationship was almost like the one of a sponsor and sp...
I created my first crisis with the bf
Last night I went on facebook and my bf had a picture of him and a friend of his, she was beautiful and they were at a school party together with an hawaiin theme and it was titled getting Leighed with him and her name. They have studied together and are friends from him going to school for the last year. The p...
Feel like I'm losing my mind!!!
Today was one of the hardest days since I left my AH on monday. After calling for divorce papers yesterday, my mind has once again gone back to the 'on the fence' possitions. I feel so confused between the concepts of Re-acting and Acting. I've gone from feeling that I want a divorce as a reaction to his d...
Brand New Day!
Hey everyone. I haven't been on much. I have been so busy. I have a photo shoot today! I am so excited!!! Last few days it has rained! Today is looking like a beautiful cloudy day with a tad bit of rays! I babysat for a close friend lastnight, she is taking my girls today for a few hours (before she works toni...
Went to my first F2F tonight...
I was scared, nervous and about to be sick. But after the emotional roller coaster I've been through these past 2 days, I knew it was the place to be. I actually made the mistake of going to the wrong side of the building and I was greeted by a very large welcoming group of people that thought I was there...
Friday nite...im home, hes out
This seems to be a pattern lately. We go somewhere, party, lakeside fire, etc, as a family and I come home with my child and somtimes others while the drinkers party the night away. Its odd..when I get home, I LOVE the peace and quiet and the responsibility of caring for and putting kids safely to bed. But...
I will & I can try not to be negative.
I am going to try today not to be negative. I have every opportunity to send positive messages on this forum. After all, life is too short to be negative. My Ah & I have had some trying moments lately because I have been so negative & took all my stress out on him. I am working on not putting him down &...
Hoot Nanny
Newcomer here
Hello! Just needed some advice on a current situation. Anyways to keep it brief my mom just got out of rehab a little over a month ago for alcohol and prescription drugs (xanax). This is the 4th time shes been to rehab, so I was optimistic it would actually work this time. She has a sponsor, and has been att...
On Edge
Well My AH quit about 2 months ago this morning he comes home and tell me well tomorrow is our anniversery (34YRS) and the football games on i'd like to have a few beers I reminded him my bounderys I Made If he had that 1 drink i'm filing for divorce he did not remember yeah right he did not remember. I HATE THI...
I did it. I kicked him out.
I set a boundary and I stuck to it. I did wind up leaving work early and I came home and made him leave. Not only did he buy "two tallboys" like he assured me... he bought the other 4 as well. They were all gone. Arguement ensued yet I kept my composure (for most of it) I kept telling him to l...
Tired of the struggle
Needed to come here to vent. Maybe if I do this, others will stop and learn to protect themselves from this horrible disease. I had NO idea what being an addict meant, or how a person cannot have a usual marriage with one. I had been widowed 18 years, super independant. I had to work hard at being a wife like...
I Stood My Ground - Told Him I Want Separation
I DID IT! Drove over to treatment center yesterday for first 'counseling session', I have been reading "CoDependent No More" and was ready. I calmly stated I needed a separation for myself, I was not comfortable living with him, and that even though he is saying he will 'work on it to be th...
How do I know how bad the recovery process will be?
My sister has an alcohol problem and I'd like to discuss it with her to find out if she'd like help. The problem is, I don't know how bad her alcohol problem is, as I don't live with her. This is relevant, because I don't know if quitting will throw her into serious withdrawal symptoms. She doesn't hav...
learning to be a sponsee
So i aske dsomeone to sponsor me. She told me the following week at the next meting that she has just been really busy :/ I really do not know her that well and i want to start the steps but she seems unavailbale and i feel like i am imposing if i call her. I know it may just be my insecurities but i feel more comfo...
Called the court today...
Yesterday I battled with the choice on weather or not I should call my county court house to begin the paper work for a divorce. But as the title spoils, I made the final decision today. Dispite my annitial re-action to put of my choice until he got 'better', as of last night my mind has been made up. I canno...
Changing my view of women
Hello, my name is Slogan_Jim and I am a grateful member of al-anon. I am 28 years old and have been a member for 2.5 years. I would like to share on my life experiences with the women in my life and alcoholism has affected my perception. I grew up in a home where my father was the alcoholic. My mom developed sc...
Feeling so lonely!!
I have not been on here in quite a while. It's been tough to come back to the board since my mentor passed away and he meant a lot to me and always made me see what was right in front of my face. Also he always made me realize that I was to take care of myself first. Well he's gone now but his lessons live on. But st...
First day of school
Today was the first day of kindergarten for our oldest. My wife and I and our 3 year old took her to the bus stop and spent some time with the other parents waiting for the bus. My daughter was very excited and smiling and happy and before we knew it, she was on the bus and gone. All day, I have felt extremely em...
Talk me off the edge...
Just got in an arguement with AH when I went home for lunch. He's currently out of work (still).... He told me as a threat before I left... "Guess I'll be going to the store today"... ie beer run. He's been sober for quite some time. Long story short I spoke to him once while he was at the sto...
so far so good"update"
i drove over by where he is liveing while he was at work,and his freind told me that my a was back to work and that he told him that he "my a" was gonna mess around and lose his job and truck ,my a told him yes he knew that.so for now i guess im safe with the truck,it worries me though that he might end up...
I'm back.. Crazy stuff
Hi Everyone! I have been gone for a few weeks. We went on vacation and had a wondeful time on the cruise. My son (13) was in heaven. We wound up going with some friends, so my son had a buddy. It was a 7 day cruise, Mexican Rivera. It was orignially going to be my honeymoon with the ex. When I got back I have bee...
looking ahead not behind; staying in the moment but nervous & anxious!
I think I said it alll in the subject heading. I have a lot of anxiety today. But if I look ahead to the possibilties I might actually have a good day. I have almost constant scalp itch. It went away but is definitely back! I use a solution that is strictly for the scalp. I use it every night before bedtime. It...
Hoot Nanny
What is everyone having for supper?
I decided to get creative LOL. I am making some tomato vegtable sausage soup! Smells so good! Only thing I just wished I had not run out of rice :) What is everyone planning for supper tonight? -- Edited by InspiredPhotography on Thursday 6th of September 2012 04:07:58 PM
New to this but a long time dealing with AH alone
Hi. It's good to find a place to talk to people who are living with an alcoholic loved one. I've been married to my husband for 13 yrs and I was aware that he drank but unaware of the extent of his addiction. I have tried (unsuccessfully) to help my husband by encouraging him to go to therapy, by going to coup...
Praying for compassion for daugter!
I'm so hurt and angry with my a/a daughter, her 7y.o. daughter has been living with her dad for almost 2yrs. now because she was to lazy to get up and take her to school. 2 wks ago she let her 17y.o. go live with them (step-father) 4 1/2hrs. away. He wanted to go, and has a good relationship with his step-fa...
I've finally left my alcoholic boyfriend
So finally, after 2 years of off and on again with my ABF, I've ended things. I've done it so many times before, however this time feels different to me. I'm ready to fight for my sanity, to not get swept up in the dysfunction of trying to make him feel better about himself in the midst of seriously destruct...