Stepping out helps
I've been drifting down a bit recently and then I had a wonderful day out with friends and I can't tell you how much that has raised my spirits. It is so easy to stay at home here but being with others really is important for me. In the morning I went and had coffee with a girlfriend and her family. She had m...
Again and again
The other woman that my abf said he did not cheat on me sent my abf a text to his phone two days- ago text said ....I love you. I had asked my abf to look at his icons on his ph. And I saw a messenger icon so I opened it up and to my surprise there she was agin.abf said he hadn't a clue that was there he then opened up th...
First Step
We are once again beginning to work the steps in order , on the Step Work Board.I have just posted the First Step, my reflections and some important questions that can be responded to in order to help work the step. Please join us with your comments. ThanksLearn How The Twelve Steps Work. http:/...
A quick hello
Just stopping in to say hello. I am home, exhausted and happy to be home. My daughter rented a car for me to drive home today..it was time for all of us to get back to our routines. Now, time for some popcorn and quiet. Hugs to all!
Guilty pleasure
So, things have been good lately, but even so I'm being selfish. My husband and his family are at the fair today, and I have the house and the day aaaaaaall to myself. I feel a little bad because it's raining, and his allergies were making him feel miserable (well, that was his excuse anyway). But, you kn...
Still in the throws .. :)
Well no court date, nothing new, same ol' same ol' pretty much. The kids are headed back to school and my girl is officially driving us everywhere. She passed her driver's ed class and is thrilled to be in the drivers seat. I'm very proud of her .. :) she is a GREAT driver and is doing sooo good. Yester...
It is what it is
Where to start? My mom has bladder cancer, just diagnosed, not even sure the path they are going to want her to take. My cat died, she was 12 years old and I find myself arguing with someone who says, she wasnt that old.. why am I even trying with those type of people? Cats live as long as they live eh? And my do...
Given in
Abf was trying to get me back ,calls,texts,dropping in unexpectedly.etc.i finally talked to him. He just wanted to hold me tight and not let go.said he had to be with me everyday.he is back to himself doing better than ever,scary,I was on my road to recovery for sure was not expecting this to happen.he...
Porn and Kids ..
Ok .. I think I know the answer for my situation however I am looking for some perspectives .. I am going to go off fully loaded if we have ANY more issues with this. If I do this there will be supervised visits going forward. My STBX "forgets" what he has on his phone. My son who is 10, I'm an on...
Takeing care of ME
What would be my self are when it comes to abf,what should I allow and what I should not allow.what are or would be manipulates that abf uses?,and what are enablers that I could be useing to my abf?when should I speak up for what I believe in?how do I take cate of me weather he is drinking or not drinking or us...
Malicious Gossip
Hi All. 3 years ago I had something happen with a guy that brought me back a lot character assassination. But I did not respond to it because I knew I had a part in it and had hurt him. Maybe when it got too big I should have set a boundary, I don't know. A lot of people used it to inate their egos (including my own...
The media and depression
I am really sad about Robin Williams. I have noticed in the news how they keep saying "If you know someone with depression, there is help! Here's how to get it!" Well, that's all fine and dandy IF the person WANTS help! I know the media probably means well, I get it. But it just made me think abou...
Newlife girl
Today’s Spiritual Study will be: Taking A Break
Todays Spiritual Study will be: Taking A BreakMeeting scheduled in the Al-Anon chat room. The website link to the group meeting room is http://www.12stepforums.net/chatroom2.html . There are other ways to join the room also. Using mIRC or other chat client, the server we are on is irc.chat4al...
Emotional Manipulation
"One Day at a Time in Al-Anon: August 16 was written for me."
Hi, all. New to online forum, have been going to Al-Anon since September of last year. I love my home group, but have been wanting to expand my support network to include some online resources. Did my reading today, and this particular line really struck me: "Does the voice of God have a chance to...
Intimacy in relationships
I have really been struggling lately. I have a real problem with intimacy and I push my husband away a lot. Even when he tries to hold my hand I don't want to. I find it easier to push him away than embracing his love for me. I have been getting very critical with him and analyzing everything he says and doe...
So far so good with my job . I had an issue with on of my friends. She has been dating a man who is a user. She has been borrowing money from our other friends. So far she has paid everyone back I only lent her one time a year ago and told her never to ask me again I do not like to mix friendships or family with money ....
Feeling lost
Hi All, I am the wife of an in denial alcoholic. I spend my days worrying he has been drinking and he seems to spend his days covering up that he has been drinking His family sat him down last week in a kind of intervention and all was ok for a few days. I have been away and come back today and within 3 hours we w...
If I'm honest with mself.
It is crunch time. Our agreed moving date approaches. ABF is trying the meek, mild, "butter wouldn't melt in his mouth and he doesn't know why I am so cold and distant but since we are forever and ever, he'll wait, and turn the other cheek if I fail to kiss the first one" approach. (That's a thin...
Making progress forward
It was good to reread my last post I had put up. Lately I have been obsessing again with the alcoholic bf and his drinking. His pattern is he will be sober for 3 days and then go on a bender that last 24 hours a day, wake up, drink. pass out and start all over again. Is insane. This past week, he was able to stay so...
New here - how to go forward with an alcoholic boyfriend who "wants" help
Hi, everyone. I just stumbled upon this forum while looking for support. I'll say right upfront that I am not in AlAlon, and I don't really know how to talk the talk or walk the walk. I'm feeling around in the dark here. I just know that AlAnon is a place for people like me who let their lives get taken ov...
Parents are stuck, I'm trying to move on
Hello everyone, I haven't attended an al-anon meeting or seen a counselor about my family in years. But tonight and recent events made me realize it's probably necessary, and worth it. I'm really not sure where to start, so I'll start with tonight. I told my parents something that's been brewing in my...
I finally did it...
Wow--a *long* time since I posted but it has been years that I have been coming here. Last night I told my AH (who has been moved out for THREE years now) that I want a divorce. I have struggled for what feels like eternity about this decision and everyone told me that I would know when the time was right what...
So it's like this
Spouse and i are self employed because we own some rental property. Most of the time it's a lot of work, landscaping, painting, fixing building, and when people move, sometimes a real load of work when they leave a big mess. Most of this work is on me, except for the plumbing or electric. Like i was say...
Are there any happy partners of recovering alcoholics
I'm new to this, completely new! Until just over a year ago I had a very happy independent life. I have a very good job, a lovely home, amazing friends and was very sociable. Then I met an alcoholic. Obviously when I met him I had no idea he was an alcoholic but a few months in it became very apparent, he ev...
Feel like I'm going crazy not knowing
Almost a year ago, I told H I wanted a divorce because I was sick of the lying and the drinking and the drugs. He begged for forgiveness, started going to meetings almost every day, starting seeing an addiction counselor. Life started being pretty great. Then his work got busy, and he slowly stopped goi...
Have to fail first
This seems to be the way most systems are set up - for special education services, for child protection services, and it turns out when trying to protect your children from visitation with an A. no offense to child protection workers but there have been several children who I would have to make reports...
The view stays the same.
I've seen this same picture through so many different eyes. This is my favorite place so, I come here a lot. For a long time, I would only come here with ABF (because if he didn't want to come then what was the POINT?) So I saw this view through tears, mostly, because we would do our best fighting when we were...
I guess I really am a double winner/hybrid
Ok...so I went to an AA meeting last night and the topic was "resentments" and how to deal with them. This is a very common topic in AA. I think it's common in Alanon too but not so much because for A's it takes some sort of "uncovering" and humbling to come to the realization we hav...
Lots of shame
Ah vacation time. I just got back from spending time with my family (separate continents). I miss them most of the time of course and spending a few intense weeks or days with them a few years apart is not optimal, and tends to bring out the worst in everyone. It shouldn't but it does. Before I left, I thoug...
What irony!
My ah has been sober for a few days because he has gout in his foot. For anyone who doesn't know, gout is an extremely painful inflammatory disease affecting the joints usually in the feet (ankle and big toe usually.) And, of course, alcohol is one of the contributors to this disease. Anyway, he's been i...
A tip from could be happier homemakers.
I have an email friend. We commiserate and buck each other up. Her husband isn't an A, but has a lesion in his brain and it's hard to tell the difference. Neither one of then is particularly curious about our emails, but just to make sure, when we are grousing about the situation around our houses, we gi...
my first meeting
I never reached out and went to alanon until I was 40, I had heard of it before and considered in my 20s but I was so full of resentment I refused to do anything that might help the alcoholic in my life. I thought it was about the a. As soon as I took a seat and listened to the preamble and then the shares around th...
Verbally/Emotionally Abusive Alcoholic Boyfriend Wants Help
I don't even know where to begin. I have been in a tumultuous relationship with my boyfriend for 4 years. I have moved in and out of his place twice. I recently gave up my apartment and am now back with him, and I regret moving. He is very abusive when he drinks. Nothing had happened for almost a year, w...
First post
HI I am so glad to have found this forum! My father died of chirosis of the liver when I was 21 and he was 53. Now 14 years later I am seperated from my husband over my concerns with his drinking. He drinks daily and is in denial over his dependance on alcohol he thinks I am paranoid after losing my dad to this...
Struggling with a decision
The Cornhusker AA, AFG and Al-ateen round-up starts tonite! I was being excited about attending some of the events and speakers. Now, I am struggling with going. My AH an his house mates will be there for the event as well. I am thinking maybe I just shouldn't go at all. They will be stupid and immature an...
My first post
I've been married 31 years and my husband drinks a lot. If someone drinks 8 to 10 beers every night, are they an alcoholic? He only got one DUI many years ago, now he stays home to drink and he only drinks in the evening. I know this isn't good for him because, his memory is shot, his blood pressure is thro...
Sober 31 years....alcohol still screwing up my life
I have come to absolutely hate alcohol and everything to do with it. I grew up in a family of mean drunks and started on the same road before I stopped because of tragedy and embarrassment when I was 22. I married a woman who came from a similar family but claimed to want to be away from that lifestyle, in...
struggling with broken promises
I've been involved with an alcoholic most of the past 30 yrs in one form or another. Alcohol consumption has been manageable for myself. I can take it or leave it. I often drink water when out with friends or my fiancé because I don't want to drink soda (the alternative to alcohol in most places). I hav...
Dealing with rage
1 2
I have a lot of rage right now. i keep trying to expel it . It is a very nasty feeling. I am usually very calm and fairly easy going person. So this rage is burning me up. My abusers are circling me right now, i know that is the reason for my rage. My MIL treats this as a marital issue, not a dry alcoholic issue. hi...
Something somebody said on here the other day.
I was reminded of a Byron Katie quote: "Before (enlightenment), my religion was that my children should pick up their socks." To all the mothers.... Temple
Court review and my AH
I went to a court review for my AH today, nothing changed because as usual the people that are the powers to be in his life don't show up....can you imagine if he didn't show up when he is told too...they don't set a good example. Anyway, his PO was talking to him and he was going on and on about how great he is...
Five weeks today I left him, and?
I am still very emotional very unsettled lots of thoughts and feelings, We are not fighting and seem to be getting along much better, I am still fighting my own acceptence though of what was what I needed and what I got, I understand he could not meet my needs he didn't know how, in five weeks I have started...
Going through the greiveing process
I know it's my greiveing him not being here anymore and the way he hurt me that's the way I'm acting I'm angry and hurt at the same time by his actions,he called me 3times yesterday I didn't answer then he called my friends phone I told her to tell him I wasn't here so she did he just calling like i thought was t...
Take what you like and leave the rest.
I was reading in Courage to Change, page 117, and wanted to share. The most important words many of us hear when we first come to Al-Anon are, "Take what you like and leave the rest." Everything about our program is suggested, not required. This gives us the freedom to pick and choose. If we di...
Abf been calling
Then he called me several times last nite and this morning early i don't answer his calls he finally texted me this morning early 4:30 am and texted and what I was doing that he missed me.i did text back finally and said really after all the pain you caused me he texted back naw I was just saying that ,well w...
My Higher Power's here
This is Glencoe in the Highlands. Its a glaciated valley quite high above sea level. The mountains were hidden by cloud that day but its truly a mysterious, powerful place. Its quite intimidating, your surrounded by rocky mountains, its usually quite dark due to the depth of the Glen or valley. I tho...
Rebellion friend or foe?
I feel like I have tried everything and nothing works unless I stand my ground. I will not cave to my alcoholic spouse's verbal abuse, demands and moods! He yells at me he is gonna get it right back. I tried Alanon face to face meetings in my last city and found them to cause me depression and then more resen...
Alcoholism takes another
So very sad at the news of Robin Williams. This disease is just such a monster. It's even more frustrating for me to see someone who really is trying with all their heart and still have the disease take them down, either through an overdose, an accident, or in Robin's case depression and suicide. Prayer...
AS - drink and mental health
so my AS seems to have 'detoxed/reduced his drinking for c4 weeks now (unless he's just got very good at covering up - tho I am not pursuing him as I was). But, he is still stressed: he has always been nervy/poor self esteem- suffered with anxiety. He does have 'real' issues to deal with - separation, a w...
Never saw that comin'
17 years ago; my ex left me and his son penniless & I mean penniless. He was ruthless and drug me through the courts for years until, finally, a judge dismissed his case on he didn't have a case; other than letigious harassment (using the court system to harass another person). $$$$ Now, as #2 is kick...
Sister trying to quit on her own 3 weeks now
Sister in her late 40's decided to stop drinking on her own. No program. Lives 500 miles away so I don't get to see her in person very often. I am new to this program. How do I start helping her? She has a no good for nothing bf who she is trying to come back to her. She has two daughters. Has a good job. What do I do...
Angry, overwhelmed and resentful
Where do I start? I just need to vent to my wonderful people here who understand and help me so much! Having an anxiety filled day. Oldest left for college, which is 9 hrs away. It's her 3rd year. Sounds too far away for me. Her dad drove with her. I started to feel so sad later after she left. she just turned 2...
Newlife girl
Sick with a cold
Stayed all night with my friend her air was extra cold inside her home got up this morning with a sick with a horrible cold and hurting foot,what's next?im hopeing this all gets better soon Maybe this will help me to keep the focus on myself also.thanks agin for comments and listening to my problems.
God Bless face to face meetings
I had a good meeting last night. I wish we met more than once a week. my group is very small, so I ask you all to continue praying for my group's growth. When I arrived last night, I felt like a wilted flower, but during the meeting I begin feeling so much better, just like a flower feels after a brief shower o...
Anne Lamott on Robin Williams' passing.
She wrote a stunning post--I guess it is on her blog. My dauhter sent the whole thing to me, and I don't know how to post it here. She knew him personally--they grew up together. She makes some profound points--says that 1/3 of the people you know and love have mental illness or addiction or both. She an...
Some advice for a active drinker
Please if someone can provide some advice. Husband has been recovering and relapsing for 4 years. the last time I told him I was leaving if he drank again; which, of course he is. I left him at a vacation cottage we have and I am sure he is actively drinking. He has no car to get anywhere and I have yet to dec...
Well, I'm here.
So, I've been hearing about Al Anon for a while now and found this forum today. My husband is an alcoholic. I've been reading your postings and have seen so many similarities in my own life. I'm currently sitting at a crossroad. I've been married for 6 years. 2 1/2 years ago I realized my husbands &q...
I want to stay in my happy cocoon
I moved out about a month and a half ago. I am growing increasingly happy. I got rehired at a part time job with some fabulous women, whom I love and admire. I have grown even closer to my church family. I am taking voice lessons, and have become good friends with my teacher - who is my age and goes to church wi...
Prayers for My daughter
I only have a few minutes here....asking for prayers as my daughter is on her way to the hospital as a result of an ectopic pregnancy. I am scared, worried and know that this is in Gods hands. Blessings to all.