Finally A is leaving
After two years, almost, of marriage, and one year of not working, I finally asked the A to leave. This was not easy as I had asked before and he refused. He had even physically made me stay in the house when I wanted to leave, I had been able to file an ex-parte on him last year but the responsibliliteis of th...
binge drinking = alcoholic???
Hi All, I'm new to this board and as my 'handle' implies, I'm an american expat living in Thailand and married to a Thai woman who is an occasional [3-4x/year] and when she does drink, she drinks until she pukes or drops. Otherwise she is a good wife and mother, but these "occasions" have don...
Question? JADE
I noticed that there is an abbrev. for Justify Argue Defend Explain JADE So therefore it must be an issue talked about in Alanon. Can anyone give me a view on this... the reason I ask is my A simply will not explain anything, justify anything or defend himself or an issue..he argues but it's kinda wild.. n...
Friend's Dad Update
Just to let you all know my friend's dad is doing TONS better. He's off the ventilator and complaining because his kids took off work and came down there to see him. SO...he's doing GOOD! The step-mom is awake and her heart rate is rising, when it get's to where it should be, they'll do MRI's and CT scans....
He is my son, always
Hello, I haven't been posting, just lurking here for over 6 months, but I am back. I saw a therapist for a while, and joined a therapy group and both were helpful up to a point. I have accepted intellectually that I can't help my A son get sober, but he is in my head so much of the time, especially now that he en...
when, what and how to control??
I get a little confused by this 'control' thing. I have recently been enlightened by this great forum on the issue of not controlling my binge drinking wife [as previously posted 'stranger in a strange land'] and if anything, I now feel more at ease and even witnessed her moderate drinking last night...
We learn, we grow, we stumble we fall!
I tried to post this early this morning but don't think it did so Forgive me if it shows up twice!! Love ya'll!!!! Realized some of my extream negative feelings Friday night were due to my needing a BControl shot (which is just strong harmones) I missed my reagualr appointment and can't get one till Ma...
Blow up!
Had a big blow up tonight with AH. He thought about what we had discussed week or so ago and he decided he didn't need any help and thought I was exaggerating the problem. Afraid I lost my temper, but it gave me the courage to actually ask him to leave. OK. It was out. Please leave. But he says no--its h...
hope in despair
Hello family, The ride is up and down but feel some calm at the moment. I've been reading a lot of different sources and working on step 4. I came across this short reading on hope in despair to tuck in my pocket for the next harrowing ride so I wanted to share the bit that just grabbed me with a good feeling...
Hello! I am brand new here and wondered where I could get the books someone mention ODAT and Courage to Change? Thanks
Checking In
Hi everyone, Forgive me if you get this post twice. Forgot to put a subject line and I don't think the first post worked. Anyway, just wanted to say "Hi". It's been a while since I posted last, been dealing with life, getting to face to face meetings and trying to focus on myself. It's been pret...
So glad I found ya'll! Still got a few questions...
Hi everybody! I am so glad that I found this forum! I was having a very hard time, wallowing in a black pit of depression/resentment/fear, using my anger at my A to hurt myself... and then I found this forum! Reading everyone's stories and advice really touched my heart (I was seriously crying in front o...
one year on new goals, new life
Next year it will one year since I moved out from the A. Not one year since I last spoke to him but one year since I took that irrevocable step of leaving him. I no longer feel grief stricken or rageful at the A. Certainly very angry but nothing like the rage I once felt. My life is far from comfortable but i...
From my head to my heart!
I am learning that I don't have to feel guilty about things other people do. Even if those things hurt me, My hurt's in life are not punishments because of my bad decisions (lovely little bit of religious thinking stuffed into my head growing up) I'm officially kicking that out of my head!! And may need...
My friend needs your prayers please
Hello (((family))) The very good friend I spoke of in the other posts is needing prayers to your HP please. His father and step-mother were in a very bad motor cycle accident Friday in Mississippi and are in the hospital there. Here is what he said on our myspace bulliten board: Just to let everyone know...
oh my gosh! realized something
I've been posting and crying you all know that. Well it just dawned on me I may not have to struggle with the decision of staying or not alanon may do that for me... He seems angry I'm on this board right now. Slaming things around etc. Even though he said he didn't want to talk to me. ( and I have told him he ca...
Amazing how many times ODAT applies to what I'm feeling
I wasn't able to get ahold of my sponsor last night. I left her a wacky message, though - but of course, she's an al-anoner, I'm sure it all made perfect sense to her whenever it is she got her message.
After the message, I sat down and meditated and prayed. Falling back to my usual fail-safe, &qu...
Recovering from meeting
Dear Family, I just got back from an al-anon group therapy meeting. It is facilitated by a retired rehab counselor who also authored a book on addiction. I feel so hurt because he called on me (after someone shared how grateful they are for their husband)....and I shared how I felt a twinge of jealou...
glad lee
want to chat
can anyone tell me how to get into the chatroom have tried link on main page. I have also gone on link from sticky's post don,t seem to be able to aqccess it thanks
The Shadow process
http://www.soulfulliving.com/the_shadow_process.htmEach of us must make the conscious choice to step out of the belief that we are victims of our lives and open up to the possibility that we have created our particular circumstances for a reason. We...
Okay guys I'm not working it tonight!
Not as strong as some of my alanon friends. Don't know if I ever will be. Not as strong as the women I see here that have real issues like husbands cheating or beating them. Still feeling sorry for myself anyway. Tried to talk to BF tonight. Didn't go about it right for sure. But even if I had not sure the resu...
Concentrating on myself
Wow this is so hard I don't know what to do with myself. He keeps entering my mind all the time I do love him my AB. However when he comes into my mind I tell myself to focus on me I am the only person I can conrol. I must admit my life seems a lot more manageable already without him here I have more money, more f...
((((((Guys)))))))) For so long in my life i have accepted who everyone else wanted me to be. Blended in according to their wishes. Pleased everyone by doing what they asked. As opposed to saying no, and risking confrontations with them. I was a people pleaser, always finding happiness in doing f...
They give to others
I have noticed that the A has a great deal of compassion for his fellow cell mates. He genuinely seems to "care" about their needs and frustration. I also noticed in some of the responses to my post that others of you have noticed that your A also seemed to give or want you to give to their &quo...
I am hate, hate, hating weekends these days. Number one irritation is my AH and my teen sleep and sleep. The place is a mess and during the week school and work takes up sp much energy. My AH used to always go out for most of Sat./Sun. and I would wake up my son and get the whole place cleaned up. But wakin...
Did I remember to say thanks?
Thanks to you all for being there for me and the rest of us Alanoners and the Alanoners that don't know they need us. I come here and post with my "big and heavy" burdens and you always help me up when I can't do it for myself. There is such power in our experience, strength and hope. Just because I...
Just wanted to say Hi to everyone! My sleep is getting better! Before, I was having a lot of trouble sleeping but I can say that today I actually slept in and feel rested. Thanks everyone for giving me the chance to air out some things I may not have been able to, GB you all! Kathleen
Hoot Nanny
Last Night
Last night was awful. Mark asked if he could go pub and my heart sank. Then I said why did you buys cans and then go pub we dont have the money then I said he couldnt go till leah was in bed. I know I so naughty for controling it. When he did go I didnt make a fuss. I realised what I did wrong so I didnt nag. I just give...
Bassett hounds eat really fast!
If anyone saw my post about barking dog that is driving me insane someone suggested giving him peanut butter. I made the worlds thickest pb sandwich and thew it over fence. For about 90 seconds I had peace. Now he is at it again, not as loud or as much but still woofing about every 20 seconds, for about 10 se...
Not again
Last week end my A hit me. he was drunk at the time. It all started when we got in bed i pulled the covers off him and he punched me 6 or 7 times in the leg. I was under the cover so it didnt hurt too much in fact my feelings were hurt more. I have a little bruise nothing huge. After he did it he said you cant get me in t...
April Business Meeting Minutes:
APRIL BUSINESS MEETING MINUTES: MIP APRIL MINUTES: Chair opened with the Serenity Prayer, 1st on agenda was Secretary report: Minutes from the March 2, 2008 were approved as written......... Next on agenda was treasury report: no report available due to dot being ill. Next on agenda is old b...
Women Healing Conference
I was hoping this was in my area. It isn't, but is in Minnesota, Florida, Oregon, MY and Illinois in the coming months. Here is the link to the Hazeldon website with details on the conference and dates for anyone interested. http://www.hazelden.org/web/go/womenhealing
Conditional love
Hi all need some feedback really confused. I have been doing research around co dependency, enabling etc. It seems like everything I have been doing for my A enabling him etc, has been to get my own needs me. I am that insecure I give my all hoping to be loved plus I feel superiour. That is horrible. Accor...
Video - Letting Go, Letting God
During a recent trip to Houston, Texas I was asked to speak at the recovery house that I got clean and sober at 18 years ago. I have created a video using a portion of that meeting, with some of other content. It is my hope that some of you will enjoy this 29 minute video I created for the guys in my recovery hou...
Frequent meetings - they DO help
Despite that I may have had a not-so-great day yesterday, I really am feeling that attending Al-anon meetings frequently is really helping me a lot. Monday night was my fifth evening meeting in a row, meaning I went Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday to meetings. The Saturday meeting was...
Daughter writes 1200 hot check And it's a good thing!
For the third day in a row I was feeling down obsessing over A and how his issues make me feel. (back in that little box running around like a little mouse that can't get out). Anyway then my 23 year old daughter calls and says she found the perfect wedding dress and "doesn't know what happened"...
Why do they say the things they say...
Had a pretty powerful ACA meeting last night. I got to one point where I was reading from the "From Survival To Recovery" book, and came to a point where a woman's AH had died and she just felt relieved.
I very painfully and tearfully admitted during the meeting that I sometimes felt that wa...
Been taking a break... but wanted to say hi
(((Hello MIP Friends))) It has been a long while since I posted anything.... I had ventured out into other areas of recovery and found a great deal of contentment... but still missed my MIP friends and all the E,S, and H I gathered here over the past two years. A great many things have happened in my life...
I am exhausted and in a lot of pain right now; having found yesterday's PMP session utterly draining. On top of that I have to add another set of strengthening exercises on a daily basis this week as well as completeing the stretching exercises on a daily basis. It amounts to about two hours of exe...
Enabling and Co-dependence
Since I'm a relative newbie, I'd like some clarification. I'm reading in the literature that I'm not to blame for my situation--its the disease, but then I hear the labels of enabling and co-dependency being used. Could I get some help defining "enabling" and "Co-dependence&qu...
The Yelling
I am due to return to the general vicinity of where my AH lives. Where I used to live. All the people I used to know, who used to know the AH and I.
I am scared.
One of the things I am most afraid of is the yelling. I have been having massively painful feelings of being yelled at by the AH for the majority of ou...
Anger - management and denial and release
For a long long time I did not realise that I had any anger at all. I was in denial. However, as time has passed and the longer I have been here in this family, I realise that I was angry over many things, events, and situations in my life as a result of the powerlessness I had over the A and alcohol.
I turned t...
Somehow he got out of jail...
I missed a call from the A yesterday at 4:45. He called to say that they let him out of jail again, not sure how that happened considering he has warrants in Wilmington for about 4 or 5 other charges and 2 missed court dates. When I talked to his PO he said that he would be transferred over there after he was...
There's No Place Like Home
Yes, Dorthy was right...there is no place like home...And that's exactly where I am...I'm home...with Michael... Yesterday was a very LONG, TRYING day. It started out good..kind of... He was driving me to the allergist because the kids were getting tested. My daughter is thankfully not allergic t...
When my son gets upset, he goes into a rage! I don't know what to do? If I feed into the rage of course it escalates and we end up arguing and it goes no where. However, If I detach, and remain calm it seems he feels he has won and he continues to be abusive and loud. Then I feel I have been walked on and abused....
Why can't he just leave me alone?
So I'm on my way home from work yesterday the phone rings I answer it and it's him (to answer your question debilyn, the display is broken on my phone and I never know who it is till I answer...) Anyway, I have found that my tolerance for his behaviors has pretty much disappeared. He starts off the conver...
I am so done with A!!!
I have given him chance after chance after chance!!! I am so done with it all! Why do I continue to put up with it? WHy do I continue to allow myself to be so miserable? Why do I keep calling my attorney to finally say, "OK.I'm ready to file for the divorce", but keep hanging up? I think the la...
desperate for help
Hi, I'm new, can use some advice
Hi Everyone! I just joined tonight and here's my story. My hubby, who I married last year, is a definite alcholoic. He was diagnosed with diabetes last year, suffers from depression and hypertension. He seemed to be doing ok, adjusting, and swore of drinking (at that point, I didn't think he had a...
This is hell, stopped sis attacking son, confronted about her drinking, now I'm the devil
My sister the drunk wanted to confront her 13 yr old son about stealing from her. Tommorow is 1st day back at school from holidays in australia, he's booked into counselling there, he's angry at her and does this stuff because of her - but doesn't really know what is swrong with her. Not a good time to conf...
detachment baby steps
I wanted to share a recent experience for me with detachment for my review of what I learned and get more ideas or actual examples of detachment that has worked for you. At first, I understand now, I taught myself detachment so I would just stay out of the way, leave if I could, not react, minimize conv...
My son is a 24 year old alcoholic. He has so much anger and when he expresses it it comes out as ugly RAGE all the time!! What is the rage about? The littlest thing I say sets him off and he just explodes and yells and he is so mean and ugly!! Does anyone experience this behavior and if so how do you deal with...
Fast Food, Boundaries, and Self-Care strange mix huh?
Hi all, Well ummm yeah. LOL. He hooked me again and I fell for it. Sheesh, when did I get so easy? My hub called me at work and asked me what the kids and I were doing at 6. I said not much. He asked if we would come down to his work and he would buy the kids dinner. I said sure. I got excited he wanted to see the kids. H...
Toxix love
Wow Thankyou Tom for suggesting that I google toxic love. When my marriage ended I ran from the pain into this relationship with the A which has lasted for 3 years due to my fear of being a lone and blaming myself for husbands addiction. I know I am not to blame and I don't think I learn't my lesson first tim...
Looks like the oldest daughter is back in jail...
My 30 year old alcoholic/addict daughter had called late last week to let me know she had court on the 9th, and there was a good chance she'd go back to jail. I don't call her anymore as she usually doesn't have a phone, moves so often I never know where she is, and honestly, we have nothing in common. I didn'...
Each day I find I challenge Heartbroken to stay away by my resolve to stand in the light, as Jerry encouraged me to do.Each day I find that Heartbroken does not break me as I choose to follow my programme and detach from the past and live in the present.Each day I see Heartbroken has been conquered when I fi...
Taking a break
(((((((Family)))))), Just to let you know I am taking a small break from the board. Everything's ok. I have spent so much time taking care of hubby after his surgery this past year. (He would do the same for me.) I just need to concentrate on a few things. I am in the process of switching doctors to c...
How Do I handle money situation
This is my first post and I just joined a online group yesterday. I have a AH that I have been married to for 19 years. I am frustrated with the amount of money he spends from our account. I exported it today to see the amount on a weekly basis and it sickens me. I ordered the books recommended so I have not...
Would greatly appreciate support = feels useless!
okay, to be honest I have seen progress and to be honest I am acting like a butt because I want old stuff resolved and I feel down. Today ( right now ) I will go read some of my alanon stuff- try not to focus on if I should leave the relationship or not and try to get to work on time. I want to share with you guys that...
Observing obsession in action.
Yesterday I actually got to watch two different people get caught up on the obsession loop.
The glorious thing about it was that I didn't join in - and on top of it, I recognized it for EXACTLY what it was and kind of laughed to myself quietly, thinking... "Oooooh. So THAT's what I must look like wh...
Set a boundary: watching it work
Hi guys, I am a few weeks away from returning to the general vicinity of where my AH lives. We will not be living together (thank god) but we will be within closer proximity. I am having a wide range of responses, as you can imagine. Just kinda riding it out, not reacting (or acting in any way), just observi...