New Beginnings... My Plan B :)
Well this morning I woke up with my "New" Attitude, New Do, and New found hope in HP... I knew it couldn't be a "Perfect" morning for I have excepted there are no such times, but Progress is the Key... I got up, bounced in the shower, and got my boy movin (He gets up on his own but is a slo...
what slogan are U working today????
For me it is several............ LET GO-----------LET GO re: stalker, house windows (can't find affordable company)... EASY DOES IT.....taking it easy on me about stuff I cannot control..where I am powerless.... Keeping it simple....doing the stuff I can do and waiting on the rest of the stuff...
Need some ESH and input.......What ifs and Whys????
Thanks to all of those who responded to my last post. It is funny how I don't even see my own insane behavior until it is pointed out to me by someone else. One of my biggest problems is that I don't think, and what I mean by that is that I can't seem to think. I am a single mom and work FT, I also have a disa...
My A Hubby gets an A+ today...
Hello everyone and hugs! Well, maybe I'm pushing it with the A+, but he does deserve a pat on the back. Since I am practicing anonymity and trying my best not to tell eveyone in my life all our business, I'll share what I have noticed in my A's behavior here, as well as, my response to his new behavior. Her...
Sober ABF and Anger
Hi Everyone, I have only posted once before, but have been reading for a while. My boyfriend is a recovering A. He is often kind and loving. However, sometimes it's like dealing with another person. He's sober, but it doesn't feel that way sometimes. When I disagree with him, he often gets furious and s...
what STEP are U working today???
For me, lately, its been another lesson that I am powerless over many things, i have accepted that.....I believe that "someone" bigger than me CAN restore me so I am doing step THREE My will was not working...Things were getting crazy...emotions all over the place and it just was not worki...
When pain becomes a blessing:)
Woke up this am feeling worse than the past two days, and was Happy to find out that it is the result of a kidney infection (I'll call the Dr later). Yes I did say Happy, I'm Happy that I have some idea what is going on with my physically for I knew that there was more to it than just being down and exhausted f...
The Slump Continues...ESH Me! Plez...
Thanks all for the Comments, I am most grateful for all of them, I did try out a couple, but just can't seem to get there... Went upstairs last night again, and tried my best just to be still.. "Which of course resorts to my son joining me for Fear I am sick"... I swear I think I have past all my &quo...
Stayed on it.. Prayed on it...
Ok... Soooo Day was long, and it has now been 3 days in a row of feeling like Crap..I have made up my mind, tomorrow will not be the same... I have rested and done many readings, and sloagans, serenity prayer.... And after all that, I had to take my boy for a hair cut, (More like a head shave. :(.. )and since &q...
Talked to a lawyer today
Update on my situation with dry drunk husband...I told him Sunday that I was going to file Monday and he didn't seem to be too upset. He immediately started asking for things that were bought for the house with my mom's money that he considered to be his. He also has a Kawaski Mule that was bought for the fa...
Health issues
Over the past year I've really been working on my health issues. The ex A took up all my time at the end of the relationship with him. Every day there was some new crisis. My health went out the window. Currently I am looking to lose weight and just saw a dietician (part of the doctor group I belong to) and r...
'They say - never look back...' however...I do it with thanks...
...sometimes I find I DO NEED to look back, 'cos it is when I look at how far I have travelled from that dark and lonely, miserable life I used to EXIST IN that I see the light and lovely, joyful life I now LIVE. However, I never look back to DWELL on what was or what if or what might have been, I look back to see th...
Creating a diversion
It is said, in order to keep family and friends from interfering with their drinking, A's create chaos by provoking arugements using any topic just to get us to react or argue or to defend ourselves. Which results in nobody paying attention to the Alcoholism.
Food for thought
I realize each of us has our own politics. I would like to encourage you to put those aside for a minute as you think about 2 things for a minute.Today is the 20th anniversary of the Tiannemen Square massacre. To me, and this is strictly me, what stands out the most is that we still have no true count of how m...
AH has passed away
Hello everyone, Life has been so chaotic that I forgot to come on here and provide my updated story. My love has passed away. He died at 4:55 am on 5/20/09, with me and his niece holding his hands. He was 36 years old! Conciously he did not appear to be aware at all, in a coma. Our children were not there, th...
Need advice on money if living separately
My husband wants to set up separate households. He wants us to split expenses. He thinks our expense split should reflect the fact that I earn about $1000 more per month than he. I just gave him a proposal where I am paying $1040 more of the joint monthly expenses than he does, and he's angry that I am not p...
update on my phone stalker
my foreign phone stalkers called...and heard my "created" recording that sounds like an operator...First that awful Squeek then my created "telephone operator recording" saying "the number you have reached is not in service for any incoming calls".. They di...
Overcoming struggles, and other ponderings...
I haven't been here much lately but my MIP family is never far from my thoughts:) I realized something the other day, it seems like when things are going well and calm-there's not really as much to write about-lol, and I am trying my best to keep my life drama free these days. I've been struggling th...
If I can choose life WHY can't she???
What makes ME sad is this drinking and drugging is a CHOICE...They can drag themselves into recovery like the rest of us are and HELP themselves... My eldist sister has cancer, over and over and she TRIES....Now I am not crazy about her, but My heart goes out to her...She does EVERYTHING to keep this d...
New to the board, new to Al-Anon, New to so many things - long (sorry)
Hi everyone. I'm new. To everything it seems. For some superficial reading, it seems that I have a dry drunk in my life (and in my spare room). When I married my darling husband (2 years ago), he came with a natural son, and 3 step children of his own (from his previous marriage). The eldest of these &quo...
shortening post...
Ok well, I am not going to clutter up the board with my being "stalked" by foreign solicitors.....Handing it over to God....Thanks to the ones who did respond!!!! Its been a bad 2 days.....can't find an affordable window person for updating my house windows.........I MISS my "N&qu...
Well here goes nothing! my first post here. After 3 years of trying to get my partner to get sober and going through all the CRAP, she has now been sober for 9 months....happy times right? Not really, she is now acting well different. More distant, doesn't want to do anything with family. But will spend h...
For Karilynn
Hi Karilynn, I left you a message but I think I messed up pretty majorly! Let me know if you find it? pw aka wp aka cynthia
The beauty of working a program for myself...
My 20 year old daughter still lives at home with me. She will turn 21 this month. She is a good kid, holds down two jobs during the school year (she's a nanny for a school teacher-finished that job up last Friday), makes her car and insurance payments, and has her own horse she trained from scratch and care...
Two things... am I being unreasonable?
One, my AH is livnig in an oxford house and looking for work with no luck. The other day he says he's scared and doesn't know how he's going to pay all the bills he has to pay (including child support which he has paid the last 2 months when he was working). My reply... welcome to the club... Two - my curre...
all moved in - nothing is working right, started with the water being off, then the phone and cable don't work and the breakers trip for every thing plugged in to an outlet.... Not enough storage in any of the rooms and I miss my old house!!! I hate that I had to move. I spent all day cleaning yesterday a...
Here I Go... Turn The Page...
Here I Go... Turn the Page... "One of my Afathers favorite songs was Turn the Page.." Something I can't seem to do... "Turn the Page"... Well what a morning, my head as been so clogged here lately with the finishing of...That I can't seem to get my thoughts straight. I don't know i...
Question about journaling on PC...need some help
Last night I found my way back to journaling and found that it felt WONDERFUL to get things out and then to reread and actually be able to "see" things that others see when I write. I got away from it because of time/privacy issues (my son and I share a PC) Anyway my question is.......I have Mic...
The Forum
I just received my first copy of The Forum in the mail today. I'm so excited! I wasn't expecting it to come in an envelope. I think I'll go outside and read a few pages. It's funny the things we get excited about, huh?
Utter confusion...need ESH
For those who don't know me, I am separated from my aH. We have a 5 yr old son. He has 2 older grown up kids. We've been together for 10 yrs. As I journey along, I find I have times of great confidence of moving onward with a life that does not include my aH on a romantic level. Those are times when i am most fr...
Not Sure My Fiance is an Alcoholic but I Definitely Fit in At Al-Anon
Hi everyone, I'm new to the boards. I'm actually getting married in a few days so I'm getting ready for the big day but at the same time, dealing with some unfortunate circumstances of my fiance. My fiance and I have been together for over 4 years, engaged for a year. When we first started dating, he was...
I think I am finally waking up! Literally! I have been asleep for so many years mentally that I am ready to wake up. I have had trouble sleeping for a long time but today I am awake & it is good! Even my Ah is helping me get it together. I have seen him through a lot too. Lately he has been getting used to...
Hoot Nanny
This disease makes me sad!!
Hello and Hugs, This disease makes sad. It's amazing all of the emotions this disease makes us go through. Right now I am sad. My heart and prayers go out to all of the people who have lost loved ones to this disease. Honestly, I never thought about losing someone to this disease. I've always envisi...
You gotta love f2f meetings
I've had anxiety all day today, but as soon as my meeting got started tonight, I slowly felt myself calming down. It was a wonderful feeling. One woman made a comment before the end of the meeting about fear and anxiety - she said that we are all strong individuals for reaching out, asking for help,...
I've had Enough!
I've had enough! I've posted on here before about my dry drunk husband and his controlling behaviors, but he went too far the other night and I think it's time to file for divorce. He followed me to my f2f meeting (which I didn't find out about until later) and then when I met with my sponsor at the park, ev...
not dealing with a drunk.
When I first came into al anon years ago before I could embrace it, I heard people talking at a face to face meeting about not dealing with a drunk. One of the people who lives in my house is an alcoholic. On his birthday this last week he made sure he felt sorry for himself. He got drunk and was all over the...
Ok, it's me again; same old thing as before
Well, it's me again. Same old story. You guys will get so tired of me. I truly know what I should do about daughter. I know what I would be telling you guys if you were in my shoes, but here I am; with my head held down; tail between my legs(no that was my dog Bonnie Lou). Sorry, got to have a little humour. D...
You just have to laugh at it
So last night my husband was at his AA meeting and I was getting my son ready for bed. We climbed into his bed to read stories and I suddenly felt winded. Of course that brought on some panic because I couldn't figure out why I should be winded. I worked through it as best I could with deep breaths and I as...
A little Spirtitual Humor from above :)
Well today was a bit of a drag'n day, I don't think I have seen but glimpses of Sunlight.. ALL Week!!! I am a girl that NEEDS Sun... Energy, power, the hole 9... Well make it thru today, got some things done was very grateful for that, then hubbie took me to dinner since I did all the Push mowing while he and th...
Friends for a season
Sometimes I get my heart knocked out of joint when I think of all the friends in my life that have come and gone. Some of them really hurt me especially to let go of them. I am finally seeing that some friends only last for a season. I have had so many of those kinds of friends. But I guess that they have move...
Hoot Nanny
Completion Day :) May 31th 2009... 1 Day Early of my Goal :)
Hey All :) Well lived thru yet another weekend, with lots of aleve, and an Al-anon book in each pocket, and my Serenity Prayer Bracelet & Ring...lol... Laugh Yes, but true... Well after Fridays kick in the teeth, I honestly didn't know what my husband would want to do, and I didn't really care to ask...
Great Weekend!!
On Friday, my son asked if he could go to his karate class. I asked him to clean the kitchen and his room 1st and that I would be glad to take him. So he did what I asked and I took him to class. When I picked him up, he was in a great mood again. Thank goodness! Saturday morning, I was running around the house...
Engaged and tired
Hello all - I have been searching the internet and just had the idea to search for a web forum for Al-Anon folks and in just reading 2 or 3 threads, i know i am in the right place. I have been with my fiance for 4 1/2 years. We have been engaged for 4 months. His drinking problem never became apparent to me until...
I am so frustrated with my teen son. He is sooo moody. The simplest things set him off. Tues and Wed were pretty good nights for us. He went to karate and had a good time. He came home in a great mood both nights. Yesterday we had his weekly court session where he stands in front of this great Drug Court...
Just plain confused~Feel like I am fighting a loosing battle~In need of some ESH....
Made it through the day without jumping on the Merry Go Round of Insanity. Did real well, kept my focus on HP's will for me and kept reminding myself that the insane behaviors were all an attempt by me to control, manipulate and play God......All part of my sickness. Got to my F2F meeting tonight feeli...
Recovery & The National Spelling Bee
(((Family))), This past week the Scripps National Spelling Bee took place. Now every year I watch. Every year I feel stupid! But I know I'm not. Every year I vow to improve my vocabulary so that one day I may complete the NY Times Sunday crossword without it taking me 3 weeks! This year after watching i...
Great joy - one of the "ups" in the "ups and downs".
Hi MIP family! Long time no post, but definetly reading and learning still.
Yesterday a great gift of new life came into our world. Our first grand baby boy. Mother and baby are doing well. My son is full of great love. The same love we feel for him.
Many of you...
So sick of feeling like this :(
Hey everyone. I'm new here, and I first want to say how great I think it is to have a place like this on the internet to help people cope. I hope this message isn't too long and I hope someone will read it because I really just need to get this off of my chest and finally tell someone about the emotional pain I ha...
Looking for a quote~
I still find myself with the uncontrollable urge at times to contact EXABF, or to go to his Myspace page and snoop. Yes I said Snoop-lol.... I have been doing better at catching myself on occassion, but am looking for a quote that I can copy and paste on my PC's at home and work, so that when I look at that qu...
Zen and the Art of Swimming Pool Maintenance
I was writing this in my journal and thought I would share it with you. Take what you like and leave the rest. As I was working on the pool this morning, it occurred to me that there are many aspects related to the upkeep of the pool that are parallel to taking care of myself. If I don't maintain the pool - br...
Fear He won't love me now that he's sober...
Can anyone please help me understand why I'm afraid my newly sober (23 days in rehab) AH, who is coming home on Thursday won't love me now that he's sober? I know it's irrational thinking. I know I should live today and not worry about tomorrow. But I realized driving home from visiting him today that he'...
My Ason is relapsing....help please..... lots of ES&H needed
My husband has just found, by accident, (we have not long moved into our new build house and he had to move some boxes around in my son's room) a quart bottle of vodka orange mix hidden behind some pictures, half full, and an empty vodka bottle. My A son (in recovery 8 weeks) has shown no sign of h...
Sitting at the Airport
I am still fairly new to alanon and dealing personally with somebody with addiction. My drug addict/ alcoholic fiance took me home to visit his family this week, and while there, he said he was going to work on his sobriety. Instead, he worked on getting high the entire time we were there, avoided his...
Should have seen this coming--never so angry in my life!!!!
I am so upset and angry, I am shaking. ADaughter is supposed to move in her apt. tomorrow. Her soon to be ex husband agreed to pay the apartment rent for one year. well move in date is tomorrow and guess what??? He has not paid a dime and will not answer the phone. So, who does daughter call??? Me of co...
My Short Fuse...
Could my short fuse be another trait I have gathered from my Afather... Aurggggg... I was having a rather good morning.. No Drama, just get'n it done... I get a package from Fed-ex stating that it was shipped internationally??? So I open it, and find two CD's.. And a packing list... So I call the Number o...
So it Continues...Aurggggg
Ok... Long short, I gave away afathers trailer, "Great DONE", also gave away the Nice shed that was with it... WELL... The land owners came over the other day when the lady was removing the trailer and said that "NO WAY" was she taking the Shed, it did not go with the trailer... She...
thank you Tiger
back from my evaluation - mind on alcohol took most of the day but we're home from my 2 hr evaluation (in addition to the 12 hr DUI 1st offense school) - i did end up speaking to the counselor and telling her some of my past - left here this morn not sure what way i was going to go with it - end result was not what i w...
all the stress is affecting me physically
lots of extra stress for the past 6-8 months - gained 20 lbs and it wont come back off hard to take care of myself physically when there is so much mental/emotional turmoil
Today I am struggling with all sorts of feelings. I managed to get out of the house and spoke with my sponsor and two of my closest recovery friends. I am going to sit down and have dinner and attend an open AA meeting tonight. I would be less than honest if I told you that I was really totally okay. I am not. I h...
Saved By Grace
Moving day is upon me
Saturday is moving day. I am dreading it but at the same time looking forward to it being over. My entire life has been about packing and cleaning for the past month and I am so ready to have my other life back!!! My last move was a disaster I was not prepared and had barely any help. I feel pretty good abo...