setting limits
After Christmas I didn't have enough work to sustain me so I asked the retail store I work at on the weekend for extra hours. They didn't give me any (well one doesn't count for much) and I was pretty upset. They had a new hire from Christmas they heaped the hours on. She got a ton of overtime too. After Ch...
AH Hiding Beer Again
It's been 3 weeks since AH said he wouldn't drink, it turns out he is back to just drinking when I go to sleep and hiding the evidence. I found some beer bottles while putting something away in a cabinet that I don't use everyday, but have used within the last couple weeks. He's at work now and I am trying...
I fell off the EMOTIONAL wagon. Everything feels upside down
Hello Everyone, I know the last post I wrote I was sounding a lot stronger and happier about being done with my drug-addicted ex boyfriend. He recently got out of jail on the 13th and contacted me right away. Mind you, he moved back in with the mother of his child and has been using her phone to contact me....
day 3 and obsessing
i go to bed with him on my mind and wake up with him on my mind,omg whats wroong with me my freind is i know getting sick and tired of me talking about him she says im obsessing over him that im obsessed about him,its driveing my mind crazy ,all i can do is think about him,now im scared he is gonna come knocking a...
gads they are all over the place....
My one ONE neighbor is a nutcase, insane, not using addict. great huh? He called animal control two times on my dogs barking. Most of you know how much I love my dogs and they are very well trained, be it still idiots at times! They do not bark. On a sunday I was out playing with them for about twenty min. Thro...
Where & how do I post my photo to my username ?
Where & How do I post a photo to my username ?
My UPDATE thread!!
I haven't been able to get to a meeting this week at all, but I did a lot of reading and doing my best to apply what I've leraned in my every day life! This week was VERY hard. I got that ever dreaded call at 2 am! My daughter had been in a massive wreck. she hit a cement barrier at 70 mph. I rushed to the hospital an...
love is in the air!
Love is definitely in the air! At least in my neck of the woods. The weather is perfect & people are alive & well! I feel like this is really God's country--so yeah, other places are beautiful but No. ID is tops! I love when I wake up & see the mountains from my porch! At night deer appear right o...
Hoot Nanny
How to not feel helpless and hopeless when I'm powerless.
This I struggle with alot. Feeling powerless is actually easy to acknowledge...i've felt it my whole life (well most of the time anyway). But I also feel helpless and hopeless at the same time. So much in my life is currently out of my control, what's in my control doesn't feel powerful enough to cha...
back from holiday
I am back from my three week overseas trip. We had a good time. It had its ups and downs. I get very stressed in new places, with new things etc and I'm afraid my default emotion of anger was running the show a fair bit. But I noted it and talked to myself. We found Bali fun as per usual. My husband is a bit of...
using alanon in all my affairs!
Yep I used it today in my work place, I am a cook in a residential home and the residents are like my family, I asked my hubbie if he could come in with me this morning and sharpen my knives, he is a time served engineer with his own buisiness, anyways I asked my manager if that was ok, well actually I said is it o...
Progress not Perfection
Progress Not Perfection. I've been in the program a few 24 hours and not a truer statement has ever been said. Sometimes I feel as though I just started this journey of self-discovery, and other times I feel as though I've been on it my whole life. To those new in the al-anon program you may not have heard t...
I'm happy today
I am happy today. And not because I had a great day, in fact it was pretty complicated. I was supposed to fly home today. I've been crashing at my brothers since leaving my ABF and I was supposed to fly out of the country back to my parents home. Well the thing is I have two dogs and I'm taking them with me. I tho...
Unavailable partner
I am writing because I am feeling upset because my partner is so withholding sometimes. To punish me for expessing any need or want in the relationship. The rules are that if I feel anything or ask for anything at all that makes my partner feel uncomfortable or is a clash of meeds then I am seen as being in t...
I did it! I didn't have to be right!
So, in many conversations/discussions/arguments with AH I felt I always had to prove that I was right (which I usually was, LOL) and it was so darn draining going back and forth with him over something that I knew I could prove if he would just let it be. I would get flustered, frustrated, angry, and jus...
Saying nothing at all
Something that this program has taught me (although I cuss a lot about this lesson learned .. lol) .. is sometimes just because I have a thought doesn't mean I need to say it. (I'm so not going to lie it would feell SOOOOO GOOD to say those things too, more than 5 min that's all I'm going to say .. LOL!) All I ca...
Serenity is priceless
I've been working through some feelings over the last few weeks due to a decision I made. At a time when so many people are without any work, I finally was hired where I have been working temporarily over the last half year. The pay isn't great and I'm overqualified for the job but I have an incredible bo...
I am unable to honor my commitment to chair the Monday a.m. Al-Anon meeting. My brother-in-law is having risky surgery in the morning and I will be supporting my sister-in-law at the hospital. Hopefully, someone will step up and chair the meeting on my behalf. Thanks Jeri aka Shimo
i love all your esh and im still needing it,1st day i havent heard from him
he didnt cheat on me i dont beleive to get this desease ,he got it while were were broke up for almost a year he had hooked up with a girl that like to drink hard liquar,and was with her for 2 or 3 mths,then i came and soon as he saw me me like he said he knew it was over between him and her,for he had gotten to the poi...
Choice & Acceptance
I just got home from my first Al Anon Workshop. What incredible shares and speakers we had ! And isn't this always the way......one of the topics I wanted to sit in on was filled and I had to sit in on another. As always, knew the hand of my HP was at work when one of the speakers started speaking on somehing...
well...it is happening again!
I have a headache today which means that I need more sleep. My clinician is working on another type of med. for me. Actually it was one I was taking before that got mixed up! I am not very good w/ less sleep--I need a solution! For those who don't know me--I have really bad insomnia. I have struggled w/ it for...
Hoot Nanny
AH back in town, here I go obsessing again
My estranged AH is back home after a work trip. I, of course, am out of the house and have been doing really well focusing on my own life and staying detached. I'm finding myself obsessing again. The man did horrible things to me; I don't want him back. I don't want to call him or see him. I'm not even upse...
Dolly Llama
Serenity and Clarity
Hi all....having a rough week. Praying for some clarity and serenity into what I should do about my ex ABF who is still part of my life and still an active drinker. I have been praying for some kind of answer to come over me and I am pretty sure I do not want him to be part of my life anymore. This devistates me i...
Question about the steps.
Well I've been coming to meetings for the past couple of weeks now and the thing I find hardest to understand is how to connect with a higher power being agnostic. I know it's not a religious program and I know that my higher power can be a bookcase if I want it to be, but I find it kind of hard to do the 12 steps i...
well,here goes for the rest of the story,
things went well fri.nite with me and him,but come saturday or today,he had to have a pain pill ,all his connections here are all gone either mostly dead ,and the only one person he had told him no nomore she is disabled severely and got told on so now she has cut him off,but he managed to think up someone th...
Easy does it
I have been reading an old thread from last year, anf it has been helping me to get some things clear. I have just read what white rabbit said about sponsorship: "Recovery is at your own pace. I had a sponsor for a full year before I was ready to tackle the steps. I was stuck on Steps 1 and 2 forever, and t...
Acoa related
Hi,This morning I woke from a deep sleep, with the sudden realisation, that I am where I am because of me. Not from anyone/anything else. Soley from the choices I have made for my life. In the Laundry List book Step 5 reads - We admitted to our Higher Power, To Ourselves and to another human being the ex...
Tracey C
difficulty with parents
I need some help. My parents are both considerable drinkers (dad 8-9 beers per day and mom 3-5 glasses of wine). I have spent my life always having the alcohol and drugs put before me, and now that i am an adult, i am terrified of ending up the same way. I have worked my butt off getting where i am and i don'...
I grew up in a mentally ill home, escaped to chaotic relationships, jumped from one to the next for decades. Had long periods of celibacy where I felt incredibly lonely, despondent and abandoned. So there was never much semblance of balance in my life. Skip to 5 years since I left the ex A (anniversary...
maliciously indifferent 2
I am desperate! I do not know what to do....she is tearing me apart! I have my compassion and my oath of "in sickness and in health" as well as my Catholicism on one side and her morphine, tramadol, oxycotin addiction on the other as well as ones I may not be aware of. She is mean to me. She is cond...
I'm looking for John; want to do service; chairing meetings
I've tried several times to get ahold of John, whom, I've been told, is in charge of the rooms here. I'd like very much to chair one of the chairless meetings in Alanon. Please let me know how to proceed. Fina.
he keeps calling me to come and get him
and him and me knowing he has given me this awful std that he isnt planning on getting rid of it ,this is really hard ,sex is over with between us and he is gonna just keep spreading it around to whoever when i actually call it off ,im picking up my med for it monday,no sex for 20 days and then have to go back in an...
I went to the train station last night and almost boarded to Crazytown!
I had to go to the office where my exAH works and use the fax machine there, since I don't have one and I asked 2 other places that had a fax and they don't let anyone not staff use them. So anyway I was in the office for awhile faxing out forms to different agencies and he comes in the room I am in and starts getti...
Reaching out and asking for help
Hi All, I'm new(ish) to all this and I've finally decided to get off the roller coaster, take a giant leap of faith and do what I need to do to get healthy and sane. I left my addict boyfriend (again) last week. I kept trying to find the magic formula of things I could say/do to help/save him. I kept trying to m...
New here - need advice
My husband has been sober for over 2 years. He is on step 10. I have had counselling from his rehab and was discharged a few months ago. I am very proud of my husband and the work he has done BUT I have been getting increasingly unhappy about our financial situation. He has not worked for 3 years - I am bring...
How Important Is It?
I'm trying to decide .. LOL .. I have a situation with the kids school, .. I am responsible for homework, rides to and from school and so on. I don't mind that at all .. what I do mind is the 4 nights out of the month as well as 2 weekends I'm still responsible for making sure the homework is done. It's importa...
Recovery removing fear
I am having so much fun seeing how recovery work continues to remove fear from my life. About a year ago, I posted about my experience with getting up and reading the Al-Anon Preamble in front of a room of around 100 people at the annual Big Island Bash, an AA convention with Al-Anon participation. Well,...
chronic fatigue
I have a question . . . I am often tired, can't seem to get enough sleep, lots of aches and pains, very low resiliency (I may feel well enough for a nice hike, or tear through the house cleaning, but then I pay for it the next day by being exhausted). I have tended to explain this away as 'reaction to stress' o...
Iris lover of dogs
That Wasn't So Bad
That work thing I was worried about earlier in the week, the decision I had to make - turned out it wasn't so difficult. I guess its true, when you have one foot in yesterday and one foot in tomorrow, you end up crapping all over today. Sorry. Crude analogy but u get my point I'm sure. Have a wonderful evenin...
Court Day Today for AH
Well, AH just left for his appointment at court. This is the sentencing hearing. I have been minding my own business and not asking questions, although I did hand him the checkbook just in case he needs it to pay fines, etc. I said a few nice encouraging words and told him that I would pray for him. He s...
all kinds of emotions flooding back
Participating in this program has opened up a lot of closed off emotions - many that I really would rather not feel but I know I need to move through them to get past them and see them from the other side. Sometimes this is a very difficult thing to do when others either don't understand the process or don'...
HELP ME,give me peace
ok,1st off ive been away from alanon for several mths ,no meetings no where near me but been coming here way long time,most of you know me as chinup,ive been really busy with myself and sick son,got back with my ex a/d b/f i split up with him for nearly a year and dum me went and scooped him back up and away fro...
Seeking a Step Sponsor
Hi and thanks for reading. I've a retread in Al-Anon and am looking for someone to help me work the steps (again). I'm starting step 3 and know how much wiser it is to have someone who isn't my own ego working with me. Let me know if you want more details. And . . . thanks. Fina
I was just re-reading the questions in the Blueprint For Progress under the topic of Love. I like the quote they have there: I needed love before I even knew what it was. Now that I understand something about it, I need it even more. By loving myself, I not only take care of my own needs, but I lay a foundatio...
Having trouble believing it's not personal
I threw my boyfriend of 3 years out the 1st of the month after his behaviour became too abusive and outrageous. He has called a couple times on business and I haven't been very receptive. I expected a call today re something he needs that is still here, but he didn't call. Although I tell myself it's n...
Gratitude & Service
Words god gave me today are gratitude and service. So, service is a great way to show gratitude. Works for me. You all have a nice day now.
New here
Hi all. Last night my finace and I had it out about doing his part around the house. He seems to think that working and being sober is all that is required. He has been sober 20 months and has not smoked cigarettes for 2 months. After 12 years together, I am indeed happy and we have talked of marriage, and I am...
Happy Thursday
Good morning! Have a great day!
detachment AND Fear?
Hi everybody! I have to say I am very grateful for the Alanon lesson of detachment. It's something I didn't "get" while I was in my relationship, but now that I'm out, it has become VERY useful! My ex RA appears to be living/staying down my street about 500 yards away - this close, despite a 10...
rara avis
My progress thread
So as I've stated in my introduction in a previous thread, I've begun attending meetings (both alanon and naranon) because of my fiancé's heroin addiction. And I just wanted to make this my progress thread on here. Today, I had a therapy appt but I ended up missing it and having to reschedule due to my ow...
I need a new job, house and attitude!
I am less than 2 months from my move and haven't set up my job or house yet and am lookinglike crazy. All the rentals I call on are wanting to be rented out by May 1 or won't take my dog. I have to stay low so there aren't many and after the divorce I gave up my horses, my house and so much material stuff I will not gi...
Apologies - update on me
Hey all. I wanted to publicly apologize for arguing with mods on this board. It usually takes me a day or two to realize when I acted like a big jerk. Even if I was right about some of my points (which is questionable), Who cares? It is not appropriate to argue with folks that are doing service free of ch...
You know What Would Be really cool?
I see the step board discussions here. do you do the 12 Traditions as well. It would certainly be interesting to see something like that. just food for thought......
why me? or why not me?
I was just thinking that I am still blessed even when I don't feel it or see it! I deserve every blesssing that I receive. Why not me? I am a child of God who is not junk! I have purpose & a real reason to be here. I hope you all know how much you are needed & loved. I have come a long way even before I starte...
Hoot Nanny
Living with AH after divorce. Need suggestions
Hi, all - I'm a first time poster. My AH and I were just divorced in January. In 2 days it will be final. Over the past few years he was addicted to heroin (and kicked), put our home into forclosure (that I prevented by liquidating retirement funds) and is now drinking almost daily. When we appeared...
checking in
I haven't been here lately as much as I have in the past, or as much as I would like to. I've been dog/house sitting for some friends who are out of the country. But I'm not comfortable leaving my home completely so I've been going back and forth in taxis with food, clothes, and dogs between friend's house i...
Telling the truth
I've recently (after 3 long years) decided to separate from my husband for 3 months. This has been a decision that is not at all easy to come to for me. I'm a SHM to 2 small kids with 5 pets. Completly financially dependent on my husband for the most part. In any case, after so many years of trying to keep my fa...
living for me
Tell employer?
Does anyone have experience or thoughts on telling your boss about a spouse's alcoholism? I have an excellent relationship with my boss and have worked with him for nearly 15 years. I'm considering telling him what is going on just so he is aware that I may need to take time out of the office here and ther...
Its scary when they start drinking and driving again
Love and hugs to all ya'll. =) Just a page from my diary... 20120417: She bought a bottle of rum yesterday. Told me that she spilt some of it to hide that she drank it. She puked at about 8:20 and went to bed at 8:30. Today, the bottle was ½ full at aobut 10:30 this morning. By 3:00 it was gone except for 1 or...
You Know Who You Are
I just wanted to say one more thing before I peel my eyelids off the computer screen. Thank you to all my friends, especially the ones I didn't know I had until just now. I was feeling a little...I don't know...like I didn't belong. And someone noticed that I was feeling that way and we chit-chatted for a b...