How Can You Still Love an AH, ABF When...
They abuse you physically, and verbally, uses you, doesnt agree with you, hates you, takes advantage of you, manipulates you abuse your children etc. etc.? I am not sure I understand this, are people that instantly forgiving or what is it. I am sincere about this question. Please shed some light on th...
New here... new to alanon.
I am new to the idea of Al-Anon. My mother has suggested that I go. My partner of the last 4 years is an alcoholic. We have had numerous arguements.. lately things have gotten physical. Today I came home from work and he was stumbling and intoxicated. This just 1 1/2 weeks after he drug me across the h...
Tough to figure
My wife is an A. She is going to a psycholgist now and I thought she would be getting better. However things have changed. At first she was definitely sober. Maybe the first month. Now although she appears sober, something is clearly up. It's like instead of drinking a ton she now measures and knows just...
Ok HP you got the reigns this time
6 years of abuse my kids have endured may be ending with a bang. Unfortunately I have to go through the same scrutiny as well. A therapist for my middle son who lives with his great aunt called CPS. Unfortunately the manner the "data" was presented makes it sound like I knew they were going...
Email Sent to daughter-22 yrs old-sinking
After hearing my daughter be drunk again this weekend and learning she was fighting with her one last friend whose been there for her since they were in the 1st grade, I decided to send this email to her. I probably shouldn't have as her replies were spewing hatred to me afterward. She threatened to wr...
polluted mind?
I am sorry, my posts are so scared recently. But I just am trying hard to see through this. newest accusations of my ex, 'you have a polluted mind, with all that reading you do, false knowledge, it's not the truth about life...i feel sorry for you, i hope you realize one day, how wrong you are'....this an...
OT prayer request
This is kinda off-topic but my grandmother is in her last few days on earth and our family could really use prayers and mental support.
She has been ill for years, and stopped knowing us a long time ago but it is still hard, esp. for my mom and uncle. I went through much of the grieving process when she sto...
Stages of Co-Alcoholism
Hi I found this the other night and it was really interesting to see how my behaviour related with the alcoholics. This may interest some of you too: Stage 0: Alcoholic Characteristics: Non-drinker, No alcoholic behaviour or symptoms. Co-Alcoholic Characteristics: No co-al...
Tracey C
When a friendship suddenly changes.
I've been chatting fairly regularly with a friend for quite a while. It was almost a psudo boyfriend/girlfriend kind of relationship, but I haven't been kidding myself that we're truly committed to one another. Just kind of settled him into the close friend category with the understanding that not...
Awesome news!
I just had to share my good news. My oldest son who graduates this year got accepted at his top pick university. I am so incredibly proud of him. Its nice to get good news. He works so hard and has maintained some awesome grades. I could not be prouder. Ok, enough parental bragging.
Back to square one!!!!
My son, 19, has been behaving himself relatively well lately because I have asked him to leave and get his own place. Well, he has blown that tonight. He has been drinking since friday night and he storms in here drunk with a menacing look on his face. He starts ranting about a fight with someone and hes go...
Anger setting in.
I have realised that immediately after a crisis, any crisis, I am relieved that all is ok and I am actually quite happy and I can go on as if nothing has happened but then comes the reality and I begin to get angry. I then want to let my anger out by shouting and being dramatic but Im trying hard to work my progr...
Need to vent
Lost it a bit this morning. Was not in a great mood my A is still trying drinks most days, not fall down drunk but under the influence. I'm not mentioning it at all, going to my meetings trying to do the readings but I am fed up. I can't stand it when I see her under the influence with our two beautiful youn...
How to reply to Alcoholic's email
just feeling frstration, because I have my boundaries & have not spoken to the A since i decided to separate myself from his issues & the blame that he placed on me. now, I just received an email, semi-blaming me, and also crying out admitting he has problems & a disorder. I do not want to r...
Why do I continue to let this bother me
My husband and I have been having serious problems since he started drinking very heavily in October. He also started an affair with some trashy woman at this time. In October he first told me that he wants a divorce because "we are trapped in a loveless marriage." Throughout November and...
More positive job news...
When I applied for that totally fantastic job with the county, I gave two former mentors as references, along with the director of the daycare center my son attendes (and where I have been volunteering a lot since I was laid off). The daycare center director called me Friday night to tell me the count...
I did it
I signed the papers today and the divorce will be filed tomorrow. I told my AH and also told him that I am requesting he be removed from the house for the emotional safetynof myself and my kids. Of course he said he would need to be forcefully removed and that I was breaking up our family. He said everything...
Praying for Serenity
Last night I had a bad night of worry and stress. Tomorrow night, my AH goes to the DUI Hotel for three nights. I'm anxious to see how the weekend helps him with his recovery. Today he has been sober for 37 days, and I am hopeful that he is taking the right steps. In the meantime, as hopeful as I am about al...
after a messy break-up...my feelings!
It is now 4 weeks since we had that violent clash. where I seperated myself physically and geographically during the first 2 weeks, I felt a sort of peace and calm, that i haven't felt at all lately in this relationship. I almost felt selfish and guilty, but due to th eviolence of the events, I also felt st...
Don't know whether to confront the A tonight about drinking
I've been on here before, and as is my way, I tend only to post when in the throes of the disease. My AH who is in recovery, but hasn't been as "in" recovery lately as in the past, is drinking tonight, I think. I came home and he's taking on online class upstairs in the den and when I passed by, it sme...
What is the problem
I have been doing very good lately, Now today I get my phone and look at my emails and BOOM...there is one from my son. I go into panic mode. I open it and he is asking me about my new car and why I didn't send him any pics yet....I told him I would. I replied with I forgot and will as soon as I get it washed...l...
Something to think about....
I read this today and it really made me think. It is not Alanon based.... author is unknown... but I feel that most of us whohave had many trials and tribulations in their life can see that the way we react and make choices, can change the way we are.... Grandmother Says... Carrots, Eggs, or Coffee; &q...
Sweet Stanley
Any grandparents out there
I'll try to make this short. Tomorrow is custody court for my beautiful almost 1 year old granddaughter. She was removed from my AD because the babies father reported her to the police for being drunk-it was a good thing because she eventually got into rehab and has made an amazing turn around (long h...
tired of trying
alcoholic disease vs. social drinker??... and the thoughts after that!
the reason Im asking this is that i took a time-out in the interaction between myself and my A. i dont say boyfriend anymore, since confusion has mounted up so quickly in the past month, that I didnt really have taken the time to reflect on what was actually going on. I was overwhelmed and scared by the spe...
I miss my son
I have been working hard on my program but I'm missing my son. He knows not to call me if he's been drinking and if he isn't he is upset I'm guessing. I don't know but I'm sad and a little depressed. I just miss him and I'm hurting inside right now I guess I'm in need of a hug..... -- Edited by Cathyinaz on Th...
Was thinking about my mom.
I wrote this on the AA board, but I know there are many struggling parents that worry about their adult children on this board and I figured I would share it here too. I don't know what you might gain from this (maybe some hope), but this it just one part of my experience in recovery: For years and year I tho...
Just want to say
It's been 3 week since I've seen my son and a couple since I last talked to him. In this time I have been doing good in letting go without the fear and getting better every day. I have finally realized that what I have been doing all this time only made my life worse and didn't help one bit...I HAVE FINALLY C...
one week on!
So our dear son has a place to stay at my sister inlaws, he has made it into work with a little bit of help from her having to wake him up a few times, she has not been happy with his comings and goings, providing meals for him of which he has not been turning up for, my husband is in constant contact with the pair...
I am such a wimp
My attorney wants me to come in tomorrow to sign the divorce papers so we can finally file. I don't know why I keep having reservations about this. When he is following me around the house calling me a b.... And a coward and crazy I know for sure I need to divorce. Why then do I still have reservations? He has...
crazy family PLEASE HELP
Hello, I come from a family of 8 where both of my parents died of alcoholism. I've always accepted this fact and spoke out about alcohol and removed myself from situations when it got crazy. There is a lot of addiction in my family and my siblings wont even talk about the alcoholism of my parents. I'v...
Site troubles ?? Still going on ...
I log in and reply to a post, hit submit. Then I am logged out and the post does not appear. Was happening on Friday as well.
Newbie...can we talk?
Hi all. I've been wanting to find someone to talk to for weeks now. My man just keeps getting worse and worse. Long story but I'll try to tell the 'nutshell' version: When we got together we both drank...I think at that time I may have even drank more than he did (6 yrs ago). He drank beer and I drank vodk...
sh*t hit the fan - now what?
Last night we hit an all time low around here. My AD got home from work, she got paid yesterday (works a part time job) we have proof that she had stolen some of my husbands SSI check and almost caused our rent check to bounce. We also are sure she recently stole a large amount of his pain medication. We we...
New here...
Hi Everyone I am new here. I live with my boyfriend who is an alcoholic. He is a wonderful person who I love very much. I just don't know how to deal with his drinking and the effects of his drinking...no motivation to get work (he is self-employed) and asking to borrow money from me. I want to help him b...
The non A partner
My share continues! We are at a very important part of the process and soon my manfriend and I can meet. Could be weeks. yikes. Its is amazing to be with a person who has had the same experience with a spouse A. No one could understand the horror of seeing your spouse disappear more than a common experience...
My exAh already had a slip and
I did not freak out. I went to bed after reading al-anon books. He called me at 12:30 at night telling me he failed which I already assumed since he didn't call me at bedtime like he normally does, I just told him I was sleeping and would call him the next day. I woke up thinking about it so I, took a hot soak...
Oh oh, now what?
After 3rd day of being sober, my 13 year old tells my ABF that he was more fun when he drank! This was after the lecture (while he was in detox) on how we need to try to reduce his stress for a couple of weeks, just until he can get use to being sober and part of life again. Then, on day 10, she tells him she feels l...
It happened
My exABF was just found deceased in his car last night.
While I will be OK I'm terribly sad. I didn't break it off because I didn't love him, I loved him a lot but feared this day and I couldn't put me and my kids through it.
He was a kind, sweet soul. He was sick and plagued with demons. He wanted to be sober...
manic depression and/or alcoholism??
I know it is a fact that alcoholism is a disease as such. I also found out that alcoholism can lead to psychic disorders. It's not my business, but I'm still concerned what I'm confronted with, or attracted to, in my own sick behavior. Since the A is in withdrawal, he has loss of memory of facts that happen...
Newbie - Living this life too long now - needing strength and guidence
Hi Everyone. I am new here. I've read some of your posts quielty to my husband, we have the door locked to our room so hopefully my drug addicted daughter and/or her children can't hear me. So many have hit home... so so many... like so many of you we are just so tired of living like this! My husband is il...
New To This Board
Hoping for some advice about this website. I just signed up since I am unable to attend Al Anon meetings any more due to my heavy work & school schedule but I so do need support since divorcing my AH and still having "emotional rollercoaster" rides. Can someone direct me to the best resou...
Sarcasm and jokes
My AH is the king of sarcasm and joking. He accuses me of being too sensitive and taking things too personally, but I feel that his remarks are cutting, mean, and unnecessary. He says it's his way of having fun. Umm, that's what he said about the drinking, too, ugh. Anyway, without going into a long s...
Short Share :)
Ok .. lol .. as short as I can make it. That old saying time is the healer of old wounds is just so very true. That doesn't say 5 min, an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year, a decade .. it just says time. That whole saying of sometimes quickly sometimes slowly, ... time does heal. I was thinking today (rut o...
Is There Any Hope?
Hello everyone, I'm a newbie, and this is the first day of the rest of my life. The last two days I'd been fighting a flu bug, and last night was a night of chills, sweats, pain, agony...and then an epiphany. I realized that's been the way I've felt for most of the 1 1/2 years I've been with my ABF. In the dark e...
Raven Juniper
Suggestions: Books to help Mother of Adult Alcoholic Child
I just joined this forum. Someone suggested a book in another thread (Setting Boundaries with your Adult Children) which I have requested from my library. I would like to know if there are any other books that people have found helpful? Just by reading excerpts from the book I requested, I realize...
What is the book you all recommend
For enablers? It's one that is a suggested read here a lot and I can't find the name of it. I am divorced from my ah and healing if that helps point you in the right direction...I think it's about letting go and detachment.
letting go
After several relapses, two rehab stays, 3 different sober living facilities, my 20yo son is officially homeless. Fortunately, I have Al Anon, a wonderful sponsor and supportive friends and family. I repeat the serenity prayer, the three C's, the slogans over and over and over again. I read my lite...
Happy Birthday Hoot!!!!!!!!
Our own Kathleen (aka Hoot Nanny) has just had her 27th Al-Anon birthday this month. Of course, Alanoner that I am, I got wrapped up in my own world and forgot her coin. I am ordering it now. He hehe. I just want to say Happy Birthday, Kathleen. You are a good friend. You have been there for me through so many...
what to do if I don't know anymore what's best for me?
i lost track. i can't judge anymore, i don't want to judge anymore. I can't feel anymore, i don' want to feel anymore. i can't think anymore. I don't want to think anymore. i thought i knew, and i know nothing. i thought I could trust myself, now i don't anymore. so much work, to end up where i started... in d...
I am responding to posts and go back and see nothing?
keep focused.
I plan on spending my time staying focused on the good & definitely not on the bad. One of my friends who used to be in Alanon lost her dad on Thurs. She is a very specialy lady who always brings a smile to my face even though she is 900 miles away from me. She has a way about her that is contagious. I aspire t...
Hoot Nanny
A very BIG day!! Actual Court today . .
Now I say this .. LOL .. and let's hope it is so! No really I can't see any way this can be delayed anymore outside of him firing his atty or vise versa .. so we will see. I am saddened that it has had to come to this. My new atty is a lady and I really like her. I know .. LOL .. I said that about the last guy, .. she'...
Hope going down the drain: my current situation and How and Why!
I felt like posting everyday, every hour...so much has been going on since I last posted on Christmas, 1 week after by ABF relapse. so ABF has become Ex ABF...at least in MY life. He doesn't want to see it happen. I went away to my home for 2 weeks, the physical distance in this situation has done me GOOD. D...
I dont know how to help my friend or understand his Alcholic/drug recovery.
has anyone ever experienced a relationship with somebody in rehab for drug and Alchol abuse?
HELP. I still worry even though husband has been sober over 2 years
A little history to help you understand where I'm at: My husband was not an everyday-drinker-type alcoholic. He mostly got drunk when away from home, traveling for business. When we would talk on the phone at night while he was away, I could tell he was drunk and accuse him of it, which yielded him lying...
It's been a wild magic carpet ride...........
.............ALL i Could do was climb on board with my Higher Power. 2013 and I hope my feet are back on the ground. It works if we work it.
I am ready to break free but scared!
I honestly feel that my relationship with this man is over. Truth be told it has been over for many years. I no longer want to be in this relationship. I want to stand on my own two feet and distance myself from this madness. My only concern is for my young son. He threatens to take my son. It breaks my h...
Sweet Pea
Hello everyone, I may not be the sharpest tool in the box but something has just clicked with me and I wanted to share it. I believe my HP is trying to tell me something that is probably really obvious to you guys. My HP is going to present me with new versions of the same problem until I find the right way to de...
Gotta vent -AD asks for help, now its all my fault
Hello and Happy New Year to all in MIP. It has been a while since I posted, but I am here at least twice a day, getting strength. Enabling vs helping - That has been a tough one for me as a Mom but I have been shown the light that I have been a super enabler with her for the past 12 years with our AD. Here's the la...
AD asks for help, now its all my fault
Hello and Happy New Year to all in MIP. It has been a while since I posted, but I am here at least twice a day, getting strength. Enabling vs helping - That has been a tough one for me as a Mom but I have been shown the light that I have been a super enabler with her for the past 12 years with our AD. Here's the la...