Will I KNOW, really KNOW when it's time to leave my AH? Will something come over me and I will just know? An epiphany maybe?
I am lost
Can someone explain to me the role of a sponsor? I don't know what I would say to one or what the sponsor would do for me. I feel like I can benefit from a therapist, but what does this person do? How do I qualify for one? What would I say to this person? I am not ready for the steps yet. Do they try to convince...
NO expectations?
I'm not sure i understand the whole "not having ANY expectations" part. In my situation I certainly have very specific expectations from my alcoholic bf. I think they fall in line with boundaries. Help me understand this...
Those A-Ha moments...
Last night I arrived at my meeting and as I sat down I asked HP to allow me to learn and to help me share something that might help others. Before the program started the shoe incident came to my mind. Easter weekend on Easter Sunday I got my sdaughter bathed and curled her hair and then it was time to get dres...
Hurtful sponsor experience
I've just had a really horrible and upsetting experience with a sponsor. I have been coming to alanon just over a year and had the sponsor since november. I am an acoa and don't trust easily (or trust the wrong people!) I have taken risks sharing with her and really worked hard and looked deeply at myself...
So starts MY journey...
After reading the posts here for the last few days, I went to not one but two Al-Anon meetings tonight. I was very anxious and was pretty sure I wold cry through the whole thing...suprinsingly I did not. I listened carefully and learned a few things. I have started to feel better already, in the sense tha...
Broken boundries again, kicked him out
Well it happened again, my AS broke the boundries but this time i was strong enough to tell him not to come home. Did pretty good all week with the calls asking for money because he was hungry and had not eaten, (he does not have a job) the last call pulled hard on my heart I didn't give in but it seems like it is...
Setting Boundaries for me is a process
I've heard the "pendulum" theory - you swing one way for years with no boundaries, then you swing the other way for awhile with "hyper boundaries" then you find the middle. I don't know about others but for me, it never quite lands in the middle. I think that's because I'm always...
Big step in Recovery, Senior Project.
Hi there, my name is Nicole. I am a Senior at Boise State University. I recently ended a long term relationship with someone who abused alcohol regularly. Over the course of two years I changed and became a weak person that eventually, no one would recognize. I was depressed with no solution ahead of me...
Im new here and I really just need someone to talk too. Here is my background. My father is an alcoholic although my parents divorced since I was 3 (29 yrs ago). My father was also really bad into drugs (crack/cocain). When they divorced my mother, brother and I got a place with my mom's new bf who was also a...
I am lost
New Here...Waiting for the Next Time
Hi. I went to my first F2F last week and plan to go again tomorrow. It has been 2 weeks since AH last drinking episode and I feel like I am trying to believe him but deep inside don't believe that he has stopped drinking, maybe for now, but not for good. I do believe he hasn't drank in the 2 weeks but since he i...
a new metaphor
So much of evaluating my life is about unentangling what was me and what was the other person. For me one of the principal grief sticking points has been that I grew up in such abuse/neglect and chaos. Since then I think I view everyone else as an adult and me as a child/victim. Now I'm having to see throu...
I'm an emotional drunk ..
Something that I really really really wanted to share from this weekend were two things I heard from the same speaker. We had panels and then breakout sessions, one of the speakers on the panel spoke about what it was to be an emotional drunk and the blackouts that occur with that fix. I had more AHA mom...
Hate how I'm feeling today!
Today has been one of those days, I'm sure many of you can relate. For some reason, I am getting irritated at myself because I still don't trust my AH. I have forgiven him for all the crap and for the DUI, but I still find myself struggling with trust issues. My therapist thinks that maybe he hasn't hit hi...
I grew up totally glued to my family. Unsticking myself from them took me decades, moving thousands of miles away. Guess what once I moved from my family since that's all I knew that's all I did. I dated co workers in intrigue, dated next door neighbors (the ex was actually a roommate at one point) dat...
It just goes on and on...
I'm humbled by how powerful this disease is. Despite attending AA meetings 3 times per week for over 2 years, despite a 30 day stint in an outpatient rehab, despite daily interactions with her sponsor and program people, despite spending this past weekend at a spiritual retreat with other female alc...
I Think That's About Enough For Me
Oops. I forgot to put the rest of the post in here. We hear a lot in Al-Anon about unconditional love. Such love makes no demands, exacts no payment, has no expectations. we are free to give it without anticipating or even wanting anything in return because the experience of loving in this way is so rewar...
Hi everyone! I'm new here. I went to my first Al-anon meeting this week and found a warm environment, full of loving people. After the meeting, a woman took me aside and talked with me. When I asked her about the lying, she was so nonchalant about it. "oh, lying is just part of the disease.&quo...
house cat
trying to own my power
Hi All, I am gaining lots of awreness lately although I do not like what I am seeing I know my Hp would not bring it to me unless he thought I was ready to handle it. I am realising how much I have given my power away. My head is a little clearer and I have really been focusing on my recovery. My ex ABF has been ba...
Moving Day ACK!
Lots of changes happening fast! I'm a little anxious, but remembering that these changes are GOOD. And what I am leaving behind is a life that was slowly killing me. Packing up my car with all my earthly belongings today and leaving the home I shared with my AH...f2f meeting, yes I will make the time.....
Dolly Llama
I finally cried at a meeting
After a year of meetings I guess I finally let my guard down enough for that... At this evening's meeting, I admitted feeling suicidal, and that the only reason I'm not dead is because my sister will need life-long care and I have to stay alive for that. I'm proud of the way my fellow Al-Anon members react...
I actually did it!
I actually cleaned on sat. It doesn't totallylook like it but progress not perfection. I just spent a couple of hours, took breaks and was basically satisfied. No one would really notice but me but that is OK today. I am a work in progress. It looks like I might have to go back into that room this coming Sat...
Hoot Nanny
I need advice
Hi, My father has a drinking problem. It has been going on for about 15 years and i really dont see how its going to stop. I have 2 older brothers who feel the same as me. We love our dad but the mood swings and stepping on egg shells is getting to breaking point. My mum and dad are still together and she just le...
help needed
Light as a Feather
My husband and I took this pottery class tonight. It was so special to create something with my hands, you know.. the pieces did not have to be perfect or even close to it but to know I was getting my hands dirty and constructing something of use and uniquely mine... out of just a wet ball of clay. It was re...
Unhooking (little ventish :))
I have had an interesting experience over the past few weeks of having that whole stomach dropping feeling and not been thinking about my AH however recognizing that I'm unhooking from his drama that he wants to create. This whole trip with my mom here I am so sure he has no idea what a jerk he was to me and...
I am living with a man who drinks about every other day, at least 8 beers at a time, not to mention vodka. after 3 or 4 beers, his personality changes and he becomes the nastiest person ever. i can't take it anymore and need to move, but I have nowhere to go. This man reminds me of my dad who I now care for an...
too tired 61
Today is a good day
Today is a Good Day. I think its important that we share that sometimes, too.
Acceptance, Struggles, Grieving
It has been a TOUGH week. Last week I was back at work and sad, but coping fairly well. This week has been awful. I miss my mom so much. And while my AH has dialed back his rage a ton over the last few months, and in the week or so surrounding my mom's death was kinder and more supportive than he's been in year...
The Gift of Desperation
I heard a popular preacher last night (Joyce Meyer, she was great!) and a phrase during someone's testimony stuck with me. This particular lady said she was a former drug addict and just had a really unforunate life, a victim of sexual assaults, abortions after being raped, etc, just really sad stuf...
Dolly Llama
Say it and say it out loud...
Aloha Family...I've been pondering the Police Commission meeting which was called this last Friday. They were hearing my complaint of the assault and I went. They have open meetings just like Al-Anon...LOL however it isn't a Family Group meeting except for yours truely. My PTSD and lack of sle...
Jerry F
Just a funny with my Al-Anon spouse
My spouse and I work for the same outfit. She is hourly and I am on contract which allows me to be outside taking care of their property and just enjoying all the lovely HP artwork. It is a hotel and I come in contact with some of the guest from time to time both men and women. I tell my wife about all of the i...
Jerry F
The Bird of Paradise
that is what my Avatar picture is and no I'm not supposing you all don't know. I put that up because I got introduced to this one particular bloom in my neighbors yard and it stole my attention and I had to get a picture of it for my photo file. It's not like other flowers in its shape...It has one petal whi...
Jerry F
am i enabling
I am new here so please bear with me as I learn the process. I need suggestions, I am a strong believer in prayer and God but I still need someone to talk to. My daughter who was a heroin addict for 9 years is living with me and her baby 10mths, for the last 3 weeks I have been babysitting from 5 am til 11 pm 6 da...
yesterday I was HALTing but today not so much!
I am so learning to take better care of myself. Someone mention HALT! I got a little hungry, angry, and tired but not so much lonely. They were right on the button. How do we know what others need w/o totally knowing them? I guess it is a God thing or intuiton. I am so glad there are people on here who "ge...
Hoot Nanny
Anybody's experience dreadfully similar?
To say the least, Ive been through much in the last couple monthsMy AW has been sober for a little over a year with one slip last November. Battling pretty severe depression(which has been there as long as the alcholism and both pre-date me), she decided in late January to join an outpatient program for...
How do you best respond to nasty behaviour and comments from alcoholic?
I'm really struggling with this. My husband is the alcoholic in my life. He is currently detoxing by himself refusing any help saying the only person he can trust in the world is himself. He is being so nasty towards me, being hyper critical of everything I do or say. I know this is his illness speaking an...
don't mean to REPEAT myself!
Wow! I am feeling like I am repeating myself a lot lately. I guess I just want to get my point across. I am so jealous of the time my niece's other aunt gets to spend w/ her on her birthday trip today. Her other aunt is no relation. I am missing out a lot of my nieces & nephews lives living up here. She gets to...
Hoot Nanny
Step Work Board
Question to those who are close to or in a relationship with an addict.
My addict (fiancee) sleeps a lot. And when I say a lot, I mean like he could go to bed at 11 or 12 at night and sleep all the way til 2 or 3 pm. That's 15-16 hours of sleep. A normal person should get like 8 or 9. It upsets me that I usually wake up at 10 or 11 and sometimes earlier and go about my daily business withou...
Jack and Jill
I'd like to tell you all the story of Jack and Jill. This isn't the story you think it is. I would like to point out, too, that any relation to persons you think you know is purely coincidental. Sorry its so long but it is what is. Jack is an A. He's had a long struggle with alcohol, drugs and crime since he was 1...
New and curious
My Fiance has been sober for 106 days (and myself 100) and I couldn't be more proud of her. She has had many struggles in her life and has used to self medicate most of her pains. She is going through treatment and AA meetings and is doing extremely well. For a time before she got sober, I admit I enabled a l...
Fixing Others
Hi,I've been reading a book called The Laundry List by Tony A. This is an adult child of alcoholics book. In there under the subject of fixing others there's a sentence which reads - "In ACOA I had to learn to let others feel troubled, depressed, miserable, lost or fearful without rushing over a...
Tracey C
Just started alanon/naranon meetings.
Hi, my name is Tanya. Basically, my fiancé is a heroin addict and he's been bingeing for the past year with only as much as a week or 2 clean at most, every now and then. I just recently started going to meetings as recommended by my psychiatrist and I've only attended like 2 so far but I think I'm already get...
I am up and down. Aware I am Hormonal too. I seperated from ABF 2 months ago when he picked up been in AA 3 Years. He is so sick and I am tired, I can not do this anymore. I am so sad I wanted him to get better for everything to be o.k. THIS IS MY WILL God must have different ideas for us. I miss him but know in my heart t...
Been dating a Recovering Alcoholic for the past 2 1/2 years!
I am 27 and have been dating a Recovering Alcoholic for the past 2 1/2 years. I'm embarressed that I've never attended at Al-anon meeting or reached out to others in a similar situation as my own. I just didn't see a problem for a very long time or the point to inform myself of the disease more. I am now askin...
Where to Begin?
We've been married 28 years. Mostly good; some not as much as others. He's always drank. I guess hindsight, was a functioning alcoholic. He's been ill for five years with chronic anemia. Until 2 weeks ago, his liver was always considered OK with just elevated enzymes from time to time. Now they...
Momma Mac
New here, not sure where to start
My husband of 4 yrs is an addict, to several things, alcohol, gambling and porn. He is completely non-affectionate now saying he has no drive due to his age and the pain meds he is on for his back. He has no drive nor interest in me. I am somewhat attractive but dont understand why he would want our marrai...
Gods Hands
I wish I could talk about my job in here. But, legally, I'm not allowed to go into detail. And since we are all anonymous, one of you could be my boss and I'd never even know it. All I can say is that I work with low bottom alcoholics and addicts and that some of them are personal friends of mine that I either me...
Frustrated by AH's emails
<insert Serenity Prayer here> <and again> The past 2 days have been a test of my recovery! I need a meeting but the next one I can make is on Friday...possibly tomorrow if I get out of an appointment in time. And tomorrow I am going to hear Joyce Meyer speak, which will be awesome for my spir...
Dolly Llama
New to the site... my story
I'm new here, here is my story. My husband is an alcoholic. Two years ago he passed out and flooded a large portion of a floor of a 5 star hotel with his face on the shower drain. Last Sept. he drove drunk the wrong way over a one way overpass and woke up in jail... and last Sunday he got drunk and took a girl ba...
this is a real quickie!
I am doing almost exactly what I am told. Got the drier & vacuum fixed today. It is so funny how the smaller things get to me but the big things have been a lighter issue. I am working on slowing down. It is going to be OK but I am a little drained. I need some more sleep then things will probably be more rati...
Hoot Nanny
defining 'higher power'
Hey all, new here. My intro is probably just below this in the blog, as I just posted it. I'm in the process of finding an al-anon group that I like, and possibly a sponsor. My question to you folks is this: How is 'higher power' defined for the non-believer? I am agnostic. I believe in something but no...
new here! my story
Good morning Al anon family. My name is Kristina and I am new here. I am the adult child of an alcoholic, emotionally abused and neglected as a child. Been through AA/Alateen programs with both my father's addiction, and a sister who had a cocaine problem. Lots of different therapies through my life,...
Don't Know what to do....
This is the first time I'm posting, I just don't know where else to go for support to deal with this. Me and my boyfriend have been dating for almost a year, things were great in the beginning until a couple weeks in when I learned he had a cocaine addiction, I stuck by him and supported him, he ended up going...
Easter weekend
We are just back from Easter weekend at my wife's parents. Definitely a challenging week or so and I'd like to just write some stuff down to get it out.
Just before we left for our trip, I had a very difficult meeting at work with my bosses' bosses' boss. Yikes. Not only was I told that I wasn't doing a goo...
ExAH and his drama
I did not fall into it this morning, but he brought it to my house full force this morning. He brought my 3 1/2 year old to my door she was screaming her lungs off and flinging herself back onto the floor hard where he set her down on my kitchen floor, so he could get my oldest daughters bags out of his car and ru...
more money & way too much!
I received another check on Monday--more than the last one. I am so blessed that my dad thought of how he was prepared for his death. I am so grateful that he can share so much that he worked for & was able to retire & be happy before he died. How I spend it is really up to me. My old counselor gave me adv...
Hoot Nanny
Great quote
If any of you have Facebook, you probably see friends posting images of quotes every now and then. A friend of mine posted the following quote that was in a graphic and I thought it was great and wanted to pass it along. It just rings so true for me: "If you aren't happy being single you will never be ha...
metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly
When I first dragged my miserable carcass to Al-anon face to face meetings and MIP I had no idea how great life could be. I was a sad and broken. I grew up with alcoholism/addictions in my home and some major dysfunctions that come along with that. When I was a teen I had gotten a butterfly tattoo and a few y...
I think my partner is an alcoholic but he denies he has a problem
Is he an alcoholic? My Partner drinks every night, he drinks strong premium lager usually 6+ cans on a work night when he is not working that is doubled if not more. He doesn't miss work because of it and he is generally on time We can watch a movie, only to have to watch it again as he doesn't remember, it's t...