letting go...not al anon but very important to me!
I have been involved in an organization for over 19 years & have decided to quit. It involves weight loss & is not a 12-step program. I just need to air out some of my concerns & issues in making this major decision. At this point I almost feel black-balled in a sense. Things are changing w/ th...
Hoot Nanny
sent from a recovery pal...tee hee
I hope this does not offend anyone, no harm intended...I need to laugh at myself when I get all significant.
Day 5 ...... A little tougher but going strong
So Day 5 has been equal amounts of emotions, however of the "grouchy" kind. I was very tired today but for some reason having a hard time resting.
"Too many of us are not living our dreams, because we are living our Fears."
My grandma has always been there with me. She raised me and she has been there looking after me every step of the way.Always. So I sent her a text tonight, I have never asked her before. Did U ever go to alanon?I really thought she might have. NO why would I I am NOT an ALCOHOLIC WHAT are they telling you I cant...
Full circle - update
I posted this on the AA board, but wanted to share it here too cuz you guys are my peeps too :) - The job I had when I first got sober was on a juvenile detention unit. I did not get along with the clinical director for numerous reasons. Many of those were due to my character defects and poor boundaries due to...
A story
Once upon a time, a man and woman went upstairs to bed. Their children had been asleep for some time. A horrible thunderstorm was raging outside, but they felt comfortable and warm in their room. Suddenly, the front doorbell rang. The wife said to the husband - "Well, aren't you going to get...
How a day can change things
I am anxious. I am having some anxiety over my X. He calls me about my son's car and what he has to do to get it back. Has to be released by the DPS. Has to have insurance. Has to pay all the fines on it and has to have Power of Attorney to get it. He's asking me if I did this before. YEAH Bill.....twice. ...
Husband who is verbally abusive
I am new to this site. I went into the chat room a few nights ago and was so happy to talk with everyone but I still feel lost. I have been married to my husband for 5 years on May 16th. He is a alcoholic and had been addicted to drugs (he no longer does drugs). He actually traded one drug for another. Through the...
AH control slipping...
My brain told me it would and he would start drinking again, but then it lasted longer than it ever has (though was never completely sober for more than 12 days at a time) so started thinking maybe everyone was wrong he could do it. Last night he came in from playing outside with son and he was smiling, talk...
Do all alcoholics?
Do all alcoholics talk to themselves? Mumble talk quite say I saying mean things? I try to ignore it not take it personal if I s a y anything it's gonna be a fight. He will roll his eyes blame me say I'm picking "oh here we go" because I snap as him to be quiet I truly believe he can't stop talking. I...
low self-esteem
I've been working on my steps and I finished step 4 I'm meeting with ssponsor Saturday to do step 5. It was very emotionally exhausting. But the underlying theme is low self-esteem. I was abused physically and emotionally. I was cheated on 4 times. And I stayed all in the name of love. But maybe it was my l...
Right now it is a blessing not knowing
We have had no contact with our son for two weeks now. I think about him hourly, I pray for him all the time. But I am ashamed to admit that, with him being in another country thousands of miles from us, there is some relief in just not knowing and not seeing what he is doing. When he is here, I can see what is ha...
Not sure if I should go back to him
So Im going to try to make this as short as possible. My husband is an alcoholic and has been drinking our whole marriage for 3 years with periods of sobriety the longest one being 2 years ago after he got a duo and was on probation but since we moved in October 2013 he has been drinking off and on trying to hid...
Hello everyone its been too long since I've been here. Life gets in the way of everything. All of you are on my mind often and mean to stop by to share some thoughts but like I said life gets in the way. this past week we experienced a great holydayEaster. Some of us don't celebrate it or don't have that beli...
HELP needed...I don't know what to do.
A couple years back my husbands reaction to alcohol came to the forefront. Alcohol turned him into a dark person...maybe that's an exaggeration but it did. The loving person I'm married to, would go away after 1-11/2 drinks each night. alcohol tuned him into an agitated, irritated, quick to anger, m...
Busy as a bee...
I have been so busy spring cleaning my home, I feel a busy as bee lately! I have not had the chance to get on here to post and took few minutes of my day to share some of the changes that has happened in the last three weeks. I lost my jobs three weeks ago, which I feel it was meant to be from my HP to take care of me a...
Boundaries .. (again)
My STBAX has been running amuck over my boundaries and thankfully I've been able to continually take small steps back .. I feel as if I have opened the door to take a small peak outside and he's thrust his leg through the door and will not let me shut it. I feel unsafe. I don't like to feel that I have no co...
only I can make things crazier
I know that when things are crazy I know it pretty much has to be me. The way I handle situations is up to me. I have issues w/ my mom from as far back as I can remember. The only thing is my parents were together long enough that we had a fairly good life. I do remember times when it seemed like she(my mom) was a go...
Hoot Nanny
Day 2 - No Cigarettes
Oh I feel wonderful. Day 2 hip hip hooray.
Inventory and amends are
done. The inventory is very revealing. I think I know and know that I know and then the inventory reveals much more (often much much more). The inventory revealed all of the motivations for my rant...where I came from in the disease; yeppers, The freaking bank that brought down our financial hom...
Jerry F
Candy Bars and nonsense ..
Ok .. if you like Almond Joy, Mounds, or Whatchamacallits, you have been warned to stop reading right now. It will get ugly and you probably won't ever look at a candy bar the same way. My STBAX has an open FB page that I honestly don't think he knows is open and I choose NOT to look for two reasons .. I...
spouse of acoa
I am knew to this. My grandfathers were both Alcoholics but my parents were not. But I have heard alot from them what they went through as kids. But they seem to have worked through it. My husband is an ACOA his father drank alot when he was growing up and is starting to drink again. My husband has never deal...
getting through life w/o having a fit!
My prayers are being answered. I am not so sad as I was last Saturday. I am taking my time & enjoying another lovely Spring day! It rains often here so I need to enjoy the weather while I can. I have to admit that I wanted to have another fit recently. I didn't but my husband did. He totally spilled some ch...
Hoot Nanny
So, I will be going back with my dad.
Hi Everyone, My name is slogan_jim and I am a grateful member of al-anon. I have decided that in order to save some money for my home purchase I will take my dad upon his offer and live with him while I search. I feel it's best for me and my needs. I don't know what to think. I am nervous, but I have the tools to de...
Went to a party...
A pity party and now I am hung over. It occurred to me to shut the hell up and then there was some news about how my family is "coming along" (that isn't about a success story...not in this disease) and that fueled my oration...motivation. Crap!! that voice in my head which was suggestin...
Jerry F
Busy but its all good
So, I had some good news last week about the community outreach project we work on in our spare time. The specifics aren't important but it's all good. I have to devote some more time to it, though. so if you don't see me that much its not because I disappeared again. I'm just busy.
In Need of Prayers
My boyfriend was just in a bicycle accident and is now in a coma. Right now I am still in shock. I am looking toward my Higher Power for guidance. Please please pray for him/send positive thoughts etc... Thank you to everyone who has assisted me in the past. My annoyance with his symptoms of alcoho...
Breathalyzer question
My AH and I have been separated for the past 3 months. We set up an arrangement that when he is going to be with the kids(10 & 7), he must breathalyze before & after the visit. If he blows positive before the visit, he does not get to be with the kids. If he blows positive on the back end, he looses h...
Tossed Salad
Elborating on a topic ..
Someone asked me to share a little more ESH in terms of dealing with the keen alcoholic mind. This is strictly my journey and while it should be clear cut .. it's amazing how twisted my own mind can get in dealing with my stbax. I spent a lot of time trying to get him to think like I do. First off, thank you G...
Prayers and Support
Well.. this really isn't the holiday any of us would have expected. My bf dad died during the night. The family and his doc had determined that he needed long term care about three weeks ago. There are lots of feelings of guilt now that bf's mom and siblings are experience. I'm trying to be supportiv...
easy does it
Todays odat, 'when I cant accomplish all id like to, when im confronted with reverses and nothing seems to work right, il just remember easy does it. Some how it guides me into a less hectic frame of mind. Changing to a more comfortable rhythm smooths out the bumps. ' 'When im trying to hard to change thin...
An Easter Blessing
Today, spring and Easter bring their blessings of hope, renewal and transformation to my life. Since it was sunny and warmer, I chose to peek out my garage access door at the flowers blooming, trees budding, and little critters running in my yard. I looked at my red butterfly bird feeder into which I...
Happy Easter
Happy Easter All It is a very grateful day for me this year. I am grateful to have my son alive and safe in place where he can't hurt himself. I'm grateful for everything I have learn and practiced over this last couple of years. I am grateful to be able to sit here happy that I'm not in worry or fear and I can...
Easter, religion and faith
Happy Easter everyone, mine has been spent so far, watching 5 episodes of The Mentalist, which I NEVER sit still this long; doing some dishes, drinking more coffee than I usually have time for and enjoying the silence, well, sort of silence, birds and the cold-induced ringing in my ears aside. One of m...
Rantings, Rumblings, and New Beginnings Pt. 1 ;)
Hi everybody! Here we all are again on this fine day, and I hope you all are having a great Sunday. Many people are celebrating Easter and I have many fond memories of hunting for those sneaky eggs;) As I've gotten older and my kids are grown, this has turned into a more reflective time, and I usually find m...
Raven Juniper
I have realized that what I am trying to control is all of the people who want to control me into being who they want me to be. Confusing, right?! Like, wait...let me read that sentence again. When you're a people-pleaser your whole life, it's not comfortable to a lot of people when we stop. THIS is really...
Happy Easter….
Wishing my MIP family Happy Easter with this picture of Springtime here in Italy...
Happy Easter
I am working twelve hour shifts today and tomorrow so happy Easter and I hope your days are peaceful. -- Edited by Wolfie55 on Sunday 20th of April 2014 03:09:55 AM
Need suggestions on how to handle the anxiety
I am having so much trouble getting control of my anxiety. I know I cannot control my AS, but it causes me so much anxiety knowing he is using. he thinks I don't know but it is obvious. Not worrying about the what if's seems impossible for me today. any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Tolerated, but not celebrated.
Hi guys, my name is slogan_jim and I am a grateful member of al-anon.Recently Ive been examining my relationships with people and the ones that make me unhappy. I asked why they were making me so unhappy and what it was about them that left me wanting more internally. Then one day I saw a saying that went B...
so sad...
I am very down this morning. I don't feel much like talking to anyone but I do want to share on here. I am going through a lot of trials in my life right now. I thought that I was doing OK for awhile but now it seems that things are going terribly wrong. I can't seem to shake the sadness. I have already shared mos...
Hoot Nanny
Violated RO stocking order
Yesterday I decided to go to a hotel I wasn't feeling safe at home plus I needed do some paper work for housing Medicaid exc. I left the hotel to get something to eat and left my phone at the hotel . My AH sober 18 months shows up at the hotel and see my car there . The only way he would of known that is he was snoopi...
Happy Easter (again) and other thoughts ..
Well, I'm beyond excited after 5 years of either no internet service, .. crappy internet service I am finally able to go and have REAL internet service and I broke down and got cable to go with it. I may have to rethink that idea after a few months at least though for today we have it .. lol. I hate spending...
sometimes it's 2 steps back, and sometimes it's 1 step forward:in recovery
This week I made a big step forward in my recovery. I noticed and realized so many things about myself, that kept me blocking for so long. A step 4 used to be a difficult thing for me, but I have made a practice and learned to do it more often it was then step 5 that i found even more difficultafter all the wron...
Still holding others responsible for my happiness
This whole 'recycling' thing in recovery is rough! I'd say one step forward, two steps back but then I get a really annoying 80s song stuck in my head. I have yet to get into some kind of regular groove that puts me already a few levels up (within myself, not on others), so that I can stop reacting all the ti...
more health issues...
I will make this quick as I am having a hard time seeing out of my right eye. As most of you know last summer I had surgery on both of my eyes. They told me that if I had any issues to let them know. Well...yesterday I believe, I found a floater in my right eye. I already have had one in my left eye for about 10 years...
Hoot Nanny
I saw my son
Good Morning Everyone I took yesterday and today off work so I could go visit my son. Yesterday I was going to clean and fiddle around and then today go for my visit. My son had been moved into the inmate working section because they gave him a job. Second day into the job he had a seizure so that ended his w...
No pain no gain?
The past week has been filled with somewhat unpleasant experiences, as I have shared. And although I have been taking things in my stride and seeing the funny side, I guess there is some pent up anger in there because one night I did something strange and a bit disturbing. See, the next morning the alcoh...
Long week .. weird ..
It has been a very, very long week. I'm emotionally and mentally exhausted in a good way. The kids and I have been very busy. I moved into my new place and finally today took the last load. I was just ready to be done. I could have done more .. honestly .. why bother .. I'm just to that point. These peopl...
Hello- I am new
Hello everyone- I am new to this whole thing, I honestly do not know how or where to begin, but i'm sure I will figure it out. My wife suffers from Alcoholism and Drug abuse. Her drug abuse is a direct correspondence of her drinking. I love her very much and want her to be healthy and happy. She recently wil...
more bad news! I am praying...
I personally am not really under too much stress as some of my problems have been solved. The thing that really gets me is that my cousin just informed me yesterday that she is going to be living in her van starting this weekend. She told me to continue to text her but I can't email her anymore. Calling her s...
Hoot Nanny
" Your best relationship should be the relationship with yourself." unk
So glad I am trusting my gut
Okay so my Ex-A had a visit today. We agreed to meet at 7:15 to do an exchange in a public place. I did this at the suggestion of the police and family violence. The police have told me to keep my doors locked. He shows up at my house at 5:30. He is banging on the door for a half an hour. Trying to use my keyless ent...
the date
This is my fifth step story. It's also the story of how I met my current wife. A version of this story appeared in the May 2010 issue of Grapevine, the monthly journal of Alcoholics Anonymous and this version is from a book I wrote about the gifts I have received in recovery. Hope it brings a bit of happines...
Where I'm At
I met with a friend last night for dinner. I guess she's more of an acquaintance. I met her when I was taking a class and we've stayed in touch. I don't know... I left feeling uncomfortable and just not good with myself and where I am at this time. I felt like I was sitting in a high chair with a sippy cup ac...
In need of support
I'm new here, and I've never attended an al-anon meeting before, although I probably should have...I'm not quite sure how this works, so I suppose providing a little introduction as to how I got here would help. I've had a lot of experience dealing with alcoholism, as both my brother and my husband are...
Feeling better already
I shared this with my fake book friends but none of you all are there so I will share it here. I feel better already. More.....centered. I went to the meeting here Sunday night, woke up early this morning, took in a noon meeting....f2f.....came home had a nice meal with my wife, a nice long nap and now I'm w...
Oh! Forgot to mention!!
I had my first "government sponsored" driving lesson yesterday. The instructor they sent was awesome; I felt so at ease with her. I think because she's used to working with grown-ups instead of teenagers she had a completely different approach and made small talk the entire time; she sai...
Without going into a lot of detail, I wasn't always cute and adorable like I am now. When I was in relationships I took hostages. Everything was about me and you were all out to get me. Through the twelve steps I learned that most of what I thought about myself about god and about the people around me was a di...