Jerry s duckies
hi Jerry, a day or so after you posted about your new little friends I went away to do some step work with some recovery friends, we stayed in a prayer house it was beautiful. I went out into the garden and there was a little pond with a duck and her 9 little duckings. A nun was feeding the ducks I laughed an...
Anger Vent
Vacation with my mom was great the kids and I had an amazing time and I am so grateful that I was able to do that with them. My mom and I had a great time together lots of laughs and enjoyment. I actually miss her and was pretty emotional when we left. We are back and back to reality. It has not been an easy tr...
To much growth in al-anon it seems ! haha
Hey Everyone, My name is Jim and I have been a member of Al-Anon for 2.5 years. I cant express how much I am grateful for the fact that my higher power has guided me to this program. I am a 28 year old male. Prior to Al-Anon, I was very angry, sarcastic, bitter, judgemental and gossipy. Everything was always...
Need Some Help!
I'm new to Al-Anon. I haven't been able to make a face to face meeting as I have 2 young children & no childcare for them, so I've came here in hopes that I can get some clarity and support. I've been married to my husband for 15 years. He has always drank, but never realized he was an alcoholic until a...
SHedding my stinkin thinkin!
The more time i spend in al anon, the more awesome stuff i learn, and I wanted to share this thing i got goin on with ya'll today. I've realized that my thinking is really distorted because i have an initial reaction to be negative about most anything. as soon as i wake up its " oh I'm not doing anythin...
lesson learned
I have been a member of Ala -non for only a short time since 2011. Yet I am a grateful member of Ala-non. When I first came here I was A bitter angry person as many of us are because of alcohol or the drug use of people we love. I have taken this program and applied as best I could to my life. For the past 8 months I h...
When does the pain end and the healing begin
For those that have moved on from their marriages due to this disease, When does the pain stop!! When do u feel happy again and let go of their sick thinking and your own? I was so strong when I left and after trying to reconcile with him choosing the drink I am a mess. I can't believe I went back and had him cho...
not knowing how to handle this sit.
ive been obsessing over and over on how i can tell my a/boyfriend that he needs to get him an apartment of his own thatr i really truely need my space back ,sounds horrible dont it,after allowing him back in my door after all the fuss of getting him out of my life the last times.but im starting to stress over...
Could someone please help me. I'm confued.
I'm recently divorced which is something I'd wanted for a long, long time. It started out as a "friendly" break, but he has reunited with his old girlfriend from high school and they are deeply in love. I don't understand why I am so jealous nor what to do about it. I almost feel like stalk...
Today I am grateful
I am grateful that we have medical and dental insurance (no cavities for my son today!!! Yay!)
I am grateful that my house is a mess today because I spent the time talking to my teenage son (gasp! He talks?) and playing with my daughter on the Wii.
I am grateful that my work is so understanding and allo...
God (or HP) Works In Mysterious Ways
Was just thinking how I was led to this board back in February and how it was without a doubt an answer to a prayer. Around that same time, I realized that I needed to go back to work because my AH was falling behind in the bills. A friend of mine had told me about a job with an attorney a couple of months before...
Blocked Facebook...
I blocked my STBXAH from facebook after "the event that changed everything"... and I am finding myself wondering if he has said anything on facebook. I want to unblock him just so I can stalk his facebook page - but I know that I'd have to wait 24 or 48 hours before I could block him again... I al...
Is there such a thing as a Happy Alcoholic?
We always hear them described as being racked with guilt and shame and I wonder if this is really true with all. My Ex A is a happy go lucky drunk at the bar and until something does not go his way and then he becomes a mad man. He has managed four DUI, jail time and spent several years in prison back in his tw...
I am not sure what to do...
A partner finally left 5 days ago. He rented a small mobile home in a sweet little park that is just right for him. Yesterday, I stopped by just to make sure he is all right...(mistake, I know) But when he drinks, he drinks enormous amounts of everything, so I am concerned he may die one day from overdos...
Scared for myself and kids
Hello, I'm not sure exactely what I am looking for, but, I am here, and I do feel a need to tell my story. So hear it is, for anyone who wants to listen. My husband is a binge drinker. He doesn't drink every day, but it sure does seem like it more often than not lately. When he does drink, he cannot stop himsel...
Food for thought
So my A has stayed relatively sober for the past year... 2 slips that I know of. He did it without AA (he wants no part of their beliefs). He is currently attending MANDATORY AA meetings 1x per week towards getting his license back, as well as the 1x per week 3 hour session with counselor (also mandat...
My first Al-Anon Convention......
Hi, A couple of days ago I attended my first Al-Anon convention, I've been to an AA one before but I didn't get much from it. But on Sunday a small group of us drove the several hours to this convention. It was so uplifting and something one of the speakers shared really resonated with me. I just wanted t...
UK Jane
One week later
I've been gone from home for a week. My relapsing AH has made many calls asking me to come over, come home, and call him back. I haven't answered his calls or returned his messages. In those messages his moods seem to be all over the place. I had made the decision that I wasn't going to talk to him because h...
Thrown a curveball...
Things have been going very well with my wife's recovery. She's been sober, as far as I know, since Easter, and beyond being just sober she seems very together and well adjusted. She's made some very close friends in her program and that seems to have made a tremendous difference for her. I won't lie tha...
Is it worth bringing up?
We are going threw a financial rough patch at the moment. We have not bought food in over a month. I eat breakfast every morning thanks to wonderful back yard chickens. We have killed a few and put them in the freezer too. But i have gone 2 weeks without eating lunch at work and being sick everyday because o...
feeling a little sad for myselfhaI
My A "Friend" is pulling away from me.. and I know it is for his own good..he is trying to stay on track with his sobrieety and since it has only been 6 months he is avoiding a relationshipbecause he has to be selfish right now to stay clean. I am so proud of him for knowing that whay he needs to do to...
What would you give up for Happiness???
Ok Peeps... I Friend of Mine Past this on to me, and Really Gave me alot to Think about... So Thought I would Share...(Hope thats OK..... Not Sure about you all but it Definately sounds like it Fits Here! So I have Decided to Place it above my Desk so I Can Work on it! That Last one was a BIGGIE.... I Strugg...
Rescuing my ACOA sister
I feel like crying right now. I was in a great mood but I have been affected by my sister's untreated disease. I have an unrecovered ACOA sister who has been stuck in depression for several years. She phones me often for help and I do my best to give her my ESH, but often she seems to just want to stay in the dar...
Fear - Vent
My phone is having a bad 24 hours. I tried to make it better by calling a list of people but nobody is answering. And the texts keep rolling in, at first just jibberish to me like comments about blue skies and pain that developed into wanting to have breakfast and what I feel is threatening, I am on my way, I...
I am angry and disappointed with myself today. I have endeavoured to maintain a friendly relationship with my exA, but last night a whole load of resentment and anger came out. He was drinking of course, why should I expect differently and normally I am good at maintaining distance in this situation b...
He blabbed to everyone!
So, my soon to be ex alcoholic molested my daughter and now has blabbed to everyone who knows us mutually that I am accusing him of this horrible things that he would never do and that we watch porn together... WHAT!!?? First of all, he should have never talked to anyone about it, I sure didn't... why woul...
did I offer an unfair ultimatum?
My husband is an alchoholic, he says he has "issues with alchohol", but he's a drunk, he drinks hard liquor on schedule every other day to the point of passing out. After about 7 years of this routine and endless 2 to 3 hour lectures of which he never remembers, I have put my perverbial foot d...
Just Empty
After 6 yrs I think its finally over. My head wants this, my heart does not. Its really quiet at home without him here, without the drama, without all the chaos. I am lonely with him and even lonelier without him. There has been so much drama lately soomething in me broke. Literally broke. It was so ugly an...
Fellow company
Can someone tell me where, or if there is a site that is made for recovering relationships. Irecently became single, and im looking for someone who can understand what im going thru because of my addiction.I want to be involved with a woman who dosen't drink, or drug. Any, and all information would be a...
Staying together even if he drinks--looking for support
I am aching to tell my story and this is the only place I know where I may be able to tell it. I'm looking for connections with others who can relate and offer mutual support. We live in Ethiopia where there is no AA or Al-Anon. Email and each other are our options for support right now. I love my husband an...
my responsibility
Hi all I am feeling good would come and share why!! I have been working through the steps and I am going away this weekend with recovery friends. My ex abf has been back in contact and I was starting to get a bit nervous, however something has changed. He was txting and ringing early hours this morning, I...
Husband in rehab... now what?
My husband is an addict and has been at a rehab facility for 6 days now. The events that led him there nearly destroyed me... it has been 4 years of isolated hell. Our relationship has broken down to such a degree that I am really afraid it might be irrepairable. I love him but my trust and faith in him is in ta...
Tradition 8
Someone slap me!
A exAF has been getting calls to our home number now about his Handyman business. I haven't answered the calls, but started feeling bad for the customers that relied on him. So, I emailed him the other day asking him to please send out a mass email to all of his customers telling them he is no longer in busi...
Nervous Breakdown!?
I don't want to smile at anyone, I don't want the friendly-polite-fake, hi how are yas, I'm good and you! None of it... i just want to go away, far far away and just be gone!... I'm just having such a tough day.. Im at work and have to smile and be friendly all day and all I want to do is crawl in a ball on the floo...
Dunno if I'm in the right place, or even supposed to be posting here...
Okay so... I have been getting really fed up, and I don't really have anyone to turn to. I started googling how I can help an alcoholic in my life and I found a lot if info on Al-Anon Family Groups, but I'm in quite bad health and wasn't sure if I could make it to a meeting anytime soon, and I need to talk to someo...
alcohol makes me feel lonely with all family around!!!
I'm exhausted. I got visit of all my family this summer. After so many years they finally thought it was worth visiting me....after yers ignoring me and hardly talking to me. I was happy and relieved at first, because I saw that time and patinece does set things right. we mangaged to have a decent good ti...
Staying with husband after rehab.
Hi, this is my first time on a site like this, I am a 23-year-old married to an alcoholic. My husband and I met three years ago, when we were both in the military, and like most military couples we married soon after we met. After returning from Iraq, I found out my husband had a problem with drinking, by tim...
Prayers can be answered...
The best advice I received from my friend was, "If you don't know what to do, do nothing." Just to hear it coming from someone else made so much sense. My AH started drinking again and I was at a loss as to whether or not to stick around or send him packing. I prayed and I talked to other Al-Anon mem...
Hello Friends Please Read
Hey guys this is surfgirl123. I found out last night (he slipped up) that my AH knows my profile name here and I think he has been reading my posts. I have deleted my account. I am now TrudyS85, not my real name but the name of someone I admire. I feel very violated right now and realize I can only use my compu...
Exhausted -- Resources, Strength, Mind
I need to say it somewhere to know I exist. I am drained -- of resources and strength of mind, body and whatever else there is. After four years of repeated and lengthy trips to hell, I feel beat. I always thought I would just pull up the bootstraps and move forward from whatever and how much. My 39-year-ol...
What Next
help for a newbie
Hi all, I am new to the boards and fairly new to this whole area. My husband has been drinking for well over a decade and we we have been together for 11 years. We had a pretty rocky marriage for many of those years, but then I got very sick with a debilitating illnesss. For many years I could barely get ou...
highly functional=much confusion
I gave a little of my story in my first post, but I am new to the whole "work the program" thing. I guess there are a lot of reasons I never took this step years ago. I was really afraid of his anger. I made some attempt to reach out for help, but was only offerd help for the marriage. But another...
Today's reading from C2C - Good stuff!
I woke up this morning and opened up my Courage to change book and read the reading for the day. Talk about WOW! This really hit home for me and I wanted to share with you all in case you hadn't read it. To me it is truly beautiful! C2C for Aug. 9th pg. 222 Before coming to Al-Anon, I never felt I could be my...
Seeking approval
Question 15 from step one in paths to recovery asks: "How have I sought approval and affirmation from others?" I'm wondering how others would answer this question. I know I have sought approval from others in the following ways: By being more like them. By agreeing with them or not speakin...
I forgot.... kinda
I still have times when my obsessiveness/thoughts obsession whatever you want to call it.. takes over my mind. I have triggers that I would like to work on one day, but at least now I recognise them as triggers and can address them. Yesterday....... my husband finished work early. He was home at 230 in...
Get me a drink!!...
I was re-reading Inc12's last post on Overwhelming week and then thinking about my old program teachers and their new "choices lessons". I remember as "What'll I do when..." meeting one night where a gal shared her newest response to her alcoholic's old demand to "Get...
Jerry F
Court Hearing comes with all the pain and memories!!!! Need some positve thoughts!
So it has been a couple months since I have written on here and I am hoping it is a good thing, because I never felt happier in life. Ever since my crack head ex boyfriend broke into my house, I have not heard from him at all. I pretty much forgot he existed. I have been so happy. I met a great guy who is only a frie...
The Latest Storm Has Passed
Well, I worked my program pretty good in the face of his latest relapse. He tells me he was just having a bad day (he never admits using) but I know what I know. I have stopped trying to get confessions, it just doesn't work. When I said the other day that I felt like two steps forward, three steps back, someo...
My sucess since joining MIP
Hi everybody, I've only been a member here for a little over a month, but the beginning of my journey has been fruitful. I started out wondering if I should leave my AW. I decided, at everyone's advice, to stay and get help. At Tom's suggestion, I purchased Getting Them Sober. It was a fantastic first s...
fact or fiction?
I fell in love with someone who turned out to be an alcoholic. I had no idea at the time of our "courtship" that he struggled with this sickness, and he was also in denial. He recently completed 6 months of treatment, and then when a conflict arose, he relapsed. He admitted that he sought tr...
Help Me to Understand the Un-understandable Alcoholic Mind
I left my house on Saturday evening after a week from hell with a relapsing alcoholic. He has called me every day since then and invited me over for dinner. WTH????!!!!!!!!!!! I haven' answered his calls or called back but today he came into my office and left me an iced coffee. I didn't see him come in bu...
his past
hey peeps. i'm quite shaken up right now and thought al-anon is the best place i can turn to for advice on this. i may post this on AA too to get advice from recovering AAers. hope that's ok. i've just discovered my fiancé (recovering) has a bit of a criminal past. i knew about one thing that happened (DUI...
I am the Mum of an alcoholic? He was in rehab for five months and was 8 years sober. We live three hours flight away from him. He came on holiday to us last week with his children and we discovered he was drinking. He controlled it somewhat while here, was in complete denial and bare-faced lied about drinki...
What a huge difference Alanon makes
My AH started drinking again (he says for a month but I say longer). After almost 4 years of sobriety, he picked up. He started acting strange and like he was drunk a lot but I could never smell anything, find any alcohol in the house....come to find out he was getting beer and pouring it into N/A beer cans t...
I have a new favorite page!
Sometimes particular pages in a daily reader really grab me with what they have to say. Today I found a new one, on decision-making -- May 13 in Courage to Change. I find it much easier to risk making decisions when I stop thinking about suffering the consequences and remember that I have the option to en...
Wish Me Luck
My AH has been doing so well lately, but as I know this is cyclical and here we are again. He is agitated, upset, about nothing - about everything, it doesn't really matter anymore. Whether he has been drinking or not doesn't really matter either. I won't ask, I don't care. His moods wash over me at this...
Looking For Answers
I just came across this board while doing some research. I recently came out of a 2 year relationship with someone I thought had a drinking problem but I continued to make excuses. Since mid-June, I have discovered he was never who I thought he was. It started with a girl who sent me a text message expl...
Interesting delimma
Hello Family - thought I would run this by you and see what directions your thoughts run. My friends and family are all non-program thinking and their thoughts are scewed one way but I want to write this out and see what questions come up as I write it - are you game? Here goes: Before we married, A and I boug...
New and so sick of it
Im new here and readin ppls posts have made me cry and sympathise to alot of whats being said. I have been with my boyfriend for 7 yrs going on eight and he has been a active drinker/abusive partner and constant dissapoinment. broken promises and lies is what im used to. I put myself second to everything....