Closes a door and opens a window...
Well, earlier this week I decided to turn down a job offer. I wrestled with it and decided I didn't want to move right now. Partially, this is because of my recovery work and I don't want to get derailed when I'm making so much progress. It's too much stress right now. So... I wrestled and decided to turn it...
What to Say to AH
Question how to handle something for those of you who've ever separated from your A. My AH is in inpatient rehab now after several hospitalizations and being unable to stay sober enough for outpatient, and going on a bender with his own mother (who'd been sober 22 years). He hasn't lived with me sinc...
Even though I know why!!!!
ok I am venting, I know better than what I am saying!! Just spitting out my imperfect me! RRRRRR son's fb is gone. HUH? He calls to check in. Hey what happened to your fb. Oh he says it is causing too many problems. HUH? His not wife cept on paper is accusing him of cheating and all that bolony. My son has very...
Productive :)
Wow I had more steam in my engine than I thought .. LOL. I have rearranged the computer area, which cleared out a ton of clutter. I'm still going through it just taking a quick break. I'm going to pay for this tomorrow .. gak .. oh well, I"m hoping for just some sore muscles. I'm not sure I like the s...
Trying to learn how to heal
I am 28 years old and have an alcoholic mother. In the last year, with the help of God, my boyfriend, and his family I have finally begun to uncover the scars from mental and emotional abuse as I was growing up and deal with them properly. As a survival mechanism, I clamped down on all the anger and resentm...
Do I stay or do I go now?
Hi, I'm new to Al Anon, but not new to AA. I'm trying to decide whether to stay and work on me while continuing my marriage with my AH, or if I need to leave to be able to finish my work. Going to just let it all out...and hope for the best here. Been married for 25 years and he is the love of my life. However the l...
Light at the end of this tunnel??
Well, I haven't posted in a bit because I've been out of town. I'm back now and have a couple things to put out there. I'm really hoping to get to a meeting or meetings this week because I really need the support. I joined Alanon and this group primarily because of my pain at the end of a 3-yr relationship wit...
Just a few of my favorites I wanted to share. Enjoy!There is so much satisifaction in work well done; praise is sweet, but there can be no happiness equal to the joy of finding a heart that truly understands - Victor RobinsonMay God give you eyes to see the beauty only the heart can understand unknown...
A look at my weird
Tonight Ive been messing with my latest experiment. This morning I was doing something that made me start wondering why I couldnt make some kind of concentrated coffee thing that you just add a few tablespoons of the concentrate to a cup of hot liquid to make coffee that tastes fresh from the pot. So, af...
oops! for Hannah
I aksed him to go. Now he's angry and i'm devasted
I asked my husband to leave today... he has had a binge drinking problem since i met him. After 3 years i fanally had enough today and asked him to leave. He manages to stay dry for six weeks at a time and then the seventh week is hell. Thing is i miss him already and now he's angry with me for making him leave hi...
Not reacting = a blind eye?
Hi everyone. Question for you. I read over and over again about not engaging with our addicts. We can't control whether they are using or not. Time and time again I read that when people have seen or know their addict is using they walk away, don't react, etc. But does that show the addict we "c...
How do I quit feeling
My daughter is married to an addict, for years she thought he was bi polar and he was being treated for that by a doctor. He wanted her to keep that a secret and she believed that he had his right to privacy so for years our family saw strange behavior but got no answers, he abused her but she didn't tell anyo...
Do I or Don't I ..
Well, .. my AH has a history of doing things that affect the family with no regard of the big picture. The truck .. LOL .. that has been a theme and I'm really have got to get myself into some kind of dark comedy writing course or something. Off topic one of my girlfriends who rocks in ways I can't begin to de...
Something for myself
My avatar is what I did for myself this weekend. I happened to the grocery store and they were selling 1 dozen roses for 1$. They are on their last legs they were so pretty I picked up 2$ worth. I'm sooo glad I did they look so pretty on my kitchen table (clean kitchen table). It has been nice to just enjoy...
I am thankful for my sponsor
I've had a rough couple of days. Feeling a lot of emotions. After all of these months, it is still hard for me to pick up the phone and call someone. I was sitting outside today, tears flowing, beginning to drown in my own self-pity, trying to grab some serenity and failing miserably. Then, I remembered...
Very Very Tired
just another day in PARADISE!
With all the bad things that are happening in the world today, I feel so blessed to live where I do w/ the people I live with. Not to seem callous or anything to any of you who are suffering right now, but I am happy & content where I am. Sunday is a very important day to so many--especially to the survivor...
Hoot Nanny
here we go again
Hi guys I have been doing well I think. Handing it over, not taking it personally, not reacting. Him noticing the change in me etc. I have been laughing and smiling again at times I even felt calm. Yesterday my husband asked me to go fishing with him today. IN the past we have talked and I 'accept' that h...
Hi everyone, My ABF has been back out there for over two months after being sober for 9 months its his journey and i do believe he will get back into programme he is already talking about it. I have told him I want no contact that we both need to sort ourselves out. I have not ruled out a relationship in the f...
Sponsor Conflict - How do you know...
How do you know when the sponsor you signed up with is actually not working out? I've heard people in groups say that they didn't like what their sponsor told them and they stuck it out. My sponsor points out my flaws but she's sick too so how is a sponsor credible? She'll ask my questions and then halfway...
Ex sponsor in same meeting...the aftermath
Hello: I posted a question earlier about how to determine if your sponsor is helping you or hurting you. Now I need to know how to best deal with running into her in future meetings. We go to the same meeting one day a week and I will not stop going to that meeting. She has been in the program for many,, ma...
There are times most days when I would give a lot to be away from the addicts I live with and have to deal with. Watching them progress in their disease from whatever vantage point is not pretty. These days however I do have boundaries. I do have perspective. I do have self preservation. I didn't have t...
I have a Dr.'s appointment Monday a.m. and it is not certain whether I will be able to return home in time to chair the meeting. Hoping someone will be able step up and chair for me. Thanks.
Brande new to Al-Anon
Hi. I don't know anything about alanon. It was suggested I go to a mtg by my therapist, but I work full time and have a 6 yr old daughter so it is hard to find the time. So I thought maybe I could give this a try. My mother was an alcholic, an abusive one and she died when I was 15. I was in a bad marriage from 19-27. I...
Eden's River pictures
Mac had to go up a side as my Newfyx was up there about to come down an impossible side of a cliff! At first he stood below waiting to catch her. He has NO idea how heavy she is! mac is watching me take the pic as I precariously am on the side of a huge slopping rock. sauvy is next to him and his dog is right by his han...
Last night
Two nights ago, my baby was having trouble sleeping. We had a late night. Yesterday evening I was tired (not hungry, not lonely) and the baby was having trouble with bedtime - this is frustrating (as I'm sure many parents can attest to) because it wasn't clear what the issue is, so the mommy and the ACO...
Leaving him tomorrow
Hey everybody, I am leaving my RA tomorrow. I'm going out town and will be gone for 9 days. Pray that his friends come over and help him get out, because I think that is the best of bad options. It's been such a roller coaster lately - you know, the fluctuations between awesome real guy and crazy guy. W...
rara avis
Prayers please
A few days ago my moostiff developed a limp, his back leg was weak. I kept him on an easy schedule and everything seemed to be going well while we waited for the vet appointment today. Last night his leg swelled to an amazing size and his lymph nodes were hugely swollen. We went to the furry ones ER where we e...
A Mirror Into Your Soul
Had a good run for about a month, and then the evil twin showed up. I knew as soon as I got home from work that my AH was on a rant. Verbal jabs hidden under the guise of 'just kidding', trying to get me to respond to negative comments meant to start an argument. I did well in simply not responding, went about m...
my change in attitude
I asked my husband if he had seen anything different in me the past few weeks. he said I seemed less stressed with...then trailed off his voice. I said less stressed with what? "well.. with me smoking and stuff, you seem to have accepted it" I was shocked he said that and my immediate response...
giving up fixing others
Recently I've met two men who are really struggling in their lives. One contemplating divorce and the other a former co worker. Normally I would see it as my civic duty to help and fix them. Right now I'm just aware of how lost both of them seem. Where did I ever get the idea I could be a sign post for peop...
Hello! not sure if this board is active, but I need some help on step 4. Thanks!
How to respons to my son
My son is taking on the characteristics of an alcoholic without the alcohol. He has been married six years, and the last two years has been with a full-blown alconolic. She has spent two stints in rehab, leaving both times before the end of the program, and is now supposedly going into rehab a third ti...
I'm BAAAAACK!!! :)
Things have been really tense lately at home. My husband is out of work and it has put a little stress on me. He has been on a binge and is starting come off of it. It concerns me and when he comes off of his binge then I can confront him in a non confrontational way. I had slipped back a little bit. Not sleeping a...
Gettin Help from those b4 Me :)
Welp... I have been Read Read Reading Here of Late and I have to say it has opened new Doors... I have been Reading the Story of Lois W.(One of the Founders of Al-Anon) . It is an Amazing story of her Life with Bill W. ... I Love to hear Quotes "From Her" and in her Quote/statements or comments she m...
visit to my Family of Origin coming up
On the 13 September, my husband and I fly out to my family of origin for holidays. I am most 'concerned' about the time with my sister. My sister is 10 years older than me and is far worse than me when it comes to emotional manipulation. Cutting a long story short, she is an amphetamine addict who says she is...
When I landed in program I thought I had absolutely no choices. I began to realize that every single thought I entertained, every reaction, feeling -- they were all choices of mine to make. I saw that if I did X and was left feeling Y (heh, "why") then that was very bad for me and fed my incredi...
Feeling Trapped
Wednesdays are hard...they're my day off and I have time to think. They're also the days I have individual counseling. I'm having a hard time learning how to detach. Finding out that my alcoholic bf whom I have been with for a year and a half, 5 months sober, cheated on me last Christmas, you'd think I...
On not reacting and other such things
Ok so here's the story: Yesterday I read that great page in ODAAT for Sept. 6th. I gained a new perspective from that. I was able to hold onto it all day. Spoke with my sponsor and another Alanon friend through texts and messages. I am glad I read that page because I may not have had such an easy time las...
adult with a mum with BPD (and a sober alcoholic)
ive got about 40 years worth of venting to do, so please be aware my mum probably isnt as bad as I make out as i am focussing on her faults and BPD at the moment- she s a generous caring individual who is geneuinely sick anyway--- like i said- i do need to vent- she has been sober for last 20 years- but to be hone...
I had a good couple weeks with my AH.I allowed him to do his thing,with no nagging,while I tried to take care of me.We were enjoying each others company alot.....till today. I had to go to the city to take care of some errands and he stayed at home.When I was at the cash paying for some items I heard my cell r...
I hardly ever do this!
I am handing over all my frustrations to my HP, who can better handle my worries than I. I am turning off the computer and taking a looong hoooot soak in the tub and won't be back for a looong time! I am working on relaxation and self care tonight and am going to embrace it fully! I hope everyone is doing well...
Finally back online
We finally had our internet access set up last week; it was tough going a month without home-based internet access, but I survived. I am struggling mightily right now. Losing my job has left me directionless. I had been doing so well detaching from my AH, but over the past month I have backslid trem...
Today's "Courage to Change" addressed priorities, and daily focus. I find it interesting that I was thinking about this very thing this morning. I want to be able to function, perhaps someday be happy in my own life. I had another appmt with employee services. The counselor there has...
Thinking of Visiting an Open AA Meeting for the First Time
I am not going to be able to make it to my Alanon home meeting on time tonight due to another obligation. There is an open AA meeting near my home that starts an hour later, so I would be able to make it there in time. I am interested in seeing what it's like on the "other side of the pond" and hoping t...
Green Eyes
alcoholic sobriety and other devient behavior
my husband has been sober for 10 years and i have just discovered that he is acting out sexually he blames me for being distant and removed since the birth of my grandchildren can my behavior lead to his acting out
Tools of Alanon
While I am an alcoholic, there is so much to this alanon program that keeps me coming back to the boards. I do need to learn to detach and stop controlling others. I need to learn that I am powerless over people. I need to stop being controlling, nagging, and bitter. I need to turn the focus on me. Now t...
where from here
Hi Everyone, I have been posting over the past two months how my ABF had slipped after 9 months sober having been in rehab for 6 and a dry house for 3. I just got myself out of the way and he moved in with his sister. I have tried to work on myself doing ore meetings etc. He text me last night saying he is going...
ove reacting then catastrophizing
Today I had an issue at work which I had once before in April of this year. I am not feeling too well. I am doing better than I was but I still feel pretty pushed up against a brick wall. I immediately went into panic, over reaction and then catastophe and of course I went into feeling upset, annoyed, isola...
good things
HI I often feel like I say all bad things about my husband. I wanted to say some good things about him and put some positive vibes out there. He is a very good man in my opinion. He works hard and brings in the paychecks every week, as do I. He is very complimentary on my skills to do the budget and give us a goo...
? on attending my first f2f al-anon
i have a question that may seem a little unusual...ok, maybe it's just fear, but nonetheless i'm not sure how to approach this. i know f2f meetings would be good for me, however, i have a bit of a conflict of interest. in my line of work, i deal with many, many people in recovery (isn't there an old sayin...
i don't even know who i am anymore!
i just feel horrible. i'm so angry at my ah that i find myself yelling at my kids...and they start school tomorrow! i don't want them to feel more anxious than they already may be feeling. they're so little...5 and 7. i feel so guilty. but sometimes i'm just screaming inside my head with the feelin...
My first ever fourth date
In the morning I am going on my very first fourth date to have breakfast. That seems really strange considering I had a 6 year high school relationship, an 11 year marriage/relationship, and 2 other year or so relationships in my life. Being honest though each of those relationships never had fourth...
A lot of our problem is ME
After talking to my dh and doing some serious introspection, I have realized that I am out of control with fear and anxiety. I am placing expectations on him, I am holding him to MY standards and then getting mad when my standard gets broken, I am fearful of what may happen even though it hasn't. I have a...
OT - Grandma passed
I am so grateful for the support the board has provided during this time. Thank you for your prayers. It was peaceful, and she went because her body was tired and it was just time. Thank you again. P :)
Todays One Day at a Time....
"I will not interfere with the activities of the alcoholic, or watch over him, counsel him, or assume his responsibilities. He must have the same freedom to make his own decisions as I have, since he must suffer for them if they are wrong." And then: "Teach me to leave to others their...
expectations - my bad
A few months ago my a and I separated as much as possible while still living on the same property. He has his place and I have mine. We occasionally run into each other in the shared kitchen, or out on the patio but mostly he stays in his place and drinks. He offered to make dinner for both of us last night (he...
life is good!
After suffering for over 24 hrs. w/ a broken filling, I got it fixed on Friday! It was the back one on the bottom right. My tongue was scraping against it for all that time. I could barely talk & eating & drinking were almost out of the question! But, thanks to my God of my understanding it got fille...
Hoot Nanny
RAH hates the world and is driving me nuts
My AH is in AA and is currently 30 days out from his last relapse. He has tried to quit drinking for the past two years, had several relapses but is trying to stop drinking. My current problem is that he is very hateful and angry all the time. I saw him relaxed and happy for a couple days during an inpati...