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So, in many conversations/discussions/arguments with AH I felt I always had to prove that I was right (which I usually was, LOL) and it was so darn draining going back and forth with him over something that I knew I could prove if he would just let it be. I would get flustered, frustrated, angry, and just feel defeated by the time it was almost over and AH has a way of making a 5 minute thing turn into a half hour thing, can anyone else relate?
So, this AM I told AH that I wanted to go to church this weekend. We haven't been in 3 years and ever since my dad died back in December I've felt a serious pull to go back. Anyway, I've mentioned periodically over the past few months that I want to go back and AH never responded. He never initiated any attempt to get us all to church, he never went into a deep conversation with me about actually going or where I would like to attend, etc. Quite frankly, he never gave me any feedback or any indication that he himself wanted to go at all. And, one of the reasons I stopped going years ago is because of how much he complained about the congregation, the traffic, the message, organized religion, etc. blah, blah, blah. His negativity got so bad that I just decided that church wasn't for me and once I stopped going, we all stopped going.
Anyway, I invited him to go along and told him that I know the church has Sat Eve service and Sun AM service. I know he plays tennis every Sunday AM so I told him to let me know if he wants to go so that I can plan for which service. His words, "I'll think about it." So, AH and our son get home from playing tennis for a few hours and son says, "Are we going to church tonight." And, I said, "Well, that depends on whether your dad wants to go. If he wants to come along, we'll go tonight. If he doesn't, we can go to the Sun AM service."
AH was in the room and says, "I said I'll go. I just didn't know if they had Sat eve services." So, right there: I could have gone off about how I told him specifically that they have both Sat and Sun services and that his answer to me this AM was: I'll think about it. But, I dropped it and just smiled through gritted teeth wondering why he does this to me.
Then, I was sitting out by the pool and AH comes out to hand me my phone. I specifically said, "Honey, you don't have to go to church just because I'm going. I know that you have some issues with church and I don't want you to feel obligated." To which he says, "Me? I don't have a problem with church! I have a problem with the congregation but now that I'm on anti-depressants I'll be just fine. You're the one who hasn't wanted to go to church." again, I could have hopped on his crazy train and kept blowin' my horn for nothing, right? I have repeatedly mentioned my wanting to go to church for months and he never responded or took any initiative to get us there as a family. All of a sudden, he's pro-church and he has no problem going? Yet, he's never made a peep about ever wanting to go to any service in the last 3 years?
There's a big part of me that wishes he would just stay home. Just the conversations we had today have already put a bad taste in my mouth about going back but I feel that I made a commitment to myself to go back. I just wish things would be easier with him, yet I'm proud of myself for not engaging, not arguing, and not having to be right......even when I know I am, LOL!!!!
Yes, I can relate to the 5 minute convo tha turns into a drawn out argument. Especially about marriage stuff. Ugh. My AH loved to debate, almost for sport. So draining.
I say, just go to whatever service YOU want to. If your AH joins you, great. If not, that's great too. The point is to feed yourself spiritually..he will do what he will do.
Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible be found in us. -from Pema Chödron's When Things Fall Apart
So glad you didn't board the train! I just got back from my Church's Saturday night service and am so glad I went it was a great sermon. I always love the music too, especially since my 14 year old sings and plays with the band most weekends. Sending you love and support on your journey!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
Well, I'm VERY glad that I went, not so happy that he came along. He was fidgeting because he was irritated by some folks who were talking by the exit door(we got there late and had to sit in the back row), kept turning around and giving them the evil eye, and he stood with his arms folded. I could tell he was agitated and I tried very hard to just FOCUS ON ME and on the worship music and NOT on him. Luckily, I had my 13 year old between us so I had some space. When we left I was quite energized and chatty and he didn't speak the entire ride home. I even cracked a joke about how I've been chewing on one side of mouth because of a temporary crown and that cheek is getting roughed up. So, I said that I was chewing on my cheek meat. Seriously, my 13 year old thought it was funny. AH didn't even crack a smile, it was like he wasn't even there in the car, comatose or something. We just got home and the first thing he did was sit his rear on the couch and turn on the TV. Oh well, I enjoyed it.
Soooo glad you went to church!! I took the boy as well and we had a great time! Saturday nights are the best for me because it fulfills obligation to the kids school and to myself. I know sounds terrible I am a slave to the alarm clock most days so to have Sunday's be free and just mine feels so good. I can get up when I want and so on.
I encourage you to go even if your spouse doesn't .. go and enjoy that time with you and your HP .. if he wants to come great, if he wants to act out he's free to do that as well. It's more important that you do what you need to do to feed your own needs.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo