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I am such a wimp

Happy birthday! I celebrated my first post-divorce birthday on Thursday. It was WONDERFUL! The first drama free, quiet, peaceful one I've had in a very long time. Deciding to divorce and getting through it were difficult. Dealing with the aftermath has its moments. Being free, well...I'm happy for that. We all have to choose our own paths but I can say that for me it has been the very best and healthiest choice I have made for myself in a very long time.

Change is scary. The future always uncertain. I am finding that (for me) it's starting to turn into something filled with promise, and hope and joy once again. I am on my own path to recovery minus the chaos and trauma that was my marriage to an AH. 16 years married, 23 together from age 14 and I am on my own with a 12 year old for the first time in my life. Overwhelming at times but so much sweeter than I ever imagined it could be. Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith in the face of adversity.

Ultimately you have to do what's right for you. I wish you luck in making that choice. I hope that you are able to make the best decision for you! ((hugs))

-- Edited by abbyalana on Sunday 20th of January 2013 07:53:17 PM


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My attorney wants me to come in tomorrow to sign the divorce papers so we can finally file. I don't know why I keep having reservations about this. When he is following me around the house calling me a b.... And a coward and crazy I know for sure I need to divorce. Why then do I still have reservations? He hasn't stopped drinking nor has he said he would. He did tell me he would go back to marriage counseling if that would stop the divorce. A good friend of mine reminded me that no amount of counseling is going to help unless he finds recovery. I know she's right. Why then do I feel it necessary to prolong the inevitable? My kids and I both deserve some peace and sanity in our lives. Today is my birthday and when I woke up I told myself that I would give myself the gift of a new start. Don't I owe it to myself? I look in the mirror and I don't even recognize myself anymore. I have aged so much! Why am I so afraid to face life on my own? I keep waiting and hoping my hp will intervene and something will happen so I don't need to file. I don't know what I am waiting to happen, but I guess if want change I have to be the one to do it. Thanks for listening yet again. I would love some words of wisdom.


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I agree with all that you posted and do understand the desire for someone else to act so that I did not have to . Making the final move to end the destructive marriage was hard. No one gave me advise but there came a time that I KNEW that if I did not act I just might KILL him. The best I could do for all concerned was to leave.
Remember HP works in mysterious ways.
Please  Trust your inner voice




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Imom, I can completely relate to your share.

I learned to tell myself to make the decision each day that I felt I needed to make. And some days it was simply that I was not going to decide that day. When I did leave, I had no doubt and I was glad that I did. The peace was amazing. A few weeks after leaving, I doubted the decision I made. But I can tell you that the first email I received, I was no longer doubting. Later, I doubted again, got an email or phone call and my doubt was gone. Even now after 10 weeks of being separated, I still love my husband passionately and completely. He started emailing me a lot 2 days ago. We talked a lot via email, no phone calls. He is out of the country for work right now and I think regretting his decisions. He will be very nice and say how much he still loves me and how much he wants us to be together, just that it won't work. He asks me what do we need to do to make it work, I reply back with my suggestions and ideas for improving our family life and what do you think he says?? He replied each time with that I am still not giving him a plan to change ME and the KIDS. Funny, I thought he was the alcoholic and he was the one that wanted a divorce. I moved out, but it was because he said he never wanted to marry me to begin with. That was the straw for me. It seems like each time I start to melt and hear his loving kind words, my HP puts right back in front of my face the real him and the real way he behaves. With one sentence, I am back to being glad I made the choice for me and my kids. Glad I chose to keep us safe, build a healthy future and make myself happy.

In the mail today we got my oldest sons acceptance letter for one of the best universities in the US for Engineering. My son also received a $44,000 scholarship from that school. And guess what, my AH (not the kids father) had sent me an email asking if the kids would be willing to change right before I opened that letter. In his email he said how much he missed them and wanted me to tell them he loved them. He asked if he could see them and talk to them soon. This man told me that last time he spoke to me in our home (6 DAYS before I moved out) that he never wanted the kids and never wanted to be their stepfather. I replied to him that today was one of the happiest days in my life and that our oldest son just received these things from a top university. He did not even reply. Not one word sent back to me. I know he got the email. He can't even say congratulations and that he is proud of him. I am choosing to not let this ruin a wonderful day, but it was one more reminder that I made the decision I needed to make. He can promise that we will get counseling again, he can say he loves us and he can say he misses me. But actions speak louder than words. Not once would he agree to get help for his drinking. I am choosing me and my kids because I know that without this disease in my life and theirs, I can build a wonderful future for us that I am proud of.

I can't tell you what is best for you, I can only say love yourself and understand that you deserve to be treated like a queen from the man in your life. I am learning for myself that if I don't expect better, I won't get it. Do what is right for you and those days that you just don't know what that is, take a break, breathe and let your HP guide you. You will get there and when you do, you will know. Sign the papers if you think its the right thing to do, its just the start of the divorce, its not the end. I hated signing mine but I know that he has another 78 days to change his mind before it is final. If he does, he does, if he doesn't, I will be ok.


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Happy Birthday, IMOM. A question pops up in my head that has to do with your choosing to stay in an abusive, destructive relationship. I don't need an answer, of course, but I can't help but wonder if your core issue has more to do with you not wanting to give up on your husband and your marriage and your dream of a happy family more than staying has to do with your fear of the future and being alone. You can see your future today. You are living with a man who is very ill and doesn't want to get help. You are seeing a woman in the mirror who is miserable. Will refusal to go on with the divorce change him? change you? change your circumstances? Will divorce help change the current dynamics any? I don't know anything about your HP, but I can't imagine a loving one would desire no change for you or for him or for your circumstances. Your husband is miserable, too. And neither of you are miserable because of each other, but because of a disease that could be killing the both of you. If you're hesitant to file divorce papers, can you legally separate for awhile? Whatever you decide, I do hope that you are more than a mother or a wife. You are a human being who deserves a life worthy of you and a healthy relationship that helps you thrive - not just endure.


"Darkness is full of possibility." Leunig

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Hugs iMom,

Happy Birthday!! Woot woot!!

These are sooo many changes all within a short period of time. It is overwhelming, scary, exciting, overwhelming, amazing, frustrating, overwhelming. :) You get my point.

I still have moments of fear and the whole am I doing the right thing. The reality is, .. yes .. I'm doing the right thing. My kids are happier, I'm happier. Life is working itself out and it's exciting .. again .. overwhelming. It's ok.

It's that first step of being powerless over alcoholism and my life has become unmanagable. My life currently is soooo much more managable and I am learning to accept the powerlessness over the effects of alcoholism in my life. I can't control over other people, places and things.

I really encourage you to throw yourself into your program. It is what helped me get through the darkest days.

Hugs P :)


Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo

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Just rememer that you can always get back together if things flow that way later on. When I left and files for divorce I felt so bad, but we were all going down, kids, me and him. Now 2 years later we are all doing much better, he is newly in A.A., I am going back to school and my kids are thriving and not growing up in miserable chaos. Keep taking care of you! Happy Birthday to you, you do deserve it!!!!!!!!!!!


Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree

Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666

" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."

"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."

~*Service Worker*~

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My own experience taught me that I had to hit bottom to understand that I didn't want to be there and play that game anymore. We talk of the A hitting rock bottom but we hit it as well. I look at my past and just shake my head, I can't believe i let myself go there; I can't believe it took so much time to finally see what I was going through was WRONG. And, truthfully, I kept waiting and hoping he was going to return to the loving man I'd fallen in love with.

I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France

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Thank you all so much for the words of wisdom and well wishes. We had yet another argument. This time I overreacted but I did realize it right away and tried to apologize. Of course he threw his little fit and ended up leaving...again...happy birthday to me right? He didn't say goodbye or anything. I got done drying my hair and turned around and he was gone. I guess it's my hp trying to snow me that nothing is going to change. We are just not happy with each other anymore.
I think what I am afraid of is losing my dreams for a happy marriage. Well I guess those dreams went away a long time ago and I was just too afraid to notice.
I know it's time. I only hope I can go through with it tomorrow.
Please pray for me that I have the strength to do this. I think if I had a guarantee that I wouldn't lose the kids on all this I wouldn't be so scared. I am so afraid of the unknown. It's just all so scary!


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Last week when I was with my therapist, she asked me a question that finally really got me thinking. She asked if I was grieving being away from my husband and the end of my marriage or was I grieving the loss of the dream. I have been dreaming for years what I wanted my marriage to be, even sort of living in that dream instead of actually living in the marriage. It was a protection measure for myself. Through our discussion I finally realized that it was not really him or the loss of him in particular that I was mourning. I could not say a good thing about him with out it sounding like I was defending. I am mourning the death of my dreams of what a marriage should be and what I had dreamed it would maybe some day be. You are a strong amazing woman and you will get through this. Focus on you and your healing.


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Dear IMOM, have you made a plan so you and your children have a safe place to go in case he is really angry and you need to leave for your safety? Please take care and make a plan A and B. Pray alot but also take action in figuring out what you will do for your safety. Your not a whimp, you have just never traveled this path before, and the unknown is scary. Its an awesome thing to live in peace and it can be attained even if you are alone. In support Oldergal


Don't Worry About Growing Old, It Is A Privilege For Some Of Us.....

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As awful and codependent as it sounds - I did take comfort when breaking up from knowing I was not a bad looking person and there were other fish in the sea. Practically speaking - you can toss the sick, nasty, diseased, and inconsiderate fish back in the sea and go fishing for an attractive healthy one LOL.

This is being said knowing that the right answer is to feel good about you and work on you aside from any relationship. But hey - whatever helps give you hope. Your AH is NOT your only chance at a happy relationship. In fact, he's your least likely chance.


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Happy belated birthday, Imom.  I remember the mourning I went through when my first marriage didn't work out.  My ex H was an adulterer and abuser.  I can't tell you how many times I prayed for him to change so that our marriage would work.  The fact of the matter was, he wasn't going to change.  I mourned for my marriage.  I mourned for my children.  I never wanted my children to become the descendents of a divorce.  However, once I stopped mourning, I found me. 


~*Service Worker*~

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I found it tremendously difficult to leave the ex Ah.  By the time I left him he was at the point of using drugs all the time, surrounded by drug addicts and not working.

I think it is very very hard to say I have had enough.  Be kind to yourself.


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